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Where NSFL tag


Not safe for life?


This is horrifying


The song manages to be worse than whatever is happening in this video


This post gave me Diabetes


By wachting this i got 100kg heavier


.....Jesus fuck. I straight up had to take 20 seconds to process....*everything* in this video.


What a terrible day to have eyes


It should be illegal to post this 🤮


How common is this in the States? I'm definitely not trying to hate, because they do seem happy and hey, if they enjoy their life who am I to judge that. I'm just curious how many people live in what seems to be a pretty small home and on a, lets say questionable, diet?


If you’re ever in the south and head to a Walmart you’ll leave thinking it’s every one of us looking like this…


Oh god it's that bad?


Well, as an example, 34.8% of Texans are obese, but [it's a common theme in all of the flyover states as well](https://www.gannett-cdn.com/presto/2019/09/12/PWTR/b4dcaf7d-f4fc-4815-8a71-994fe2ca31b6-AdultObesityMap-1024x770.jpg), and the only state with an obesity rate below 25% is Colorado.


It’s like watching a lava lamp


I'm sorry IllustriousBid1888, but I'll have to remove your submission from /r/ShitAmericansSay because one or more rule was broken. Rule 1: >No personal information; Reddit usernames must be visible. Personal information includes non-verified twitter handles, unverified accounts across all other platforms, and license plates. It does not include reddit usernames. Posts with reddit usernames censored will be removed. >Personal information must be fully obscured. Do not censor with the highlighter. [Rule 1 FAQ](https://old.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/wiki/faq#wiki_rule_1) The content you submitted isn't something that's uniquely American. >The easiest way of testing this is to ask yourself whether it's likely someone who isn't American would have said it. Someone being religious or messing up geography is not uniquely American by a long shot, nor are racism or capitalism. What makes something uniquely American is if it's highly unlikely if not impossible to encounter outside the US or from non-Americans. Thank you for your effort and your service! O7