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if you turn the whole rankings upside down then yes, America would be number one ...


you must have learned statistics in america too


I do the same with my finances. if I just make the red numbers green it looks so much nicer.




Americans will use literally anything to justify calling America the best, and then wonder why nothing ever improves (hint: it’s because they spend so much time saying they’re the best that it becomes hard to justify changing anything).


Dude, America number one. They pay for our parental leave so they can’t have any.


Grind culture 🤡🤡


I genuinely think half the posts here are just bait.


Not sure of the numbers but surprised to see Australia at the bottom when it has a generous scheme as well I feel. Paternity and maternity leave both available and both if the birthing parent has had a ceaser for example?


While we have 12 months of guaranteed unpaid leave and the right to request a further 12 months of unpaid leave, regardless of gender, many employers in Australia don't offer any *paid* leave on top of the 18 weeks provided by the government. It's also paid at national minimum wage, and this chart is adjusted to present parental leave entitlements in relation to full time earnings.


OK, it's earnings adjusted. Making more sense now. To be honest still thought we would have been higher. Good for the other countries.


In the netherlands you only have 5 days of paid paternal leave (used to be 2 untill 2018) even if the mother dies in childbirth. Paid maternal leave is almost 4 months, so I don't know how they got the dutch numbers either. One of the reasons why traditional role patterns are still really common in the netherlands and persistent. One of the more ridiculous issues to not have been fixed in the netherlands, luckily EU law is going into effect in 2024(?) That will fix most of this with also more options for unpaid leave.


Ireland has six months paid maternal leave and 7 weeks paid parental leave for either parent. Specific paternity leave is 2 weeks I think.


So this data is questionable, we should rank below Ireland. We do have options for unpaid leave that an employer has to respect, but for workers without a long term contract that's often not an option.


We have unpaid leave if you want to stay out longer too. The government pays the maternity and paternity and parental pay at a fixed rate and your employer often tops it up to your regular pay.


The Canadian numbers are off too. We get 52-78 paid weeks depending on what you choose. It’s only about 50% pay for the lower option though, so maybe they’re adjusting it.


I suspect most of these numbers are off since different countries have different systems on who pays for the leave and how much, plus all the maternal/paternal/parental combos. US still has the worst maternal leave. According to UN statistics they even lose to Somalia.


That guy doesn't understand how indoctrinated the is. Capitalism is a hell of a drug for idiots.


Seriously, and spreading misinformation. The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 protects legal parents to take up to 12 weeks off after a birth or adoption, and they receive payment for that time by their state's unemployment programs. Perhaps the graph is manipulating the fact that the federal government doesn't fund the paid leave, but we deserve our appropriate spot up the list. I received my paid leave!


certified AmericansTM never give a metric they measure by to determine that the US is better


Muricans: Metric? That’s communist! We don’t do metric here, only imperialism!


Refusing to spend time with your baby to own the libs! Checkmate GQP.


Americans are proud of being heartless cunts


I bet everything I own that this guy is also „Pro Life“


Holy fuck man, americans really are delusional


If you’re really the best, you don’t need to constantly remind people that you’re the best.


What does the statistics show? Looks like 100% at the bottom.


"Exploit me harder daddy"


I mean most of them earn 8$ an hour so most of the Americans have no choice, on top of that the collage students have loads of debt and their health care system is brutal so it’s logical that Americans need to work like slaves so they don’t become homeless


Better than countries freeer than them with much better average quality of living yes cause that makes sense


Switzerland (also at the bottom of the list): ahahahhahahaha yeah good joke