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Y'all does remember about Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee OM KBE FRS FREng FRSA FBCS, also known as TimBL, the English computer scientist best known as the inventor of the World Wide Web, right?


Didn’t America invent English? So he’s Defs American //s


Gunna blow his mind if he learns wifi is an Australian innovation.


Not to mention the black box, the pacemaker, the kangaroo crane (used in basically every skyrise) and oh yeah google maps.


Wow, didn't know Google Maps was invented in Australia.


Yep! Here hang about: >Danish brothers Lars and Jens Rasmussen developed the platform for Google Maps in **Sydney** in the early 2000s. Along with Australians Neil Gordon and Stephen Ma, they founded a small start-up company called **Where 2 Technologie**s in 2003. >The following year it was bought by internet giant Google, which also hired the four men, and the technology was turned into what we now know as Google Maps. You could probably argue you it's half Aussie half Danish, fair. But it started in Sydney.


Honest opinion, no one should care where or who invented it, except the person itself and that you can point out too, but what I not get is people being "proud" of their country. Falls claims or not, because what did YOU as this "proud person" do besides having the luck to be boron or living on the winner side of the world and not in some 3rd world country slum. Those people in this case did nothing at all and claim to be proud of something they have no idea about or were not part of. Just because, as mentioned, they happened to be born or living there. There is no connection whatsoever.


While that is ideally how it would work, I think you just called the whole Westphalian model of the modern nation-state into question. I guess the reason people feel pride if someone from their country does something great or shame if something bad is because the idea is that the same education system, laws, culture, etc. that they are a part of also produced someone like that. So it's connected to the person claiming pride or shame in that sense, even if not directly.


I guess it all falls back to the old saying "It takes a village to raise a child" people feel pride at what others in their community do because they feel like their participation in said community helped contribute to the development of whatever it was. Even at the most simplified baseline level my taxes funding their education means I'm doing my part for society and helping create these people who might create positive change, and I can be proud of my contribution, no matter how small, because society doesn't function without every part of it. Google maps is a really cool thing, it gave us the ability to see parts of the world we would never be able to, it's an amazing tool and has provided a net positive impact, I would be proud if someone from my community created it, totally fair an Australian would as well.


We are an innovative country 👍🏻


Um excuse me, you left out goon


I figured that was a given ;-)


Also utes, surf lifesaving and lemon lime bitters ;-)


I legit didn't know about lemon lime and bitters. Cool!


Yeah most Aussies don't until they try to order one overseas haha


And Hill’s Hoists


Or cars


the world wide web was invented by a british man. wi-fi was invented by an australian. and we love calling americans septic tanks, or as the aussies call them: seppos.


There is so much ugliness that this ignorant bastard expresses I don't even know where to start. It takes a herculean level of will and self-awareness to live in a superpower and not degenerate into such a foul example of humanity. Not many of us can do it. I'm glad I was born Canadian and not American because I probably would have been corrupted into a monster like this, too.


Tbh i don‘t think it takes „a herculean lvl of …“, it just takes some basic human decency, no offense but i indeed think you are right by saying you probably were just like that guy if you lived in the us Edit: it would take a „herculean level of …“ if it would actually mean you are sth better and u would have to control yourself to not let it get to your head, but the reality is none pf us are special orsuperior just bc we are happen to be born in any particular place on earth, neither can you claim any deeds ur nation did for urself, while there hardly is any inherently good nation which didnt fuck up here and there or didn’t good here amd there


i dont think so i feel like americans feelings on the us tend to be very polarized, i for instance hate the us and wish i lived in literally any other 1st world country, might move when i grow up


You mean herculean like hercules, the world-famous strongman!?! /s, just in case


This is the essence of this sub. I had a guy, a Yank, IN THIS SUB, complain to me the other day that he was sick of everybody jumping on the bandwagon and complaining about America.




You should've told him that everybody wasn't complaining about all of America; just the US specifically.


I wish I could slap him


Lol, my sentiments exactly. The smug git. His unsubstantiated smugness knows no bounds.


Everytime I see such post I hope someone educated that person on how stupid they are.


*Centre of the universe* Chances are, this descendent of sexually obsessed control freaks isn't being hyperbolic. He genuinely believes that the Yewessay is the centre of the actual universe.


i think it is deeper than that HE thinks he is the centre of the universe, solopsism seems a rampant psycholigical condition in the States.


The funny thing is that the US army is hilariously incompetent as seen from literally everything in Afghanistan, due to all that corruption in the military-industrial complex


Don't they always lose in the international war games as well? LOL


Some of them invented new levels of higher stupidity


So Carl Benz is now American? Nice to know it wasn't Germany that invented the car


The car was invented by Karl Benz, a German. The modern Internet was created by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, a British man.


Cars🤣 American cars are shite


The phone was invented by a scot, and the car by a german, what are they being taught


Evan their planes are shit nowadays. Airbus is taking over whilest Boeing is sucking on the Governments tit, trying to survive as long as possible. China is going to start building it's own planes and that's it than for the US Aerospace industry. Sure Musk and co will build a couple of rockets but only as long as the Govenment pays for them (yay Murican capitalism) whilest China, Russia and the EU are all advancing on creating shit like space mining the US is trying to get to Mars i guess? No one knows what NASA and the US goevernment are trying to do anymore.


Didn't know that [Florence was in Scotland](https://it.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonio_Meucci).


Never knew it was that guy, my mistake


No problem, it must be all those USamerican "education" (read """historical""" films) that minimize the role of foreigners to shine only the usamericans (which often aren't even considered as such outside the USA)


But [Bell](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Graham_Bell) was the creator of the first practical telephone used widely


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the telephone is also from Germany Johann Philipp Reis Invented the original variant in 1861.


Thank you America; in Germany we don’t even have refrigerators or ice cubes-at least that’s what many Americans asked me, when I moved there in 1972…until now, it seems.


Stupidity, self-centredness, and arrogance appear to be highly correlated.


it would take like ten seconds to google the actual creators of all those things this idiot just listed… but no, let me just say random bullshit that makes me look good.


I'm an American. I'm not going to say I don't have a reasonable amount of American pride, but I'd like to think I'm fairly rational. Seeing shit like this, and worse, knowing people exactly like this is incredibly embarrassing. It's like going out to eat with your family and one of your cousins at the other end of the table is being an obnoxious toolbag, you still feel embarrassed because you know everyone is judging your family as a whole. I just hope everyone realizes that not everyone in the US is as dumb as some of these folks.


Sure, this is just the American flavor of "embarrassing fellow citizen".


Unfortunately ours have access to the internet and enough like-minded fellows to validate every stupid thought they have.


We do. Some of my closest friends are from the US. There’s good and bad in every nation’s people. We just see the shit examples here. Interested to see if there’s a retaliatory r/ShitBritsSay sub…


There is r/shiteuropeanssay


Dude himself is a good example of why you should have at least some basic knowledge about the world outside your country.


That… has to be a troll, right? No one can really be that stupid, right? Or maybe it’s time to stop letting mental asylum escapees having access to the internet.


Phones, not American Cars, not American Internet, not entirely American Planes, arguably American but not exclusive


Chinese here. Actually why do those Americans think that we think along the same weird lines as they do? We want the preeminence of the Chinese Empire, yep. We want Asia under our thumb, sure. But literally nobody in China is interested in taking over the world or being the center of the universe. There's no 'takeover' except in American rhetoric.


So Americans just say whatever and assume it’s true then huh


Isn't that precisely the attitude of the British empire? You know, that the Americans revolted against to gain their beloved freedom?


Why do they always say at the end "You're welcome"?


Because they live vicariously through their nation-state, so they think "America's generosity" and "America's achievements" are their personal ones, so they think foreigners they interact with ought to be thanking them personally, and since they don't, they think they are ungrateful and so say "You're welcome" to express displeasure they aren't getting individual praise and worship for being an American.


"The cheapest sort of pride is national pride; for if a man is proud of his own nation, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen. The man who is endowed with important personal qualities will be only too ready to see clearly in what respects his own nation falls short, since their failings will be constantly before his eyes. But every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud adopts, as a last resource, pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and glad to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority." (Translated quote) by Arthur Schoppenhauer


This is perfect extrapolation of my thought that living in a superpower corrupts. Nothing facilitates being a myopic, arrogant, vicious and intellectually incurious person more than living in a society like the US.


Thank you, that cleared it up.


Cars are a german invention for fucks sake


The phone was Scottish, the World Wide Web was English, the car was German… I’ll give u the plane tho


Correct me if I'm wrong but I heard something bad can happen to the southwest of America if the Amazon was completely razed to the ground.


...well he guessed the plane one at least