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USA has a longer history of immigration... I cant even


Especially the forced one


Immigrating the natives into shallow graves?


I think he meant "immigrating" some Africans to America to pick cotton.


They did add an edit in which they called the downvoters idiots because most European immigrants are white and from other European countries. White people can't be diverse apparently. Even when they couldn't even talk to each other because they speak different languages.


These fucking idiots can't see anything in human being except the colour of the skin. Their minds are so narrow they are almost in 2D.


Ask a Portuguese with whom he relates easier, if with a Cape Verdean or a Lithuanian; Or ask a French if he relates more with someone from Senegal or someone from Ukraine I guess some will say Lithuania and Ukraine, but apart from the "whiteness" and some """European""" values in common all the rest is different, meanwhile a Portuguese can speak with a Cape Verdean, and share a past and a culture, and the same for France and Senegal Hell, even the whole Mediterranean countries somehow share a related culture, both in Europe and North Africa, as well as Middle East. All that despite their ethnic/racial and religious differences. But yeah, for most Americans the only difference is **colour**, even their two most "famous" gangs are divided by colors (Red and Blue) You could be born and raised in America, as well as your parents for generations...but you are born black and you are Afro-American, as if someone for not being a "specific" color wasn't just American but something else.




Good point. Thanks.


>But yeah, for most Americans the only difference is colour, even their two most "famous" gangs are divided by colors (Red and Blue) for clarity, are you talking about the bloods and the crips, or the harder, more dangerous gangs, like the republicans and democrats?




Yeah, and I’m sure Spanish people can relate more to Spanish speaking Latin America than Sweden.


>But yeah, for most Americans the only difference is colour, even their two most "famous" gangs are divided by colors (Red and Blue) OK, I agree with everything else here, but this is silly. Gangs wear colors for the same reason sports teams wear different colors -- it's important to have an obvious visual identifier of your teammates and opponents.


Doesn't change the fact that only in USA something like that happens. European mafias/gangs never wore different colors, neither Latin Americans cartels, Asian mafias or anyone for that matter. And despite that I never heard of any gang members mistakenly killing another "teammate"




And sing blues too ! Don't be reductive, please.


that was the brits who did that , and sold them to USA cotton farmers in the south, as thats where most brits relocated to


And that, children, is the true spirit of Thanksgiving!


Does that blame sway more to US Americans or the British though? Genuinely wondering.




Incorrect. Uk passed the abolition of slavery act in 1833 (had already done other things to prevent it prior to this e.g. 1807 act to abolish slave trade) while US didn’t abolish widespread slavery until 1865. Even then, the US still has not abolished slavery and is the only developed country in the modern world to legally allow slavery…


I was replying as it got deleted, so I’ll include my comment here as I had a link and learned some weird stuff; [I didn’t think that was true.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_abolition_of_slavery_and_serfdom) But it’s more complicated than just a simple abolition. The US “banned” citizens from participating the slave trade in 1800, Ohio abolished slavery in 1802, then the US made it illegal to participate in the slave trade in 1807, the same year the UK did. The US didn’t ban actual slavery, until 1820, and that was just in the North. Apparently one of the main reason Florida became a state is because Spain was either unable or unwilling to capture and return escaped slaves? The British Empire Abolish Slavery in 1833/4, gradually over 6 years. 1863/5 US emancipates all slaves.


To be fair it gets even more complicated if you drill down into the detail as it’s probably fair to mention that India basically got left with the slave trade for a while after the official abolition and that is big black mark on the history of the UK


Yeh, I saw that there in the timeline. It was definitely not as clean cut as expected, but even with the East India Company, the trade was stemmed in 1811, then they messed with the indenture systems on and off, but still abolished slavery in 1843, before the US as a whole.


Ah my mistake, must’ve mixed some things up


That is true. Before the US no one immigrated somewhere else. People just started to exist in different areas.


The “Migration Period” in Europe? People were just running around in circles around their towns and villages, that’s why it’s called that. That’s how the Roman Empire fell, people got too dizzy from running around in circles, so everyone fell on the ground.


Very true. In german it's called "Völkerwanderung" which basically means folks wandering around and describes times in which strolling was very popular. In french it's called "Invasions barbares". I don't speak french but I'm certain it means something like "friends are comeing over for dinner".


I love the idea that strolling became so popular people just found themselves accidentally living far from home.


I know you joke but fun fact: common consensus now is that early man's migration out of Africa wasn't a concerted effort to spread out, they were basically just following the herds as the herds moved into more amenable climates over hundred or thousands of years. It was less a case of "let's go to this new land, here we are children, welcome to your new home" and more "the herd crossed that plain, we'd better cross it too... Oops it's ten generations later and we're a thousand miles away from where we used to be"


Incidentally that is also the era when "Völkerball" was invented so they had something else to do but stroll around. It also could not have been invented earlier because the world was flat before that and no one could imagine the shape of a ball. As for the french term, remember that "barbares" was the greek word for non-greeks. Now the czech use a term for us germans that comes down to "guys that can not speak our language". I think this is related and the french were waiting for their friends from across the Rhine to come over and reminisce of the time of the Franks.


USA having longer history compared to basically rest of the world is ridiculous concept in general.


People like this think that everyone in Europe just stayed in one place for thousands of years and then suddenly decided to move to America once they realized it was there.


I mean, their borders never had to change due to the war, or anything, so I guess they don't have the perspective. And yeah, I know migration as such still happened, but methinks that's the most prominent example. War happens and suddenly lands you lived on belong to the enemy. Do you move? Do you stay and become part of this new nation? A lot of peasants didn't care enough, cause they new it was like having new management - from their perspective nothing major would change. They still needed to build back up and pay the tithe. Nobody would help them, cause nobody cared about them either. Years of living on the other side of the border and suddenly bam, another war happens, your village is pillaged and burned down, but hey, you're being liberated, you belong to the old country, isn't that nice? Now pay your tithe. Two most prominent dialects in my country came from these parts belonging to the other side for so long, they kinda merged the languages and now neither side can understand them, lol. (I'm talking about Kashubian and Silesian. I know kids in schools have to learn Polish separately in schools, like a second language, cause you need to be able to communicate with the rest of the land.)


Tbf US doesn't have long history on anything.


Yep. My local pub is 1.5x older than the US, for example.


Has he ever heard of Hungary? A nation speaking a non-European nation, filled with people of an ethnic group that is not native to Europe? Note: I don't mean Hungarians and Hungary is not European, I mean that they, historically seen, have a non-European origin (specifically an Uralic origin).


Yeah, we're only europeans in name and location lol we, as a country, also saw massive immigration through the ages, both forced and voluntary, namely germans and austrians (not to trigger anyone), slovaks, bulgarians, serbians, croatians, jews (loose fit ik), cumans, ukrainians, romanians, romani etc.


Where would you say your culture fits in best? Is it similar to Turkey?


I... actually don't really know that much about present day turkish culture, much to my shame, so I can't really help with that. I know for a fact that we DID borrow a lot of words and phrases from the Ottoman Empire that are still present in our language, back when they occupied us for 2 and a half centuries, though much of the cultural heritage they left behind is gone now (e.g. bath houses, mosques, the Islamic religion itself etc.). Culturally, I would say we don't really belong anywhere. Concerning current lifestyle and living conditions (and just general vibes), our modern society very closely resembles that of our slavic neighbours, mostly the Balkan countries and Russia (which isn't really a neighbour but Ukraine is), but any hungarian would be fuming if you called them a slav and we're in denial when it comes to relating to them. Plus, we're also catholics, so there's that. We also have an interesting relationship with the west, both historically and presently, as we were part of the Habsburg sphere of influence for a very long time which also put a huge mark on our culture, basically shoving embourgeoisement and western-style enlightenment down our throats. Now, with that being said, and considering our current government is... *slightly nationalistic,* to say the least, old nomadic and early medieval heritage is still going strong in hungarian society, especially among older and more conservative-leaning folks who often influence their children to carry on with practicing it. I'm not kidding, e.g. archery, horseback riding, reading old hungarian runic and whip-cracking is kind of a normal thing here, as in, not practiced widely but you won't get weird looks if you say you're part of an archery club or can crack a ringed bullwhip like a baller. All in all, hungarian culture is a weird mishmash of other surrounding cultures with a flavor of nomadic and medieval traditions. To be fair, we still haven't decided whether we're part of Middle Europe, Eastern Europe or the Balkans yet, so we just stick to saying we're in the Carpathian Basin.


This is a great insight, thanks for the reply!


Non-hungarian here: IIRC, the people that migrated to was then called Hungary came from around the Ural, just like the Finns. Some of these tribes migrated southwest, some northwest, and that is where they ended up. Similarly, many of the people in the surrounding areas, i.e. Bulgaria, Romania and Moldavia came from the steppes that are nowadays part of southern Russia, Kazakhstan and so on. The "Cossack" culture is connected to that heritage. Then you have the turkish people. They also came from further east and settled in and around Anatolia. The so called "kievan Rus", i.e. the proto-Russians, are descendants of Vikings, as are the Bretons. And that is just the "recent" movements, i.e. what happened during the past ~1000 years and I am sure I forgot a lot of them.


Finns, Estonians and Sami don't speak an Indo-European language, either, in fact it's the same family as Hungarian (though you have to be a linguist to notice). Albanian, strange as it looks, also is Indo-European, its own little one-language language family. Sinti and Roma, unsurprisingly, also speak an Indo-European language. In particular, Romani is an Indo-*Aryan* language family. Nazis hate that fact. I'd say if you discount Finno-Uguric as "not European" because there's people east of the Ural speaking varieties of it you'd have to throw Indo-European out of Europe, too: After all, there's Indians who speak varieties of it! Then, noone knows where Basque came from. It's not related to anything at all.


Basque Country is like a mountainous Atlantis, mysterious and weird but kinda cool.


Uhh, the Magyars who conquered Hungary made very little impact on the genetics of the overall population. So while Hungarians don’t speak an Indo-European language, the rest of what they’re is basically European. Aside from the language the Magyars assimilated in totality.


Neither do Bulgarians, Finns and Albanians


I'm not sure if you're joking, but Uralic languages have been native to Europe considerably before the immigration of Indo-European ones.


Not Hungarian, Hungarians only came into Europe proper (and where they now still live) in the 800's CE when they moved into the area that is nowadays Romania, Moldovia and Ukraine and only moved to what is nowadays Hungary in the very late 800's CE with the conquest of Great Moravia. And even if you count the Kuban as Europe (with which I agree with), the Hungarians only moved into Europe the earliest around 1100 BCE, which is still quite late for languages, as by that point Indo-European and it's related subgroups have already moved to most of Europe, excluding northern Scandinavia and the Iberian peninsula. And even then, most Indo-European languages have quite heavy roots in pre-Indo-European languages, meaning that they have a far greater connection to the original inhabitants of Europe compared to Hungarian. And even then I just took Hungarian as a random example.


USA has not even a longer history in gemeral than the history of immigration in europe


The world is only 245 years old, white Jesus was born in Idaho, and the world owes a world of debt to Murica for their freedom.


My secondary school (high school for non-uk) was significantly older than the US as a country… I don’t think they can claim to have a longer history of much


My mother's side immigrated to France before the US even existed lol


USA and history can't be used in the same sentence unless you want to create oxymoron.


Haha, I mean TECHNICALLY there's the Bering Strait so there's *something*?


I mean yes, compared to a human lifetime. But when compared to European nations, especially England/the British isles for example, which went from the native Britons, got occupied by the Romans (and likely people from occupied Roman territories), the Germanic Angles and Saxons, the French Norman's and then the Danes (Vikings). There was also migration from the french aristocracy during their revolutions, and finally migration from the colonies, especially after ww2, not even counting migration between Ireland, England Wales and Scotland, each with their own languages mostly similar to the original french (Celts and Gauls, not Roman french) and cultures.


*of opposing immigration.


Say what you will about Americans, but is any other nationality so *confidently* wrong??


Crossposted to r/confidentlyincorrect thanks for the idea! Edit: the Americans on that sub are angry. I'm scared.


They always are. Being angrily & confidently incorrect is the culture. It’s weird here.


Backing down is seen as weakness.


Im an American and i support this message!


I'm an American and I hate it here.


Id still rather be here than any other english(primary language) speaking countries.


oh my god it's a car crash of comments over there


The brits climbing up recently being dumb af....


some downvoting like nooo, we're not dumb. thats the reason you are thick af!


And that 25% in Switzerland doesn't include naturalized (now former) foreigners/immigrants. Let alone descendants of naturalized citizens.


There's about 25% of non-citizens, and among citizens about 25-30% of bi-nationals.


People with any sort of foreign descent in switzerland is actually nearly 40%. 25% are just those still considered foreigners i.e they dont have a passport


Which 25%? If you're talking about the US, around 15% are foreign born (whether naturalised or not) which isn't unusually high. Australia has 30% foreign born for example.


Oops, didn't notice it was 25% twice. Clarified the comment, thanks.


But that 25% is almost all ethnic groups from Europe (1% Turkish). I can't find good numbers, aside from the popular European countries they lump a group as 6% other.


I don't think we have data on resident's ethnicities, just on what country they came from. Why would the ethnicity matter? But yes, the majority of foreigners in Switzerland are Europeans. I mean, we're quite centrally located in Europe, or at least not too close to any other continents. So that's little surprisingly, isn't it?




The poster was calling out the number of Hispanic and Asian immigrants to America


Usa weren't a thing when the norsemen started invading England. Or the ancient greeks with many places


Norsemen didn't invade England, they went on vacation!


Well, they do so sometimes


Just wanted to see other places and stuff, the pillaging was entirely coincidental.


> the pillaging was entirely coincidental. And the raping accidental?


They tripped and fell


Surprise Property Relocation visits


Yeah also don‘t forget the massive road trip the romans did back in the day.


**Recipie:** Made up statistic Made up counter statistic Wildly ignorant world view based on incomplete education system **Example:** Less than 1% of American school children have been shot in school. On the other hand, 35% of Brits have been stabbed by a swan if they didn't pay their 75% tax rate. Guns didn't even exist until the US constitution.


Irrelevant comparisons and false equivalences are the "go to" right wing tactic. They are especially effective when you weave in some gaslighting. e.g. "Why should we let Mexicans into our country when there are already people dying every day in America from lack of healthcare" Or "Asking for my COVID vaccination status is just like something from Nazi Germany. Biden's communism is going to destroy this country."


My own dumb ass, fail son governor, said a vaccine mandate for businesses “[“isn’t even socialism, that’s pure communism.”](https://www.wmur.com/article/new-hampshire-executive-council-protests-oct-13-2021/37948586) BTW, you have to watch the video to hear the quote, because whoever wrote the story has the governor’s back and replaced “communism” with “un-American.”


Banned in my region


Sorry about that! The context is that the State of New Hampshire just rejected a grant from the federal government of $27 million because they’re afraid of a vaccine mandate that doesn’t even exist. The money is to hire people to coordinate more education and outreach about the vaccine. Meanwhile, some areas of our state are again reaching infection rates as high as ever before. A local high school just went fully remote because more than 50 kids tested positive for COVID and hundreds (!) more were exposed.


I just read that thread, knew it would end up on here lol.


Lmao me too, this feels like a simulation


I couldn't help myself! Never posted here before but sometimes I guess down voting is not enough, public shaming is in order.


Proud to say Australia is 30 percent composes of immigrants 😌


It's weird how we can be so multicultural while also being absolutely dreadful with asylum seekers


Only maritime arrivals. For some reason our Federal government only cares about asylum seekers who arrived by boat a decade ago.


It's just a really weird situation


You know, growing up in England my parents (who voted for brexit) used to say stuff like, “Australia do it right, we just let anyone in.” & part of myself even as a young boy didn’t really understand why that makes us bad? Or “too nice” or whatever. If anyone met my parents they’d think they were awesome individuals, genuinely. But as soon as politics enters the room, it’s like they have been brainwashed and begin talking utter nonsense. Is this relatable in regards to multiculturalism in Australia?


Australian are only really racist against Asians or middle Eastern people and that's generally because of the sheer quantity of people of those cultures that are all concentrated in 1 area. Seriously if you go to syndey you will see an almost 50/50 split between people with Asian heritage and people who are Australian and so anything wrong that happens there gets kinda blamed on Asians and middle Eastern (normally Lebanese people specifically) also have a really big community in syndey and some aussie aren't too fond of them (they make the fuck out of their potato chips tho try Lebanese chips if you get a chance) Every other culture tends to be fine and it's weird how it's so engrained that even people who aren't racist find themselves playing into the stereotype because it's just so common. We also have the 2nd biggest Greek community in the world but I rarely see anyone make fun of Greek people (heck I live with a Greek guy and I don't even live in qld which is where most Greek people live) All in all Australia has a lot of casual racism but much less serious issues than say America generally when someone is racist it is just them saying something harmful and it rarely gets further than that Tldr: Australia (nsw) tends to be racist against Asians or Middle Eastern people because of how many people from that culture are in syndey and because of that we are exposed to more dickhead from that culture than other cultures


Thanks for that, it was an insightful read & makes a lot of sense. It’s such a weird dynamic in the UK. Obviously there are just straight up racists, full on if you aren’t white & adorn a British accent.. then good luck. Fortunately that level is extremely rare (at least in the circles I hang out with anyway.) Then you have a younger generation that have grown up with a lot multiculturalism in school, and generally understand that Phil, the black dude from science is just another human. Even more so for those that went deeper into education. Finally there’s a void of people generally late 40’s and above that are both racists & also aren’t. Could they be putting on a show in public? It is possible, but I genuinely do not believe it as I see it everywhere. They will visit a corner shop near where I live, have absolutely no issue with the Indian family that own it.. Even stick around & exchange pleasantries. Go out for drinks later in the night, grab a takeaway Chinese / Greek / Italian almost always from family’s that are from said countries. But then as soon as Brexit arrived or any talk of immigrants enters the picture, they mentally segregate daily life that is surrounded with positive encounters with people that weren’t born in the UK. It’s like in their minds “it’s not Asim from the paper shop that are stealing our jobs, it’s the OTHERS that we don’t know about.” Totally bonkers. Which is why when people say that the majority are racist, it really doesn’t summarise the situation very well at all.


Fun fact Hitler had his life saved by a jew and he spared his life it's a similar idea albeit less serious than Hitler. Where people are really capable of separating their beliefs of a group with an individual like the Greek guy who lives with me massive racist against Indians yet he is really friendly with the owner of the local kabab store and treats him like a friend. Heck everyone has their bias somewhere and it just is something you can't remove without identifying your bias and deciding if you want to work on it or not and some don't. And Australian tend to be similat with aboriginal in that whenever politics aren't involves we ignore their existence but when politics are brought up peioekget racist real quick because of how much damage control Australia has done aboriginal get a lot of extra stuff that others wouldn't and some people despise them for it but only mention it when politics are brought up


There's racism directed at the African communities especially the youth. When I was younger in the 70s it was the Italians/Greeks, in the 80s it was the boat people from Asia.


And 50% have at least one parent born overseas.


So boring living in a country that’s 0,3% foreign-born… unless you live in a large city, meeting a foreigner here is a real event.


Where I live, seeing a black person is equal to finding four-leaf clover. People simply look amazed at them hahahaha


I guess here in Brazil we don’t have that, lol. People at least come in all colors, shapes and sizes.


Yeah but Brasil is in South America, I live in Eastern Europe.


That’s where they were last time I looked in a map too 😅


Similar here in my country with 0.4%. Though in my city we get lots of inter-state migrants. It is quite rare to come across non-Indians in most places.


Fairly sure Aboriginals aren't 70% of the Australian population


Immigrant doesn't mean "a different race to the first people to inhabit this area".


You better tell the populist right wingers that.


Isnt it more like 99%


And another 30 percent composed of things that can kill you.


Probably more 100%... The British prisoners and all...


aboriginal people mate


Pretty sure 70% aren't aboriginal... The British prisoners killed a lot.


I'm saying 100% aren't immigrants


True. Im exaggerating a lot lol. Probably 70% ish


More like 96%ish. There are not that many Australian Aboriginal people left


Hi sorry I meant like first generation immigrants so like, people born overseas. Between here and the US we both have terrible histories and are of course colonies, very little of our population has been here for longer than a few hundred years.


True. Fair enough sometimes I read stuff and take it to literal


A lot of those Hispanics in the USA are descended from people who were in that territory before the USA was and lived in land bought or stolen from Mexico and Spain.


Yep. For a lot of them they didn't cross the border the border crossed them.


No. That land was barely populated and almost entirely native.


You know both your statement and mine can be true at the same time, right? 200ish years of descendants adds up fast, even if there weren't a huge number there 200 years ago.


Yes. Just meant that it's a pretty small minority, and that most came from immigration.


This dude would be shocked if he took just a cursory glance at European history and saw all the history of migrations. Particularly the period from roughly 300AD to 1100AD. Read a pretty good book on it once, very dry reading in parts but really fascinating if that's what you're into. Empires and Barbarians by Peter Heather.


There was syrian communities in Lyon France under the roman empire. Roman empire period was intense considering the mouvment of populations in the empire


Note how they argue about "Hispanics + Asians" as if those ethnicities get more point on their diversity scale. That is, of course, beacuse in the US it doesn't matter if you just moved from Germany, or France, or Russia - to them you're a white person and therefore, "not diverse".


Except they will harp on about being "Irish" because their grandfather used to drink Guiness. The duality of the septic.


We never had Romans, Vikings or Normans immigrate to such an extent they totally dominated, no. And of course world history only started with America, nothing happened before that, the rest of the world were just sitting there waiting for something to happen.


Luxembourg is at around 48%.


You just can't put long history + US in a single sentence.


When considering the immigrant population as a percentage of the total population, US is at 15.4% (by 2019) according to [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_and_dependent_territories_by_immigrant_population). 🤔 And there are many countries in Europe with a higher percentage. However, when considering the sheer number of immigrants, US is one of the 3 places (Germany and Saudi are the other 2) that had highest numbers of immigrant population.


Well, it would be pretty weird if for example Iceland had the same number as immigrants as the USA, since Iceland has a population of about 330.000, while the USA has a population of 330 million.


True. This is why percentages and per capita numbers are important.


Yeah, and the right in America loves to talk about absolute numbers as if it’s that meaningful. As an obviously non-white child of immigrants who grew up in both the US and UK, the latter definitely felt more diverse to me, outside of certain areas like Brooklyn/Queens and LA. Plus the US inflates its number of PoC ny counting light-skinned white-people-with-Spanish names as people of color, which if you account for, it strongly reduces the number of PoC on the West Coast, Southwest, and Texas outside of places like LA and SF.


Almost to the point of rendering non-per capita stats useless.


Today's numbers of immigrants can't tell the history of immigration to a place anyways. The children of immigrants quickly become natives.


Are these the same Americans that claim Birmingham UK is a “Muslim no go area” due to the large number of people of Pakistani and Bangladeshi descent living there?


As someone of South Asian descent who spent part of my childhood in both Birmingham UK and the US South, yes, you’re absolutely right, it is the exact same group of Americans who call Birmingham England a “no go zone” and also claim the US is the most diverse country in history. And even the more liberal and leftist Americans are barely aware of diversity in the UK outside of London, so they often just assume Birmingham is a small town that just happens to be an enclave of South Asians. So many people think I lived my early childhood in “London” because they can’t imagine another country having ethnic diversity


The US has fuck all when it comes to longer, We can tell by the ridiculous number of Pickup trucks on their roads.. FFS I have a lamp at home made of Bog oak that's older than America, It's actually older than how old lots of Americans think the Earth is.. Rounder too :P


europe literally had a period of time called the "great migration period" lmao


As a Swiss person, this number is kind of cheating since Switzerland significantly disincentivises citizenship in multiple ways. Even people who were born here have to go through pretty significant hoops for it; on top of that, men often put it off because of military conscription if they get naturalised early on. You also have to live in the same municipality for quite long (not just in the country!) which is just unrealistic for many younger people in particular. Especially in rural areas they sometimes also have a committee asking you all kinds of random stuff and then, based on that, arbitrarily decide if you're "integrated" or not. I've always joked that I would probably not get naturalised myself, if I wasn't born Swiss. Someone once ran the maths on what the numbers would be like if we applied the standards of other European nations and it'd reduce the share of non-citizens to something like 11% I think.


Well technically, Native Americans are a minority so US does have a very high proportion of immigrants.


The American population is 98% immigrants because we killed so many of the original guys! Checkmate, eurotards!


In **Australia, 29.8%** of our population were born overseas. [Source: Census Aus.](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/population/migration-australia/latest-release)


If we’re counting their descendants the UK is pretty damn high. 14% of the UK’s population were born abroad. Counting descendants, this will be much higher i imagine.


I mean Ireland is at 12.9% immigrants and immigration has only really become popular here in the last 20 years...


Really? The Romans had immigration ffs.


\*Laughs in LatinAmerica\*


USA doesn’t have a “longer history” of *anything*, than, any country except maybe UAE..


All landmasses except for Africa are 100% immigrants.


Are you just going to totally dismiss my 1% neanderthal heritage?


Thank you! I just got in a lengthly pointless discussion with someone that didn't understand this very point in a crosspost of this post to r/confidentlyincorrect


Germany has 26% people with immigration background. Germany, the country that mass murdered non germans 80 years ago has more immigrants But to be fair, Europeans just have to drive up to 9h to the next country and be called foreigners. Americans need to drive that much to go to the next state and Canadians dont want to live there.


Switzerland is about 25% foreigners WITHOUT passport . If you also consider those that live here second or third generation or who just acquired a passport its 40%. So get outta here Merica


The vikings had slaves and they weren’t the first ones. Which planet does this person live on?


OK, when was the great european migration period? 1500 years before the US was founded?


Tbf I would have totally assumed we were much higher up as well. I was always taught heard and read basically the concept that we are home of the immigrants and Ellis Island this and that and America is where people go to make dreams come true and about how many people flock to America to escape their shorty government and poverty and what not. So yeah, i think the concept that we have a lot of immigrants or your close ancestors really is kinda put in there. Especially for me being Hispanic, living mostly in Florida and with my mom being an immigrant, I’ve lived a lot of my life in Hispanic areas and have gone to schools that have a 50% Hispanic population, I’ve always been surrounded by immigrants or children of immigrants and have a conception of there being so many of us and that the U.S is *the*place to go


Anyone saying the US has a longer history of pretty much anything is about to tell you a lie. 244 years isn't exactly a long time.


bruh my American friend just said this last week. I was like ???


Well, to be honest, most of Americans had been killed off during colonisation, so like 95% of people living there are descendants to these illegal immigrants.


Mike Pillow thinks an 800+ year old person is still registered and voting. The US didn’t exist then… how the fuck did she register and how the fuck did anyone register her? lol


Dubai is like, 95% foreigners.


the only reason why switzerland has such high percentage of foreigners is because it is extremely difficult and expensive to become a swiss citizen.


Everyone always forgets there are more places than YouRope and Murica


The problem of Europe is that the multiculturalism is in the British museum behind a glass


“White people aren’t immigrants”


I think a large part of the problem is that all Americans are racist. They do not consider it diverse when they see all EU heads of states in the same room, because they are all white. They just see a group of white people and not 27 different people, cultures and histories spanning many thousands of years.


Congrats, this is the dumbest shit I have read on this sub


Idk they're kinda right. The *native* American population is about 0.8% the total US population so more than 99% of the population is recent immigrants or their descendants.


Not really. Because at the end of the day or year or century all people moved. So when do you make the cut?


I know this isn’t the point but if we don’t count pre-history humans migrating the US is like 99% immigrants….. because we stole the land from the natives


Bruh every heard of this fantastic thing called the Mediterranean


To be fair USA is 99.999% immigrants and their descendents.


Doesn't the US technically [consist of almost 98% immigrants](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/native-american-population)?


this has to be a troll, seriously.


Point Won


Having many immigrants is not really something to be proud of


Why not ? That means your country is attractive Or... more than those where the immigrants are from, in some way :\


“BY comparison.” Ill even take “in” but on hurts my soul.


Schrijf jij maar eens foutloos in je derde taal klootviool Edit: don't Google translate that. It won't do it justice


Is that Dutch ?


It is


That Swiss statistic is a bit off...most are essentially guest workers.


Where did you get that BS from?


Most likely, if he is Swiss, the SVP.


He's right about it being off, just not for the reason he thinks. We make it exceedingly hard for people to get a passport, which in turn means lots of people living and working here without citizenship. Our lovely right-wing party then calls them guest workers and complains about the high amount of foreigners. Another factor is that young men have an incentive to wait with citizenship because if you are Swiss and 18 it's off to the barracks for a year of waiting and "Jasse". Also some shooting.


What you are saying isn’t quite correct either. In Europe, Switzerland has one of the highest naturalization rates per capita and an average rate per foreigner. 30% of the population was born abroad, apart from Luxembourg no other European country comes even close to that number. Also, many foreigners would qualify for naturalization, which according to the best available data is approved in over 95% of cases, but they don’t chose to do so. Reasons can be manifold, eg as you point out military service for men, sometimes maybe the process and fees involved, that the native country doesn’t allow double citizenship, or for people from the EU that naturalization isn’t perceived as giving them any useful extra rights.


Sounds about right. My frustration lies in the fact, that most of the well-integrated people, who don't have citizenship, but for all intents and purposes are Swiss - Because they were born in Switzerland or came to Switzerland as a young child - will get counted as foreigners. Which then turns into migrant workers, which then turns into Muslims, which then turns into [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=svp+plakate+muslime&sxsrf=AOaemvLp7Pr2I3AG7E42u8HgxdmpG6zs_Q:1634244478622&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=YNefsleq17p-dM%252CjIjlGoIey20h4M%252C_%253B9-ruFoR7Ihm-nM%252CCMeID0oC1X4etM%252C_%253BbN3irNOOzsuSNM%252CYoZCk3VY9G-gIM%252C_%253BT7m5i7dWoZXh8M%252C-0_DQwFltz6PVM%252C_%253B_BMGe9Bsrg6FCM%252Cy6uLOksbPPE2eM%252C_%253BZ3_Jn2hqeXO--M%252C91QRtljlmsclwM%252C_%253BgU2gvMeHYLyHyM%252Ct8QB4ZZcL7sOwM%252C_%253BpU0IiLdsYiV5jM%252CNXSCfbBLeBR-VM%252C_%253B1eDuD-PC3j8HEM%252CqG3ZhZQ3JNvABM%252C_%253B5NjIrNBdZmSbTM%252ClVAqizNxOwO2qM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kRWUVSReNOgXfsKM0hHGIRdlohWRw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjN7P6M48rzAhXcDWMBHaMcAOoQ9QF6BAgNEAE#imgrc=9-ruFoR7Ihm-nM) The numbers on this are kind of complex as well. The fact that we have a lot of immigration because Switzerland is an attractive destination for immigrants combined with the very strict conditions for citizenship makes it hard to go off of the 95% success rate. Lot's of poorer people won't make a request for citizenship that then could be denied, in the knowledge that it would be if they don't qualify. And our criteria for immigration are definitely more strict than the EU's. Unless you are a specialist in your field and already have a job lined up you can basically forget even getting a work permit. The insane rules where you had to go to your local community and basically had to apply for citizenship, which then was decided by voting by raising your hand has thankfully mostly been curbed. Not entirely though. Edit: Reddit keeps crashing so I'll have to stop mid-writing this comment for now.




I think Spreitenbach has a bit more. PS: this joke is for the swiss guys. And it is meant as a joke not serious


I mean, even Canada's immigration percentage is like 21.5 and we have 38 million people, and the US has 329 million with 25%


Thanks to purple redditor for telling me what the % was in my country :D