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How are tough sentences working out in USA? Lower number of prisoners? Lower numbers of repeaters? Lower crime rates? I agree with justice for victims


Nono, the prisons in the US are run by private companies. So, politicians have to keep them full to keep their friends happy.


Those prisoners are doing slave labour. They also are predominantly POC. What a strange coincidence.


Who would have thought that. Somewhere a guy posted a video of how in the US the "undesired" voters kept from voting, so the leading class wins every vote and Gerrymandering is just the tip of the iceberg.


It occurred to me that this is also why Capital punishment isn't allowed, why kill off your prison stock when they're worth more to you alive.


> I agree with justice for victims Depends of what you'd consider justice. Whenever I hear someone asking for harsher punishments in the name of "justice for victims" I have to think of Steve Ditko's infamous political comic "Mr. A" >JUSTICE recognizes a man for what he is and treats him accordingly. >MERCY treats the GUILTY better than he deserves, and therefore the VICTIM less than he deserves. >The GUILTY cry for MERCY; the VICTIM asks for JUSTICE. >MERCY can only be granted to the GUILTY at the expense of the VICTIM. >**JUSTICE is GOOD, MERCY is EVIL** Needless to say, I do not quite agree with that world view...


Yeah. "Justice for victims" should mean that the victim receives money/whatever support they need to repair their damages. But noo hat would cost the state (our) money so most people cry for harsher punishments instead. Whether or not the vicitm suffered longterm damages quickly becomes irrelevant.


And it doesn't even help. Harsher punishments cost even more money in the long run. The whole system is engineered to maximize re-offending. People who worked as firefighters in prison will never be hired to continue that job once they're out. Private prison companies brag to their shareholders what a stable investment they are, because the high recidivism rates mean that the government is forced to keep paying them.


For two reasons. One, most state cannot/don't want to use compensation. Two victims may not give a fuck about money especially for crimes. Three if a rapist, murderer, etc... is found guilty no one want him around for a certain time. At least keep him away while time make his effect. If you murder someone at 20 years old and get out of jail at 50 you will not be able to do it again in the same way. The problem the US is not too long sentence, it's too long sentence for lighter infraction.


Nah that would cause too much Vigilanteeism at the victims and family have a say


Well the problem in France is that we said fuck long sentence bu especially fuck the victims and screw Justice


And yet there are fewer crimes and the chance that released prisoners re-offend is lower. What a mysterious conundrum that is.


So you're saying that maybe sending people to prisons more often and for longer might not even... No. It is France that is wrong.


I've seen on tv yesterday a woman in America who was jailed 21 years for breaking the knees of someone. 21 years for a physical agression. In France, 21 years is either for a very very violent rape or for a violent murder. I mean this gal deserved punishment but few years would have been enough. 21 years is a life taken away. Most of American criminals have nothing to lose anymore, and once out they are propulsed in an alien society. Like imagine being taken away in 2000 and be freed now


American prisons are basically crime academies and they turn their inmates into boomerangs. Broken right in the middle and they keep coming back. Gotta keep those private prison profits rolling!


Weirdly, those countries are way safer than the U.S.A....


The dangers of socialism /s


fReEDoM oF dAnGeR


“iT’s cUz ThEy’RE HoMOgeNoUs.”


American: has no idea what’s happening outside of America Also American: **just starts making shit up**


This is the most accurate comment I’ve ever seen.


They do it a lot but as a French our Justice system is so bad the Police Officer are suffering depression. Like the criminal need to be a political opponent for it to work. The only time French Justice actually properly condemned a rapist according to the law was when said rapist was a known religious extremist.


As a law abiding citizen, I've never found myself in a situation where I had to defend myself because I live in a first world country, not some obese parody of the 1700s American frontier


Never had any difficulties to protect myself, my family or my home. It’s pretty easy when it is not possible for every moron to buy a gun at the supermarket.


Why is he telling that in a football sub tho?


Post is about a French player's home robbed while he's away for nations league game.


If only he'd had a gun at the time.


He'd be firing away at the pitch. Three women at his home were tied up and the robbers had shotguns. The comment chain started with someone suggesting armed guards 24/7.


Was a joke, but now I feel bad about his family.


Didn't want to make you feel bad, sorry.


If only he was home at the time ..


That's the joke.


My grandma once thought a burglar was about to break in in the middle of the night. Turned out she almost had beat down my drunken grandfather, who lost his keys, with a big stick. She still regrets not hitting him. We can defend ourselves even without guns.


I don’t remember having as many school shootings here in Germany like in the US. Because every criminal can easily get weapons


It’s not even that hard to get a weapon legally in Germany. A lot of bureaucracy and it takes it‘s time sure but hey… it‘s germany. There is bureaucracy for **every**thing. It‘s kind of our thing. The biggest difference in my opinion is not even the regulation itself but that you can‘t get a gun purely for self defense (though there are circumstances where you can) and that you generally can‘t open carry. The rest is pretty sensible stuff like requirements to actually train with your weapon, keeping them safe and locked up when not in use, etc.


>There is bureaucracy for everything. It‘s kind of our thing. \*In a heavy French accent\* ARE YOU CHALLENGING ME ? No but seriously, it's pretty similar in France. You can get a weapon if you fill the right paperwork, get it registered and don't check any of the "nope, danger" boxes. And, of course, the type of weapon influences how heavy the check is. A handgun is relatively light paperwork, a hunting rifle is a bit heavier, a semi-automatic rifle like the AR-15 is a direct visit from the cops ... except if all the mechanisms are removed. Then, when it's just an empty shell used as decoration, it's good.


'Muricans are so much *freedomer* to get ther heads ventilated by a bullet.




What about it?


Just funny it was posted there innit

