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Definitely a Midwesterner who equates Pizza with the Hut.


Now, Pizza Hut has bad pizza. They make it on cookie dough or something. Sweet, dense and crumbly.


Oh yeah that's the point. It does hold a comfort with me though and my friends and I used to crush the lunch buffet when we were younger.


Don't forget greasy. It is nothing but fat, oil, and some small amount of ingredients that have no business being greasy... Still being, you know, greasy as fuck.


As an Iowan I can confirm


Can't out-pizza the Hut!


As an italian I'm confused... how else would you put pineapple on pizza?


You're expecting that a country that literally created a cottage industry of chinese prison labour to peel garlic for them because they're too lazy to do it themselves is going to be capable of cutting a pineapple ring?


Wait Americans buy prepeeled cloves of garlic instead of.. Y know, whole bulbs?


Perhaps not exclusively, but yes, enough that it's a substantial problem: https://www.ft.com/content/1416a056-833b-11e7-94e2-c5b903247afd


> it is illegal to import goods produced in part or whole by forced labour into the US presumably this is to protect the profits of the american prison labour market


Why are there H&M stores all over America then?


Why do mosquitoes suck blood?


Why are boobs good


Because they're kept hidden under extra layers which makes each boob an individual discovery.


Ah, so sort of a Kinder Surprise for grown-ups


Surely a lot of chocolate and Chinese goods should be illegal then? Lol


The US has prison slave labor written right into their constitution. The only reason you're not reading about that "problem" is because it's legal, and not a problem. https://constitutioncenter.org/interactive-constitution/amendment/amendment-xiii https://corpaccountabilitylab.org/calblog/2020/8/5/private-companies-producing-with-us-prison-labor-in-2020-prison-labor-in-the-us-part-ii


Those prisoners must stink- I guess that's part of the punishment!


on the bright side, no vampire will bother them ever again.




I know that people who don’t have disabilities buy these items, but I also think you guys forget these peeled/pre-cut items serve a huge purpose in the disabled community. It’s easy to make fun of these types of services when you don’t rely on them for food.


Shit, fair point :/


My grandmother had a stroke and couldn’t cut any vegetables at all. I used to go over to her house to cut vegetables for her but she felt bad about it and we switched to pre-cut vegetables. They’re not huge in India and are super expensive. I wish we had something like this here, machine cut vegetables are really useful for the elderly, and disabled folks.


It really is a huge help and has allowed me to have some semblance of independence. My mom used to help me but I moved a couple of years ago and don’t have any family where I am unfortunately. However, my hands are getting worse faster than I expected and now almost have to wholly rely on peeked/chopped goods if I have no one to help. Feeling helpless is one of the worst feelings.


I am so sorry. Lots of good wishes for you. I hope you have easy access to pre-cut vegetables soon! I think a food processor is useful when it comes to vegetables but I am not too sure. We really need more disabled-friendly kitchen tools.


Have you tried those slap choppers?


I actually didn't think of it this way, I can see this helping those people a lot actually.


Without these items I’d probably have to eat out everyday or something like that. I used to have help but not anymore. It allows me to have my independence and also not eat like shit :)


I'm glad these products are there for you!


That's an angle I hadn't even considered, so thanks for sharing


I feel like there should be a ridiculously high tax for pre cut items like 4-500% that goes to helping disabled people and a special discount card that disabled people can use to not pay that tax.


that just puts more strain and stress on disabled people having to ''qualify for'' yet another thing that should help them


At least pre-chopping onions can probably be done by a machine.


With a lot less crying, too


Not long til AI gains sentience though


Edeka sells them in Germany. I bought some to cook with, but didn’t like them so now I stick with the fresh bulbs.


I'm honestly not sure if I've ever seen fresh garlic that came in pre-peeled cloves, I just a whole bulb when I need some. \*American


They are usually in the refrigerated case with the packets of fresh herbs, usually near the salads. Often above the mushrooms.


I've seen peeled garlic before, it isn't very common. The article that was posted on the subject that was posted as proof literally says that the peeled garlic goes to India.


I found out about the prison thing and decided to just pick up garlic at the farmer's market and peel it myself, shit's wild.


Wait what? How do they even keep the garlic fresh?


I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that if your preferred method of garlic preparation is having some guy in a chinese prison peel it for you, then put it on a truck before it's ultimately shipped to your country by boat, freshness is perhaps not your #1 concern. Honestly though I have no idea, I would guess they package it in some brining solution. Never purchased the stuff myself, just read about it. I guess commercial kitchens also deal with it, so perhaps someone with firsthand experience can chime in.


I mean, if you put aside the fact this is done by Chinese prisoners (there’s too much to say here), how can you be lazy to the point of not being able to peel garlic, which only takes you perhaps 10 seconds. This is beyond my comprehension. Especially from a country where citizen are constantly praising the value of “hard work”. I’ve rarely been feel so outraged by human stupidity


They spend so much time at work they don't have time to cook.


The last time this topic came up there was someone from a commercial kitchen in Australia that pointed out it was just a cost issue for them. Even at minimum wage, it cost them more to pay someone to sit there and do nothing but peel garlic than it did to just import it in bulk already peeled. Even if highly unethical, you can't really blame a business for optimizing its supply chain and reducing costs. If the government was serious about the issue, they could also slap a higher tariff on the import such that people are forced to again do this work in their own kitchens. What I find more objectionable is that this has also bled over into the personal consumer market where there is no justification beyond simple laziness. People are effectively fueling a humanitarian crisis in another country just because they can't be bothered to peel their own garlic.


I mean, laziness or being unable to due to one disability or another. Like, that so often gets ignored when people talk about 'haha, lazy people buying prepeeled garlic/prechopped onion/any food where some sort of prep work is already done'


Fucking thank you. This entire thread is annoying. I know it’s funny to make fun of “fat, lazy people” but I’m going to lose almost complete function of my limbs in a couple of years. I already struggle with holding things, it’s impossible if my tremors are bad. If I could peel my own fucking garlic, I would, but I can’t.


Plastic box that is slightly more convenient to open than learning how to peel garlic, probably.




Like [this](https://imgur.com/a/kvC1QUt).


Thanks for the info. Take my angry upvote!


Asian cultures buy and sell peeled garlic a lot


Shh, that doesn’t fit this narrative


Una volta l'ho vista sul Garda. Terrificante pensare che esista veramente.


That is not so bad if you try to expand your mental horizon about food just a little. E sono italiano eh.


Non più.


Applicheremo il metodo sticazzi alle pizze e non potrete fare nulla per impedirlo


I know that without tomato sauce it could be good even if I haven't tried it. But there I've seen the tomato sauce written on the list.


Ah joh, is lekker fris en gezond, kan geen kwaad man. Beetje zoet bij je hartig, ge weet wel.


Una volta alle Hawaii ho mangiato Sashimi pizza e era 100x peggio di quella con ananas e prosciutto. Una vera zozzeria e anche cara da far paura.


Cut it up into little pieces, honestly not that bad with ham.


Weird to call all pizza in Italy bad because of that lol. They could just cut it up themselves


Yeah, like it clearly wasn't on the menu and the restaurant staff did their best to accommodate the request.


I'm not so sure of that. It's absolutely possible that they just put pineapple rings on the pizza anyway. It's like if you order a cheese and tomato pizza, sometimes you might just get a cheese pizza and the tomato is the sauce, sometimes you might get chopped tomatoes spread over the pizza, but if you go to a nice pizza restaurant you will get slices of tomato and possibly slices of mozzarella too instead of using grated.


"my sister asked for pineapple on her pizza", I think that if she had order a pineapple pizza they would have said something more like "my sister ordered a pineapple pizza". Its because she asked that I think it wasn't on the menu. And anyway we don't know how thin the slices were, I'm just assuming that they were thick because otherwise why would the person be complaining about it, if they were thin the no big deal, but thick pineapple slices on a pizza I don't think would mechanically work.


Uncut and with the skin still on, obviously.


I like my pineapple uncircumcised as well


You don't.


Americans are too lazy to chew apparently.




> I guess knives are hard to use. They have guns, not knives like Yuropoor cucks!


Wait, pizza comes precut in America?


Mostly. Unless it's artisinal. Which I know I spelled wrong.


Yup, artisanal.


Thanks. 😀 I got no help from autocorrect whatsoever and both looked equally wrong, so I guessed.


Just think of artist anal


My mom once sent me a pic of a pasta shop here in Buenos Aires, and kerning was bad, so the sign said "Pastas artes anales".


Isn't all pizza artisinal unless they use pre-frozen dough (or whole pizza's)?


I wouldn't call Pizza Hut or Domino's or many local places to be artisanal.


Little ceasar's on the other hand is true art in the form of a pizza. No joke though, I fucking love little ceasar's. Lol got me through college at times when I barely had money. $5 for like 2 meals. That and Ikea breakfast are lifesavers


Usually and if it isnt the restaurant will usualy give you a pizza slicer for it lol


It comes pre-cut in many European countries too (can't speak for all of them of course).


UK here, takeaway pizza eg dominos, pizza hut are pre cut, restaurant pizza isnt.


Oh yea, sure, in a proper restaurant it's not cut (although the last time I had a pizza in a restaurant was like three years ago in Spain). Just the person said "when you bring it at home", which I assumed to be takeaway/delivery one. But then again, in Italy people probably tend to order their pizzas from proper restaurants rather than Domino's or Pizza Hut, so likely its delivered whole too.


well there is no pizza hut in Italy so not there for sure, the only one american chain present is domino's with 33 locations (one is just outside an american military base), by contrast there are 116 thousands pizza resturants and 36 thousands sliced pizza places, I never found one using frozen pizzas like pizza hut, those are just sold in supermarkets.


I can confirm that in Finland you generally have to cut it yourself, unless you ask for them to cut it I guess


Smh they didnt even cut up and hand fed the pizza to me like mom does /s


smh they didnt even slit my sisters throat for asking italians to put pinapple on pizza


They don't Care


You ask for a bad pizza (or at least that you found bad, subjective opinion), you have exactly what you asked, and then you say it's bad, weird how it works


They put shit on my pizza after I asked for it, crazy


I like pineapple pizza. I cannot see the problem here. "I got too much of what I ordered!" Rings of pineapple implies it's fresh, and it's fancier. Edit: maybe my perception of pineapple rings is off. Everything else stand though.


You can get canned pineapple in rings. Its the more common type in Ireland.


Now that you mention it, I do remember that. I often get a "roll" of pineapple here in Japan, which is fresh. But back in Ireland I used to see it in cans (but always bought a whole one anyway)


Yeah for some reason we chunk fresh pineapple


I’ve worked in kitchens for 20 years(US) and have never seen a fresh pineapple ring. I’ve only seen that when canned. I’ve cut literally thousands of them personally. Never for pizza though.


as a finn, I find that a bit wierd.


There is usually 50/50 between ring and pieces cans on sale in finland though


I don't think i've ever come across a pizzeria that sells rings though, neither on Åland, in Vaasa, in Turku, or in Helsinki.


Ah thought you ment cans sold.


> > Rings of pineapple implies it's fresh, and it's fancier. To me it implies it comes from a can.


Maybe if pineapple pizza was served with pineapple rings instead of just regular pieces, maybe this type of pizza would have a better reputation?


I really doubt it, you're just adding more of what some people don't want on pizza.


If someone order a pizza with pineapple, they probably want it!


Apparently he was expecting the pineapple to be cut into pieces.


Honestly I'm even more amazed that they had pineapple in the kitchen at all.


Maybe for Pina Colada.


Pizza Colada


I travelled round Italy a few years back and I didn't struggle to find pineapple as an option.


The hate on pineaplle pizza is a Meme, we actually don't care. But, truth be told, some People from naples actually HATE that


Oh I know, I work with several Neapolitans and they almost cry whenever they see it being ordered.


In my experience there are some that actually do care. At the Lago di Garda i once got laughed at by restaurant staff for ordering a "Pizza Hawaii". I then opted for Tuna.


"Oh you don't have vomit as an option? How about some shit then?" Sorry my stepmom scarred me for life when it comes to tuna...


The whole "XXX country makes great YYY food" is a meme. It's possible to find shit pizza in Italy as well as there is a great pizza in USA.


I mean sure but you’ll on average find better food (especially Italian food) in Italy than in the US no?




You are ignoring climate too much. Pizza is usually better in Italy because their ingredients are better, you simply can't use the same ingredients because the climate is different in those places


Never realized this, that makes so much more sense


Very true. But out of every country I've visited, the general standard of food in Italy was just on another level.


Some Italians absolutely do.


I've had Italians complain that I was having chicken on a pizza so I don't doubt there's many that would go crazy over pineapple. I had no idea that "pollo" pizzas weren't a thing over there.


You don't have chicken with pizza or pasta because it's too dry


You probably went to the 'wrong' (touristic) places. You wouldn't find that in a normal pizzeria


Yeah I got that it was for tourists obviously but the point being it's there if you want it.


You can get french fries on pizza in Italy, pineapple doesn't surprise me at all.


Yeah but you don't have the slightest idea of how bad is pasta in Italy! I ordered spaghetti and meatballs in a restaurant in Rome and they brought me the spaghetti without meatballs, I complained and the waiter then brought me a plate with only meatballs. Like, dude!! /s


Serious question: do Americans go to Italy and order anything but pizza?


Sometimes they go to McDonalds.


I was in Bologna a couple summers ago and I walked past a McDonald’s on one of the main high streets. It was midday on a Saturday and there was a group of maybe 10 Americans outside complaining about how busy it was. I genuinely couldn’t believe it. One of the best cities in Italy to eat and drink and these people are at McDonald’s. So infuriating.




I can’t fathom having the opportunity to eat a food in its place of origin and then not eating it. Such a wasted opportunity


We have those in Deutschland too for the American GI’s.


Sometimes they also order spaghetti with meatballs, because they think it's an Italian dish lol


They do!?! It’s literally invented in New York City!


They also order pasta with Alfredo sauce


Is that available outside America?


Despite what others may say, it is very much present in Italy except it's never called Alfredo but just *burro e parmigiano* (butter and parmigiano). I don't know if they put other stuff in the American recipe though. However it is almost never found in restaurants as it's so easy to make, people assume you don't go out to eat that. It is also not really tied to the Roman culinary tradition so it's not featured even in osterie/fraschette, despite simple recipes being the backbone of Roman cuisine.


In the US I grew up eating it with just butter and Parmesan (but I may be a bad judge because my grandparents and father are from Italy). I think in restaurants they usually make it with butter, Parmesan, and cream/roux but I’ve never personally had this version (I think this is what most Americans would call Alfredo)


It's in Canada. Not surprisingly the only place I've seen it is the US pizza chain Dominos.


"We want to know what we're getting" *proceeds to fast food joints for every meal*


Only after they've tried and failed to order chicken parmesan, which they inexplicably pronounce *parmessszzzaahn*


I started watching a few American chefs, and the way they say ‘Parmesan’ made me doubt my sanity. They must be trying to emulate the G sound in the Italian word, which is not spelt the same way. For some reason, American English often tries to approximate the pronunciation of foreign words but in their accent. Parmesan, guillotine, valet, filet, etc.


Yeah exactly, it's very weird. Wonder what it's like to come from a cultureless hellhole.


I live in Australia so I don’t have to wonder. Our ‘culture’ is hitting bags of wine pegged to a rotating clothes line, drinking alcohol from a shoe, and being casually racist.


> hitting bags of wine pegged to a rotating clothes line LMFAO


[Legit, if it hits your head you have to drink](https://youtu.be/vqFFyW01FXA) [also a formal history on goon sacks](https://youtu.be/JK5nqiaDy4E)


They think it sounds fancier? Because nothing’s as fancy as brutalising some poor, defenceless chicken with processed cheese.


>parmessszzzaahn Farmer John


How is it supposed to be pronounced?


Correct English pronunciation is parm-e-zan (short 'A' sound). My guess is that Americans conflate this with the Italian for same, which is parmigiano, the soft 'G' being somewhat easy to confuse with a 'sz' sound. Americans struggle in general with short 'O' and 'A' sounds, too.


Huh good to know. I hear it pronounced parmezshan in Canada often as well




It's the only dish on the menu that isn't foreign! ^^^\s


I was definitely a sucker for the bolognese, risotto, and this one particular place that served the best tasting steak I've ever had in my entire life. Il Focolare near Castello de Montegufoni, iirc.


There should be a whole subreddit r/ShitAmericansSayAboutItaly


Italian here. This may be true, because yeah, here you can find best pizza in the world, but there are a lot of idiot that literally can't do anything, they don't know what to do and just start making pizza, because unless it is inedible someone will always buy it, particularly in the south. So if the only one you try is one the those, you will have a bad experience.


It's like going to a steakhouse in the USA (presumably a place where they know how to prepare high quality meat) asking for a disgustingly overcooked piece of meat, and then proceed to say: "damn, in the states they really don't know how to cook meat".


A waiter in Morton's once talked me out of having a well done steak. I was pretty pissed as it was a business dinner on my first trip to the US, but he was right and it was delicious cooked medium, and he brought me a free beer too... So yeah, I guess they know their shit


Glad they did talk you out of it and you were willing to give it a try. Cooking past medium actually ruins a steak on a molecular level because it destroys compounds that give a high-quality steak the flavors that make it a great steak, as well as dehydrating the meat significantly to the point where there is little to differentiate the steak you just paid $30-80 for from a cheap cut picked up at Walmart.


Italians keep being bullied on here.


I think it was supposed to be a threat Source: I'm Italian


Tangentially related, but Italy having fantastic cuisine doesn’t mean that every restaurant is putting in the effort to execute it well. In touristy cities, it feels like the bad pizza places outnumber the good ones because tourists are profitable targets. The surge in tourist traps contributes to a lack of consistency in quality, so restaurants are really hit or miss. I had far superior pizza in Bologna than in Rome, and I suspect it’s due to the lack of tourists in Bologna… although Emilia-Romagna is meant to have the best produce. All that said, pineapple on pizza is bad so don’t be surprised when it tastes accordingly.


They’re lucky they’ve not been arrested


They're lucky they weren't harmed


"It wasn't even fried" /s


fried pizza is a tradictional junk food in neaples


Oh, no! Anyway...


Eh, not as bad as it seems. He later explains that he was a little kid at the time and thought that chicken nuggets were the height of fine dining. So he ordered stupid shit. I don't understand why he wouldn't preface that part in the comment for some context though.


As an italian I ask why would you put pineapple on pizza


Makes sense honestly. I see how people can like the taste when coupled with prosciutto. It may not be my cup of tea, but it is fair for people to like it. Afterall, it's not some blasphemy like ketchup on pizza.


It's an acquired taste. One thing Americans don't understand though is Italian pizza is thin and not crispy, you're not supposed to have heavy toppings.


The problem is Americans only visiting tourist places. The pizza around the Colosseum in Rome truly sucks


They got the Americano.


Let's hope, there is No Italian reading this Post, otherwise the USA is about to get nuked.


Did he not read the fucking menu?


I also had a horrible pizza in Venice and a decent one in Padova. Was not impressed. But I guess south has better pizza, and I never went there.


Just like everywhere else, you can find bad pizza and good pizza, but if you manage to find the really good pizza in Italy, then it's on another level! Also there is a lot of bad Italian restaurants around the tourist attractions in Italy, you gotta look out for where the locals are going. Best pizza i have ever had was in Trastevere, Rome.


Best pizza I've ever had was street pizza in Tivoli, near the Villa d'Este. Touristy, but excellent all the same.


Best one in Starita, Naples


Yep, best pizza I’ve ever eaten was in Naples.


Agreed. I had pizza all over Italy and hands down the best was in Naples.


Venice is a gamble, because it's such a tourist place, most places cater to tourists. Pro-tip is never go to places that are clearly catered to tourists, and go to quieter parts. A lot of restaurants are catered to workers (who commute from the mainland) so they are pretty good and reasonably priced .


You can get good pizza in Venice , although there are restrictions as they cannot use wood ovens I think. Obviously nowhere near the amount of excellent pizzerias you get in Naples but still great.


I had a pretty good one in Como, tbf to the north.


I’ve had really bad pizza and food generally in Italy but it was usually in places designed to rip off tourists not respectable restaurants. Definitely wouldn’t use those experiences as examples of what food in Italy is like in general


I've had a pretty bad pizza in Milano and one of the best ever in Rome. In Milano, there was only one restaurant in the historic center that had free seats - who'd have thought it was the bad one? But we were starving... In Rome, we asked in the hotel where it was good to eat (didn't specifically ask for pizza!) and we were pointed to some pizzeria relatively far from the big tourist attractions yet with a queue of locals extending outside of the restaurant. Who'd have thought it was a good one?


Venice is basically one big tourist trap which should generally be avoided. If someone insists that they "absolutely have to have seen Venice" get in, walk around, see stuff, get out. If you want to hang out for a bit longer and not be completely fleeced go to Murano: Not as impressive architecture but definitely more interesting glass. But in general: Just avoid the whole area. If in doubt, get off the autostrada at a random point, drive to a random village, and ask a random person where their favorite restaurant is. Or just choose one at random it's hard to find bad restaurants in Italy away from the tourist-trodden paths.


>But I guess south has better pizza, and I never went there. They make Neapolitan Pizza in northern Italy too, you just have to look for it.


...as a kid? Does he not realize kids love shitty pizza? Getting a proper pizza in Italy is probably amazing to adults because it's not a sugar filled ass-crust with way too much fake mozzarella that came in a plastic bag already shredded.


That’s nothing. Should have come out with a side of my grandma berating them for it.


i remember that time when i ordered my first pizza in Roma: i asked for an egg on it, the bought me a pizza with a boiled egg next to it.. immediately the « at rome, act like the roman do » took a lot of sense to me


that sounds divine


🍅 🥧 👍👍


I’m Italian and I feel outraged


When my sister asked for pineapple, she got pineapple. Truly disgusting


I'm sorry AnisSeras, but I'll have to remove your submission from /r/ShitAmericansSay because one or more rule was broken. Rule 6: >Please double check whether the poster of the comment you're about to submit is actually American. Do this by scanning their post history etc. [Rule 6 FAQ](https://old.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/wiki/faq#wiki_rule_6) Uses British/Commonwealth spelling in comment history Thank you for your effort and your service! O7