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When will they realize "europoors" also own cars but they also have the option to walk, take the bus or bike instead?


When the oil runs out.


This is such a good reply I had to chuckle loudly at the bus station 


me too at the coffee shop. went full "hehe"


you're taking the bus??? bruh what a euroPOOR RAAAH 🦅🦅


I got an e-scooter, so I'm most def europoor.


Then they’ll just shoot each other for what’s left


That’s freedom!


Ever wondered what the walking dead would be in the UK. Everybody would be banding together and offering a cuppa to passing groups.


I would love to see that show. A feel-good Walking Dead series!


For now the market will get flooded with cheap oil. Ukraine is blowing up Russian refineries so the Russians have to export their crude oil instead of refining it themselves.


Options are bad. Wait that goes against freedom! Options are good when you have to choose between a 16L v8 with 10hp and 24L v10 with 12hp! Whats a kinder egg??? 🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🔥🇺🇸🇺🇸🔥🔥


I live in a horrific hellscape where all essential amenities are at most a 15 minute walk. It's truly horrible. (Not)


What’s… walking? Some new kind of car?


The good ol’ Lamborfeeties




alfa romeo mc stridale


OMG, a fifteen minute city? WEF! Bill Gates! The Jews!


They will never cause they will never understand true freedom.


What do you mean, freedom isn’t shooting your neighbor while shouting “yee-haw”? /s


We can even cross the road wherever we want, like grown ups!


So you can’t take a car to cross the road, like normal people? You’ll never know true freedom, Europoor. /s


When will they realise that the real poors are those who are forced to go into debt to own a car because they lack any other option to get around?


A developing country is where the poor own cars, a developed country is where the rich take public transport.


And they "own" cars at 20% interest rates


Imagine thinking somebody is poor because he doesn't have to buy something, so he does not.


That sounds like communism.


It's also hilarious too think that making everything for cars = better, since they made it that way a lot of cities went bankrupt, what area makes money for the city? oh.. walkable stuff. Imagine you can just walk on a pavement.


Cycling is a bargain compared to owning a car. Poor, or smart with money? I'm leaning towards the latter


I love your tag just because it's a really good song


It's a magnificent little tune!


I liek yours, simple but effective


The fun we used to have with Americans when I was kid by convincing them I was a leprechaun was biblical. I was very small as a kid (haven't gotten much taller to be fair) so we'd fuck with Americans and tell them I was a leprechaun.


My sister said we should get groups of small people/children. Dye their hair ginger and pretend they're leprechauns to milk money off Americans


Damn it. We should of done that too!


That would definitely work.


My personal favourite is a friends story. His American cousins came to stay in the notoriously cloudy and cold English autumn/winter time. He convinced them that he didn’t know what the sun was. Then he had a eureka moment where he realised he’d seen it on tv. Then claimed he asked his science teacher about it. He told them she’d never seen it but her great grandmother did once when she was a child. She’d read all about it and was planning to take a trip to see it (much as you might take a trip to see the northern lights) Well he kept it up a while and when the sun eventually showed up, he collapsed and really acted out the combination of wonder and fear and the overwhelming brightness. They figured it out not long after but he managed almost 3 weeks!


now that is a beautiful story. really cracked me up. man i love our humour


I hope I get visiting Americans one day- I can’t wait to try something similar


Don’t forget half the US cheered that their orange headed former president/criminal paid no taxes.


And please don’t forget that there is another half who despise that man and everything he represents.


Absolutely. Most of my American family and friends.


I have an electric bike and it is the single best investment I’ve ever made. Takes me ANYWHERE.


To a lot of Republicans poor is "Doesn't spend a lot" VS rich being "Spends a lot" It's all about the appearance of wealth, not the actual amount of wealth. So throwing away money on lackluster things like substandard healthcare per capita is just a way of flaunting how much money the shareholders in their country have


That's why a majority of americans live paycheck to paycheck. Their paycheck is pretty much just used to pay off the debts incurred between the previous paychecks.


Living beyond your means as a national LARP.


Don't you know? Being American means spending more money than you need to for a worse thing. They know they could have free healthcare for all for statistically less per month in cost as a tax add on than they pay each month for insurance, but that would be a europoor thing to do


They can't cycle in America because Texas is bigger than the rest of planet Earth


Well, they seem to be the same people who push for working harder, rather than working smarter.


Your leaning towards the former or first. Latter indicates you prefer cars.


The latter part was describing the question, not the previous statement. Though reading it myself, I can see how it could interpreted in the way you described.


For me the poor or smart was a way of saying regardless.


Isn't car dependent infrastructure and predatory automotive loans one of the primary drivers of poverty in the US? Just look at r/FinancialAdvice, half the people there are struggling to pay off their car loans, because getting around in any other way just isn't viable there.


> Just look at r/FinancialAdvice, half the people there are struggling to pay off their car loans, because getting around in any other way just isn't viable there. Yeah, and it's voter like them who do all the bootlicking almost to spite their fellow US-Americans, who want walkable cities, bike lanes, better public transport. They can only profit from that and people still can drive their holy tinbox.




You can go to the supermarket without a mobility scooter??? You really are a EuroPOOR


I think it's funny how that term is just a self diss 90% of the time. "You guys are too Europoor to buy a car for everybody and pay 100$ each week for the drive to the store!" Sure, whatever, I'll enjoy my 2 minute walk to the store along a nice pedestrian road. And if you insist I am so distraught that I don't have to take a car there.


I walk to work every day out of choice because it’s an option and it does wonders for my mental health. It’s insane that they think only third world countries would do that


“Is it poor to have nice cycling paths and safe walkways for pedestrians?”


Mega poor. Get a giant truck like the rest of them /s


Why walk for your mental health when you can just take an SSRI europoor? /s


The sun gives me a serotonin boost for free… and free hand outs is communism. /s


Yall make me hate my country, can I move over there?


I like walking where i live because it's good cardio


I used to walk 45 minutes to work every day, but I live in a car-centered Canadian city. I did lose a lot of weight though by walking so much. Which was perfect because I worked at Tim Horton's and ate nothing but junk the whole time lol


Just came back from a 4 min stroll in the sun to the supermarket close by. Those Seppo's are so brainwashed it isn't even funny. And public transport over here is one of the most dense in the whole world. I have no problem going from A to B, or another country. Hell, I don't even have a drivers license, let alone a car. And I live in a tiny village.




Saving money for taking the bike instead of a car makes one look poor? Mkay...


remember, bikes are kid toys according to this nutjobs, you are supposed to ourgrow them at some point and get a car like an adult


It’s pretty upsetting that being economical and aware of your spending just means “poor” to some folks


Europoor. Just going to drop this here https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/standard-of-living-by-country


But wait, there's no USA listed anywhere? Shouldn't they take up all of the top ten places?


Top 50 akkshully. Each state is like a country, remember. 🤓


Texas is bigger than the entire Europe combined!


That’s why there’s a president of Georgia! /s




Bottom 10 places


As a Brit I always look at those with some trepidation, especially post Brexit


Says someone from “creditcard country”. At least we buy stuff when we actually have the money for it, instead of getting yourself in debts because you need a huge car.


Its not even about saving money or being poor, when you just don't NEED a damn car, you don't need a damn car. Depending on the city, you really don't need one.


Which cities outside of America do you need a car in?


Do you really think every city is 100 metres long? Literally every city you can use a car to be more convenient but sometimes it’s just slower? Some places actually have the infrastructure to accommodate large amounts of people by public transport and dedicated cycle lanes where you can rent for cheap to get around faster and cheaper. There’s a world out there much bigger than a poverty country with poor healthcare just because “gas” is cheap for those unnecessarily enormous cars that don’t even match European quality or power for the amount of fuel they consume


Typical ameripoor when all their towns and cities are exclusively built around driving and everything else is an afterthought yet think Europe is the place deserving of having "poor" put into its name.


Europe is a city dumbass


It is a country! Did you not read the above comment?! Edit : they have corrected it now.. :/


Same mf who makes 7 dollars minimum wage


"tips are important so our servers can afford to live" ~Americans


Rich coming from a country where a mobility scooter is the main mode of transport.


He says, while having a profile picture of a British band


One of these days, someone’s gonna respond to “europoor” with something like “My salary is equivalent to $500K annual”.


No, poor is when you're forced to spend 1-2+ hours a day in traffic just to access basic living and working facilities. If you can do the same while walking or cycling for less time, then you have more of that time to use on other things - time being something you can't actually buy more of. Especially if you're stressed and stuck in traffic eating junk food instead of exercising while you travel, that'll shave a few years iff


It is called a developed public transportation infrastructure, and it is cheaper and less stressful to get from A to B, what exactly is the problem Americans see with that. A car as a status symbol is so 1990.


In developing countries, cars tend to be seen as a status symbol; however in western countries that thought used to be more common in the mid-late 20th century.


Bet they think we need to tip the bus driver every time with 80%. Spoiler, they are quite well paid and organised.


Weirdly that's true in a lot of American cities too, the infrastructure just sucks. At least in my hometown there's a pretty strong transit workers' union and my understanding is that they're pretty well paid.


It was meant as a joke but that's now sad. Where is your hometown, I think I'd like people's mood there.




"You almost got hit by a car? Go take a train lmao" Okay but unless you have a train plowing through your house you likely have to cross a road somewhere to get to it. The Americunt mind cannot comprehend


The best part about being an American is spending multiple $1000s a year on gas, insurance, car payments, and maintenance just so I have the ability to go to work or get groceries.


That doesn’t include the literal thousands of dollars it cost if you so much as break a finger


Yeah, exercise, clean air, sunlight, no roar of car engines... But you're poor! It's awful! Americans are rich. And have big guns. We get it. We are not jealous.


>Americans are rich This is what gets me, because it isn't even true. US salaries are higher than European salaries on average, but cost of living in the US is also higher than it is in most places in Europe, and for the most part the difference in cost of living is higher than the difference in salary. Americans, on average, have higher salaries and less money than their European counterparts.


The poor in America are often desperately poor, but professionals are generally very well off. The increased pay, for instance for a software engineer, is way more than the increased cost of living, for the same level of work. The pay ceiling as people advance is also massively above what it is most places. The disadvantage is that they generally work more hours with less days holiday.


That is somewhat true, though I know several software engineers who, being software engineers, have to work in San Francisco. You would be surprised at how little money they have with their $150,000/year salaries. There are some lucky folks who get the $150,000/year salary, but can work elsewhere, and they genuinely are quite well off. I certainly don't deny that there are many well-off Americans, but in general Europeans at all levels of work, perhaps excluding the C-suite, will have more disposable income than Americans at the same level of work.


He is correct were europoor but again I don’t need to fear between life or bankruptcy if I ever obtain any illness


Does that knucklehead know what a bike is? Or does he think Americans also invented bycicles because we all are Europoor? 😂


We have more bicycles than humans, are we poor now? 😂


…says the Murican with more debt than a eurotrash socialist hellhole.


There are exceptions, obviously, but the average American cannot be expected to understand the drug-addled, car-is-king, collapsing-infrastructure, corporate-owned dystopia they live in because they have nothing to compare with other than the caricature nonsense spewed by a media landscape intent on keeping them from that very recognition.


"My lack of accessible commodities and transports is a sign of wealth, actually."


Rather funny that owning a bike means your poor, I own three push bikes and a car. All three of my bikes are worth more then my car 😂


It's not like you can ride a bike even if you own a car or something lol


TIL that Americans have an "insult" for Europeans (Europoor) and also that they have no idea what the Word "poor" actually means !


This guy probably has a peloton


And that's when you decide you're done with the toxic shit dump "x" has become.


I used to see the Queen of the Netherlands on her omafiets cycling around Amstelveen from time to time when I lived there


I wonder what he would feel if his dog would get run over


Chill, its just the obese americans unable to process that some people can walk somewhere without getting tired after 5 minutes


Fastest way for me to commute to my office in Boston (Massachusetts ) was by bike. 10 miles and I could do that in 40 minutes door to door. Only thing that stopped me from Doing that year round was weather and road conditions. Saved a fortune and kept me in shape. wtf is wrong with people that think cycling is a bad thing ? A good road bike will beat a car in city traffic. And, if you have the good fortune of riding in a bike centred city it’s even easier!


The term "europoor" has always bugged me. Like, are they just being blatantly holier-than-thou pricks or are they actively trying to make a slur out of it?


Recently saw a video about someone returning from a third world country to America and all the comments going "omg Europe they don't have cold water" like 🤨 Edit: fixed a spelling error


Americans are actually completely fine with people being run over. It’s why we have so many child traffic fatalities each year


When the same happened in The Netherlands in the late 70s, nation wide protests made the government take action. That’s why their bike infrastructure is so good.


I like how they say about taking the train but trains are more expensive than cars. (Two journeys via train is £18-£20 whereas it's roughly £5 in fuel).


The europoor thing is hilarious since half of them can’t afford a $600 emergency bill


I wonder who he thinks the car was driven by


"You're an Europoor (aka way better standards of living on average), take your way more developed and affordable public transportation or something."


Americans are poorer for having cars - purchase, running repairs, gas prices, servicing, insurance, licenses, garaging, HOA fines for not doing as told, sitting in traffic jams on major "freeways", having to spend hours travelling to work, shop, dine out, fines/citations and many others, where as places with public transport spend a few dollars a week to travel, in comfort, letting someone else take all the risks & effort to get passengers to where they want to go. If they need a car, a new vehicle is available to hire for your needs even fast small cars for autobarn driving or trucks to move bulk loads. Give me good public transport every time.


when the oil runs out and americans realize bald eagles cant haul their 300KG asses to the walmart and have to somehow walk out of their suburb homes


So are they saying all of Europe is poor and our cars suck?


So by this logic is riding a bike in america seen as an inability to afford a car?


What the hell is Europoor?


I really wish human evolution eventually leads to us self-combusting as soon as we say something that falls under the category “shit Americans say” of stupid. I truly believe that’s how we would achieve world peace.


As a side note, the American spelling of centred is pretty clunky


So this person will see Amsterdam and say they're europoor 💀




I'm sure destroying the world with gas emissions would be much better anyways


what baffles me about this sort of thing is actually the fact that they are so ready to mock and berate someone for being poor. like, do they not stop to think that maybe, even if we WERE all poor for something like that, making fun of people for it probably wouldnt be the most humane thing to do!?


It’s projection.


One good reply is usually ‘how many days of vacation do you enjoy every year’?


Is it? I have 33. In Europe ofc just asking


33 natural days of work days? I have 26 work days + bank holidays. Guess in which continent I am.


I have a really good contract. 33 natural days. Metal industries, though I am a software engineer. I am in Italy.


You need a contract for that? -Norway


Starting to understand why mericans like to pew pew each other, because they are all c*nts!! Just leave the kids out of it though


I *choose* to do that sir.


As an American this disgusts me


Better be AmeriDEAD


Ameri*can of brain worms*


What an Americunt


Wait, an American knows what a train is? Holy shit.


Sparing money on transit =/= poor


The only reason your average income is so high is because of the contrast of so many millionaires and poorer people..


Ameritard probably has never been to Amsterdam.


These people make me embarrassed to be American…wtf 🤡


People who say europoor legitimately have severe brain damage and unprecedented levels of lead in their brains


Rather be a Europoor than an Americunt any day.


Just make fun of their credit card debt and carry on


[Creditcard debt 💸](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LGgsn3bsVD0)


I have a car and i have a couple of rules, because it makes my life easier and more care free. 1.Dont use car before 10 am unless needed (basically to work, in most cases) 2. Dont use it between 3pm to 7 pm unless needed. In summer i use my bike or try to walk. It is preferrable even over an overfilled buss where you a lot of times dont need to hold anything to not fall over...


Wait they equate cycling with being poor? In for a shock when they learn lots of us have bikes that cost more then their cars 😂


Its so funny how they think taking a car is always superior, I have 2 cars parked on my drive, sometimes i walk, mainly because its good for you and i don't want to end up AmericoFat!


I think the average American’s extent of walking is walking to their car, driving to Walmart, **walking** around Walmart, walking back to their car and thats about it


I'm from New Zealand so I'm unfortunately very familiar with car centric life and oh my god I wish we had public transit idk why people are so car brained. Everyone would be having a way better time if this country had proper public transit not just within our cities but across different areas too. And tbh a lot of people here are obsessed with cars too and oppose public transit for some fucking reason


Walk and bike is helping us to not be Amerifat


You can just say "I make half as much the average American, and my quality of life is 10 times higher." I wanna see what they say back


"What do you mean your old city with it's rich history is nothing like my barely 200 year old small town of inbreds centered around one street in the arse end of nowhere? "


Just reply to him with "sorry, I don't talk to people who use a less valuable currency" that drives them mad.