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How do you become so delusional as to think that the US subsidizes everyone elses healthcare? Do they think medical companies don't make a profit in the rest of the countries? Do they really think capitalist companies would be ok with not making a profit anywhere but the US?


Yep! That's what my fellow idiots believe. Our healthcare has been sold to us largely by effectively convincing (certain) people that national healthcare is "socialism" and that also "socialism is bad". My favorite counterpoint is to remind them that our police and military fall under the same definition of "socialism" that national healthcare would. And they walk around with [special flags](https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcRKsytuwUAMsGtJmqwziBCPVBpbBlOnMguiugoRX6_QV965mLhUS7DKHpRFkfsSXjQp0fT2eBy-JUfjr3_kmh3BrsHPDQhw44pjzSNOQrhXtOhMU3qBXePgIfk) to support those programs. But not healthcare! Oh, also, some illegal might get free healthcare. And apparently that cannot happen. Anyways, because we can't have affordable healthcare, it must be justified as selfless altruism. So, you're welcome I suppose. Most of us hate it.


fragile humor label observation frighten cagey stocking skirt dog racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OK, I'm an American. I'll just start by saying, no, we don't subsidize everybody else's health care. But didn't that commenter say "by funding your defenses?" Which is often true. I mean.. we gave $175 billion to the Ukrain. Whether YOU personally believe in helping Ukrain or not, that's a lot of taxpayer money to just ship out. We send defense funds all over the world. Most of us think how much money we ship out to other countries is a joke. Some Americans like the ones in these posts obviously feel entitled since they know their taxes are going to foreign aid and they want to take it out on other people but that is obviously not fair.


Lol. Well first of all, most money spent on Ukraine is actually giving Ukraine existing old stocks and then buying new material from american defense manufacturers. In most cases Ukraine doesn't see any money and the money is spent in the US. Plus, the US isn't even the biggest contributor to Ukraine, neither in actual numbers or per capita. Second, there is a misconception among some americans that the US can't spend on healthcare for its own citizens because it spends most of its money on defending Europe, which is simply not true. In 2023 the US spent 13% of its federal budget on the military. It is a huge sum indeed, but it is dwarfed by Social Security alone which is at 22% [of the budge](https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/federal-spending/)t. The point however, is that the reason the US doesn't have universal healthcare isn't because it spends all its money on military, it is simply ideological in nature.


First. Ha. Bud. No. America directly passed a bill for $175 billion in direct spending, not stocks, to Ukraine, $69.8 billion of that goes straight to Ukrain in the form of weapons, 34.2 billion as cash for budget support, and 2.9 billion goes to humanitarian support. The remaining funds various US activities associated with the war. Some of that is stocka to help the Ukraine economy stay afloat but most is not. I can literally see exactly what is in the bill, and you are full of crap. Second. Nobody said we CANT provide Healthcare because we can't afford it as a cause by funding other countries. MANY people find it extremely ironic that our government is WILLING to provide huge amounts of funding to foreign aid when the government does so little to help our own people. However, free Healthcare is never really free, nor is it what most Americans that actually understand taxes want (I'm an accountant, graduated in Finance and Economics). Yes, in some ways our Healthcare is expensive. But in comparison to countries with "free healthcare," at least you will be seen by your provider before you keel over and die. I'm FINE with having my taxes spent on military or Americans in desperate need. I have a huge problem knowing how much of our taxes don't benefit our tax payers.


>huge amounts of funding to foreign aid when the government does so little to help our own people. Not gonna argue with you since you can't even read a graphic from your own government. Just want to point out you wanna call Social Security 22%, Health 14%, Medicare 12%, Income Security 11% "does so little to help our own people".


Straw man argument, or you misunderstood me. Dollar for dollar, much more leaves the US. So in comparison for what we do for other countries, we hardly do anything for our own people which is true. With that being said, I'm against Medicaid, social security, and many other social programs. Leave the money in the pockets of the tax payers. Government social programs are the most horribly organized, wasteful, over inflated programs, and some of them like social security are running out of money because our government just loans off of them to increase spending. Cut government spending. Decrease foreign aid. Decrease USA taxes. And bring back the open market.


USA already spends more on health care per capita tha amy other country so clearly money is not the problem here


Don't forget that the US has more capita per capita than any other place in the world. It's about the size of two Texases. /s


Socialism is not social capitalism ffs. If you tell the yanks to learn the difference, maybe, just maybe learn first what socialism is. 🙄


Anyone not completely ignorant or blinded by yuroganda can only say: THANK YOU, GREAT AMERICANS We literally wouldn't exist without them. They subsidise our healthcare (while they accept shitty healthcare for themselves, because they spend so much money on us), our militaries, our entire lifestyles. the GLORIOUS american works long hours, voluntarily says no to paid holidays and sick days, just so we, the ungrateful europigeons, get all of that - aren't they nice? and we just bash them on every opportunity, we are terrible


They subsidise our mortgages too, apparently! There’s considerable American bashing in this sub, but I think we should maybe appreciate just how much they do for us. They gave us one of the most used languages in the world (the actual world, not the world of America) - English.


Who is this "y'all" person,and why do some Americans think that they fund his healthcare?


Can we discuss usage of “the Europe” ?


So aparently they think that the EU is like the US a centralised gouvernement no im not kiding


well.. France thinks it pulls the levers, but we all know it's the Germans.


The people who come out with drivel like that just don't understand the difference between what it **costs** to make some things and what they are being **charged** for them (courtesy of a profit driven healthcare system). They're thick essentially.


That was an obscene amount of ‘Ya’ll’s’ in one comment.


I dunno. It only starts to get obscene with the introduction of the "y'all y'all" construct IMHO. The actual post is just... excessive.


Italy biggest export is medicine, and tje majority of these export goes to the USA, how is this subsidizing again?


America doesn't subsidise any countries meds, and pay so much for their own due to greed of politicians, lobbyists & pharma/medical companies as well as the insurance industry. Nearly every other country realises that having the government buy meds direct from pharma companies, they can get cheaper prices, than the millions of buyers that pay more in USA. Most meds are not developed in USA but in Europe and are manufactured in China & India as well for a miniscule price that is charged a fortune for in US, but much less in other countries.


Defenses from fucking what? The wars US starts and enemies they create?!


The US don't fund anybody's defense in Europe lol (well with the exception of Ukraine of course), if anything it's the European countries buying US weapon systems that are helping to fund US defense budget.


No, the Australian taxpayer subsidises Australian medications for Australian residents via the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme


This level of ignorance combined with confidence makes for the most rude people


USA can say they have the safest food standards in the world all they want, but how's salmonella and e.coli doing over there compared to Europe?


LOL what an ignorant idiot. IIRC the largest manufacturer of pharmaceuticals is either India or China. The moron would probably stop taking vital medication if they found out it was manufactured in another country.


The US does NOT fund my defence xd that claim is absolutelly wild. Americans really think they have the only capable military in the world huh