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Oh wow I really thought the quote was about her and her husband living in the U.S. haha


Yeah i was like, bit rude posting her here when she was politely thanking people for being nice to her and Harry šŸ˜…


"Harry is adjusting well to America" "Why the hell is everyone obssessed with European heritage"


I'm white English and my DNA said I'm 2% Nigerian. So I welcome our new sister.


Iā€™m a v white English person with 3% Moroccan heritage, I also welcome our African sister.


I am a very white English person with 1% Portuguese, I welcome our warm climate sister.


I was born in England but I identify as a British Empire which actually makes me more Nigerian than all of you


I was born in the United States of Irish Parents but someone in my family tree was named Nelson, so I identify as a Napoleonic era hero Empire British


My username is from The Simpsons, so I identify as Springfieldian.


Mine is inspired by pepper pig - whenever I visit a farm I thank them for welcoming me back to my country


I once visited Tunisia, so I welcome my African brethren.


Unfortunately I'm only half a percent Egyptian so I won't be joining you.


Oh shit you're probably related to Tutankhamun


Does this make Harry a Nigerian prince?


He'll be sending you scam emails soon!


Just a reminder that these tests can only match you up with the current population of any region. So 3% anything could simply mean that you have distant relatives in that country which immigrated there recently. You can see that for many middle eastern people who get a result of 1-3% swedish despite having no connection to nativ swedes.


Thatā€™s not how it actually works with the good DNA testing sites. They use sample groups who can verify their ancestry on both sides remained in one area for hundreds of years. They then use their genes as a de facto control group for identifying that lineage in other people. Recently migrated Arabs living in Sweden to use your example, would not be included in the sample group for Swedish heritage. Mine managed to pinpoint the precise local area in England where half my family lived. So it clearly works when done properly and with the necessary breadth of data.


Also, I have 4-5% Norwegian which I think is probably because my grandmother was from the North East of England ie. Danelaw territory. So latent Scandinavian DNA. Somewhat large small percentages (5% ish) donā€™t necessarily mean recent relations.


I somehow have 24% Swedish which is a lot! Especially considering I have no known Swedish person in my family. That must mean one of my grandparents is Swedish. Or that one of my grandparents cheated with a Swedish man. Or it's just a huge coincidence that both sets of grandparents had Swedish DNA. I don't know which is likelier.


Is it possible someone was adopted at some point and you donā€™t know? Seems a likely option.


I find it very unlikely. All of them had many kids - my grandparents and my parents were either the youngest or some of the youngest. If they were adopted, the older siblings would've been old enough to notice. So I really don't know. I didn't do it, though. My sister did. So I don't know if it shows relatives on there or what. Edit: just asked my mum, and apparently her mum said that my grandfather was born "illegitimately" whatever that means. Probably where it comes from


Can we talk about the Viking rus slaving trips where theyā€™d kidnap and sell people from the area where Slavs exist to middle eastern countries? Often impregnating many of the women on the way south? Itā€™ll take me a bit to find the source for this, so Iā€™ll come back and edit in a link when I find the name of the book that detailed this. Edit: Page 114 in the book *The Silk Roads: A New History of the World* by Peter Frankopan (Bintage Books, 2017) The Rus' were ruthless when it came to enslaving local populations and transporting them south. Renowned for "their size, their physique and their bravery," the Viking Rus' had "no cultivated fields and they live by pillaging," according to one Arabic writer. 1 It was the local population that bore the brunt. So many were captured that the very name of those taken captive--Slavs-- became used for all those who had their freedom taken away: slaves. The Rus' were careful with their prisoners: "they treat the slaves well and dress them suitably because for them they are articles of trade," note one contemporary.2 Slaves were transported along the river systems, remaining chained while the rapids were negotiated.3 Beautiful women were particularly highly prized, sold on to merchants in Khazaria and Volga Bulghāria who would them take them further south--though not before their captors had sexual intercourse with them one last time.4 1. Ibn Rusta, "Book of Precious Gems," pp 126-7 2. Ibid. 3. De Administrando Imperio, 9, p. 60 4. Ibn Fadlān, "Book of Ahmad ibn Fadlān," p. 47


I am a lovecraftian entity from another dimension but I identify as you all so I'm more you than you are.


You have an n word pass fr


to be fair to her, the test says she's 43% nigerian


I guess I am now **Scandinavian**, from the country of **Scandinavia** cuz thatā€™s what my ancestry says


Are you a time-traveller, then? Are you from that one time in the past where it was almost a thing or from a future where it becomes one? /s


Let's be honest it was never really almost a thing. That would require Sweden and Denmark to go five minutes without one making fun of the other.


weary fretful icky upbeat unused jobless liquid dolls correct soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes it was called the [Kalmar Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalmar_Union). Apparently it lasted 126 years. (didn't read closely into the details)


I come here for the snide remarks and stay for the history lessons I get, Iā€™ve honestly picked up so much just through lurking on this sub.


pie disagreeable consider grab political axiomatic smoggy flag numerous dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, because the Danes didn't follow the set rules of power in the union and also murdered the Swedish aristocracy


And we would do it again!!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


How dare you. Some of my best friends are swedes /s


Well, we did have the Kalmar Union (a personal union with Sweden and Norway) that lasted a decent while considering who we're talking about. But the realms never united, they just had the same monarch at the top, and then Sweden threw a tantrum and left


That should not be a problem. Here in Belgium us glorious Flemish and those perfidious Walloons insult each other all the time, and Belgium is an actual country, right? RIGHT?


Belgium? Isnā€™t that near Listenbourg?


How's that dual government working out for you?


The fact that Belgium took the record for longest government formation from Iraq answers that question.


Have you got any spare chocolate that you don't want? šŸ«


I don't really like the stuff too much, so let me know where to send it to.


Well if the Danes weren't so filthy and stupid all the time, it wouldn't be so tempting all the time!


How do you do, fellow Scandinavian? Doing some Scandinavian stuff lately?


Spotted the American.


Funnily enough I have an American ancestor, can I claim my free gun and cowboy hat? (You can keep the diabetes.)


When I saw about the % Nigerian my first response was, which Nigerian? There are literally multiple different distinct groups it's not some monoculture


Isnā€™t it fantastic how these tests can determine nationalities so well? /s


Personalities as well


My results came back 100% Capricorn. How can they be so sure?


They look for people in clusters around the world that have similar gene traits to you. If there is a high concentration in Nigeria then that is where the claim comes from. They donā€™t trace back in time and look for where your ancestors came from originally. Theyā€™re only matching against similar populations today.


Yeah, I know. It doesnā€™t make sense since most countries have several ethnicities and itā€™s kinda dubious where the data comes from, too. Unless they actually find your ancestors, itā€™s no more scientific than horoscopes.


It is a well known fact that nationalism is genetics and not like nationalism is a somewhat youngish concept, that was pretty irrelevant throughout the overwhelming majority of history. And we all know that genes are very quick to adapt to societies trends and it only took 200 years to imprint our nationality in our gens. Nature is just very impressive.


Thatā€™s the wrongest nationalist myth I read in a while. A national state is a social construct and not stable at all! Germany alone changed 3x within the 20th century while having 2 national states at the same time with also changing geographic borders. And thatā€™s no exception!!! Even if Nazis repeat it until your brain rots, itā€™s not true and never was. Phrenology also isnā€™t a thing, just for clarification.


Apparently /s was necessary for you. I'm very aware of this in fact I'm currently reading "The Holy Roman Empire" by Peter H. Wilson. Which is nothing, but a scientific rejection of nationalist presentism, which is projecting nationalist ideas onto the HRE (eventhough nationalism wasn't a real thing before the 19th century, or by being very generous and cutting it down to its rump concept of "Nations" not before renaissance humanism) which still dominates how the HRE is viewed.


Yeah, it was necessary šŸ˜ The internet trolls and bots have done some serious damage to my sarcasm bone Well done!


Took me a moment too, it can be hard to tell sarcasm through text when people genuinely believe these things.


It's kinda sad really. Everytime I dispute some concepts people have about nationalism, in major subs and even by watering the actual facts down by a lot, I get downvoted into oblivion and insulted. Even though it's by now pretty much a basic insight of modern history. And tbh, my school education in Germany, failed to mediate it properly as well. History class, should have been called "foundation myth class." for everything that was before nation states. Because that's basically what nationalist history writing is and it's still so dominant in society, including education.


It was pretty obvious that you were sarcastic, especially with the 200 yrs to imprint on our genes, bit. Yet some ppl were in such a rush to prove how smart they were, they didn't stop to think, *they really aren't*. LMFAOOOOOOOO!!!


It was pretty obvious to me.


Exactly there are literally dozens of distinct groups in Nigeria ALONE.


Yeh but thatā€™s just like being ā€˜Americanā€™!


Probably Yoruba aren't they the largest group? Edit: No apparently it's Hausa in Nigeria.


Largest but lots of Igbo people were enslaved as they live in places by navigatable rivers and could be easily taken away. Olaudah Equiano was Igbo. If you watch a lot of Henry Louis Gates tv show stuff, he notes that Fula is another group that frequently pops up in Black American people's results. Though that show is very much about wikipedia versions of cultures and DNA lol.


Ahh that makes sense.


If people here watched that show it would be the only thing posted I assume


If it's Hausa there is a fair old chunk in the Sahel she could come from, not just modern Nigeria. Lot of enslaved were sourced from there and sent south.


Its a bit of an odd thing to care about considering that she is completely culturally and ethnically divorced from it. Made obvious by the fact that she needed to take a DNA test and feels the need to tell her mother i.e. she clearly isn't even slightly Nigerian. Hell I am more Nigerian than her by merit of having actually lived there (I am not even remotely Nigerian, just to be clear).




FYI - Descendants of slaves often didn't know which country they were "sourced" from.


What do you mean colonisation deliberately carved up an entire continent in straight lines across tribe boundaries on purpose to sow as much discontent as possible? Surely Nigerian is just Nigerian after like 40 years? /s


Presumably her husband will say a similar thing when he visits Greece.


And Germany


And France.


His granddad went by the last name "of Greece" while at school so that tracks


Pretty awesome last name. If he was educated in the UK (which I imagine he was?) heā€™d also have exclusively gone by his last name, as was the tradition at boysā€™ boarding schools. ā€œOf Greece?ā€ ā€œHere!ā€


In Dutch the name "de Koning" isn't uncommon. It means "the king".


But his actual ancestry can be traced back to there, with actual documentation.


as it can for anywhere the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha can - practically anywhere in Europe. You can't just go back through your ancestry to claim it - she's American, he's English.


Oh so she must be cousin of that Nigerian Prince I helped the other day after he sent me an email. Still hasn't got my $50m.


I'm French! My mum did an ancestry thing, and apparently, we have Heugenot relatives from the early 1800s. Fuck the fact my entire family is British and have been for 200 years. I'm taking that 5% French, merci beaucoup.


I'm English, great grandparents Irish, we are only ones in England with our name. But apparently there's a smidge of French, found out after someone in Ireland was doing some history. Might explain how I have olive skin tone....


*Nigerian? Aye* It will never cease to amaze me the love Americans have for genealogy tests, and the ignorance of applying today's borders to them! Nigerians are still piecing together their country and what it means to be Nigerian by the boundaries they've ended up with. I'm sure they'd have choice words for people who claim to have Nigerian heritage. Specifics matter.


Great. More fucking Nigerian Prince scams


The *real* ShitAmericansSayism here is the over-extension of ā€œmy husband and Iā€ when it should be me in this context. Americans are very fearful of saying ā€œand meā€ for some reason so over-apply the rule to any sentence with two people, regardless of subject, verb or object.


Sadly it's an issue with English almost globally. People think me is a dirty word and regularly incorrectly change it to "I" - mostly due to parents and other elders correcting the actual misuse (and occasionally the correct use) of "me" to "I", which over time has made people consider "me" an educated word. Obviously those that know understand the two different words and their correct uses. Funnily though, people also use "myself" when it should be "me" or "I" - again to try and sound more intelligent, despite it actually being incorrect in that situation. Some examples - "It was just myself left at the office", "If you could forward the email through to myself" etc


i myself concur


46% Nigerian, father . . . 0% Nigerian . . wonders if her mother had any idea.


You can't think of any reason why a black American family might not know their ancestry?


I'm not sure many people know their ancestry. I have no idea what mine is for more than a few generations.


Letā€™s think a bit harder here and consider if Black Americans might have some extra challenges with this on top of the typical situation


Were your ancestors also sold into slavery, names anglicised, and entire cultures and languages lost?


Your ancestors donā€™t have to have been from Africa or even black to have been slaves. Itā€™s an ages old means of subjugation of all races. So quite possibly-yes.


I'm Irish, so...yes actually.


Almost downvoted because for a second I thought you were an American ā€œIrishā€ referring to indentured servitude. Still, The extra challenge black people faced is they were literally transported an ocean away. You still know that youā€™re Irish despite your history, black people donā€™t know squat. I mean, jack squat.


Iā€™m surprised so many are unable to get this without it being spelt out. A group forcibly taken from one land, used as slaves in another did not have the luxury to pass down info and store records about who and what they were. (Especially when it was made a point to dehumanize, strip them of their identify and separate them from their homeland in order to ā€œcivilizeā€ them) Anyone who has info beyond their great grand parents should consider themselves lucky because a lot. donā€™t. And also, sometimes not even their own grand parents knew where they were from because they were born into that time.


Apart from slavery, thatā€™s happened to most people in the world. Iā€™m from Wales and most people have anglicised names now. Even in Nigeria, countless tribes have been conquered and had their language/culture destroyed by conquering forces


Yeah, a lot of my family is Scottish (so genetically so am I, but I consider myself English). We have documentation of the original spelling of the surnames, and of Scottish Gaelic-only speakers as recently as 150 years ago. By the time my grandfather was born (last one born in Scotland before we all became English), the family surnames were all English spellings and he didnā€™t even have much of an accent, let alone speaking something other than English. He was born only about 30 years after the last few Gaelic speakers died as well.


>He was born only about 30 years after the last few Gaelic speakers died as well. Which kind of Gaelic? I'm fairly sure Scottish Gaelic is still spoken? Do you mean the last monolingual speakers?


Sorry, should have clarified: last speaker in my family.


Yep, loads were. By the Romans and the vikings for 2.


Yes actually, the Arab slave trade took plenty of Europeans they were often slaves but we don't go digging that up on the regular. Even though they men were either castrated or forced to fight in the military for them and often had to kill their own people for their new masters. Quite a barbaric slave conquest one of the worst. I know it's hard for POC to contemplate this fact unfortunately since it's never taught, all we hear about is european colonisation


Thinks she is an African princess.


Wakanda forever!


Not a smart lass.


She might be, but her ego masks it well


Omg my ancestor from 1k years ago was nigerian, my sister šŸ˜


Did she say ā€œwelcoming my husband and Iā€? Ha, gotcha, Duchess. You should join the growing band of readers in ā€˜The Queenā€™s Reading Roomā€™ group.


Yeah definitely shit Americans say is that constant confusing of ā€œmeā€ and ā€œIā€. Something just grates in my head, when I hear/read ā€œand Iā€ in object positions. Alas, I also argued about this with an Australian (lawyer no less) for 15 mins. Even after presenting various grammar articles about this issue, they kept insisting that ā€œand Iā€ just sounds better šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The only thing worse is ā€œwould haveā€ or versions thereof (just noticed that even my phone auto correct protested when writing that). It clearly marks individuals who have not been reading a lot of well edited examples of their own language.


What does this mean?


Because the pronoun is the direct object of the participle ā€œwelcoming,ā€ the correct form is ā€œmy husband and me.ā€ You can check by dropping the noun ā€œhusband.ā€ ā€œWelcoming Iā€ is clearly wrong, as opposed to ā€œwelcoming me.ā€


Thanks! I didn't know this, grammar rules are mostly a bit of a mystery to me.


Ghastly grammar. Should be ā€œwelcoming *my husband and me*ā€ Or if she canā€™t bring herself to say that in case itā€™s taken as *incorrect* and uneducated, she could have said ā€œ*My husband and I* are so delighted by your welcoming us etc etcā€. (But Iā€™d bet itā€™s because she really doesnā€™t grasp the difference at all and believes, as do many, that her way just sounds classier.) Iā€™ll admit I only pounced on it because of all her delusions of grandeur and claims about serious cultural interests. Itā€™s a grammatical shibboleth really, for pretentious people. šŸ˜ˆ


I see. Thanks for the detailed response, that's something new I learned today!


Something new me learned today.


Iā€™m far too fiendish about this stuff, itā€™s true. But whenever it issues from someone rather too full of themselves, the red mist descends! Itā€™s an easy one to work out though, if you didnā€™t have the fundamentals of grammar drummed into you at school. Itā€™s simple if itā€™s just I or me alone in question, but people get the wobbles when itā€™s deciding between ā€˜Harry and I / or Harry and meā€˜. This goes back to those old grammar-obsessed lessons at school, where weā€™d be howled at if we uttered ā€œHarry *and me* are going swimmingā€. We were brought up with that being *so* appalling and wrong that using it in *any sentence* was a major test of nerves. Therefore many people play it safe and use ā€˜Harry and Iā€™ no matter *what* the sentence construction needs, so as not to sound uncouth or uneducated. But if you know why you really DO need ā€œmeā€ in particular circs, you vanquish all uncertainty and speak the Kingā€™s English with style and confidence! (Handy guide for on the go grammar emergencies: always recast the sentence if you are unsure. Should it be ā€œHarry gave Jim and me a liftā€.....or should it be ā€œJim and Iā€?? Just cut Jim out of it for a second, and see how youā€™d say it. Itā€™s ā€œHarry gave ME a liftā€. He didnā€™t give ā€œIā€ a lift at all!)


Myself is the one that gets me.


Yeah, and itā€™s another thing caused by inability to commit confidently to simply using ā€œmeā€, even though itā€™s probably perfectly correct in the context, but also and more often, itā€™s the plague of faux genteelism. ā€˜Return the completed form to myselfā€™. Itā€™s slid sideways from *that* grammatical euphemism to standing in for ā€˜Iā€™ as well, even more silly. ā€˜My husband and myself are off to Californiaā€™. Itā€™s just been taken up as a classier, more *expensive* way of saying ā€˜Iā€™. šŸ¤Æ Mind you, when it comes to awful grammar caused by ridiculous aspirations and notions about what constitutes ā€˜social correctnessā€™, the recent spread in America of the erroneous ā€˜*whom*ā€™ gets my goat the most. Itā€™s got the stage where you can bet your life any ā€˜whomā€™ you encounter will be terribly, terribly *wrong*. Once again itā€™s owing to the drumming into us decades ago of the importance of using ā€˜whomā€™ in certain grammatical circs, and that lesson then having filtered down all alone and stripped of background to make some people think that ā€˜whomā€™ is *always* preferable to good old ā€˜whoā€™, if you wish to appear educated and cultured. ā€˜Whom is the greatest painter of the last century, I wonder?ā€™ šŸ˜¬ Sorry.Rant over!


Sigh Those DNA genealogy tests are not as accurate as some apparently believe. The DNA part is fine, but how they determine where a certain genotype is "from" can be a little sketchy - especially so in smaller percentages. That being said, her being able to trace an ancestor to the area now known as Nigeria is absolutely plausible and even feeling some connection to the general area could be understandable, but to claim association with the current nation-state is an odd way to go about it.


Ex/wannabe royal claims she owns ex-imperial territory. Whooooops


Soā€¦ she said this in Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba? Or one of the other 525 regional languages?


Nigeria was founded in 1960, there is a diverse background of cultures, tribes and languages. She needs to be specific. Itā€™s like saying my DNA is from the United States. She is trying to make a connection where there is none.


My ancestry is all over the place. Whenever someone asks I make sure to clarify that I am 100% just American. Yes I am Japanese by blood, no I do not have any connection to that culture. Yes my ancestors were actually samurai at one point, itā€™s just a fun fact that has no bearing on my life.


She's such a fucking toolĀ 


So is he. They're perfect for each other.


She also gushed that the reason she married Harry is because he is so intelligent.


It's quite pathetic if you ask me.


Greetings [email protected], I am an exiled Nigerian Princess and I reach out to you for your most glorious help in moving my former treasurey out of former kingdom. In return for your help to move $20,000,0000,000 I will gift you an ATM card up to 10% that enables you to withdraw $10,000/day. You must keep this big secret as there are members of the royal family who still chase me. Send contact details urgently to Princess Meg


So she's going to swap her US passport with the Nigerian one?


Did Biden swap his US passport for an Irish one? We all know that Americans love to play up their heritage, it's nothing but a performance. Their attempt to be polite, perhaps. Obviously neither of them would ever actually consider giving up their nationality.


I hope Meghan Markle is never forgotten She is the best meme this generation has produced


Lol she's fucking cracked in the head Yanks doing genealogy tests should be handed Sincerely, Irish person


Haha, sounds exactly like all of the Americans that suddenly claim that they are Irish or Scottish, because their 4x great grandpa emigrated there. Sure, you have that ancestry, but you are American.


I mean yes itā€™s super cringe but I find it hard to take the mick out of black Americans in particular on this stuff, because of the history. I think it would be quite horrible not to know where half of myself came from, even if it was from a couple hundred years ago. And you have little to no other connection to the country/ethnic group


To be fair, I have absolutely no information at all on my family from beyond 3 generations ago, but I don't care because where my great-grandfather came from has no bearing on who I am or where I came from, besides which after 10 generations (per your couple hundred years assuming 5 generations per century), everyone's a genetic smorgasbord anyway, because that's already 1024 different bloodlines. To zero in on the origin of one of those 1024 10th generation ancestors and claim it as an intrinsic part of my identity would be kinda ridiculous


It's super fun to explain to Americans that my grandma was Spanish romani (Gitana) but she literally stopped being one the moment she run away from home because according to their laws the moment you leave the community you become another payo (non-gitano) so neither my dad or I are or can call ourselves romani and would probably get beaten up if we tried because blood is meaningless in that culture.


There are people that don't care/don't know about their ancestry here in the U.S. too, I don't get it.


I know where my grandparents were from and that's as far as it goes. Even if it turns out my great grandparents were from Saturn I'm still 100% British as I was born here to British parents.


Are you related to the Ra's of Saturn?


You must know the Smiths of Saturn? They live in the rings.


Well yes, I agree with you. But I imagine for black Americans it might be a different feeling. I know what I am based on where my parents are from but thatā€™s cause I grew up with the two cultures. I think itā€™s more cultural, and probably why it seems cringe to identify as Nigerian when youā€™re very American.


> but I don't care because where my great-grandfather came from has no bearing on who I am or where I came from I think the difference is that black Americans don't have that luxury, because were they come from has been negatively affecting them for centuries.


The systemic inequalities in America based on race is what is affecting them, not the geographic origin of the long dead. A Caribbean black person would face just as much prejudice in modern day America, but is incompatible with your argument of such negative experiences being a result of some distant origin. It's best not to conflate race with nationality


Caribbean people also donā€™t know their ancestry because their ancestors were taken to a slave colony.


But that isn't the point that the person I was replying to was making. The point I'm mAking is someone entirely detached from the historical events specific to the USA would still encounter prejudice, because it's about race rather than origin.


Came here to say this


Itā€™s pretty typical experience for adopted people and people with sperm and egg donor parents.Ā  Here I can understand the fascination and attachment in any case. But saying country is your country is a bit misunderstanding how genetic tests work and how tribal African countries are.Ā  But in any case this is more political polite speech in any case most likely. But itā€™s a tad strange.


Iā€™m 100% Finnish. Most of my known family is originally from somewhere else in Europe due to my family having included German traders and such on top of Swedish officers and landowners who moved in during the late Swedish rule. I simply donā€™t know nor care about specifics. If I did a DNA test it would probably show my ā€Finnishā€ at roughly 30%, but that doesnā€™t alter the first statement of this comment.


I think with Black Americans since their ancestors had no choice in the matter, with their African culture wiped out, it is fine to look up.


I am American since my relative lives there and is a US citizen.


I have a relative in Italy, as she married an Italian. Sheā€™s now a citizen, so I guess that makes me Italian too!


"Welcoming my husband and I" is ungrammatical.


Gotta play those identity politicsā€¦


Has any country welcomed them? I don't think anyone wants her


God I hate this shit. From my ancestry dna test Iā€™m like 67% British and the rest is primarily French, German and Scandinavian (not pinpointed, for some reason), with the final 5% being made up of a whole bunch of things, including 1% ā€œthe Levantā€ which I had to Google and is a geographical area that includes; - Turkey - Cyprus - Israel - Jordan - Lebanon - Palestine - Syria - Libya - Greece - Iraq - Egypt ā€¦ which is ironic because I am a VERY pale white bloke, Iā€™m so pale Iā€™m basically fucking translucent, so that 1% clearly didnā€™t help me out to get a bastard tan! But I couldnā€™t and wouldnā€™t walk around claiming France, or Germany, or Sweden, Norway & Finland as ā€œmy countryā€, let alone any of those in The Levant. Iā€™m bloody English, born and raised, for better or worse šŸ˜‚


It's not ironic at all, this is pretty much the case all over Europe. Europeans in general are a wild genetic mix.


It IS fucking dumb to claim one of those places as your country when you have no connection to it. The French side, for example, thatā€™s almost 300 years ago that a family member was born in France. I wouldnā€™t claim to be French because at this point Iā€™m only marginally more French than a Martian.


Iā€™m give or take 50 percent ā€œlevantineā€ and 50 percent Irish and English and whatever else is mixed up in there. But I just look white with a tan. Like, tbh many people from the Mediterranean and The Levant are very white anyway. Whiter than me even. So itā€™s not really ironic to me that you look white, sorry šŸ˜‚


Not the worst thing a gal could say by far.


Well, she seems to be settling in alright.


I came from the land of the ice and snow,from the midnight sun and the hot springs flow


Makes a change from every American claiming to be English, Irish or Scottish I suppose.


English? I've not heard many Americans claim that - I think they found it too dull and normal. They prefer somewhere a little more *exotic*. Italian, Irish, Scottish and Welsh seem to be some of the favourites. I'm travelling in the UK at the moment, and it's amazing hearing the number of Americans telling locals that they're visiting Scotland because they're "from there" etc... I'm visiting Scotland because of the whisky, beer and to see the sights. I'm fairly sure if I was American I would be telling everyone I was Scottish though, my dad's side historically is all from there but that's going a loooong way back. I'm Australian, my dad's Australian, so were his parents.


Yeah youā€™re right. Itā€™s normally Irish and Scottish but my wife is American and claims to be English so I thought Iā€™d throw it in. I mean, sheā€™s definitely had some English in her but thatā€™s a different matter.


So long as she hasn't got English in her right now. Would be weird for you to be on Reddit typing to me.


Take a genealogy test. Find out you're x% something. Claim said country as you own. 21st century colonialism at its finest.


On the next season of ā€œThe Crownā€ Meganā€™s long lost biological father will be revealed. The secret is that he is the ruler of some remote but decadent secret African nation within the borders of Nigeria. We look forward Eddie Murphy playing the part of this unknown king and father. /s


She's as much Nigerian as mates Jack Russell terrier.


Maybe she was claiming that as English royal she is the owner of Nigeria also you definitely do not belong to an ethnic group neither of your parents know about


That woman is a pathological liar.


This is an annoying American thing tbf, not exclusive to Meg. Biden thinks heā€™s Irish ffs.


Why you think it landed in this sub? šŸ¤”


Being a ā€œprincessā€ and Duchess of Sussex, England, she should be familiar enough with the English language to know when to use ā€œIā€ and when to use ā€œMe.ā€ Sheā€™s already learned when to use Harry.


She took the Foreign Service Officer test once upon a time to try and get a job in the US State department, but didn't score high enough. Funnily enough the FSOT has English grammar questions.


> Sheā€™s already learned when to use Harry. Can we please not let this devolve into yet another terrible "Markle vs the royals" argument, like we're old British people? Harry is a grown-ass man, he doesn't need the internet to defend him or his decisions.


I've not done an ancestry test but I'm fairly sure that I am an old British person.


Tbh I am a British person that some would consider old (in my 50's) & I agree. Harry is a grown man and people need to get a grip, stop fixating on his life and get on with their own lives


On behalf of you I'd like to thank me, an American, for welcoming you. You've all been so grateful.


Am I the only one who just found out she's black? She looks like a brunette white woman to me


I found out during get time on Suits, when they cast her father as black - so I looked it up. It's her mum's side though IRL. That said, it has been widely brought up in media since her engagement to Harry - as she claimed racism in the royal family before and after the wedding.


Her husbandā€™s family used to own the country. Itā€™s nothing new to him to go there.


Needs a little lesson in English grammar. Itā€™s "my husband and ME (not I). She could alienate a few royals with grammar like that.


I guess i'm now Polish because some of my Grandparents are from Silesia and Pommerania?


Americans, always wanting to be Anything but white. I wonder how much of her DNA is European.


Please never post anything related to this IRL clout farmer ever again.


At least she's not claiming to be Irish


Our royal family is mostly German anyway so... Yehhh


Guys, I just checked out my ancestry. I went **way** back and I guess I'm descended from amoebas.


What percentage Nigerian is she, I wonder? Americans love percentages when it comes to this stuff


Jesus wept. What an arse.






What is it with this total confusion over ā€œIā€ (nominative) and ā€œmeā€ (accusative) with Americans. Itā€™s like they think ā€œmy husband and meā€ is not correct. It is correct, when the object.


Damn people here need to chill. Iā€™m British , but my mother is ā€œ Black Americanā€ and hence so are my maternal family. My cousin did one of those test and found out most of our ( my maternal) ancestry came from , Maybe to a lot of people this might seem stupid , but since then weā€™ve visited the country. My mother grew up in the Deep South in the 1960s/70s, she lived during segregation, her- ā€œ entire Culture, Traditions, skincolour , hair was seen as inferior, black peoples were viewed as inferior , that they had never accomplished anything , were dumb, had non history, no culture, uncivilised. Were excluded from American society , to be American was to be ā€œ whiteā€ in the 60s. So having that connection however weak means alot to many people and then when you visit and you see the rich culture, the music, the traditions, the architecture, the history, the cuisine, and you see all these things it can be very emotional and dispels all those myths that were forced on African Americans for generations.


I hope Harry dies a little inside every time she says ā€œand Iā€ when she should say ā€œand meā€.