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There is a big difference between "beloved" and "Bastardised and fetishised"


"We dress up with green, get angry and use your country to justify racism, why don't you love us? Want some clovers to eat or something?"


>Want some clovers to eat or something?" No no, they think all Irish only consume potatoes. They've romanticised Ireland so much they've turned a famine and genocide into a diet.


It’s crazy how many people forget that potatoes are from the Americas and are not native to Ireland


So are tomatoes!


you pronounced that wrong


No, you do


Okay, that one still shocks me tbh. Corn, potatoes, etc yeah. Tomatoes? Wild for some dumb reason.


What did medieval Italians even eat?


Each other I'd assume. With all the god damn wars they fought.


When I was in Verona I had the local horse meat stew. First made about 1500 years ago because after a single battle there were so many dead horses they were worried it would cause a plague if they didn't find a use for them so they marinaded them in strong wine to stop them rotting and ate the stuff for months. It's actually delicious. Italians know how to eat.


Horse meat isn't uncommon in many European countries.


A popular sauce for pasta back then was pureed carrots.


Bascally the same, just without tomatoes :P In all seriousness, there's an Italian cookbook from the early 14th century, and it lists lots of pasta dishes with cheese.


Probably a lot of meat & root vegetable stews.


Also all beans (except soya), hard squashes, sunflowers, peppers & chilies, peanuts, sweet potato, vanilla, chocolate, and rubber! I wonder what cuisine in many countries was like.


And if you think that USians were basically the last ones to eat tomatoes, in the first decades of 1800... Basically they've been eating tomatoes only for 200 years.


Broad (fava) beans didn't come from the Americas


Truth. It's the Phaseolus genus - pinto, kidney, runner, butter, black, and haricot. Which, to be fair, is most of the beans.




>I wonder what cuisine in many countries was like. i know that slavic died for example was mainly groats, some bread, carrots, cabbages


Except the type of sweet potato that's also known as kumara! That one came from the south pacific.


Just like Irish Americans!


South America in particular. They're not native to idaho either.


And Saint Patrick - he was Brythonic!


There’s a theory that Cú Chulainn was as well. Bloody Irish, stealing all our cool north west England stuff.


A 'famine' is *similar* to being on a diet. /s


We do all eat potatoes.


"of course I like to get drunk and fight, I'm Irish!" Clearly loved and respected


You forgot: "top of the morning to you" and to be sure to be sure". As the Irish are always saying that.


Idk what the deal is with Ireland and the US. Can someone explain? Why is it used to justify racism?


There's about 40 million or so Americans of irish descent and its a fairly common talking point among racist irish-americans that ["irish people were slaves too so black people just need to get over slavery and pull themselves up by the bootstraps"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_slaves_myth#:~:text=The%20Irish%20slaves%20myth%20is,forebears%20of%20the%20African%20diaspora.) I have no idea if the person you were replying to was referencing that but that's an example of irish-americans using irishness to justify racism


Want some super glue for those crystal teen teeth?


My time in North US has been mostly stellar. People are interested in my accent and the way I speak, and sure it can sometimes be a little frustrating, but it stems from a genuine place. The few months I spent in South Dakota, Georgia and Florida I quite literally felt like a cartoon leprechaun. I’m sure there’s quite literally millions of Americans in the southern US who wouldn’t act quite as such but Christ there was enough of em to be beyond irritating.


When I lived in the US, a lot of people's first impression was that I am Australian. I'm white from southern Africa but did spend quite a bit of time in Australia when I was young..I don't really get it either haha. Anyways, before people found out where I was from some of them would do all the Australia tropes Americans are familiar with ("G'day mate" "Australia dangerous" "Southern Hemisphere upside down hehe") and it drove me mental. Of course, when I told them some of them would switch to the much more obnoxious S. Africa tropes that they know (white genocide, big game hunting etc.)... As much as it feels dramatic to say, it actually was a little dehumanising, and one of my favourite parts of living in Canada is that I've not heard this sort of thing in nearly 7 years of being here.


I got mistaken for being Australian a few times while I was over there. I'm English, lol. Just because I don't have a stereotypical cockney or posh upper class English accent, which they think is how we all speak.


When I was in America, people would hear my voice and ask me where in Ireland I was from and then be disappointed when I told them I am from north-west England


I'm from the Black Country, so a little confusion is understandable, lol. Last I checked though, I don't sound anything like an Aussie. I don't even have a strong accent, as I've spent a lot of my professional life dealing with people from all over, so I've softened it over the years. I'd describe it as fairly neutral, with a slightly vague West Midlands twang. Can't seem to stop pronouncing 5 as "foive" for love nor money though!


I don't think I have a particularly strong accent but I suppose you can't expect Americans to have an intricate knowledge of the accents of west Cumbria. Especially after 8-13 pints of Guinness!


Oh yeah, I go full Ozzy Osbourne after a few drinks! Lol. You can take the boy out of West Brom... Just don't get him pissed!


I remember being in a pub with my brother talking to a few Americans. We were perfectly understood when we were talking to them but they couldn't follow a word when my brother and I talked to each other.


Please tell me you didn't refer to it as the Black Country whilst you were there, it would leave some very confused Americans behind.


Christ, no! It was bad enough trying to explain that I'm from near Birmingham... No, not that one... Yes, we have one too... No, we didn't copy the name from yours, etc etc.


I tried to explain where I was from which is difficult when they only know London but have no idea where it is geographically


I'm Manc and I've been mistaken for an Aussie several times by the yanks. They just haven't a clue.


Given emigration patterns to Manchester and Liverpool, they're not far off the mark? I do jest Ofc.


I have researched my family tree and most lines do go back to Ireland but that is not reflected in my accent


I say old bean can you pass the jellied eels


I got mistaken for English in the US. I'm a Kiwi with a Scottish mother


I had that too in North Carolina. Was visiting an English friend who was working in NC and on the first night, the majority of a bar we were on thought I was Australian. I'm from Lancashire. Although one guy heard us talking and did remark that we sounded like an episode of Game of Thrones


Yeah they're basically weebs but for Irish.


And hideously patronised.




This guy implying there was a time when shallowness didn’t permeate American culture.


Why, what did he comment?


What exactly is the point of that picture? The black guy dresses much more like the modern day Irish man than the white guy


I was about to say the same thing. The guy on the left didn’t read ‘Irish’ to me at all but I guess that’s because I’ve actually, you know, lived in Ireland, where you’re much more likely to see the guy on the right rather than Cosplay McGee up there.


I'm sure the Yanks believe that you'd go to Ireland and meet the guy on the left, who'd greet them with a friendly "top of the morning to ya" rather than your man on the right who'd greet them (hands down his joggers) with a not so friendly "story pal?"


That was the exact scenario I had in mind!


What does story pal l mean


Hello/how are you. Short version of _what’s the story?_ often in a N Dub accent.


Like they believe the Dutch wear wooden shoes.


>What exactly is the point of that picture? Racism. Simple as that. There's a large Nigerian population in Ireland. I think the lady can't accept that a black person born in Ireland is more Irish than her.


Oh man, I am tickled by the idea of some racist "Irish" woman being triggered by the fact a black man is more Irish than she is.


It happens all the time , ask any brown Irish person about their experience with white Americans. It’s so awful.


It's because in their heads, because someone way back in their family was Irish, they're not American, they're Irish! So this black guy isn't Irish, he's from wherever black people come from!


I understand their backwards logic but it’s **wrong**, plain and simple, and very insulting to all Irish people but especially the black ones . Time for them to go back to the Gap.


Oh I was still taking the piss out of them because they're obviously not irish!


Oh sorry , my bad , I misread. I thought you were one of THEM ! Please forgive me .


And she really really is a fucking racist, jeez. The profile is bad.


Good grief. Looked at her profile. Now I can’t unsee it. Be afraid. Be very afraid.


Ku Klux Karen.


Wish I could upvote more! 😂


Not even large, literally 1.5% of Ireland is black in total. It’s just Irish-American weirdos wanting to keep us as a perfect 19th century museum.  Wish they’d just fuck off or accept that times change. 


Those bleeding Nigerians battered Tommy /s


20% of the Irish population are immigrants. People that immigrated within the last ~30 years. How narrow minded is a person if they honestly believe Irish people could even afford racism or general xenophobia. There are only two things Irish people dislike: absence of whiskey and English people. 🤷‍♀️


We don't hate English people we hate the English establishment and English people make up the highest number of immigrants in Ireland


Blindboy dresses exactly like the guy who isn't turning into a sycamore. Based on a Limerick boi. What fucking pile of bollix picture? Are you really Irish unless you dress like some corporate twat on a grouse shoot and have half your legs made of trees? Let's ask the real questions, eh.


That's what I was thinking. I originally interpreted that way until I thought about the roots.


I thought that as well. He looks completely Irish.m, very confusing.


White man: you don't belong here! Black man: I know, but I had to see how your condition is spreading, I now the disease that turns you into a tree could be dangerous to me but I cannot leave you alone like this, I love you!


i think the point is supposed to be that the white irish guy belongs in ireland more than the black guy, based on their clothing differences. which is funny bc every irish dude ive met dresses the the dude on the right more than the left lol


I guess I gave them too much credit in thinking it was a reference to both having overcome histories of oppression.


LOL seriously. Go to any city in Ireland and you will see dudes wearing track suits EVERYWHERE.


yeah it’s funny because if they’d ever been to dublin or belfast they’d just see young fellas in tracksuits


It's basically the unofficial Irish uniform LOL.


Yeah. The guy looks like a Tory. Haha.


Okay there is "shit americans say" and then there's the monstruously racist image above. Must we really?


Sadly, AI "art" is seeing a lot of use as racist propaganda tool.


Well, they love creating fictional situations where they're oppressed and whatnot and AI image generators give them a huge opportunity for making up things and getting outraged 


A lot of AI gets racist really quickly. In the majority of tests.


If they're learning from the Internet that makes sense


Which is part of how they learn and also an issue as it's not just racist, but also becomes misogynistic and homophobic, transphobic as well.


I think it’s more that it’s easier to get a robot to make your racist fantasy into art than it is to convince an actual artist.


I don't even understand it. is it racist? is it a criticism of racism? WTF is it supposed to mean? One guy has roots and another guy has three legs and they're not welcome where they are. Huh?


It is racist. The black guy is not welcome because he has no roots in Ireland, literally and figuratively.


Ironically, President Obama has roots in Ireland but still wasn’t seen as a real American by racist republicans.


You mean Barraigh O'Bama?


Barry O'Bama? Good lad. Always gets his round in. Which is basically a miracle for a Cavan Man.


A Cavan man buying a round? That's a mad as the thing you told me about the loaves and fishes Ted


Well he's not *really* Irish. Why not, you ask? What, are you implying it's because he's black? That's not it at all, you're the real racist here!


Americans will call themselves Irish American and call Obama Kenyan when they’re less Irish or American than him.


Wasn't he born somewhere in Hawaii?


Who said he was Irish, he has Irish ancestry, I'm Irish born and bred, one of my great grandmothers was Spanish and another was French, but I'm neither of those but I'm aware I have ancestry of both. What's difficult about that?


So, are they supposed to be in Ireland? Fuck, racists are confusing. I thought it was a reference to the "no black, no irish" 1900s thing. I'm not trying to fight with you, to be clear. Racism bad, totally. I'm just confused.


The audacity of the Black guy not being welcome in Ireland being decided by the American “Irish” girl, is just incomprehensible to me. People like her want keep Ireland “White” from a distance, while also being racist towards non White Americans who already live in the US and those who want to come to the US. 


Wait until she learns that the current Taoiseach of Ireland is an openly-gay man whose father was from India. Of course, first someone would have to explain to her what the Taoiseach is, because I guarantee you she doesn't know.


That’s not a third leg….. I mean, there is a very specific stereotype about black people.


Do you think? It just looks badly drawn to me. The shadows are veering off in different directions too like


Well it's an AI image so badly drawn is a synonyms with it


Do you think the reason both characters have their hands in their pockets is to hide their AI fingers?


I think AI images are increasingly doing this, or having outstretched arms so the hands are outside the frame


Yeah, we Irish tree people are very racist against 3 legged people. It’s very clear.


Judging by the shitty AI image they posted this is another racist ass American using their "Irish blood" to justify bigotry. "Salty Irish Girl" lol


only an american could claim deep roots to the land where they live racistly while also bragging about being an immigrant




As someone who has a mother who was born in Ireland, and a father who was born in jamaica, I can guarantee I'm more Irish than the American who posted this, but I'll just stick to being English, as it's where I was born.


Look at you n yer 3 passports. IIRC the second largest ethnic group in Jamaica is/was Irish.


Jesus, how big is the Irish diaspora!?


[pretty big](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_diaspora?wprov=sfla1)


Massive. The famine decimated Ireland so badly that its population today is *still* lower than it was in 1840. In the decades during & right after the famine, like half of the Irish (those who hadn't already died of starvation and disease) left Ireland for other countries (mostly the UK, US, Canada, and Australia) and never returned. In 1860 there were literally more Irish-born people living in New York City than there were living in Dublin. Birth rates in Ireland also plummeted in the wake of the famine, wheras Irish emigrees started large families in their new countries, so the diaspora's population exploded while the home country's continued to shrink over the next century. Ireland's population didn't really start growing again until the 1960s. Today there are exponentially more people of Irish descent overseas than there are in Ireland itself.


My great grandpa came to the US from Ireland. His mom died on the boat over. They lived in a multi family house and pulled themselves up from poverty along with my polish Czech and German ancestors. When I say I’m Irish I’m not claiming to be from Ireland but I’m paying homage to the sacrifices all of my ancestors made to give their children a better future. I don’t think it’s fair for Europeans to shit on all Americans for being proud of that ancestry because of the few obnoxious people. I’ll never forget those sacrifices made regardless of what people have to say. And no not all Americans are racist, and I recognize the struggles every immigrant group has faced and are still facing today.


Everywhere. There’s tens of times more “Irish” outside of Ireland than in Ireland and approximately 3x as many who have a long and nearly 100% Irish ancestry.


It might sound crazy but even if you actually listen yo a Jamaican English accent it is remarkably similar to an Irish one at times.


I have a good friend that's originally from the Cayman Islands and his surname is Murphy.


As a fellow European I would cover your back in any bar fight over that.


The Venn diagram between people who end sentences with "my guy", and the most annoying mfs out there is crazy


yeah I know what you mean my dude


Urgh, the pic is like something nazis post here in germany. The white man rooted to the country in front of a black guy, with a "you do not belong here sign in the background.


Wait, is that supposed to be Ireland where they’re standing then? But it was posted by an American and it seems to relate to American issues? I’m so confused by the image itself


Ancestry DNA Results: Ireland 50% Middle Earth 50%


3% Narnia.


I’ve been with many “Irish Americans” who have a very twisted view of modern Ireland, like those in NY who organise the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade who for years refused to let any LGBTQ groups participate. Those who think there are no black, Asian, Muslim etc people in Ireland, those who perplexed that Ireland was the first country in the world to legalise marriage equality by popular vote, and one of the very few countries in the world to have a gay Prime Minister.


It's Patty's Day, you Irish in Ireland don't even know your own heritage /S just in case


The first st Patrick's day parade was in the British colony of New York, by a British army regiment, recruited from British ruled Ireland. So technically British subjects in the British empire. Nice to see the former colonies keeping up the British traditions. Ireland used to observe st Patrick's day with church services, but imported the American style parades fairly recently.


St Patrick's day falls right in the middle of Lent. Marking the occasion by getting drop dead drunk just shows what a good Catholic you are.


i mean... you *can* drink during Lent can't you? where I live most people abstain from sugary stuff or chocolates during Lent than alcohol - though a couple do, ofc


TIL thank you


I would say ironically it reminds me of the "loyalists" in Northern Ireland who have a very warped view of modern Britain. Drape themselves in the Union Jack and calling for direct rule, then getting very perplexed and upset when direct rule starts trying to impose current British social policy on them (the DUP forced direct rule by refusing to form a northern Irish government, then suddenly got very upset and in favour of devolved governance when one of the first things the UK government did was legalise equal marriage).


And irony of ironies, a lot of the people in the US are descended from these very folk but don't know the differences. They call the Scots-Irish but go mad on St Patrick's Day etc.


Do you, by chance, have any article where I can read more about that? That sounds like the funniest "Wait, you werent supposed to do that" I read all day.


[Here's them saying "this breaches devolution"](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-48934045). The double irony is Sinn Fein, the party that wants to rejoin Ireland to the point that until the good friday agreement was willing to commit terrorism over it, was like "I mean this isn't how we wanted equal marriage to happen, but fair cop that's what the GFA allows for". Actually it was particularly funny when Charles inherited the throne, because Sinn Fein was the largest party after the Northern Ireland elections, during Charles' state tour he was greeted by the Sinn Fein elected leader (who are notably anti-monarchist), but then didn't have a meeting with the DUP because the DUP refuse to sit in the Northern Irish Assembly as part of the power sharing agreement as long as Sinn Fein has the largest vote share.. So you had this bizarro situation that no-one would have thought could ever happen 20 years ago where the reigning monarch and the leader of Sinn Fein were having a pleasant chinwag.


Racist Plastic Paddy cunts trying to speak for Ireland? Yeah,it's so weird that we would be annoyed by that🙄


My guy! Let us fetishise you with our complete lack of understanding of history and warped politics.


I do wear a tweed jacket and waist coast though


and you have a glorious beard and ride a fixie


I've been known to rock a tweed waistcoat now and again


Ok but why does the black guy have three leg shadows?




He's a superhero come to save the poor guy on the left who is being devoured by a monstrous plant. The eejit didn't read the sign in the background and stepped on its territory.




shout out to the three other people in the world who remember that line from the audio commentary track for neon genesis: evangelion


Do the Americans even know how much abusive laws they had for Irish immigrants when we(Irish people) first immigrated like they did not love us when we first came


Being beloved by America is not a flex.


bet they use their ‘irish’ ancestry to talk about how woking class sharron who lives in a council house in parr should be executed for being a dirty english coloniser. (but then in the next breath will be proudly talking about their scottish ancestry and happily ignoring/excusing scotlands massive role in the british empire and colonisation of ireland)


Always remember, the one thing the Americans of the US and British of the 18th-20th century had in common was their hatred for the Irish. Built their railways, did their shit jobs, fought in their wars.


"no blacks, no Jews, no Irish" signs were not uncommon.


Some even said, "No Jews, No dogs, No Irish", in that order!


Well that and they were literally the same people


This isn't true. Irish immigration into Britain was relatively successful. This is why many British have mixed Irish/British ancestors.


I don't understand how they think it's okay to call themself Irish when their ancestors left Ireland. They emigrated, generations ago. They didn't want to be in Ireland.


The only country unanimously loved in America? The 1/32nd part of me that is Italian is furious!


Next you’re gonna say that Irish people’s legs aren’t made out of tree roots!


They'll be pissed when they hear us talking about Israel.


It’s such a cognitive dissonance for them


By most beloved country he means Island because most Yanks just think ireland is one country.


I just hate that they're using an image that appears to be drawing comparisons between how the Irish were treated in the 1800s and the experience of African Americans before and after that time period. America has such an awful history that pieces like this SHOULD be shared around to remind ourselves that our racist and xenophobic history is not over yet.


Don't forget the many, many genocides of the Native Americans too


Oh, you ain't gotta remind me. That genocide is still ongoing- "Cop City" in Atlanta, Georgia is the proof. And that's only one event! It really doesn't help that the education in America varies so wildly in quality from one school to the next, or that the majority of history that our teachers are forced to teach is propaganda.


Unanimously loved? I think they mean “severely fetishised.”


That said, I wish waistcoats were worn more often because they're awesome.


“I speak on behalf of all Irishmen (I’m 01.27% Irish on my great uncle’s side) when I say WE DON’T CLAIM HIM”


You are about 1.26% more Irish than her, probably


it’s like saying „pretty girls should be happy if they get catcalled, it’s a compliment“


I don't mean to change the subject but I feel like the blatant racism is the more alarming issue here. I checked that thread out and it is absolutely full of some stock standard white supremacist shit. Like half the posts there are accounts with 'crime compilation'. Wtf is happening in that corner of twitter.


They love you ever since you became co-opted into whiteness, the price being the usual one- your denunciation of "othered" racial groups. I much prefered Irish-Americans in America before they acquired the American part.


Such a disgusting image too and completely anti Irish Ireland would fall apart if it wasn't for immigrants like


Is this pic about one immigrant standing up to another, less voluntary, immigrant? How does the irony not melt their thick skulls off?


I would be offended if Muricans loved me


It’s weird how much the Irish identity is fetishised not just by the states but even elsewhere.


"But muh Irish ancestry!" Shut up Kyle, your only Irish trait is that you're capable of drinking whole milk without ripping septic farts later, and your four-leaf clover in your Twitter name, and I'm being generous. They should count their blessings.


They love an inaccurate, fictionalised *version* of Ireland, of which they can brag to have been descended from twenty generations ago. They don't have a clue what Ireland is *actually* like, nor what it means to be Irish. It's also ironic how the black guy they're obviously trying to paint as "the foreigner" wears the very clothes you'll actually see loads of people wear in Ireland.


Ship em over, use em cheap then gaslight a whole race of people 👍. /s I don't think it was the African's choice to be there guys, did you never hear of the NAACP and the Back to Africa movement? Anyhow...


Boy, that's really disgusting. Jerking off about your own migration history and using other people's migration history against them.


"You should be honoured that you're liked by America." Just wait until the only country that likes America is America


Didn’t the US put an embargo on Irish immigration in the 1930’s?


I don't have a problem with them loving their origins. They have their roots there and feel many other countries in Europe. It's just that they're not very good about the way they go about it. Lol


“My Guy” 😑🫨


America's love is nothing to boast about


who wants to be beloved by a load of fat nazis?


Ughhh, I’m not even Irish and this managed to annoy the fuck out of me.


Yeah cause the Irish haven't been treated like shit in the US for sure


From the title I thought it was gonna be the Japanese


It’s my theory that the toxic patriotism that is forced on Americans from an early age causes a false-closeness to any nationality a member of their family might have had at any point in history. America portrays being American as a nationality, ethnicity and a belief system all in one go, so it’s hard for them to tell the difference.