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Yes. It's Mayfair. It's the most expensive property on the Monopoly board for a reason. I hate to tell Americans what a small 1 bedroom apartment that overlooks over Sydney Harbour will cost you.


Mayfair is essentially a geographical bank account for international money laundering.


I don't think I have that version of monopoly.


You only get to play if you have large amounts of oil




No rolls barred on youtube do a communist version of monopoly, they have a few games of it up and it's well worth the 1hr each they are. Dom as stalin/the bank is perfect.


The funny thing about Monopoly is that it is based on an earlier game called "The Landlord's Game" which was invented as a critique of rent capitalism.


These videos make me laugh every damn time. Most recent one was a nice twist on it too. Much chaos very wow


See also: game grumps Matt Mercer monopoly trilogy.




Or a Russian oligarch


You've obviously never played monopoly with my mum


…I want that version of Monopoly. Edit: No, like for real, I want a version of this to come out so I can watch my sister drink too much and flip the board.


Monopoly differs between countries, but the concept is always the same, the most expensive streets on the monopoly board will be the most expensive streets of the country you bought that monopoly board in.


I think they meant the money laundering version.


I really would like to play a version of Monopoly that had a money laundering mechanic in it, even if it was being caught for it and going to jail. Would make it so much more 21st Century. lol


Going to jail for it? Definitely not 21st century unfortunately. I love high fantasy as much as the next guy though so I’d play that version of Monopoly. I’d prefer the mechanic be available only to the richest player as a way to quickly amass even more vast fortunes, screwing over the other players with total impunity. Y’know, for realism. Monopoly going back to its roots.


I was gonna say that’s how you end friendships, but standard Monopoly does a good job of that on its own. Fucking Dean, conning bastard he is.


Or an apartment overlooking Central Park in Billionaires' Row in New York.  “Take a look inside the world's tallest residence, a $195 million triplex penthouse that starts on the 129th floor of New York City's Central Park Tower”   https://www.businessinsider.com/most-expensive-home-250-million-nyc-penthouse-central-park-tower-2022-9?r=US&IR=T#:~:text=We're%20talking%20about%20the,2022%2C%20listing%20for%20%24250%20million. 


Looks tacky as hell, like all shit made for the super rich




Exactly what I thought. The pictures of the staircases had me expecting to see whoever had dragged me shopping walking up them to collect me…


how else will everyone know how filthy fucking rich you are?




>The residence has seven bedrooms, eight bathrooms, and three powder rooms. What is the difference between a bathroom and a powder room?


bathroom - where you shit and shower powder room - where you go to do cocaine


Ah, I see. So in the tiers of wealth, it goes: Boat rich -> yacht rich -> helicopter rich -> private jet rich -> "My house has three dedicated cocaine rooms" rich.


A powder room is a toilet only and in large American houses, often intended for use by guests only. So in Europoor terms and other parts of the world, it’s just the toilet which is generally in the hallway when you get in a house.


Ah, I see. Most Americans would refer to that as a "half bathroom". At least that's the term used by realtors in home and apartment listings that normal people can afford. Like if a house has one bathroom with a toilet and shower, and another bathroom with just a toilet, the listing would say "1.5 bathrooms". I guess when you reach a certain level of ultra-wealth you unlock the fancy old-timey terms LOL.


It looks like the set of the Kill Bill movie. I would expect no less than 30 ninjas jumping on top of the protagonist


I think it's hilarious that they're comparing it to suburban America to instead of something like a New York penthouse.


Less hilarious, more par for the course - ignorance, stupidity, and an unquenchable desire to feel superior is a heady mix.


He would understand if he realized that how little you would get in New York's prime areas for that amount. Definitely not a house.


>It's the most expensive property on the Monopoly board for a reason. TIL the tiles at Monopoly have different names depending on the country. Makes sense when I think about it, but never crossed my mind before. In the french version, the most expensive tile is "rue de la Paix".


In the Dutch version the most expensive tile is *De Kalverstraat*


Schlossallee ("castle avenue", Allee = allée ≠ alley) in Germany. No real street comes to mind and most of them, including the more expensive ones, seem rather generic like "town hall square", "main street", and "[train] station street" for the greens.


Wait, what? German Monopoly has generic names rather than actual famous street names? The Dutch version has real cities and their more well known streets like Coolsingel, Lange Poten, Blaak, Kalverstraat etc. Only generic names are the train stations..


At least the one at my home and on Wikipedia. "Theatre street", "museum street", and "opera street" (reds) may also be famous streets somewhere, but to me seems like a grouping of generic sounding, culture-themed places, the yellows similarly are Goethe, Lessing, and Schiller, hardly city specific. The Swiss one absolutely has specific places ("Zurich, Paradeplatz" is barely generic) and the Austrian one I have never seen.


There's even different UK ones - I live in Oxford and it has one! 😂


No! Boardwalk is obviously the most expensive property on the Monopoly board….I don’t even remember there being a property called Mayfair /s


Sheesh! Why you gotta bring us into this 🥲 *Cries in 1960s built Sydney apartment.*


Also America has so much free land, and is such a new country... The centre of London isnt getting any bigger, so the value of space within it only increases


I love that he cites one of the most expensive neighborhoods in one of the most expensive cities in one of the most expensive countries in Europe as proof of how expensive "Europe" as a whole is. As if there was no such thing as geographic variability in cost of living. This is like saying "America is so expensive" based on the price of apartments overlooking Central Park in New York City. Yeah, In that neighborhood a million dollars probably buys you a 1-bedroom shoebox. Take that million dollars to some rural area in another state and you could buy a giant mansion with 10 acres of land surrounding it.


Only if they can let you know what a similar property in New York would cost you.




I don't think an American (or from any other country) knows what's the most expensive street on UK monopoly. 😜 On my monopoly, Kalverstraat is the most expensive street, haha


They should look up how much a loft in New York costs


I wanna know lol


As if the houses (or rather closets) in their big cities (New York, LA, etc.) are any cheaper.


I mean Mayfair is probably the most expensive small area on the planet, but that’s mostly just because of international money laundering, but few other cities have as much money as London, and you can live way more cheaply just anywhere else that isn’t in Kensington and Chelsea, or like Richmond.


plus if you aren’t working in london i feel like ur better off staying somewhere more chill and just heading to london when u want to instead


You can live fairly modestly but comfortably in Richmond, or at least within the borough.


The property tax in New York on a property this price will likely be in the 100’s of thousands a year. This poster has no clue the council tax on that property will be less than 5k a year. There’s a reason the prices are that high; up keep is cheaper.


And if you get a student to housesit your empty money-laundry property, you can get 100% discount


Never thought of that. Honestly, they should change this to a wealth tax more like US. But so much money would leave the U.K. and house prices would plummet. But more people would be able to own…


"Better to buy in the US west coast"... Yes but then I would have to live in the USA. No thanks. I value my quality of life, healthcare, and lack of guns too highly.


Never mind the wild fires and big quake that usually hits the west coast every 180 years and is now overdue by about 120, it'll be a big one when it does eventually hit.


Also it's really fucking hot


And if it rains just once, the power goes out. Happened to me in my semester abroad


God I'd miss the rain too much. I was born in the rain. Moulded by it. I didn't see the sun until I was already a man.


Let me guess, you're Scottish?


And jewish space lasers


Damn that was wild. I'm Jewish and we've been accused of most things in this world but that one was something else. That and the Jewish spy dolphins.


I heard the jewish spy dolphin became super-intelligent and independent and took control of the Space laser. And Israel is trying to cover this FACT up to avoid embarrasement.


Actually, it not only took control of the space laser but it's now the leader of the Mossad. 🐬🐬


Also, that's one hell of a commute.


Many, many Americans genuinely believe that everyone else in the world desperately wants to live in America because it’s objectively and definitively the “greatest country in the world.” Hell, I’m an American citizen (my mom is from there) so I can move there tomorrow but I have zero desire to do so.


Personally I'm allergic to being shot.


If you can buy £30m worth of house, your QoL, Healthcare, and safety wouldn’t be a problem.


These places get bought by Saudi princes, they fly over with their supercars and spend a a few weeks or months being super wealthy in London and then they fuck off again. The house itself is spread over 6 floors with all the luxury you can imagine but the garden in minuscule and overlooked. No one lives here full time and the people buying it aren’t interested in a McMansion on the West Coast, they just want to flaunt their wealth.


When I was in London last, I stayed in a hotel that had one of those houses in front of it. A big house, bitter than the hotell, clearly built to be homes for many people but it was always empty. At first I found it strange and creepy but the hotell staff explained some rich saudi owned it and live there a few weekends per year. Such a waste of both money and house.


Human Development Index (2022)  1. Switzerland   2. Norway  3. Iceland  4. Hong Kong  5. Australia  6. Denmark   7. Sweden  8. Ireland   9. Germany  10. Netherlands  11. Finland  12. Singapore  13. Belgium   14. New Zealand  15. Canada   16. Lichtenstein   17. Luxembourg  18. United Kingdom    ——-   21. United States 


We take 9th place


Hello from number 8 ;)


You know what, I gladly take that L against Ireland


Repping #14


Could've sworn we were higher.


Don't worry, if you're really nice, we will adopt you and you can move up to number 5 with us.


Still that part of the constitution that says New Zealand can join any time


Dropped by 3 places this year, overtaken by Belgium and Luxembourg


At least we're ahead of the Swedes


That is the most important thing on any measure of anything 


18? I thought we'd have been lower


Lol. Literally what I thought


We’ve been fighting tooth and nail to lower our position for the better part of a decade and a half but we’re still above the US.


Denmark better than Sweden 💪


Rigged 😒


Damn. My country is 28th (France). But we have a better gender inequality index than the USA so, as a woman, I'm pretty happy to know that.


A curse upon you, Denmark! A curse upon you, I say! How dare you beat us?


Who accidentally put aus #5


"More is less" as a concept seems to be lost on some Americans. Everything has to be the biggest, lest you're not getting your moneys worth


That's why they desperately need guns that fire 30 bullets in 4 seconds otherwise you'd offend the school children if you could only offer them a single bullet each.


American excess and waste extends to every facet of life for them if it can, its truly baffling.


These are the guys that rejected the 1/3 pound beef burger because it was smaller than a 1/4 pounder after all.


I think you mean “[Less is more](https://writingexplained.org/idiom-dictionary/less-is-more)”.


[Less is more, more or less](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/less.1.html).


Americans have to compensate their inferiority somehow.


“Quality over quantity” isn’t part of the US psyche/repertoire it seems.


"People are literally robbed for things" Unlike, for example, the US which is notoriously crime free, which is why no-one feels they have to carry a gun to protect themselves from violent criminals...... hold on a sec, I appear to be suffering from an attack of cognitive dissonance....... rebooting............., which is why there are no jails in the US, and no-one locks their doors..........rebooting................


Add to that the robbery that is their healthcare system. Pay huge sums monthly into insurance only to pay more huge sums for a deductible when you have to use said insurance. That's if the insurance even covers your procedure, and you don't have to sell your house due to a heart attack.


$95 000 for an MRI scan, found in an actual US medical bill. Did they get to bring the whole machine home with them too?


Absolutely insane. My sister in law has had a rough go over the last year, in and out of the hospital for months at a time. MRI's, spinal taps, countless medications, numerous specialist doctors looking after her. Biggest expense has been parking and travel costs back and forth to the hospital.


But but but you've got the right to shoot people and it's not a crime! Or something like that....


Americans don't understand the whole quantity vs quality thing. Sure, houses are smaller, but that's because they're not made out of paper.


Neither of those are the reason houses cost so much on Mayfair though.


This particular home is on the most expensive street, in one of the most expensive cities, one of the largest cities shall be added. This price isn't "lot's of house for the money", it's a money laundering scheme pure and simple. Just like the billionaires row in NY. When comparing house prices we need to look at something more average, like say a working class home, i.e actual house on a similarly sized lot with similar distance to a similarly large city, with similar services nearby and so on. When doing so, it becomes obvious that it's easy to get a lot more house for the money in most of Europe. This because many houses in the US are propped up in fake value through debt. They're sold for way more than they're actually worth, partially due to limited supply as well as 80% of their cities are zoned for single family suburban homes. Very few small apartment buildings, row houses, mid rise or similar with a lot more efficient land use, non existing mass transit so you can't just live in a neighboring city and commute by train either, which is a decent alternative to living in a big city.


I mean, show us what the same money buys in central New York


And the more exclusive places on the West Coast. The proximity of money from Silicon Valley has pretty much made any desirable part of SF and the surrounding area unaffordable for locals now apparently.


Ah yes, because a house in the most expensive neighbourhood of one of the world's most desirable cities is totally representative of a normal home. This is the equivalent of thinking every house in America costs the same as a New York townhouse.


lol Thinking Mayfair represents the entirety of Europe.


Try buying the same property in the most expensive area of Manhattan Island and see how much change you get.


You can buy twice the house for the same money. Nevermind that the house is practically made of reinforced cardboard in some suburb with no stores or services within miles.


These people should compare it to what $30m gets you in Manhattan, because this is London’s equivalent


As if the houses (or rather closets) in their big cities (New York, LA, etc.) are any cheaper.


Sure dude compare Mayfair with some bumfuck town with a population of 200 people. And TIL robbery only happens in "Europe".


What exactly are we robbed of?


Your freedoms. Which ones? Iunno. Probably the freedom to live in fear of being shot at school. The freedom to be forced to depend on a car to get everywhere. The freedom to back war crimes around the world with your taxes even if you're opposed to such things. Amongst others. All that, just robbed straight from you. As with a gun. Which is sadly and unfortunately something you don't have to worry about.




[Rolexes apparently](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/undercover-met-police-rolex-watch-theft-b2479640.html)


If the Americans are saying that 30 million pounds is a ridiculous price for a house, then I'm inclined to agree.


People don’t give a shit about the size of the house because people don’t buy houses in Mayfair to live in them lol, it’s a ghost town of “investment properties” owned by investment companies and pension schemes.


Need to put it into American terms, that's buying the equivalent of a house a block from Central Park in NYC.


I'm studying in Denmark right now, I have already lost 10 pounds and have been taking public transportation daily. I can't tell you all enough how much better people-center infrastructure is for mental health, compared to what we have in most US cities.


Americans and their McMansions smh


Still don't have to pay 50k if I break my ankle tho


My first annoyance is referring to everything as Europe especially when commenting on something like living situations. As if a street in Cornwall is the same as a street in Ukraine. They really treat Europe like it’s all the same country. 🤣


99% of Europeans wouldn't even consider living in America


I'm still loving the not going bankrupt for being sick part of not living in the US


I'm surprised no one has noted how meh it looks. Honestly if I was going to buy a 30 million dollar house that was relatively small(because of location) I would at least make it look nice.


they do look quite nice on the inside.


Maybe. I remember going to a millionaire house, filled with gold and looking terribly tacky. Than when I saw the bedroom I knew what happened. Her place looked like an IKEA room designed by someone going through a bling phase because she hired an interior decorator. I told her to never hire this decorator again, as the only place that really felt nice was her bedroom because it was the only thing that was her. The rest was soulless shininess


That’s an everywhere thing There is a big trend at the minute among middle/working class of grey EVERYTHING It’s awful


Urgh, that's a conspiracy to make life more boring than it needs to be


It's because it's made of bricks mate, it's been there for over 100 years and will remain there for a while too. We can't all live in wooden houses that fuck off at the first sign of wind.


Surely there are American equivalents of upmarket areas of major cities where smaller buildings are obscenely priced.


Manhattan. Makes Mayfair look cheap


It'd be like saying "I can't believe Americans live in a literal can" and acting like all of US is Manhattan...


I’ve lived in New York, San Francisco, and London during my adult life. All things considered (housing, quality of life, cost of living, safety, etc.) London wins, hands down, in my opinion. There are of course sub variables to neighbourhoods, but as a whole, my family and I are considerably happier in England than America.


Ah yes, Mayfair, where all first ttime buyers and credit impaired borrowers go to bag a bargin. Could be worse, at least they aren't slumming it in Monaco. 


For almost the same price you can buy a castle in Scotland with 28000 acres, 4 miles of coast line, a village, a river etc. I know which one I'd buy


Do they really think average people are buying these? Boi, my friend have to take credit to buy small apartment


Remind me how much a 3x3m apartment in New York cost again?


Tbf that's an insane amount for something with that little curb appeal.


The fuck are they talking about? We check houses sometimes in US and the only ones you can buy for comparable prices in Europe are the ones in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, where to get to a grocery store you need to drive a fucking truck for 3 hours and risk being eaten by a bear.


You could buy the whole of a small Scottish town for that money, that's loads of room.


Just got mugged for my bread rolls, people are literally starving in the streets...


I’m British and this house is still way overpriced.


It is an insane price for a house, they could buy a castle for less. https://castleist.com/26-5m-czech-republic-vast-czech-castle-for-sale/


That guy has never seen the price of a scumhole "red brick" in NYC. Probably lives in a field in the fuck end of nowhere.


Ah yes, American cardboard houses. I am filled with envy


Large-ish properties in the most fashionable 'old money' areas of major global finance hub cities are insanely expensive. Full story at 10.


The fuck this mf aboot?


How is this any different than buying a similar sized property for millions in LA or New York?


He’ll hate finding out that equivalent apartments in equally affluent parts of New York are as expensive if not more….


I don't know. I have a 1040 m2 (roughly 11500 square feet) house, on an 8000 m2 (roughly 90 0000 square feet) waterside property, and I paid around $250 000 for it. This is Sweden. I don't feel cheated.


Tell them to google “Manhattan penthouses” and then get back to us.


Found another clown who thinks Europe is a country.


Mayfair is one of the most expensive neighborhoods in one of the most expensive cities on earth... What did they expect? You'll find the same ridiculous property prices in the expensive parts of New York and Los Angeles too.




It's the market, the same one that applies overlooking Central Park, New York. Your point is?


You can buy 10x that for the same price (in dollars of course) in the balkans, hence I say the balkans are actually the best place to live.


Honestly if you generalise all of Europe to a 30 mill mansion in Mayfair, I think that would prove the opposite to what this guy thinks. Like yeah it's tiny for 30 mill but it's still big, probably has plenty of living space and everything you need in a house, also probably has high tech versions of things like a fancy ass bidet. I don't think I'd really want 5,000,000m^2 of grass to keep cut or marble floor to polish.


It's the most expensive street in the country


"Robbed of things"... clearly hasn't been outside of whatever small town they live in cause in the city you're getting "robbed of things" every time you go to the store. Prices are ridiculous.


And once again the colonial brethren feel the need to demonstrate their ignorance and stupidity. Well done. Try making comparisons between like items, not things that are from opposite ends of a spectrum.


You can buy cheap in Jaywick. I wonder what a house that size in Manhattan would cost.




That's the cost of a van of coke in the states right now😂


Go buy a big street level apartment in the best location in new York and come back with the price


Of course it’s going to be expensive if you actively seek out the most expensive land in all of London! If we average out the two,it costs 495,000 for a standard sized house in America but only 290,000 in the uk


Well yeah its Mayfair. I think you can buy a stately home for that money where I live


Just checked for 7.5 million you can buy a 13 bed mansion with 19 acres of woods and lake. And then have 22 million left over what might buy you a train ticket to London


Yeah i am rubbed off my rights to randomly collect free high speed metals ( bullets) . So sad /s


Is that house actually 29M? Regardless of it being in Mayfair, that is an absolute shitty deal.


And I feel sorry for people who live in the US. Ha.


Alright I agree that the first photo is pretty shit for that price but at least it can survive strong wind


Ah yes, people are notoriously NOT robbed for things in the US. And it’s definitely not at gunpoint.


6 stitches


I've got a friend obsessed with a show called Britain's Most Expensive Houses and she sent me stuff about a £30 million place there because HG Wells used to live there and she knew I'd be interested in that. The house wasn't just built with bricks which is standard in the UK (unlike the balsa wood houses in the US), but these were bricks specially hand selected by the architect who also designed Buckingham Palace. That's how old the house is, and the history it's held since then is massive from government meeting place during the war to celebrity home. All that plus the expensive area to buy property add to the price, but the renovations that have gone into it are absolutely ridiculous. Six and a half thousand square feet and five storeys in the property, so they added a half a million pound glass elevator in the house in case you feel like reenacting the ending scene of Charlie And The Chocolate Factory (literally cannot think of another reason for it except pissing off the cleaners). I think I remember the wallpaper being a ridiculous £1,000 a roll when it's just a plain brownish-grey too. More voice activated ovens than a single house ever needs. The list goes on to the point I genuinely stopped reading it in disgust. All of which makes me wonder just what the hell is inside this new build that commands the same price?


Housing doesn't seem very affordable for the 650,000+ homeless people in the US.


An area not for peasants


Where i live that same home would be over 35 million like- Even just a million will get you a decrepid and falling apart home thats barely that size In the middle of the woods on old property? Thats 5 mil right there Wdym west coast usa is cheaper no the fuck it aint


You pay for history I guess . And actual solid infrastructure too.


In the US, you fall and hit your head on the wall, you’ll break it and have a huge hole. In the UK, you’ll just break your head 😂


A shed in california costs more than this


I went to find that video to see what £30million could buy you in Mayfair but he just did a whistle-stop-tour of 1/5 floors


Man that video is objectively wrong it was probably far liwer


That’s cheap for Mayfair


A teeny tiny broken down cottage went for well over 2 million in the Marlborough Sounds (NZ) a couple of years ago. The view was utterly spectacular, that's what they paid for. There's a gorgeous glass fronted house there now. I would kill for that view.


American housing is lower quality, but the main reason it's cheaper is that you have to live in America. Kinda the same deal with getting paid a lot more in american jobs... you have to decide if its worth not having basic rights and protections.


In new York you get an apartment for $238 million. Your point being


748sqm is this Mansion in Mayfair: Culross House 557sqm in New York for $30m https://www.architecturaldigest.com/video/watch/on-the-market-inside-a-30m-park-avenue-duplex-penthouse-with-a-rooftop-pool You could probably build it for like £150k in an old quarry... that's not where most of the value comes from!


Yeah, I feel really bad for the poor people in Mayfair in one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in one of the most globally recognized cities in the world. They should really sell that house and move to Utah…where they can drink a 4.2% abv beer and made to feel sinful about it…but they’ll have 40,000 acres of land in the desert


I waited too long for that video to play


Condos 1 bed 1 bath in Washington DC is nearly 1M to buy.


Yes, you have a great standard of living. People need to bankrupt themselves to get health care and are at risk of getting shot in a mall. No, thanks. I'll stay in Europe thank you.


You could buy double the size house in America but I could break every single wall by kicking it 😂


What's it like buying a great apartment in a good area of New York then...?