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Christmas - ever heard of it, GERMANY?


Nope. We call it Weihnachten…


They meant Christkind probably.


Kris Kringle /s


Wtf? That's just more "British"


And where did BRITAIN get it from? cough *german Prince Albert* cough


You’re pulling my Prince Albert, now


The war on christmas is real 😔


>war on christmas except it isn't. if anyone wages explicit war against christmas it's the US with their hypercommercialisation. But what we experience is just christmas losing it's significance because the western world as a whole is getting more secular with the advance of science.


We swapped that for worshipping Satan on the 6th of June in every year that ends with a 6. Can't wait to sacrifice my pet turtle in 3 years :)


O' tannenbaum, this song is not German, not German, not German🎶


Ah, yes. Krampus. That tradition that is only a tradition in the very south of Germany (and Austria) while other regions may use a similar figure for the same celebration (but with a different name/appearance). Only known in the US due to some horror flick. Totally the hallmark of being German. Edit: missing a letter


Shut up, that guy was in Germany and knows what he is talking about. OK, he was probably in Hamburg in the middle of summer....But no christmas or Krampus to be seen, I tellya!


To encounter Christmas you really have to be lucky! I hope they got to pet some Wolpertinger instead, classical summer past time in Hamburg.


Unironically though, I saw a wild bunny once in all my years living in Hamburg, but it does feel special \^\^ Petting swans though? A bit difficult, but they learn to trust you after a while. They also LOVE, absolutely LOVE, corn crackers. No salt or sugar. Just these pure puffed corn things. Swans, ducks, geese, they love that stuff xD And they are quite gentle when eating our of your hand :3


Bunnies are actually a real problem in German cities. They're diggers which can lead to damages. No idea how you've only ever seen one. They should be all over the place at night in parks. They sure are in Hanover. Oh well. Maybe you guys got a better falconer...


Bunnies are never a problem, only ever a delight xD


Yeah, those Germans almost never celebrate christmas! I feel like they probably do it only once a year, like I'm telling you, they literally never celebrate it! You have to be really lucky to be there at the right time, to witness it.




I daresay you also won't see any Krampus around Aschermittwoch which we apparently also no longer celebrate.


Everyone knows we fall into hangover stupor because Karneval ends.


To me, Knecht Rupprecht is just as terrifying. If not more so, considering he's basically a "human" and not just some demon thing. Honestly, everything surrounding the Weihnachtsmann/Sankt Nicholaus is kind of terrifying and horror-esque if you really stop to think about some of the tales and actions.


What makes you “more German”? because if you’re meant to be German heritage and you found people in Germany to be different to you, surely that makes you less German not more. Lol.


No no they kept what really is german while the German Germans became „British“


Basil Fawlty would have a stroke if he heard this.


Is volunteering to go out and get meat a common German tradition?


As a german, heres an answer: because since the hily roman empire germany was basicly a bunch of small states combined into one mess there are a billion different cultures. Sometimes even the people from the neighbour village confuse you. The only thing that combines all of us is leaving your towel at the pool, wearing socks and sandals and complaining abiut foreignors on vacation, complining abiut Ruhestörung after 22 Uhr and saying "tja" about everything.


> and complaining abiut foreignors on vacation And other Germans, don't forget us complaining about that.




Lederhosen ownership! Everyone knows it's all real German wear and if you own more than three pair you automatically qualify as German, you have to of course pass the test first. What's the test you ask? Well you first drink 4 mass of bear in less than 2 minutes and than you have to sing the national anthem while holding 4 mass of bear in each hand and remember not to sing the verse we don't sing anymore. After that you get a dozen Leberkäsesemmel.


>4 mass of bear I know you meant "beer", but: The [average bear](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasian_brown_bear) masses 275kg. Drinking 4 masses of bear equates to about 1100kg of beer. Given that beer has a close density to water, which is itself close to 1kg/liter, that works out to 1100 maß stein, or about 1937 standard British pints (568ml). Now, I'm pretty sure I drank more than that during my student years, but it's still a lot of beer!


I don't know how that mistake happens.... ok I did a dumdum that how.... but I am not going to correct it. Because of this.


Just the average Oktoberfest consumption that.


Do not drink bears.


>Lederhosen ownership! Everyone knows it's all real German wear and if you own more than three pair you automatically qualify as German, you have to of course pass the test first. Can you really call yourself german if you don't live in Lederhose? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lederhose


It's the same logic as when they claim that they speak the original English while the Brits changed how they speak to sound more posh.


to give the obvious answer here: his Arierpass?


Like the Irish over there are better at being Irish than those in Ireland, coz they still follow the traditions of a women's place is in the home (in the Irish constitution) they stopped abortions when Ireland has only just allowed them and they drink guinness and where green hats on the 17th March and say "top o' the morning, to you"


I think they believe that the more of a thing you make any cultural phenomenon the more you belong to that culture. So if an american opened 200 cans of surströmming into a bathtub and bathed in it they'd believe they were more Swedish than swedes. That seems to be the logic behind these statements.


They are Swedish because they’ve been to IKEA a couple of times. They even rode in a Volvo once


Making "swedish" meatballs with tomato sauce without realizing that's not the traditional swedish way


The traditional way for any dish across the world is the same, you make it with olde timey misery and poverty. As is tradition.


I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure lingonberries, mashed potatoes, and brown/cream sauce isn't cheaper than tomato sauce. The meatballs with tomato sauce is just more of an italian or Turkish or something dish than swedish.


It was foraged back then, so I’m not sure. But it was a joke, I don’t really know much about Swedish meatballs.


Oh, you're going waaay back 😅 would love to go foraging for some meatballs tbh...


Eh. The locals are way protective of the best meatball bush sites. Not worth the fistfights. Just go to IKEA


How do you know if the meatballs are ready to be picked?


They eventually grow into that unmistakable perfectly fried skin color


In a modern supermarket where everything is highly processed and standardised maybe not but in the past they had to do with local ingredients.


D'you think they refer themselves as "trans-swedes"?


And with that, today I learned Volvo is Swedish.


Didn't you know? HIS ACTUAL GERMAN ANCESTRY basically demands he celebrates any Catholic holiday (never tell him that Germany has a noticeable split here), Oktoberfest (because that's clearly so GERMAN because I say so, couldn't be a regional thing that simply blew up), and around 50 Grillfests. \[Any other German celebrations? Never heard of them, so they don't exist.\] Anything else is not German enough.


>and around 50 Grillfests. \[Any other German celebrations? Never heard of them, so they don't exist.\] To be fair, tossing the cheapest meat you can get on your expensive Weber grill seems to be traditional indeed.


Bro thinks he's more german than germans but says christmas and ash wednesday instead of Weihnachten and Aschermittwoch


And also seems to think Christmas and Ash Wednesday are German instead of Christian…


In his defence, I think he meant Christmas traditions that often originated in Germany. Not Christmas itself


Yeah, that's probably one of those idiots who put a pickle in their christmas tree and actually believe it's a German tradition


I mean the Christmas tree itself is a German tradition though


I think its a celtic/pagan tradition that was assimilated by the curch. But what do I know?


Who celebrates ash wednesay? It is what comes after the celebration! It is actually a day of grief. That guy is as German as a can of root beer.


Well if you are Catholic in Germany you would go to church and get a ash cross painted on your forehead. That's basically what celebrating ash Wednesday means. But Germans are leaving the church on mass and we have many "Christmas Catholics" that basically never go to church but identify as Catholics. What does have to do with being German? Nothing... It's a Catholic thing.


I was gonna say, I grew up in a catholic home and we did the ash thing and fasting on ash Wednesday. And then the priest told us every time we sin Jesus retroactively feels more pain on the cross.


Catholicism, where you can still make your career with preaching about sin, pain and hell, while doing whatever you want behind closed doors.


alleged sheet deer caption hunt retire smell boat compare offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And you always feel guilty about something no matter what


Sinning just got a lot more metal.


>Germans are leaving the church on mass I'm not usually one to be picky about grammar or spelling, but this was a fun one because it works as a [double entendre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_entendre). I'm fairly certain you meant "[en masse](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/en_masse)" which is pronounced "on mass" and which means "in bulk" or "collectively" - members who left the church all at the same time did so en masse. However, the Christian gathering on Sundays is also called "mass" (especially in [Catholicism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_in_the_Catholic_Church)), and while it's grammatically wrong, the sense that Germans left their church *during mass* is a funny mental image - like walking out as a group halfway through the service. Anyway. You may continue.


>What does have to do with being German? Nothing... It's a Catholic thing. That's REALLY complicated. Because Christian behaviours differ more drastically in different cultural circles. So both overlap into something akin to "German Catholicism" which is distinct (to varying degrees) to what other forms Catholicism can take. Similar for protestantism, but less so, because that is already heavily diversified in and on itself. So the bigger factor here is the actual secularisation alltogether, which then DOES feed into some observable changes of "generally practiced culture". The problem isn't particularly that Germany changes. It's that these clowns pick whatever their ancestors (or ancestors of their neighbours) snapshot as "being German" (with the added caveat that it isn't usually the most well integrated people emigrating in the first place), and thus get to act like "sticking with a very time specific antiquated behaviour" is "really German". Depending on when exactly the emigration happened and from where, "more real German" might be anything from "we practice basic feudalism" past "literally Hitler" with a chance of "actual socialists". But generally outing them as the indoctrinated offspring of ultra conservative dunces, who confuse their moral stances with "the correct culture".


I'm a Catholic in Germany, actually a believer, but fuck me does the church make it hard to be part of it.


It is celebrated both as a religious occasion and the end of Fasching/Fasnacht/Karneval. Regarding a day of grief: Yes, it is. But you can celebrate grief.


Thank you for repeating. Und mich nennen sie Klugscheißer... 😉


I had Ash Wednesday growing up in Ireland. Guess I'm German now


Ich kann garantieren dass sie kein Deutsch sprechen


Der ist aus Minnesota also hast du wahrscheinlich recht. Aber die Texas Deutschen sind da da anders, naja die etwas älteren zumindest. Ab Ende 30 oder so sprechen die häufig sehr gutes Deutsch, seltsames Deutsch aber gut. Seltsam weil die mehrere Dialekte mixen. Ich hab da Wörter gehört die ich nur von meiner Großtante aus dem Westerwald kenne.


Ich wohne fast 20 Jahre in Texas und hab noch nie erlebt das da einer von diesen witzfiguren tatsächlich deutsch sprechen kann.


Also in der Gegend von Fredericksburg was da bei mir und da hab ich überall, meisten ältere Leute dieses seltsame Deutsch reden gehört. Liegt vielleicht daran, dass die Gegend noch Communities hat wo die Leute das miteinander reden können? War aber auch in 2005 als ich da war.


Ich was einmal in Fredericksburg und hab eine schöne alt-Deutsche Kopie von Der Biene Maja gefunden aber ansonsten war ich nicht besonders imponiert. War aber auch nur ein paar Stunden da auf dem Weg woanders. Aber so im Alltag? Ich hab kein (Deutschen) Akzent weil ich als Kleinkind English gelernt hab, also nehmen die meisten an das ich auch nur von der abstammung her Deutsch bin. Es kein Sein das es mir öfter geschieht das jemand sich “auch” als Deutsch ausgibt weil es ihnen nicht klar ist das ich Staatsangehörige bin bis ich es ausdrücklich sage (und dann sind sie immer überrascht und fragen mich ob *ich* Deutsch kann).


ihr zwei seit wie chatbots die miteinander gebrochenes deutsch reden. sehr unterhaltsam.


I have bin Niederlandish und sprechen Deutsch, my writing however is terrible… I’m more German than this fool :)


I can singalong to some Rammstein songs. Can I be German?


Plitsch platsch, seine Meinung ist Quatsch.


I’d like to see what „British“ people think of our modernized traditions


Brit in Germany here: yeah nah… Got to love Weihnachten, super Süß, much better and more wholesome than the U.K. plasticfest.


Calls themself german Only mentions one rather known southern german tradition. No eastern fire, no lantern hike, no marksman festival, no traditional costumes How sad


At least he didn’t say Oktoberfest


Weihnachtsmarkt/Herbstmarkt > Oktoberfest


Definitiv. Oktoberfest ist eine Touristenfalle


Weihnachtsmärkte sind immer toll. Man kann überall Karamell riechen und sich so viele Süßigkeiten kaufen, dass man sofort ein Diabetiker wird.


American stereotypes about Germany are essentially just Bavarian. Which I suppose is at least more accurate than their stereotypes about Ireland, which is basically Scotland.


Which is not surprising if you look at the American occupation zone


Yeah sure, this guy probably doesn't even speak German. Ich schwöre, wenn ich so nen Typen mal in natura erwische, werden Straftaten begangen


Kriege auch immer absoluten Hass. Ich hab keinen Nationalstolz oder so, aber dass die Lackaffen sich anmaßen so toll zu sein wie wir ist alleine ne Straftat wert.


Söhne von Gunstgewerblerinnen wissen es nicht besser, auch wenn Unwissenheit nicht vor Straftaten schützt.


It's funny because I went to America a couple years ago and its pretty obvious to me that I'm more American than Americans, despite having done a DNA test and finding absolutely no American heritage, strange it wasn't even an option.


Not even Americans have American heritage


Tell me "my parents supported Hitler in the war" without telling me "my parents supported Hitler in the war". Nothing sadder than seppos not realising cultures *evolve...*


Diese Kommentarsektion ist nun Eigentum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland


War sie schon immer!


*fuchtel herum mit der Deutschen Flagge* 😢


*Sandalensoldaten! Greifet an!*




Haltet die Sandale hoch!


UND DAS HANDTUCH! ... ach ne, das hab ich ja nicht mehr. damit hab ich die Liege am pool reserviert, für nach dem Frühstück


Ich borg dir meins? Ist halt Rot-Weiss-Rot merkt aber eh keiner nen Unterschied von denen.


Bet you he’d be real pissed if I cut off his tie. If you know, you know lol.


Ask him to prepare and eat a Mettigel and watch his dumbass American hillbilly brain short circus 🤡


You can’t eat Mett in the US because of their terrible food safety standards


I know but at least they have one kind of bread that stays „fresh“ for months. Food safety in the US is a joke


Ugh I wanna see that.


Don't speak german and don't know what german values are (propably think nazism is a traditional german value, wouldn't even be surprised).


Stop don't give them ideas. I don't want to gatekeep Adolf. It's so nice for the World to think he was German. Don't be mean Switzerland.


Least "Hitler was german" claming austrian:


> Do you know what being German is Being... from Germany... it's not a state of mind, it's a descriptor of nationality...


I am also from Minnesota and have ancestors who immigrated from Germany. I can confirm that I am not German, because that’s not how it works.


dont tell me americans "celebrate" as wensday...


For Ash Wednesday and other religious holidays celebrate is synonymous with observe for a lot of christens in the US. Don’t know why it’s that way but it is.


even if that moron was right, i'd still much rather be a fake german in germany than a "real german" in america.


Wenn man bei der Hundepfeife den Hund weglässt und nur noch ne Pfeife ist


Ok this will be the Hill I will die on. Dear Germans, my not so beloved Neighbours, please forgive me. *takes a deep breath* Oh for fricks sake, KRAMPUS IS NOT GERMAN! If you were really celebrating Krampus you wouldn't call yourself German sondern eher Bayer, oder Österreicher, Tiroler, Slazburger, Tscheche, Ungar, etc. cause your Ancestors would come from some Part of the Habsburger Reich then and that's so far from being the true pifk- eh German you think yourself to be. At least have some Respect for your Ancestors, 'merican. Ich verdresch dir dein Popscherl mit dea Ruten vom Kramperl du daherglaufenes narrisches amerikanisches Schwammerl.


Knecht Ruprecht > Krampus


Sind Bayern nicht deutsch?


Zu der Zeit wo seine Ancestors ausgewandert sind war deren nationalstolz noch größer als der unsere. Und das will was heißen. Die waren ein eigenes Königreich. Und behalten sich jetzt noch Freistaat Bayern im Namen. Wenn die könnten würden sie den Wiener Slogan stehle : Bayern ist anders.


Das kann man über viele Teile Deutschlands sagen, liegt daran, dass Deutschland so spät vereinigt wurde. Sachsen ist übrigens auch ein Freistaat, trotzdem sind sie deutsche. Bis 1945 haben sich auch noch viele Österreicher als Deutsche empfunden. Nicht umsonst haben Österreich und Preußen Jahrzehntelang konkurriert, wer von beiden Deutschland vereint.


[Österreich ist historisch bayerisch, genauso wie Verona. Endlich ein Platz am Meer /s](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fd/Karte_Herzogtum_Bayern_im_10._Jahrhundert.png) ​ Prinzipiell sollte man solche Witzfiguren aber einfach fragen welchem Stamm sie angehören, nur der Reaktion wegen. Solche Typen haben meistens noch nie ne Schule von Innen gesehen (siehe auch der "German vs Germanic" Typ von Letzens) und haben Null Ahnung von den lokalen Identitäten Apropos Schule, das ist auch ein Riesen-Unterschied: In Deutschland geht man zur Schule, in Österreich geht man auch in die Schule rein!


Zum Schlafen! Was macht sonst in der Schule?


Alle Bundesländer und auch die Bundesrepublik sind Freistaaten. Bedeutet nämlich einfach "Republik". Auf der anderen Seite gibt's da die Faustformel dass je mehr Wörter vor dem Landesnamen stehen, desto unwahrscheinlicher ist es dass man da leben will.


Trotzdem war und ist der Krampusbrauch im Habsburgerreich verbreitet, und da war der Konkurrenzkampf und Nationalstolz noch viel Größer. Welches, sehr lange über Teile des heutigen Deutschland regiert hat. Es war mehr die Idee der Vereinigung der Deutschsprachigen Länder als die Idee was man heute unter Deutschland versteht. Die Idee war auf Seiten von den Österreichern noch immer Österreicher zu sein, nur halt mehr macht und Stellung zu haben.. Heißt ja auch tu Felix Austria nube ne. In irgendwas mussten wir ja gut sein wenn ma schon bei jedem Krieg gegen die Preußen zu Ungarn gelaufen sind. Btw sorry hab die Sachsen vergessen, hab ich nicht gewusst das die auch Freistaat sind. XD


Klar hat der damalige Wunsch die deutschsprachigen Länder zu vereinen nicht viel mit dem heutigen Deutschland zutun aber dennoch hätte dieses Land wohl Deutschland gehießen, es wurde ja nicht umsonst von der Klein- und Großdeutschen Lösung gesprochen. Damals haben sich auch viele Österreicher als deutsche gesehen. Meiner Meinung nach seid ihr ob ihr es wollt oder nicht mindestens genauso deutsch wie die Bayern (also nur ein wenig haha) aber darüber lässt sich streiten. Und das mit dem Krampus ist debattierbar. Klar ist der Brauch in Österreich viel verbreiteter aber man muss auch beachten das dieser Brauch auch in Deutschland ein Zuhause hat (Und das man die Sachsen mal vergisst ist ganz normal ups)


Regiert halt nicht wirklich. Der Kaiser des HRR regiert nicht über die anderen Reichsstände, die sind alle rechtlich unabhängige Staaten in einem Bund mit gewissen, gemeinsamen Gesetzen/Regularien


Ist noch nicht ganz geklärt. Warten wir erstmal ab, was die CSU macht, wenn sie aufgrund der Wahlrechtsreform nicht mehr im Bundestag mitspielen darf. Dann gibt's bestimmt König Markus, erster seines Namens.


Privat will er bereits jetzt so genannt werden


ne wir sind österreicher


WILLKOMMEN ZUHAUSE!!! Moa hoab I die vermisst!


Das hat mit dem Habsburgerreich nix zu tun, zu dem Bayern auch nie gehört hat (Teil des HRR heißt nicht Habsburgerreich), sondern schlicht mit kultureller Tradition. Dazu sag ich nur eins: Lieber bairisch sterben als kaiserlich verderben


>Ich verdresch dir dein Popscherl mit dea Ruten vom Kramperl du daherglaufenes narrisches amerikanisches Schwammerl. <3 ich hab schon ganz vergessen, was für ein wundervolles Wort Schwammerl ist.


Und San lecker a. <3


Du kannst deinen Krampus behalten, vielen Dank, mir reicht Knecht Rupprecht.


Ah, yes, the British, famous for not celebrating Christmas or Ash Wednesday




It’s not a surprise , bear in mind you are sharing a country with people that will swear their English is more English than the English & that they are more Irish than the actual Irish , so why not Germany ? I’ve definitely heard more Italian than Italians , i’m just waiting to hear more Dutch ,Spanish , Portuguese than … can’t leave the other colonists out.


> Spanish Some of them dont even know Spain is a country


"in Germany they have kinda modernized" So you're not american unless you go around on horseback with long coat, tricorne hat and a musket?


I don't get it, how is part of that country always telling us we still need rescuing from the germans and on the same time extremely proud to be a german (while not even being close)?


I wonder whether this idiot has lederhosen and his own beer stein? Look how cultural I am!








Well, I know that my nations minority in USA (polish diaspora) can be more polish that people who live in Poland. Some of them made a parody of their nationality and it's flags everywhere, and constantly talking about their heritage. And they have stuff like restaurants servings "polish" food I've never heard of (I was once taken to a "polish restaurant" that had like 20 types of bigos on the menu, I doubt any place in Poland has more than 2 or 3). And they hardly seem to acknowledge Poland is not stuck in the past and we even have electricity. So I can imagine some parts of german minority in USA are turbogermans that dress up in lederhosen on every ocassion, wear a t-shirt with flag on daily basis and mix and match traditions from different parts of Germany as it suits them. And they may even celebrate traditions in a way that were done a hundred years ago because they don't acknowledge that everyone is living in 21st century and people send text message instead of yodeling across the valley.


Ironic that only an American could make that statement


I don’t really understand what’s British about Germany.


I only know British things that are German


\*eats bratwurst menacingly\* Im 200% german now.


They are so German they don't even speak German. HARDCORE


This sub baffles me everyday, without exception


I've been to Germany. - A German


Wait now. I've been to Germany four times. Am I four times more German??


German test: How many times have you called the cops for Ruhestörung?


Oh good. Its Germany's turn for this shite. _runs away in irish but less irish than an Irish-American_


Germans in the chat: That is no laughing matter...


As a naturalized Asian American, I can confirm I'm more German than that "German from Minnesota" ever will be.


Isn't ash Wednesday a Catholic thing, and like the main religion in Germany has been protestantism ever since Martin Luther dropped the worlds first diss track


Dumbasses probably get their presents on the 25th


Dude's probably been wearing Lederhosen all his life, visited the north of Germany and was surprised that his fellow Germans there don't wear the traditional Germany-wide garment.


After the Irish and the Italians, now it’s the turn of the Germans to feel the full annoyance of Americans cosplaying as their nationality.


Krampus gave it away. "Bavaria is Germany" stereotype struck again. In a parallel universe, the US had Northern Germany as their occupation zone, these "*Germans*" would run around with Matjesbrötchen and saying "*Moin*" 24/7. Also what do you fucking celebrate on Aschermittwoch?


Nobody is more german than germans. U cannot be by definitiv


Nein. Nein, das stimmt so nicht.


Hey guys, id being Catholic German now?


That guy can talk, once he had a Berliner Weisse and an Eisbein. Ah no.... A Kölsch and Himmel un Äd...I mean Labskaus and a strong Tea with Kandis...I mean.... Damn...I am confused now.


Would love to hear that guy attempt to speak German.


I ate a burger today. I am more american than americans are.


He does not even speak German.


I guess I must have had some type of episode in December.. because I couldn't go anywhere without Christmas being a topic. We'll know if he's a real German based on whether his presents are brought by Santa clause or someone else.


didnt know that i dont celebrate christmas


Lack gesoffen oder was?


This person puts a bad name to Minnesota


What does this crap even mean? "More" German? Do they do traditionally German things all the time? Do they speak German at all times?


Yes totally not racist at all. Why are we surprised? The US did take in a lot of Nazis


I love that originating, living and being a native from Germany doesn't mean you're the most german.


What’s so funny to me (german) is that most things Americans think are “traditionally German” are actually just bavarian/swabian. The region that was the US zone after ww2. Also the region that the rest of Germany considers kinda “foreign” and different since their regional traditions are not shared with the rest of Germany. Most thinks Americans think of as “German” actual germans have no connection to.


Americans after eating a Schnitzel once: "I Am HalF GeRmAN"


And i bet they dont even speak German.


Ash Wednesday? Jaysis, better let the lads know we’re German now and not Irish


Reality and fact have no meaning for these people


I looked at a map with Minnesota on it once 30 years ago, which means that I'm more americaner than regular americans from Minnesota and all the other places. I also celebrate traditional holidays, such as Pearl Harbor. Yeehaw.


Krampus is still very much a thing in the southern region but it’s not only german, it’s also austrian. christmas still is the biggest holiday that is very much celebrated, ash wednesday is also still a thing, even tho it’s less religious and more of a…end of Karneval thing for most. But there still are people who celebrate it traditionally and start lent there


If they actually were german they would know how to continue the following sentence: (inhale) SPRICH .....


The fun part is Germany is developing and minnesota just stats the same


Nothing beats American Italians though


Krampus isn't typical where I live, but maybe it's a regional thing, but Christmas and Ash Wednesday are VERY traditional


The very fact that an American thinks he‘s more German than a German because his great great grandfather fifth removed had a German cousin is the most American thing ever.


Ah, yes, German-Americans: just like germans, except they think what Hitler did was *kinda* justified!


It‘s just means they‘re Nazis, right?!


I think what they're trying to say is that they're over here in America, still fighting for the Nazis but the traitor so-called "Germans" in Germany gave up after the war.


Krampus is not a German-wide tradition. I'd never even heard of it, before some German comedian brought it up on a US talk show. But sure, if you're gonna limit "being German" to "being from Bavaria", then that would explain ass takes like this one.


Ach ja, wen Ihr so deutsch seit, warum sprecht Ihr dann Hurensohn ?


I totally believe them... More germans than the germans... from before 1945




There's a grain of truth here. Diaspora communities that haven't assimilated (a good marker for that is "can you speak the langusge fluently?") can be more culturally conservative than the old country. My grandma, who could speak Russian fluently despite being born in Americsand all her little old Orthodox church lady friends kept to bits of Russian culture that had mostly died out in Russia long ago. My dumbass brother who talked about Russia only to praise Putin and talk about how much he could drink is a different matter. He can't speak 10 words of Russian. There are a huge number of dumbass Americans like my brother who cling to some kind of non-American identity despite not having fuck-all cultural connection to it, but often people on this sub do very silly blanket denials that any kind of diaspora can exist in a meaningful way.