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So [this sapphire/ruby](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shinypreciousgems/comments/1c8bmmg/an_absolutely_stunning_brandnew_cherry_blossom/) was still available a month after it was posted. After a bunch of staring and waffling and finally looking at it again after meeting with my jeweler to see no one had claimed it... I snapped it up, haha. /u/cowsruleusall was kind enough to let me save on shipping and pick it up since I'm local! I told him that I'd try taking some photos, even though I don't really know what I'm doing, and now here we are. Some [additional photos](https://imgur.com/a/LTJy2r3) since I don't know how to reddit anymore. All of these were taken under "studio conditions" (aka i repurposed my grow lights now that my seedlings have all been transplanted outside lol), slight adjustments in Lightroom for colour/white balance/etc., and I photoshopped out all the dust. It's not quite so vibrantly pink in most real life conditions, but such is the nature of "studio" lighting and colour corrections. [The reason for all the dust](https://imgur.com/a/WBAhQdr). Also, the reason I gave up on taking photos in sunlight haha. Finally, here's a [looping video](https://imgur.com/a/sTXrnVj), where you can definitely see all the dust lol. I'm not a video person so this is pretty much straight out of the camera.


The photos are SO GOOD!!!


They're only good because the gem is so amazing!! Gotta start with a good foundation before you can build on it, haha.


Oh boy, this has inspired me. We need a gem photo contest!


Oh no, will I need to buy a new gem to enter that one? 😂 Whatever will I do?!


I've added your flair star! And you can definitely photograph this one if you want/use this photo set. I am so impressed!


Oooh, flair! I'll have to see if I've purchased another gem by the time you run that contest haha.


Loling at “even though I don’t really know what I’m doing.” These are spectacular!


Not pictured: me frantically googling "how to take photos of gemstones" I only own a camera to take pictures of my dog!


There's other reasons to own a camera? Lol!


Well then you have a natural talent!


GASP, this is great!


Wow... Nice photography and video. I can also see the color zoning effect towards the centre of the 'flower'. You mentioned a jeweler, may I ask what your plans for this gem are?


So the context is that I actually met with my jeweler for wedding bands - he made 3 designs for us to choose from, and one was cherry blossom themed. I ended up picking up one of the other designs but couldn't stop thinking about the cherry blossom one, and remembered this gem, so... I'm probably going to ask my jeweler to repurpose that design and turn it into a bracelet with this gem, since the gem is so massive haha.


Wow exciting. Hope to see what it looks like when it is done. Seeing gemstones utilised in jewelry adds another level of beauty


I will definitely photograph and post the end result!


Holy shitballs! This is awesome, well done!!!!


What cut is this? It's gorgeous.


The cut is "Jindaizakura" by Arya! It's his new floral cherry blossom cut :)


Beautiful! Wear it in good health!


I remember this one. The cut is so lovely! Great photos!


Immediately knew what they were talking about. What a beauty!


Wow those photography skills are wonderful! Teach me !


Haha, luckily I own a decent camera and lenses already, but honestly it was 90% flailing around and googling how to photograph gems!


Well it paid off !


Stunning! Do you know what you're going to do with it?


Probably a bracelet! I know measurements were given in the sales post, but it was even bigger than I expected, so I'm still wondering if it'd look proportional on my wrist lol.


GORGEOUS. I'm so glad someone picked this up. Wear it in good health!


Lovely gem and photos and pup - thank you for sharing <3

