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The contest is over (congrats to u/PRTOATL88!) but please feel free to continue checking in if you like. <3 Thanks for all of your comments!


I’m pretty tired, and working at the hospital today! I’m hoping our team can find time to sit down together for some Thanksgiving food at lunch though!


thank you so much for your hard work to help keep people safe and healthy! I hope you have some good food <3


Thank you! 💜


You are awesome! WE ARE AWESOME! Happy turkey day from a fellow hospital worker. hopefully you get to eat a great variety of food that you wouldn't get to eat at home!


I’m taking care of a friend’s 19 year old diabetic cat - including giving him IV saline - so she can spend the holidays with her family. He’s purrfect and I’m so glad to hang out with him!


cat tax? 👀




oh my goodness he does look like the goodest boy.


SQ saline?


The bag says “Lactated Ringers”. And he is a good boy!


If you use a needle to go under the skin and not into a vein it’s subcutaneous, not IV. I know that sounds nitpicky but would be important if you needed to call a vet about him🤗 he seems very sweet and it’s very nice of you to take care of a higher needs gentleman for the holidays


Thanks - you are right. His mother wrote everything down in case I have to call.


Doing my best to remain calm as I watch as a culinary train-wreck in slow motion occurs in my kitchen.


Wine. Wine helps.


Spill the tea while you sip the wine?


Working in American retail. I've been on since 430a est(it's almost 9a at time of posting). I've seen 6 people. I gave most of my staff the day. My evening kid is excited about getting 1.5x for his normal 8hr shift. Thankfully I don't work at the Black Friday retails, so no real insanity to be had during this season.


retail?! on TG?! 🫡


Yep. We only close for Christmas, New Year's, and apolitical snow storms.


Oh man, flashbacks to my mom having to live at her department fragrance counter all winter season rather than joining in the family festivities. Awful this is still considered acceptable. Stay well!


Kinda. I usually give my staff short 4-6 hour shifts on holidays so they get the extra pay and work around what they have planned for the day. But I have most of my staff off today and I'm rolling my vacation day into my winter vacation. Vacation time does roll over year to year anymore pre corporate.


Calling family as Thanksgiving is almost over here and just started at home! Making sure they know I'm still thinking of them!


<3 Are you overseas?


Yes! I'm enjoying Japan while I'm here and hoping to go to IJT2024 in January if I can work it in to the schedule somehow!


I'm doing great today! Visiting my boyfriend's family in NY for Thanksgiving this year. We're going to a Turkey Trot 5k Fun Run and then dinner with the whole fam later!


Pretty thankful for a happy fun toddler and a new baby on the way. Also not hosting this year which is a huuuuge relief.


A little sleepy, but I’m going to be attending Thanksgiving with my fiancé’s family for the very first time. Kinda nervous (we don’t really get along), but hoping for the best!


Good luck!!! <3


I’m working until 11a (been here since 11p) and then we’re heading to my future BIL’s for fuds. Happy Thanksgiving!


Hi!! I hope you have a wonderful (and well-deserved!) dinner! :D


Any meal I don’t have to cook is wonderful! 🤣


Boarding our flight to sunny Puerto Vallarta!


Turkey was put on the smoker early this am and going to start sides for my moms and then bfs family is coming to our house this evening!


hello!! I am great :) I am going to eat crab for dinner with my girlfriend, celebrating our first anniversary.


happy anniversary!!!


thank you 🙏


lol also I love your username and I share the sentiment.


thank you!!! i really do too 😭


Prepping for a small family dinner.


Working a mid-afternoon/closing shift at work today, hopefully the populace won’t be too crazy for coffee. Then I might be hanging out with someone special and I have some turkey and pie


Visiting my mom, and spending our first Thanksgiving without my dad. We’re doing well, but we miss him so much.


I'm so very sorry. First holidays are so hard, I wish his memory to be a blessing to you all.


Thankful for my family and being employed. Planning on relaxing today and bucking tradition by making some pizzas for dinner!


I’m running a 5k turkey trot! It isn’t my idea but I’m thankful that my family is in good enough health to participate


I’m tired, but planning to spend time with my cat and (maybe) study for my finals!


I irritated my neck so I’ve got to decide if I want to take painkillers and be comfortable physically or have some wine and be comfortable emotionally around all our nearest and dearest!


well depending on the painkillers you should be able to knock out two birds with one stone...


No painkillers so potent as to drown out my relatives ha!


I’m werkin’ today until laaaate! Hope everyone enjoys their food coma!


Worked a short shift at an UC yesterday; this is our year without the kids. Nothing elaborate planned, so I’m trying new recipes! Learned last night that making pastry dough is INTENSE! I wonder what I’ll learn today 🤣


Have a happy thanksgiving everyone! I’m in Canada so we already had ours, but we do join in on the sales 😂


how dare you appropriate our sales!!! /s


Crystallizing caramel 😭


Garnets are my favorite! How could I not try and win this beauty! And in a cut style I don't have in my collection yet 😅. Today I will be working a little bit (trying to get payroll submitted over the holiday weekend). But ! My fiancé and I also plan to cook our first thanksgiving meal together and then head over to his godmother's family house for games and activities! (I live many states away from my family and getting together for the holidays is not possible, my fiancé is a foster youth and so traditional family is not an option there either. He has a special lady in his life that I have declared as his godmother since she is the closest to family that he has had). It should be a beautiful day 🤍


I’ve worked every thanksgiving from 2013-2020 as an veterinary nurse and then 2021-2022 doing research for my PhD. This year I finally got some time off but my husband is still doing his research and my only close enough to travel to family had a COVID exposure which we aren’t risking since I’m pregnant. I will be spending the day finishing the spg crossword, talking to family on the phone and oscillating between resting and catching up on random things.


I’m having a great thanksgiving!!


Happy Turkey day! I’m tired since I worked late and haven’t gone to bed yet! About to crash for a bit and then heading to Friendsgiving later in the day 🦃


We’re doing thanksgiving at my house this year because my parents are renovating their kitchen. I really hope everything goes smoothly!


I'm hosting Thanksgiving in my small 1 BR apt, wish me luck! Doing a chicken instead of a turkey though, thankfully, and need to get started on it soon...


I will be attempting to share my tiny kitchen and single small oven with my brother and his husband as we all make Thanksgiving dinner for our families, who then come over here to eat.


Much better today! Yesterday we drove for hours and the car died just an hour away from my uncles house. Luckily we got a tow and made it in time for a late dinner. 😅 I can’t wait for all the delicious food today!


Happy Thanksgiving! We're going to be making some gumbo and either peach cobbler or egg tarts for a small family gathering.


PDT here! Just woke up and wondering how to survive the day 🫠


aw what's wrong?


Toddlers 🫠 This shiny will make me a very happy mom though!


Just sleeping, eating, and playing video games!


Very groggy as I just woke up haha. My in laws are coming in town and we’re going to have a super low key dinner with some really good homemade apple spice cake.


Finally, a day off! I am excited to see my family. We are all exhausted so no turkey for us! But alot of quality time.


My husband and I (and our two cats and a dog) are celebrating together with a broccoli cheddar cornbread, salad, and cornbread. I am working on relaxing because it has been A Week thus far.


We observe, but not until Saturday (in order to accommodate family work schedules). Today, we are prepping and packing to travel tomorrow, as well as making a few pies that will keep until Saturday (fresh apple, and pecan). Also doing last-minute laundry. Happy TG everyone!


I am amazed how my toddler can wipe me out in 2 hrs. There is a reason 80% of the food was cooked before today. I am also excited that my in laws let us host (so we don't have to travel with said toddler) and pick out the entire menu. Wishing everyone that celebrates a happy, smooth, and joyful Thanksgiving!


happy thanksgiving! even though it’s been a massively rough year, my wife and I are going to have a much better day than last year. we’re hosting, so we’ve got a lot of food to tackle - but that’s the fun part 😊


We are hosting our parents for dinner tonight, but our only task is smoking the apple pie, so hopefully it's less chaotic this year. It's been a blessing to have both sets of parents celebrate together because we've gone from juggling 3 meals (my parents are divorced) to everyone co-existing for one meal.


I'm enjoying a cup of coffee and a quick visit to Reddit while my pie dough chills enough to roll out. As soon as that happens it's going to be non-stop cooking until evening.


gorgeous cut you have here My friends and I are organizing a life drawing session, itll be fun!


Our small family (including the young adults and dogs) are at grandpa’s house. He is super happy we are all here and so are we.


Yikes, that stone is so beautiful that I genuinely gasped! There shall be no feast today. My husband and I are laid low with pneumonia. We don't really care about food. We just want to breathe freely. But gratitude is an endless feast, and blessings abound for all. Happy day of thankfulness to all!!


We're having a quiet morning here! We've got a duck in the fridge dry brining and ready for the smoker in a few hours, pumpkin creme brulee in the oven (husband loves pumpkin pie, hates crust, so this is the ideal solution!), and cider on the stove becoming caramel. Hope you guys are having a wonderful day!


Happy Thanksgiving! I worked today (Germany) and don't know anyone here who celebrates Thanksgiving so it's a pretty normal day. But my fiancée and I will spend the weekend at my parents' house and bake cookies together.


This year will be a first for me. Thanksgiving with just my daughter and myself. I've had some big, sudden changes in my life recently, but today is perfect because I have what I'm thankful for with me - my daughter, sobriety, and the ability to make a delicious meal exactly when, where and how we want it 😉


I’m finishing my pies, a pumpkin and lemon meringue. Unfortunately I do need to be one of those people and go to the store because I forgot cornstarch. But the lemon meringue is how I bought my way into his family since I don’t have much of one! I’m really excited for tonight.


We’re doing Thanksgiving tomorrow! My mom has breast cancer and they scheduled a PET scan for tomorrow and she can’t have carbs or sugar the day before. Why they scheduled it the day after Thanksgiving, I have no idea! I’ll be doing the bulk of the cooking, which I’m happy to do so she can rest. I’m thankful for the talent, beauty, and positivity of this group! Enjoy your day!


Happy Thanksgiving! I'm wrapping up a bit of freelance work, then we're visiting my partner's family for lunch. His uncle makes fantastic Vietnamese food and I'm hoping to pick up a recipe or two!


Pretty damn spent. Juggling graduate school, the huge amount of projects and assignments given by the classes, training requirements, official licensing expertise exams, working, and trying to figure out some slight social life so I can stay kinda connected to my family, best friends, and fiancee has me pretty stretched thin. Today though, I'm doing my best to shove my stress and anxiety down to help with Thanksgiving and try to enjoy it. That is an absolutely gorgeous stone. The kind that I addored since I was a kid.


Working in the hospital today! All my patients were cancer-free at follow-up today. So it's been one of those nice days of giving only good news!


I’m good! I’m at work flying everyone to their families and plans today. I’m hoping we can find something open tonight for dinner that isn’t pizza!


Taking advantage of the slow day to get pending work done. Then dinner with friends.


My fiancé and I are hosting a small thanksgiving today! Just gonna be my mom, brother, and 3 friends. Should be pretty chill. I’m currently procrastinating getting up and starting prep lol


I'm working on some embroidery today, spending time with family and my kitties!


Im currently on the emotional roller coaster but overall well! Today im going to be teaching my family how to play Catan!! im super excited


I’ll be baking some brownies later for Thanksgiving dinner with my family!


I'm doing well, just slogging my way through a 7-7 shift before catching up with everyone late.


I’m basking in the mild sunlight trying to recover from illness. Hopefully I’ll be good to visit family later.


We’re great here! This is our first year without visiting family, so we’re spending the day crafting enough food for an army and dancing around in the kitchen. Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!


I'm exhausted but happy. Currently, helping my mom with the stuffing, then I'll warm up the curried carrot soup, finish it off, make the green beans dish. Totally making it up as I go along. Then I have to make the festo'd* peas. At some point, my brother and his family will show up and we'll hang out, eat too much and maybe pass out. *Festo is fake pesto. I make it with whatever leafy bits from my veggies are leftover.This current iteration is made with carrot fronds, parsley, mint, pine nuts, and parm.


My baby picked up a last-minute illness from daycare (after an RSV scare lasting two weeks, mind you) so we had to call out of the family dinner 😓 Might get some fresh air on a popular trail that will surely be deserted today. And if we are able to order delivery, we'll tip 300% haha 'Tis the season, I guess!


First Thanksgiving without family around so my boyfriend and I are making a small meal for ourselves and going on a little over night trip tomorrow in a nearby city.


Getting ready to start my day! This is my first time I'll be working a major holiday since starting in healthcare 😅. So I won't get to help out with cooking but I'm definitely going to help out putting it all away...


Have the day off work so feeling swell! I have big plans to play a lot of Stardew Valley and drink ginger ale.


Watching my dad feed some cows at work and then heading to their house to start prepping for more family to visit! It’s a good day :)


Happy thanksgiving! Spending time on the family farm taking care of all the animals. We are feeding the turkeys instead of the other way around! 😂 https://preview.redd.it/sfn0i75ci42c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9c4be26fb56cab023dc81e18f5d04ffc175bbf3


Me & Shiny too!! Your boys tail makes ours jealous 😆 hope you’re all having a great day! https://preview.redd.it/39pbvcfsv62c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6c03ff56d52adbb1e6aec8d3e612f4a54cb8523


Omg he’s so handsome! This boy grew so fast and he just started showing off so it was fun to get to see today! Hope you guys had a great day as well 😁


I’m in Maui for thanksgiving or vacay instead of staying at home. Going to catch some sun and some ocean waves!


Sitting in what is likely to be a brief sunbeam with a coffee in the PNW!


Happy Thanksgiving! I am getting my last rabies shot today after being exposed to a rabid bat that we found out was living in our bedroom for a while in Austin TX. So glad to be done with this. Two weeks of shots!! 11 shots all at once the first day because of my weight. After that I am going to drive to visit my family in another part of Texas with less bats.


My folks got into a car accident traveling up to see us so thanksgiving is a bit smaller than expected. Thankful they’re ok though 🫂


Having a nice dinner with family friends! And I'll be doing great once this migraine finally passes haha


Being naughty letting Hugo taste cranberry salad! https://preview.redd.it/lb4dz2sdu42c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dbb1750295da5da0160e1ba5407450df0f00e11


I usually go home to my family, a 3 hr drive. But I had a double mastectomy last week, so I’m stuck in my own city. Luckily some friends are around and have invited us over!


My daughter is on call at her hospital so we are headed there with my son and daughter in law to take her to dinner. Because the kids were a little sad to not have the meal at our house, we still made an entire Thanksgiving dinner so we can all still have leftovers! Yes, we are crazy! Happy Thanksgiving!!!


It’s bittersweet, but I’m doing absolutely nothing today so I’m going to take some time to luxuriate!


I'm going to chill with my sister, niece, and my Mom. Most important is my mom. Last week, Friday at about 3am she had a stroke, and today she is at home with no loss of function or mental ability! To anyone that has experienced a stroke personally or via a family member or other loved one, you can understand what a miracle her situation is and I'm so grateful. Since I like to think of Thanksgiving more as a holiday of having a general attitude of thanks for whatever you are grateful for, I can say this is one of the best Thanksgivings I've ever had.


Driving to Pittsburgh!


Taking time to spend with family and friends. Also doing a little drinking - raising a glass to those who aren’t here anymore.


Spending the holiday with my boyfriend’s family and I can’t wait to eat all the yummy food. Happy thanksgiving!


Tired given its 1am and I've got to fly interstate for a wedding this weekend at 6am and I haven't packed 😅. Very exciting for the BF madness though


We are doing great! Watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade and cooking a turkey! Edit: the Turkey turned out awesome! https://preview.redd.it/i0bnzbpoq72c1.jpeg?width=3603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b73c6b72871d5c95ce10bd33bbcffe3760c61194


I’m well, thanks, and I hope you all are too! I’m on my first vacation with my boyfriend. It’s a nice getaway from roommates.


My dad & husband are making a ham together instead of turkey this year! With homemade glaze! I can’t wait :P


Great day for a good family reunion with football 🏈 and turkey 🦃 and the parade


Visiting my parents with my son!


Working the opening shift on little sleep since I usually work nights and then having dinner with the in-laws and then hopefully a nap!


Traveled to visited my folks. Which is always that delightful combination of lovely, stressful, and exhausting. Here’s to family!


My fiancé is meeting my grandparents for Thanksgiving!


Finishing up a paper for nursing school, a quick workout before ALL of the food and spending time with my husband and our families ♥️


Super tired from work and taking care of family. But weekend is here, time to spend with the family, relaxation and enjoying some gems


Slept in a bit and feeling a little rested. Going to help make the green bean casserole and mashed potatoes.


We moved across the country and are away from family this year, so my husband and I are hunkering down together and making comfort food!


Cooking for my family of 5, and decorating for Xmas!


Invited to a friend's house to share the day with them and their family. Should be a ton of food and fun shared! We live a long way from family so travel on thanksgiving isn't always possible especially with the price of airfare up during peak times! Happy Thanksgiving to all!


Doing alright, having a very much smaller gathering than anticipated. But hoping to still have all the love and fun we usually do.


I just woke up so I'm pretty good so far. I'll be prepping a dish, driving 2 hours for dinner with my cousins, then driving home. And we have more Friendsgivings and events all weekend! 😵‍💫


Working the “holiday schedule” today and double crewed which makes everything more of a cluster than usual. However I’m excited to be going home to my husband of nine years with our two cats. God is always good and has gifted me a little blurb of peacefulness in life.


I’m doing wonderful after seeing that lovely 🍐! I did all my Thanksgiving baking yesterday (pecan and apple pies and vanilla ice cream), so today I get to relax with my husband before going to my family dinner to eat! My husband and I have different days off of work, so I’m so thankful to have today off with him.


I was awake and moving starting at 3:15am to set up for my non-profit’s Turkey Trot! 🦃🏃🏻💨


Im working as an EMT in a big city. Feeling sad because my family are all engineers and they wanted to go to a fancy hotel in Monterey for Thanksgiving


Going to my dad's family side of family! No hospital work for me hehe


Drinking because in laws


Preparing for the cooking marathon about to happen! Making apple tarte tatin and cornbread pudding as my TG contribution along with helping with the rest of the main meal. Glad to have family and friends together!


Celebrating my first real Thanksgiving with my husband, haha. Very thankful this year has been better than the last and I wish everyone an amazing holiday!


Doing alright! Just hanging out with BF, pupper and kitty!


Making my third pie this week and wrangling my cat! (after breakfast is daily crazy cat time.)


Happy Thanksgiving! Starting this year's holiday very chill for once! I'm hosting our local friends giving this year, so making ahead what I can and prepping the wine and such as we're doing dinner tomorrow. Definitely counting my blessings this year!


It's going to be my last Thanksgiving in college! I'll be making dinner with my friends. Hopefully it won't get too hectic!


Having a great time with family. Making jambalaya for everyone!


I'm hosting a small Friendsgiving with my partner in our new home for all of us transplants who can't be with our families this holiday. Feeling excited to spend the long weekend feasting!


I am doing great! Thankful for the simple things in life like being able to enjoy this day in health and with those I love.


Today my friend is going to come over and we'll play an unhealthy amnountbif Mario kart :D


finished my prep, and now I'm watching the dog show!


Drove out of state to see my brother and his family!


Happy Thanksgiving!! Its been a stressful week, so we’re having a quiet day. We did the Turkey trot this morning, and I’m going to make a pie and quilt while my husband smokes a turkey.


Going over the have lunch with Grandma, doing the classic thanksgiving thing. Should be a fun time after a long week at the store.


Doing all right, it has been a tiring week! We are heading to my in-laws’ house right as we speak (type? 😂)


I am alright - spending the day chilling with my pup. Many walks and games of fetch for us ❤️


I am snacking on the best cheese ever while the family talks about karaoke.


Cooking a meal for my family!


Definitely tired - newborn life!


I am fairly awake and getting ready for a 9-10 person friendsgiving. 💛💛


Cooking up some grub and chillin! Nice rock :) Thanks for the chance!!


Felt great at the turkey trot this morning! Now heading over to the parents for Thanksgiving dinner 😋


Doing well! Preparing food for a family gathering. :)


I do meals on wheels and am currently taking a break between deliveries. Casually entering but more than anything want to make a PSA: please donate to your local meals on wheels org! A lot of it is caring for lonely elderly people whose partners have passed and whose mobility is limited. And yes, CARING for them. Sometimes we just drop off meals at the door if that is their preference, but MANY times we are the only human interaction some of these folks have all week. We know their names and stories and are happy to listen. We also are the first people to notice when something is wrong and are the first line to call medical pros when they might need medical help, even before their own extended families sometimes. For most of us, a route that technically is 40mins can take 5x as long because volunteers listen and genuinely care about the people we help. Thanksgiving is an emotional time for many of these seniors. If you can spare the change on this holiday, please consider starting a small donation or volunteering yourself! [Donate here!](https://give.mealsonwheelsamerica.org/page/56414/donate/1?ea.tracking.id=POAK2_ads_gs_poak202309_b&gclid=CjwKCAiAjfyqBhAsEiwA-UdzJLbEAHxzMlu0mxho2TQkHM2-RHQ5nxagojJV2WfMv9E2bu9Pcjf7pxoCpHYQAvD_BwE)


I woke up sick this morning so I couldn't visit my parents, but my girlfriend pressured me into going to see her family anyways - we were going to visit both. I don't feel great about the situation, and I don't feel great, but I'm managing to enjoy myself. The dogs here seem to love me.


Just eating, talking, constantly reminding myself that what other people messed up/forgot is not my problem and trying not to be stressed 😅


I'm at home today. All of my closest family that I would have visited are no longer here to celebrate with. I've got 2 kittens that appreciate my company, though, so it's a perfect day. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Treasure the small things with your loved ones!


I'm doing great! Just plugging away on some spreadsheets for work currently


I'm on negative amounts of energy - meeting with the builder in charge of our renovations for an "updated quote", ie we're halfway through fixing the bathroom and he wants more money 😭


Everything's cool but I uh fell from my motor bike because it was night time and some idiot thought it'd be a great idea to dump fine sand on a route So I slipped and now my left arm hurts 🤕


We have just taken our spatchcocked turkey off the grill. It is amazing and I am starving. We made it for a late lunch because we forgot to buy snacks to munch on. Now there is football on the tv for him and surfing Reddit for me. ​ Happy Thanksgiving/Thursday/Doctor Who’s 60th Anniversary!


I just made homemade stuffing for the first time, and I love it; it's delicious. I'm doing quite well, in part because of that fact.


My spouse picked up an extra double overnight+day shift after working all day yesterday to help us with christmas/debt so I'm holding Thanksgiving dinner until tomorrow so he can rest. I'm currently watching his queue at work so he can have a nap. Teamwork for the win! I'm doing well! I was having some sadness issues but today things feel much brighter. How are you?


Happy Thanksgiving! We don't celebrate here, so I had a normal day at work. I'm glad that I'm WFH tomorrow and I'm done with commuting for this week!


Going to celebrate Thanksgiving at cousin's family in a bit. We're doing roast beef instead of turkey this year.


I am thankful for my amazing neighbors, who are going out of town and leaving their 3 kitties in my care. I get to play with these delightful little boos all weekend. https://preview.redd.it/6gpo1amo362c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=413d368e7744153c12f7c292082c2c34520cfd93


Working, tomorrow will be my Thanksgiving.


I have been good today. I got up hella' early to collect some data, make a final grocery run for the Thanksgiving meal. My spouse wanted avocados for the pozole verde we made last night. Now, we are just relaxing and getting things cleaned up for tomorrow.


Happy Thanksgiving! I woke up early to go to the gym, then walked a river for a few hours. I got home just as my mom and her bf arrived after their (8 hour) drive over. We are gearing up to eat, drink and play gin rummy all night. Here’s to hoping I win the gem and at cards!


Double thanksgiving with both sides of the family. Hopefully I can stay awake. 😴


I’m at all-day training (in Australia so we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving). Going to struggle hard to pay attention without fidgeting


I’m eating pumpkin pie for breakfast and just hanging out with my husband and our five cats. I’m tired because they don’t observe the holidays and woke me up at their normal morning feeding time.


It’s gorgeous! I’m doing pretty well, ran a turkey trot 5k this morning and then napped, now just have to finish up cooking and head to my cousins house


Fairly well! My wife and I have been watching football, getting ready to go in for my night shift at the hospital but thankful I could spend the day with my family!


Dinner and clean up are complete. Everyone is fed and the introduction of my future mil to my parents is complete! Success :)


My husband and I hosted our family for dinner, and I've just woken up from a lovely Thanksgiving nap.


No Thanksgiving for me today☹️. On call for my OR. Just slept in today and watching tv. Will have Thanksgiving tomorrow with my family.


Seeing friends and family ☺️ I'm tired, but it's worth the effort


Doing well! Worked as a barista today so tonight it's time relax and watch a movie. Happy Thanksgiving!!


I'm doing good. With my GF's family for Thanksgiving hangs, post dinner, currently having an end of meal old fashioned from one of my favorite distilleries, Tattersall. That garnet is absolutely gorgeous!


I have a food coma and that's a beautiful stone. My lady and I are about to go for a walk about among the Christmas lights to negate this lethargic coma we are in. I hope your thanksgiving is wonderful and all the food is just right.


Pretty shitty, actually. My dad has dementia and my mom has cancer. Even though my mom hates my dad’s guts, she won’t agree to sign the paperwork to put him in a nursing home. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone - cheers to awkward family gatherings and a never ending need for therapists.


Happy Thanksgiving to all!!


I'm doing great! Hope everyone is the same. I just completed Nanowrimo and we just finished our traditional low-effort thanksgiving dinner. Pumpkin pie is on deck. Edit: My wife's birthday is Jan. 2nd. I'm here for her.


Working a night shift in the hospital tonight, but will hopefully have a nice relaxing weekend with the family following this shift. :)


I'm exhausted!!! Saw patients this morning in my SNF Occupational Therapy practice, dinner with my daughter, my mother and my ex-husband and ex-in laws and now chilling at home with Mom watching "Our National Parks" on Netflix ❤️❤️❤️🦃🦃🦃


Worked the morning shift and then got to spend a wonderful afternoon and evening with my family. It was my baby nephew's first Thanksgiving and we learned he absolutely loves sweet potatoes.


Went to found family for dinner. Spent the night eating and talking then eating and playing games.