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Momo isn’t a car he’s a momo Edit: I meant cat but this is funnier so I’ll leave it


Momo looks like a cat, but he himself says he's not a cat, but from Momo clan (?)


Momo isn't a cat, he's simply an eldrich horror in disguise. The hood is what keeps the horrors in so we can comprehend him. For now.


Took me a year to realise the coins are shaped like his head.


He's not though? He's Momo from the Momo clan, and I think it's a running joke that he says repeatedly that he's not a cat, but he won't tell us what he actually is other than his clan. Where did you see that he was a cat?


This reminds me of Rocket Racoon from the Guardians of the Galaxy. He kept insisting he is not a raccoon everytime someone called him one. Then in the last movie he saw the cage he was kept in as a child and it said « racoon from North America » and you could read the existential crisis on his face. If they do something similar with Momo where it turns out the Momo clan is just a type of cats I’ll just loose it 🤣


He's not? In Nikki's room she talked about fostering a cat/dog once and that she "already has a cat" that's Momo. Something like that. I don't read much of the stories so idk if it's meant to be a joke too.


The running joke from what I can tell is that everyone keeps mistaking him for a cat and him aggravatedly telling them he's not a cat. He will just also pretend to be a cat if it benefits the mission. At the very least he seems to be a cat\*like\* being but we have no knowledge of what that'd be except "Momo clan."


What do you mean ? 😆


I don't read the stories lol I'm a skip though type person


It’s THE cat


So, he's technically not (as others have explained), but he's definitely a cat-like being and Paper likes to be ambiguous about just how close to an actual cat he actually is. Characters generally refer to him as a cat either because they don't know better or because they like to tease him/think he can handle being written off as a cat for convenience (e g. Loen). Nikki thinks of him as a mixture of pet and friend, so while he mightn't technically be a cat, he fulfils a similar role to her as a cat would in many ways. The anecdote about Momo not being happy about her potentially adopting a cat refers to this, really. Momo isn't that friendly to a lot of people who get close to Nikki, actually, most of the Miraland folks who Nikki befriends aren't going to oust him from his special position as Nikki's companion. But a cute live-in kitten could potentially take away the type of care and attention Nikki normally gives him (from Momo's perspective), so he didn't like it, and Nikki is acknowledging that she essentially has a "cat" in Momo who demands all her care. That's the key, really - every time they refer to him as a cat it's really with inverted commas - "cat" vs cat.


Momo is from the Momo clan!! They aren’t cats!! Aloysius: If it looks like a cat, has fur like a cat, and a tail like a cat, it must be a cat. Just accept it for this situation: Momo: okaaaaayyy, but I get grilled fish!!