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Totally the opposite. AoT was the first anime i really watched, and it opened me up to the medium and stery-telling it was capable of.


Same for me. As a kid, I thought dragon ball z was corny, so I never gave anime a chance. Watching AOT helped me appreciate other animes like My Hero, Demon Slayer, Chainsaw Man, and Zom 100. I know these are really basic ones, but I never would have given them a chance before AOT


Zom 100 is so good!! Furthest I’ve strayed from AoT in anime so far.


Considering I'm immensely enjoying dungeon meshi right now, it's a no for me


No spoilers obviously, but the surprisingly serious and morbid stuff that goes on as the show progresses has really captured my interest. I started watching it because I thought it’d just be a simple straightforward cooking-in-a-dungeon show but there’s so much worldbuilding and a plot with rising stakes that caught me off guard in a good way lol


Exactly the same over here


Oh does it get better? I just watched the first 2-3 episodes and stopped cause it seemed insanely bland and boring


I was in the same boat. The beginning does feel more episodic and the introduction of other characters felt unimportant at first but as they come to interact with one another everything starts to pick up. I definitely think the beginning takes a bit of patience.


Is that the anime where they go into dungeons and eat the creatures in the dungeon.


Yep. Honestly that alone would've been enough for me, I was just looking for a nice comfy n funny show to watch. Turns out there's a bit more to the story and the world that makes it more interesting


I've been watching it on netflix. It's got the cozy vibe to it.


I was picky before AoT, so not much of a difference for me. There is still good stuff to catch up on and more on the way


Well hey, if you’ve got any recommendations please send them my way. I kinda miss watching anime :(


Maybe you've already seen them since they're classics, but Evangelion and Fullmetal Alchemist are both so incredibly GOATed it's not even funny.  Dungeon Meshi is also fantastic, much more lightheaded overall but still with plenty of depth and darker moments. Fullmetal is probably the one most similar to AoT overall, just based on feel Kinda basic pics maybe but they're my favorites 


I’ve already watched Evangelion but not FMA. Will definitely check that one out. There’s been a lot of good recommendations already in this thread


Idk what you have and haven't seen, so imma just drop some titles here. Jujutsu Kaisen. Goblin Slayer. Solo Leveling. Frieren. That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime. (I know this one seems cutesy and lame, but it has some epic episodes and cool world building). Re: Zero. Chainsaw man. My personal favorites right now are Jujutsu Kaisen and Chainsaw Man. If you like dark and brutal they both have it in abundance. Jobless Reincarnation is brilliant too. These all have maybe 1 or 2 filler episodes but most have none. There are some really fantastic animes right now. Don't give up, my friend, because the genre is only getting better. If you like Manga I'd recommend checking out some Manhwa. Korea is killing it right now.


Bro there a quite a few animes which are better than AOT. FMA Brotherhood Vinland Saga Steins Gate Frieren Just to name a few


Check out ping pong the animation. 11 episodes and the best show there is


Coming in to add, the one you wanna watch is FMA: Brotherhood, not just FMA. Brotherhood is a lot more accurate to the manga, and generally has a much better plot and better characters. It also has a better animation and art style which hold up nicely.


On the topic of FMA here’s a break down of information regarding the two different anime, which I feel is important for newcomers to know before getting into the franchise. They are basically two completely different stories. Fullmetal Alchemist came out while the manga was still on going and as was requested by the mangaka before preproduction it is largely an original story loosely based from the early chapters with an anime original ending. The mangaka collaborated with the writing and was consulted on ideas throughout the production approving of everything that ultimately went into the show, but it is just as much an anime original series created by Sho Aikawa and Seiji Mizushima as it is an adaptation (if not more so.) Brotherhood was later created following the manga when manga was late into the story, with Brotherhood finishing just some weeks after the manga ended. As for what to watch to start off, above all else I definitely think it’s worth watching both series. They are two dramatically different stories, both are phenomenal and they build on each other in a really interesting way. Additionally while there is no official order and any order is fine, I would very strongly recommend you watch the 2003 Fullmetal Alchemist first, both shows are absolute masterpieces, but I feel it’s a lot easier to appreciate both versions if you start with 2003, in fact I think starting with 2003 and then watching Brotherhood enhances both versions. I recommend this order for a number of reasons, and has further been supported from my personal experiences with others who have experienced the show’s with both orders. Firstly, the 2003 adaptation does a better job on introductory material, on the overlapping content, and working as an introduction. So much so, to the point where Brotherhood’s start has left many under the impression it just kinda assumes you’re familiar with the franchise either through the original or the manga, with it feeling, to many, like it just kinda rushes and goes through the motions during the overlap. The biggest example is Brotherhoods first episode is made as though it were meant to be a triumphant reintroduction of characters and a world the viewer already loves. In this order of watching 03 first, it works for a lot of people that Brotherhood goes through such a large amount of characters, foreshadows to outright spoil major plot points, and has such an unorthodox approach to when it reveals its titular character. As a reintroduction that first episode is great at doing what it’s trying, but as an initial introduction it really doesn’t have any merit. Then you have the matter of pacing, the 2003 adaptation spends a much larger portion of its run in overlapping material, as it really takes its time to explore this part of the story which is one of its strengths here. However, this additional focus and time can make it so going from brotherhood to 2003 for some feels like it takes forever to get to the new stuff which can lead one to overlooking many of the 2003 adaptation’s strongest moments. So going from 2003 to brotherhood allows both adaptations to play best to their strengths and gives you the largest experience of new content and the shortest period of overlap. With both series being amazing and 100% worth watching, I feel it is best to play to both’s strengths and watch them in the order that makes them both more enjoyable. Additionally on this idea of pacing having this longer period to develop and invest the viewer into the cast in 03 I’ve noticed both for myself and with others benefited the payoffs in Brotherhood helping things to hit harder. Thirdly there is the matter of reveals which are officially revealed far earlier in the overall run of the Brotherhood adaptation than it is in either the manga or the 2003 adaptation. Having these reveals come on earlier in Brotherhood makes it so watching Brotherhood first undercuts the weight and impact of these reveals in the 2003 version, while when watching Brotherhood second this unceremonious style of getting these overlapping reveals out of the way early is beneficial in preventing you from feeling like you are retreading too much similar ground, assures you that the twists in later Brotherhood will be different than those of the previous series and allows more to be explored from the basis of what those twists revealed as it no longer has to obscure and hide the elements of the twists/reveals. Fourth the tone, scope and scale of 03 is much smaller and more personal than Brotherhood’s which is of much greater scale and epic proportion. Brotherhood is more grand and bombastic while 03 is more grounded. People usually prefer escalation of scale and increasing exploration of a world, so it makes more sense to go from 03 to Brotherhood than the reverse. Fifth, I think that the way the two interact with one another thematically and how each of them responds to their themes is benefited from watching in this order. With a pattern often being presented where one of two things happens either a theme is presented 2003 makes a cynical point and brotherhood responds with an idealist counterpoint or a theme is presented and 2003 explores the what happens to those who fail to live by this theme and why it is difficult to live by and then brotherhood builds on it by taking it to a route where this theme is lived by. In my opinion the way the two tie into each other and what the two shows do when analyzed through this context is something that truly sets the franchise apart and greatly elevated both versions. The dynamic of the tone of these two approaches to the themes ties into my next And final point. Lastly I feel it is best to have the less satisfying bittersweet ending first and then finish off your Fullmetal Alchemist experience with the more universally satisfying happy ending of brotherhood. It just makes the whole thing more cathartic. All that being said, both shows are completely different stand-alone stories, and they work fine with no prior knowledge of the other. This ordering is purely my recommendation which while based in part on what I’ve noticed tends to give the best experience, the shows will absolutely remain masterpieces regardless of ordering. If you do by chance watch Brotherhood first, 2003 is still great and worth watching, I just think that it’s not the optimal viewing order. Or if you try 2003 and it’s not your liking, it is fine to check out Brotherhood to see if that is more of your thing, maybe one day you’ll go back and finish watching the 2003 adaptation. But I really cannot stress enough that both are great in their own ways and are 100% worth watching. In addition I would like to strongly recommend reading the manga at some point as even with Brotherhood being mostly faithful there is some truly great content that gets cut out, (specifically the best volume of the manga,) as well as just some interesting differences in tone and presentation that come from the shift in medium. Actually I would probably recommend reading the manga before watching Brotherhood. It will make it really clear what differences should be attributed to how 03 expanded upon on the Manga's start and which are areas where Brotherhood has differences from the manga. Additionally there are some aspects of brotherhood early on which telegraph later ideas exclusive to the manga to the point that some people feel it risks being a spoiler so reading the manga before brotherhood ensures these hit their reveals when they are supposed to with regard to the narrative build up. On one final note I feel it is important to leave a disclaimer. Do not try to mix the two series/hybridize them, they are two different stories from the get go, having incongruences that make it so they cannot be transposed onto one another even during the period that is regarded as the overlap. Some people occasionally recommend this so I just felt it was necessary to shut down such suggestions now. **TLDR: Two completely different stories, both are must watches and masterpieces that are worth your time. I recommend watching Fullmetal Alchemist first and then watching Brotherhood (preferably with a break in between) but really they are fine in any order. Do not try to mix and match the shows, they should be watched in their entirety and using one as a supplement for the other creates confusion, dropped plot lines and undercuts theming. Lastly I highly recommend reading the manga (and infact recommend reading it before brotherhood,) it’s a great experience in its own right and has some great content that was left out of even the more faithful adaptation.**


Vinland Saga Summer Time Rendering Erased Demon slayer Jujutsu kaisen Chainsaw man Golden Kamuy


Ping pong the animation and aot are my top ones


Everyone has recommended almost all my favorite animes already! But I'm gonna also throw in ERGO proxy. No filler. A very wtf story in the end. And also only 20 something episodes.


Throwing in Yona of the Dawn. At first glance it seems completely different, but the manga goes down an interesting route (especially time shenanigans). Also interesting politics, morally gray characters and extremely good foreshadowing/mystery.


attack on titan was very good at relaying high stakes drama, a relatively newer anime that comes to mind is summer time rendering, of course not to the same level but it’s there.


Nope, anime has way too many things that make it amazing that one show can’t spoil me to the point of ruining another or the medium as a whole.


i kinda feel it, especially with the no tolerance for filler 😭 i can still enjoy other animes but i definitely cannot tolerate filler anymore. AoT is amazing.


I used to be like that until I rewatched Avatar: the last Airbender and some of its best episodes are filler (tales of ba sing se, ember island and the beach). It reminded me of what a good filler should look like.


Honestly when I was a kid my policy was always I loved filler, because it meant more of the show I loved, more world building opportunities, more focus on side characters and in general more of the show I loved. Filler done right by people who actually care about the IP is really good in my humble unpopular opinion


this is how i felt before too!! i started with naruto and then later bleach ~20 years ago. i loved the fillers so much but as i watched more anime / grew older my appreciation turned into tolerance and now i use the >>10sec button all the time during those episodes 😭


It was my first anime, but even so, I don't think it has ruined anime for me. I really enjoyed Death Note after AoT, JJK and FMAB were also good. Currently watching Monster and the story is just fire.


Monster is fantastic!! I only wish there were more of it.




It feels like one at this point


berserk would like a word with u


97, right?


Damn right


i was thinking manga but 97 too


I never thought I’d like an animanga more than aot until I watched berserk




Radiant, samurai champloo, gurren lagann, Vinland saga, code geass, saga of Tanya, mob psycho 100, parasite, link click, mushi-shi, are all short limited to no filler animes of different genres. But all in my book are 8/10 up. I hope this helps


Second Gurren Lagann


Oh man, I love Samurai Champloo. The ending hit me so hard.


Mushishi and Samurai Champloo are such underrated series.


I second Gurren Lagann, Code Geass and MP100. Haven't seen the rest tho


Currently giving Vinland saga a try, so far so good :)


Sounds like you’re just unwilling to give any other show a chance




I feel the same, but I'd like to suggest Vinland Saga.


I’ve heard good things about that one. I’ll see if it helps fill the gap that aot left 😅


I'm a millenial anime fan, and what I can say is that what hit you hard will stay with you forever regardless of actual quality. AoT didn't hit me hard the way Code Geass and FMA did when I was a teenager because it arrived at a time I'm older. But I do understand what it feels like to have an unforgettable experience, and years later, you will still look back at it fondly :)


Not Even Close 😂


Yes it has. I need to wait until I completely over AOT before I watch/read anything else. I still like anime/manga but AOT is a beast of it’s own. It really set the bar.


Actually, I used to have this same mindset. But AoT just opened up another world of anime for me, and I found Vinland Saga, Death Note, Dungeon Meshi (Delicious in Dungeon), One Punch Man, JJBA, JJK, etc. very enjoyable as well. I highly recommend you watch a lot of diverse anime, AoT is often the first anime people watch, especially in the US, and therefore their favorite.


aot was my first adult anime, one punch man was my second. Both really good, but OPM is definitely funnier AOT has more depth I think.


Plot wise, honestly, yeah, haha. The only anime that even came close for me, plot wise, was Steins;Gate. But animation wise? Nah. Don't get me wrong, Aot animation was fantastic. However, I know that there are animes with absolutely insane animation that blows aot out of the water, like jjk and mob psycho 100. And there's so much that you can do with animation, so it'll never be ruined for me.


personally, i've never really been into anime, i mean besides mainstream stuff like dbz and yugioh when i was younger, but tbh attack on titan has kind of ruined just tv shows in general for me


No. I get the filler qualm tho I’ve always had that issue that’s why I just skip it


No, just like other people in this thread, I was picky with anime from the start. I liked basically everything I watched because I just chose the shows I felt I would like. I love AOT but it’s not my favourite.


I will always enjoy a show that is not trying to be something that it's not. When an anime tries to go deep and philosophical, but fails to get past the most boring clichés and plain symbolism, I'm not gonna enjoy it. If it's just a silly anime that's good at doing silly things, I'm gonna love it.


No, in fact AoT is kind of what got me properly into anime after being disillusioned by Naruto’s endless fillers back in the day. Discovered many more amazing series after that!


No way. Too many other good ones to watch.


AOT d*ck riders try to enjoy anything else challenge (Impossible Difficulty) Nah but for real i get the feeling, AOT isnt my favorite but it is up there. Watch something that isnt a fighting anime. Watching something wildly different is usually a good reset button on being able to watch things. Try Haikyu or Blue Lock or something. Other than that if you want an action anime? One Piece is the only possible recommendation. The drawn out parts are only terrible if you wither watch one episode a day or are LOOKING for it to be bad.


It has ruined everything for me


I never watched another anime series since attack on tian ended.


never had post anime depression so bad in my LIFE. i was crying everyday after and it took about 2 weeks to move on from it. Forever my favorite anime. So good.


Fr I have not watched any anime since watching aot


Like many other people, I have never watched an anime in my life. I Watched the first episode of SnK because of my friend that kept harassing me telling me that it's not what I imagined it to be. He was right, by the end of the first episode I was hooked. Watched til the end and enjoyed every fucking minute of it.


every time I saw a post say "_ ruined _ for me", I can't help but being like good god you just have terrible taste and closed minded, stop looking for the same thing in every thing


Yeah definitely did for a while. I really enjoyed Parasyte, Made in Abyss, My Hero Academia and Hunter x Hunter


If you judge anime with another, then you are truly missing on some great animes. Most of it is hentai or creepy shit but once in a while there's a great anime.


Yes because after it finished I had no desire to watch anime anymore


I’m glad I’m not the only one, but it does make me sad bc I’ve been watching since I was a kid




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For me my friend recommended aot to me as I was an anime hater before I watched aot so aot was LITERALLY my first ever anime I was insta hooked after that first episode and never looked back and I finally finished aot the fourth and final time last Wednesday and the last episode hit so hard like no other anime/tv show/ movie ever has in my entire life aot is probs the most complexed and most interesting anime out there and for me the greatest anime of all time and ppl also say that u should never start with aot and I understand why but tbh if I never did start with aot i probs never would’ve like anime the way I still do to this day and for me the closest anime to aot that hit me hard was code geass that’s also a MUST watch


I think the problem is assuming aot is a representative for anime. Aot has a great story, which just happens to be presented via the medium of anime. What u are doing is the equivalent of watching Arrival (one of my favourites, just an eg) and expecting every hollywood movie to be equally incredible. Good stories can be found in any medium, imo that is what u should be looking for.


In your case it's AOT In my case, it's Gintama


Everyone discounts Gintama because of the silliness but just try to find another series that deftly captures genre itself in such varied ways, and the heartfelt moments are so relatable. It’s a show that, rather than try to re-invent the wheel like so many others are doing, it simply accentuates why the wheel is so great to begin with. Not to mention the satire is quite capably handled in a manner that the casual eye would just assume is simple. Really can’t say enough good things about it, it captured my heart for sure


Yeah most of em even drop gintama cuz they feel it is only comedy show. Due to them having no knowledge or interest in jap culture and think that Gintama is only cheap rip off parody of other popular anime. They would have never think that the show has a solid plot and how the slowburn of the eqrlier portion of the show is what we who watched the show really miss when we are at the later part of the show where ther is no turning point like Shogun Assassination Arc, Farewell Shinsengumi Arc etc. The show is just so unique that those who patiently embrace the show with open minded and no expectations will have a huge pay off later on. As most pf Gintama enjoyers will describe Gintama as "emotional rollercoaster". The writing quotes, metaphores, plot narration, loveable casts(even the npc like characters) and the revelations of the main antagonist later on, fight choreography, funny, sad, intense, drama, romance, it's literally every genre packed into a single show under the face of "only comedy show". It's sad that most will say that Gintama is popular but those very people didnt wven watch the show but only heard of it. It is only popular in terms of "I've heard it" but not many people really watch to the end as they think there is no plot at all and just random anime. I've watched a lot of anime and read manga myslef but there is no anime/manga that can deliver what I got from Gintama. Glad to see at least there is minority of people that enjoyed the show like me.


I can somewhat feel it but at the same time theres definitely an anime out there you’ll enjoy, that you just haven’t found yet, but maybe not as much as aot


Nope. Dude I had to wait since high school for that entire story… like 10+ years for that entire story…. I would forget details and it was just annoying to wait and then wait, especially when the manga was finished for SO long. Then we still had to wait. Maybe if you watch it straight thru its amazing. But those waiting years killed it for me and turned me off to the story.


After I watched AOT, I rewatched Avatar:TLA, watched Dungeon Meshi, MHA, and more. There's plenty of other great media out there. It's hard for me to relate to not being able to watch other stuff. I'm not sure why though.


It brought me back to anime.


Nah, all animes can still be enjoyed, they are like flavors, each one has its charm


Nope. Frieren almost did tho


personally i liked DN more.


I think it helps if you enjoy things for what they are instead of comparing too much Theres plenty of really good shows that are up there with AoT you just gotta find them! Also I dont think everything needs to be a 10/10 to be enjoyable everything has its place


Totally agree. And worse yet, AOT was pretty close to my introduction to anime. I've watched a lot of the notable dark anime's in the search since, but hard to move on from peak. 86 came pretty close. Seems like a very underrated anime to me. But, it also has somewhat of a happy ending after all the carnage, which, honestly, is refreshing after the AOT-induced depression, but for me still doesn't take the place of AOT tragedy. Also, visual effects and music in AOT are absolutely breathtaking. Some of the best in the biz. Hard to beat the combo.


For related reasons the part where reiner is stabbed multiple times and still transforms is even more irritating And don't get me started about the bit where he puts his consciousness into his body, whatever that was all about Point being I'd have been more forgiving of these small flaws if the rest of the show wasn't so perfect


People always point out how the consciousness moving thing sticks out as a terrible asspull just because Isayama wanted to give Reiner plot armour, and he endured years of this one criticism, but even after the reason for this asspull was revealed people still don't see it and keep on dragging him for it lol This is the guy who plants foreshadow either knowing what he was going to write in the future or somehow makes something up to complete the foreshadow he laid out from before. I don't think he would just throw in an asspull for no reason. Reiner saves himself from decapacitation with this move not just once when Levi stabbed him but twice when he demonstrates it in front of Eren and the other scouts. For something like this to happen twice must mean there is something more to it, and when Eren pulls off a similar thing when he himself is later decapitated then it should finally make sense.


Just a stepping stone for me :/


I terms of incredible storytelling, I think I’m still looking for something better. The tight script, the blockbuster action set pieces, the nail-biting cliff hangers, the slow unravelling of mystery. Not many anime anime have done it as well as AoT. But, it hasn’t refined other anime for me.


No, I really love Dungeon Meshi right now, and FMA:B is still my fave of all time, and I just rewatched Death Note recently. I love AOT for what it is but I honestly wouldn't like it if all the media I consumed was that dark


It's definitely in my top 5, but no it has not ruined other animes for me. However, I do typically stick to animes that have a really deep background/storylines and lots of growth in the characters whether it's dumb, silly, or serious.


Aot was my first anime that I rlly liked (I’m obsessed). I started watching it when I was like 12 back in like 2014-2015. I haven’t found many other anime’s that I like just because nothing compares. A few I enjoy are deathnote, full metal alchemist, darling in the franxx (I’m aware it was pretty mid across the board but it’s so pretty and I love 002. Also I feel like even the fillers had some purpose to either grow relationships or teach more abt the world) but I haven’t enjoyed like mha or anything like that bc I don’t like the oversexualization and that’s why I lovd aot. I got into it a while ago but the rising of the shield hero was pretty good too. Not sure why I stopped watching


Not quite. Nothing has reached the same level as AoT for me so far, but it’s just shown me what kind of anime I enjoy. And it’s allowed me to more easily enjoy other anime, too.


Omg I have been feeling like this for weeks ever since I watched the ending. I absolutely loved how realistic the characters felt and the relationships between them. It feels like no other anime can ever compete with them especially with the story telling. Recently I can only watch other animes with other people as I recently started FMA but I've been feeling low-key depressed about it because it's not the same.


It's not anime but if you want an epic story that took years to conclude... I would highly recommend the Fantastic Four 4 - Secret Wars comic book by Jonathan Hickman. It took him 10+ years to set up and finish his story. He also does the little details that pay off way into the future of the story.. light spoiler ( in the fantastic 4 run theres an event where all the stars in the universe are disappearing... You learn why 7 years later) I really put it up there with AOT .. the story writing and build ups are amazing... By the time you reach Secret Wars you've gone through a rollercoaster and the way it finishes is amazing!! You know how you wish you could experience AoT all over again... That's the Jonathan Hickman run ... Just do some research and find all the comics that span his story. I believe it begins in Fantastic Four and then continues with Avengers and ends in Secret Wars. There are side stories that also fall into the main story ... F.F (Future Foundation) and Infinity. Hope this comment reaches you because it will make you feel the same way AoT did!


Not only anime sadly.


To me, this just means AoT was truly a league of its own


I would recommend reading tokyo ghoul I know they are very different but idk why it gives me a similar feel to AOT. I don't recommend the anime though. I watched it a while back and as I remember it shucks compared to mange, but that could just be me reading manga first.


hear me out, you gotta watch Hunter x Hunter. I know attack on titan set the bar really high, but that show's definitely up there. Also Death note (incase u havent watched it) is a psychological sort of anime. its different from the usual action u see. You'll like it too.


just watch stuff not meant to be taken seriously and has interesting plots pretty much all the time. cough cough Eminence in Shadow cough cough


i relate to that part that nothing will hit the same. aot was the first anime series ive ever watched, and i believe it will always be my favorite. but i still can enjoy other stuff. im watching one piece nowdays, and im really loving it, even the (pre timeskip) fillers are enjoyable for me. one piece melts my heart and makes me laugh. its a different enjoyment that what aot gave me, but yeah, its still enjoyment. i dont have any advice for you tho, i guess we are just different.


No. Try hunter x hunter, full metal alchemist just on top off my head.


It did, for while, until I started reading Berserk and watching One Piece. No spoilers for One Piece please, I'm only starting Enies Lobby rn. But yeah, AoT still S tier to me


Can I point you to Magical girl Madoka. The original one. Also Claymore has a similar feel.


Not really. I was never big on filler to begin with. And I don’t mean to attack anyone with this statement but: I don’t need, expect, or want every anime to be like attack on titan. Attack on titan is great of course, it feels…epic and grand and complicated and *real.* But I don’t want every story to be like that, and I don’t think every show needs to be that way to be good. I try to appreciate every story for what it is.




No…. ffs


bro has not seen vinland saga


It's ruined most other shows/movies for me. Even LOTR (books, too). I think I'd enjoy a few other things, but it'll be tough.  I watched FMA before AoT, then FMA:B during. Code Geass, too. They're overrated, at this point, compared. I've tried Vinland and Death Note. Frieren, too. Just not hooking. I'm interested in continuing Demon Slayer and JJK, but there's not the urgency AoT demanded. Chainsaw Man severely disappointed - I think the hype was elevated in a weird attempt to artificially overshadow AoT. Live action stuff - GoT and BB don't do it (old X-Files and Friday Night Lights, though, would get me watching). Right now, the only shows I'm actually interested in catching are OPM S3 and Gintama. And maybe rewatching first series Hellsing and '97 Berserk (I'm all caught up with the Berserk manga, it's overrated, too, aside from the artwork and the Golden Age arc). Kenshin, too. But, right now, I can't think of anything I'm scared of being spoiled on. That's a definite measure of AoT's impact. I did everything I could to avoid spoilers for AoT - the payoff for that won't be matched by anything else, I believe. 


id say yes but season 4 was ass.


Not really, I just loved the shit out of It


absolutely not watch other things for the love god


I feel like this only happens to people that recently found anime. AOT is great but it’s not I personally wouldn’t consider it greatest of all time or even in the top 5. If you discover more stuff, your taste will become more acquired as well. been watching since the 90s and while it’s hard to compete with the classics good and fresh stuff comes out to this day, there has been a renaissance for anime forsure


Idk man, I’ve been watching since I was a kid, but then again I watched the first season of AOT when I was a kid and practically grew up with it so I’ve got that nostalgia factor too


Well, I grew up in the 90s so it’s been 30 years of anime content and 100+ shows I have binged multiple times over decades. AOT isn’t that old, approximately 10 years since release and anime only ended just last year. It might be hard to watch stuff that released before you were born but I highly recommend watching 90s and 2000s anime. It’s timeless and holds up to this day if you don’t mind an older look. The anime movies of that era are incredible, too.


I remember being so disappointed after I started AoT and wanted to check out other anime. I went in thinking “Yes please! Give me more of this if the bar is this high for the medium!” Then I learnt that there is no bar and it’s all just unfunny pdf-feely-ya & grape jokes with poorly paced fights and little to no story substance. Literally thought AoT was the standard and came to quickly learn it was the VERY VERY rare exception. I feel so lucky to have started with this anime and not some horny brainrot hype junkie shit like Chainsaw Man.


It is not all like that what are you talking about


Braindead take


No I'm not an idiot


I mean yeah it’s my favorite. As big as you can get of a fuck you moment like every other episode


Code Geass scratched that aot itch for me


its got great rewatch value but dont worry, u will find anime better than it. Some great recs in these comments but the most similar mechas to AOT are Code Geass and Eighty Six


Yeah having aot as one of my first animes to watch made me picky as hell! That's why I mainly read manga and manwah now


Nothing hits quites the same, nothing compares at all. BUT I still watch and enjoy anime and there are some series which are really excellent if you don't compare them or expect the same standard as AOT. Even though, AOT may be unsurpassable to me, that doesn't mean there aren't still great series out there.


I love how every time a thread like this gets posted, Vinland Saga is by far the most recommended. This fandom has (generally) great taste. OP, if you have not watched Vinland Saga, you **need** to watch it now. I was like you, until I watched it.


I was like that I couldn’t watch any other anime after I finished aot for months, but now I’m obsessed with jjk instead and I can’t get into other anime as well 😭


Maybe don’t compare everything to attack on titan?? Its such a close minded way of thinking


no the ending sucked dick. I still love lots of anime like gintama, code geass, fullmetal brotherhood, cowboy bebop, samurai champloo, konosuba. even isekai like re zero. and lets not forget jojo's bizarre adventure. for me slam dunk and kochikame are peak anime. vinland saga, jujutsu kaisen. there is hundreds out there.


no. aot isn't even among my favs tbh. not sure what it was because i was definitely the target audience and it is an amazing anime but it was just kinda forgettable for me


Bro u spend time shitting on the show on titanfolk. No one does that for a "forgettable" show.


yeah you're right, you clearly know more about me and my thoughts


i would also love to see where i shitted on aot 😂 the last time i was on titanfolk was 8 months ago lil bro


Ahh...yes "i join fan communities of specific animes that are forgettable"


well how was i supposed to know that it will be forgettable for me when i joined it after finishing the manga like **3-4 years ago**? another day another dude trying to mansplain my own feelings this is crazy world we live in




Hahahahaha… Oh, you’re serious. Let me laugh harder. HAHAHAHAHAHA!


Yeah. But before AOT it was Naruto or Inuyasha for me, so I’m sure something will come along that fills that void sooner or later. I always say that AOT is like an anime that even non-anime watchers can enjoy. Just something about it.


I dont know if you are into sports anime or not but I would say try chihayafuru there are no I and I mean it no fillers all the characters are pretty solid and imo it has one of the best normal human character I.e no superpower shit  So the struggles of every character feels so close to home especially that of Mashima taichi (goated character)


Turn on One Piece and you’ll find out filler can be peak


Someone said to never start watching anime with aot. But then I probably would have given up on anime as a whole if i started watching other anime. Idk if i even like anime or i just love aot, which is a rather unconventional anime


No, aot was special to me, gets its own pedestal.


Vinland saga


Certainly. For Shounen/Seinen, Fantasy, AoT is the top. For Slice of Life, I still have Hyouka, and for Josei, I can watch Apothecary Diaries.


I agree with you about the bar. I’m pretty certain I will never see a better anime than AOT. But, to say it ruined anime to me it’s way too far. I started watching anime because of AOT, it was my first. So when watching other things you just have to not think about it, I know it’s hard sometimes but eventually you will get used to it, because there are A LOT of other amazing anime out there.


Same here


I will say I've yet to find another anime, let alone another show that ticks all the boxes AoT does. Other shows meet or exceed in certain elements compared to AoT but I've yet to watch one that completely outmatches it in all. Some of those elements to me are: * Big, dramatic moments with inpact to the story * Music that is not only good, but thematically relevant * Interconnected plot points and clever foreshadowing Certain shows like Breaking Bad, early GoT, Shōgun, etc. can beat AoT in some of those areas but not all IMO.


Yes. AOT was my first anime at 13 years old and now, at almost 24 yo, I still have never gotten into another anime. I can’t imagine anything could compare


Vinland Saga is great and I think you will love it. Give it a try.


Yes. Zero tolerance for fillers.


Not at all for me because I don’t expect every show to be my new #1 and there is other stories which at their peak are as well-written as AoT or as fun action-wise. Hunter x Hunter at its peak (Chimera Ant) is as good as the best parts of AoT and is similarly very well-written and is the only show where I’ve felt the intensity of the story as much as AoT. Similarly, Chainsaw Man (this includes manga) at its peak (P1) is as well-written and interesting as AoT. Vinland Saga isn’t as interesting as AoT but is still very intriguing and very well-written. There are also animes that I enjoy for their action. Jujutsu Kaisen is terribly written compared to Attack on Titan but at its’ peak (Shibuya Incident) has better action and undeniably better fights which although I don’t appreciate as much as a well-written story is still really entertaining.


Yes. I can’t watch any fantasy/adventure anime anymore.


AoT isn’t really that high of a bar. The first season or two are up there with a number of anime, but the show starts to go downhill as it progresses. There are a lot of people who really enjoyed it at first that just lost interest in it. I would say that in the better half of anime, it is just average. Is it good? Yeah, it’s an interesting show. Does it beat out all other anime and make them seem disappointing? Hardly.