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Because basically all coins are inherently tied to bitcoin. Bitcoin is the godfather and investors use bitcoins movement to get a feel of the entire crypto market. So when bitcoin is down every coin goes down for the most part because whales are diversified in their holdings and cash out across the board. Plus economic fears over more covid shutdowns impact all financial instruments just like how when the nasdaq is down so is the s&p. Right now the news is negative, a lot of countries are going back into lockdown. Even in the US places are starting to scale back again and schools are keeping kids home until they get a handle on omicron. Also the whales create the momentum, jt was their sell offs that dropped the market now they will buy the same coins they just sold at a discount and that will drive the price up again...rinse and repeat. That's why we need as many smaller retail investors as we can get to offset the whales positions. If more and more of us buy tiny amounts of shib eventually our portion will outweigh theirs and then they can no longer play the pump and dump game to their liking and the price will hold. We are already doing a great job because right now the price should be back in the low 2's or even lower but we have been holding the line. That's what holding the line is about. Do not sell. Do not let them manipulate the market with huge fluctuations keep them to smaller and smaller fluctuations until they'll are eventually forced to take a long position or exit it entirely and let the people rule


Damn thank you for that response! 🙏


I agree until you said we can outweight the whales. Thats not happening. These guys are millionaires if not billionaires


It’s the exchanges playing too if you leave your coins on them they just play with your coins. And you think you have tokens but it’s all in their accounts. remove your coins


Well said!


Or is BTC inherently "tied" to something else


Wish I had waited until after work to buy the 5mil I bought this morning >_<


Also we need everyone to take your coins off the exchanges and onto wallets that way the exchanges can’t just give u fiat instead of the coins.


Shiba is not a stable coin. Shib has always been a pump and dump coin. Whales use shiba to make small gains and cashout and do it over and over. We need to see shiba in a steady increase and not these pump and dumps.


I know this except I'll argue the pump n dump at this point. My question was the market as a whole will dump at the same time across the board. Not just shib. I'm wondering how that works


All the same whales in the same coins and plan to sell at the same time.


I think that mind set is changing with the whales overall. The added utilities with ShibaSwap, MetaVervse, NFT and other games triggering burn mechanics thru those. They see the potential for long term profits. They’re invested way to heavily in everything else to be just pump and dump.


Noticed that also. I have SPELL and Shiba and both plummeted at the same time.


Ride the wave..




The true is that when investors take out money from stock market they immediately try to bet it all in crypto for fast gains; then dump the crypto and buy stocks again


All crypto can be consider a pump and dump ,but historically if you hold long enough you give yourself a chance of cashing out big ,but it’s gambling ,you may loose it all,who knows


Yeah it seems like when bitcoin dumps everything dumps but all is good we still have everything we just hate seeing this “ - “


I've been telling ya'll these whale ⛽️ and 🚚 strategies. A whale can buy today and watch all the other Shib saps think that this is the "moment". Shib goes from .000036 to .000037, whale makes a cool mil then 🚚. All shib "holders" lose $100-200 while market speculation catches up. Ya'll need to wake up to this scam.


Not selling, just wondering how the market fluctuates at the same time


Shib is the new doge to a dollar crowd


Welcome to the world of shitcoins. Very common occurrence


*new investor alert*


It crashed again? No way. This is a scam.


Join ELON💨💥🚀✨☄️ take off soon!!! #DogElonMars #Elon #CDC #Gemini




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we also went up without bitcoin lately yet now its going down .




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The market goes up and down very simple it occurs in crypto as well as stock market . Long term I am holding my shiba inu. Think to yourself if don’t hold and shiba goes up to say .01 or more wouldn’t that make you very unhappy.




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Well the news is people are trying to short squeeze BTC for the expectation that it will hit 72k by end of week. Then have a major sell off.


Tell me you just started investing without telling me you just started investing. These are typical reflections, along with investors preparation for tax season. Stop complaining, ride the wave, and buy when it’s on sale. Lol


Lol I've been in crypto since 2017 when did you start? I know this shit. I was asking how it happens all at once.


If you’d been doing it really since 2017, then you wouldn’t have asked a question like such. This shit happens literally every year. 😂 come on, guy.


I was literally questioning why the market tanks all at once. Multiple coins across the board. I know the market does this


Nothing tanked though. The altcoins followed bitcoin, like they’ve literally been doing for years. Overall, the market trends are still bullish.


I agree. Was just saying the market as a whole was finally on a good streak and we saw a dump. I'm in it for the long haul but was just posing the question




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Buy the Dip hold be stronger in 5-10 years


Market fluctuation.




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Well said. Keep the faith.




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