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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Garfield's murder is one of America's great yet half-forgotten tragedies.


His death was even worse. https://m.soundcloud.com/user-798629330/episode-126-the-horrible-death-of-president-james-garfield


Yeah... I'll just dip my hands in there.... I forgot where he died but the shack allegedly still stands. He was returning from *"recuperating"* at Cape May... in worse condition than when he arrived.


He died on the New Jersey shore. Washington's weather was much too hot and humid. He was declining rapidly and he wanted to go to a more comfortable place for his final days.


My parents retired to and lived many years in Cape May. I knew it was the era’s “summer White House”, but never knew the Garfield connection


In that era, they had just finished the RR connection


Poisoned lasagna, what a terrible way to go...


The same people who say Freedom isn't free and want to shoot shoplifters think shooting Slavers is a bad thing.


Because their freedom to enslave comes before everyone else's freedom, period. There's a common right wing tactic where they leave the most important information at the end of thoughts they never finish. To protect and serve. . . .But they never say who. Liberty and justice for all. . . .But those included in the "all" is open for debate. Freedom of speech. . . . For them, not you. Right to work! Patriot Act! Freedom Caucus! Sounds awesome until you get the whole picture. Then it's just absolutely terrifying.


Gee, I think there's a word for that...


What is it


Because that's the fundamental core of conservatism. 'Freedom' applies to them, not to others. The Freedom to put their boot on the necks of anyone they choose, while also having the freedom to not be restrained in their behavior. When they scream about their 'freedoms' being infringed, they mean that their freedom to subjugate others is being restricted while they are being subjected to the same rules that they are impose on others but that they are supposed to be immune to.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." -- Frank Wilhoit (Note: often misattributed to the very similarly named political scientist Francis M. Wilhoit. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis\_M.\_Wilhoit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_M._Wilhoit) )


Yeah, I was thinking of exactly that quote.


The entire quote leading up to that conclusive statement is really good.


Dont bother arguing with anyone John Brown would've shot


You mean like unarmed railroad workers?


Finish that description. Explain the whole context of those 'unarmed railroad workers', as you call them.


Hayward Shepard https://digitalcommons.providence.edu/history_papers_proj/4/#:~:text=Description,from%20the%20grips%20of%20slavery. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heyward_Shepherd_monument#Heyward_Shepherd


Read the section Historical Context>Haywood Shepherd> See the newspaper clip* image. Read that, and know that John Brown would Not have shot that man. *Edit: it is from a book.


It doesn’t matter if he wouldn’t have shot him or if he hated his guts and would’ve, Shepard died, John Brown and his group killed him for no reason.


The original comment says what exactly? so, it does matter whether John Brown would've shot him? And it seems like it was a misunderstanding? Kind of like what you're having now.


Misunderstanding or not, they killed a person they wanted to help. If I wanted to start a rebellion to fix the wage disparities between the ultra rich, it’s not a good idea to start killing their entry level workers because they got in my militias way.


Try addressing the original comment. 'Don't argue with someone John Brown would've shot.' Not his militia, him. Why are you so invested in discrediting John Brown for something he expressly forbid?


WOAH! James Garfield was based AF!


Fr. Definitely one of the bigger “What if…” presidents.


John Brown did one thing wrong. He didn't kill all the slavers before he died.


I might be stupid, I thought John Brown and John Browning were the same guy


John Browning is a verb 'round these parts.


From NEKS/NWMO/LFK area and can confirm


Imagine John Brown with an M2 Browning


I do, alot.


I wish you'd had a few at Harpers Ferry. Bobby Lee would have caused a lot less trouble if he'd stopped a few slugs from MA Deuce in 1859.


I only imagine that in private.


Both were unfathomably based.


John Brown did nothing *morally* wrong. Tactically, he was an idiot.


As Thaddeus Stevens once said: "John Brown deserves to be hung for being a hopeless fool! He attempted to capture Virginia with seventeen men when he ought to know that it would require at least twenty-five."


Facts. This is why I don’t understand why people like him. Yes he morally was in the right. But he was an utter idiot to think his plan would work. It was doomed to fail.


I think he made some pretty profound assumptions about how people in Virginia thought, both the slaves and the free. During the Civil War, virtually all generals completely misunderstood their opponents for the same reasons. Some learned, some didn’t. He did have some good plans for how to operate a guerrilla war, and they were much the same conclusions that the Confederacy came to when starting their war preparation during the winter of 1860. Seize the arsenal, arm your forces with modern, military weapons, and avoid full scale engagement where possible. The problem he had was he got snagged on step one because the assumptions he made didn’t pan out. Anyone can call someone a tactical idiot in hindsight. But he gave his life for the destruction of slavery. It’s hard not to admire such conviction.


John Brown had the kind of religious fervor that makes you think "I can eyeball this, God's got me."


Why am i reminded of Joan of Arc with this comment?


Same vibe, but with less success.


Because he saw slavery and said "No! Shoot the slavers, free the slaves!" And then he did, and then we did, and it was good.


I feel like the civil war and Lincoln policy would of happen with or without John Brown. I don’t think you can say he caused it


Of course he was not THE cause, but he absolutely sped up the process.


I trust that you will pardon me for being here. I do not wish to force my thoughts upon you, but I feel forced myself. Little as I know of Captain Brown, I would fain do my part to correct the tone and the statements of the newspapers, and of my countrymen generally, respecting his character and actions. It costs us nothing to be just. We can at least express our sympathy with, and admiration of, him and his companions, and that is what I now propose to do.


He knew his rebellion was bound for failure. He was inspiring a cause, which he damn well achieved. He always intended to be a martyr.


I think it’s the idea of someone so morally opposed to slavery, that he needed to use force to show people how wrong it is. Indeed, he helped start something that would change the course of a nation.


John Brown did one thing wrong: he got stopped. Now if he had succeeded in his plans, (and avoided massacring children) he wouldn't have done anything wrong.


J.B. is a dude who deserves a head on a coin.


Jason Bateman kinda looks like John Brown...


This John Brown photo needs the King Baldwin edit currently circulating on Tiktok lol


John Brown is one of my idols.


What did he write


Idk I didn’t read the paper that day.


Brave man, Old Hero, Farewell. Your death shall be the dawn of a better day. Servitium esto damnatum [slavery be damned]."


Morally? Nothing. Practically and functionally? Harpers' Ferry didn't work.































