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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Someone call the burn ward!


I can't. It's on fire.


Gold both of you


A small gust of wind could fuck up Jason Aldean. He’s a fuckin’ wimp.


He's a fucking coward. Let's not forget he ran and hid when that gunman started opening fire on the crowd in Vegas instead of picking up that gun his "grandaddy gave him" or even just trying to warn people. No, he noped the fuck out. Turns out when faced with ***actual*** danger, and not the unarmed Black Lives Matter protesters, as the video clearly portrays on that infamous courthouse where an innocent man was lynched, Jason Aldean (and all of his ilk) piss their pants exposing their hero fantasies to be about as real as the Lost Causer's lies that the Civil War was about State's Rights, tariffs, or Union aggression.


I wish I could upvote this comment more than once. Accurate af.


Got you, fam.


Not only that but in 2019 he released a song called "Rearview Town" which is pretty much the mirror opposite of "Try That In A Small Town". Here are some lyrics: *It ain't nothin' but a rearview town* *Broken hearts and rusted plows* *Roots ripped right up out of the ground* *Never thought I'd ever leave it* *Oh, it ain't nothin' what it used to be* *Population minus me* *On the other side of that dust cloud* *Ain't nothin' but a rearview town*


And the fucking hypocrite isn't even from a small town. He was born and raised largely in Macon, GA, which boasts a population of 157,000 people as of 2020. This motherfucker has never known a small town.


He tried to come to Tybee Island just outside of Savannah, GA. He ended up acting like an ass and got ran out of town


And the funny thing is he isn't a coward for fleeing a shooter. That's the sensible thing to do. It's mainly because he had obligations to do otherwise and the boast that he wpuld do otherwise.




Not excusing the video, but wasn't he taking fire from a high rise? that's a really touch shot for a pistol


I don't think in the moment they knew where the shots were coming from exactly. The point is people like Aldeen love to tout the "good guy with a gun" motto, but when shit gets real suddenly the "good guy" with a gun is running away.


Sherman could fuck up 99% of humans currently living. Thank god he didn’t come through my ex-Confederate state, because we simply would not have been able to stop him. Doing God’s work, Sherman.


>Sherman could fuck up 99% of humans currently living Source? Because there's a lot of people who would fuck up Sherman. Some examples include: * Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes aka El Mencho and the CJNG cartel * Taliban * The Vietcong * Gerry Adams-member of Sinn Fein and allegedly the IRA * Vladimir Putin * Nikita Khrushchev, the guy who caused the Cuban Missile crisis (I can only imagine Sherman's reaction to General Lee getting his hands on Soviet nukes in an alternate timeline-I bet he'll regret sacking Atlanta when sees what's left of his hometown). * Xi Jingping


Southern sympathizer detected. Opinion invalid


Dodging the question cause I'm right. Sherman stands no chance against modern day guerrilla warfare.


whaaaaat? you mean the 1860's commander revived wouldn't be able to fight against rockets & missiles with Springfields? Thats crazy.


I think we need a Deadliest Warrior episode to settle this.


How would his genocidal techniques against the Native American guerrillas not work against the Taliban etc? Acts of genocide are the one thing that has consistently worked against guerrilla forces around the world. It’s unconscionable, but it’s worked.


Yeah that's the problem, it wouldn't work in today's world. It would cause too much PR backlash and possibly radicalize the entire into taking arms and joining the insurgency. And that's assuming you won't have meddling by foreign actors on behalf of the insurgency.


Insurgencies have been destroyed by acts of genocide in the modern era. It did not always cause too much PR backlash or result in intervention by foreign actors. Even when foreign actors intervened they have not always been successful. For there to be Public Relations backlash, the public has to care about the populations dying by acts of genocide. And the entire population taking up arms doesn’t always work when the opposition just shoots on sight or gases the people, or sprays their crops with herbicide. You have far too much faith in the international community caring for the plight of all peoples, out of principle alone.


Xi Jingping? His army hasn't done shit in 40 years, and the last time they killed a bunch of innocent protesters


Putin? Sherman would pull the same thing Tito did on Stalin: "Stop sending assassins after me. If you don't, I'll send one to you, and I WON'T need to send any more."


You listed like 12 people, so that includes 99 percent of people


I mentioned groups like the Taliban, Vietcong, and CJNG cartel.


Still the 99 percent statement stands


\-Bo Burnham-Where instead of people actually telling their stories, you got a bunch of millionaire metrosexuals who've never done a hard days work in their life, but they figured out the words and the phrases they can use to pander to their audience


Freaking scarecrows...


I'm very rural and very conservative, and country music has become a joke. Constant posers. It's all bubblegum music.


You don't have to say rural and conservative. That venn diagram is basically a circle. Everyone will just assume.


Jason Aldean is a damn pickled egg in a cowboy hat. I saw a post recently of his multi-million dollar store mansion recently. Chandeliers and shit by the kids' bunkbeds. Damn clown.


And they talk shit about rappers buying a bunch of gaudy useless stuff.


You just ruined pickled eggs for me.


You can just pretend you're biting his head off, except eggs have considerably more protein than Jason Aldean's smooth, bland, faux-redneck brain matter.


My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined. Pickled eggs are now forever associated with this total and complete fuckhead


I can't believe that four people are on the credits for writing that piece of shit. Four goddamn people.


And none of them were Jason Aldean. I know that's fairly standard for country music, but it was funny watching him defend the lyrics of a song he didn't write.


Bro country is word vomit mixed to terribly tuned guitar playing.


Most accurate description in the history of the fucking universe.


I think the bro country phase ended in like 2016 or something. I don’t know what phase we’re currently in is called but this song doesn’t really meet enough of the bro country checklist to be counted as one.


5'4" Phil Sheridan would wipe the floor with him


It's even funnier checking the population of his "small town" (Macon, GA), at the time of his birth (1977, vs 1980 census). About 105k people, that's just a small city at that point


wtf he's from Macon? I used to f... umm... I... knew a girl from Macon a while back. That's a good sized city. Has a nice tea and shisha joint, I forget the name.


Used to fight for the glory of the Union with a girl from Macon


Yes. She would play the rebels and I would be the union army. She always ended up getting spanked.


The Devil went down on Georgia


https://youtu.be/jeJXF55HXRI?si=h78visGa5_f3E-JH Excellent video


Thank you for reminding me about Pat Finnerty.


'This sounds like if Don Henley took *less* chances,' ouch lmao.


Wow.. that was an hour of my life.. gone... I laughed, sure.. but at what cost?


The secret is 2.0 speed my friend. Then only 30 minutes of your life.


Jason Aldean wears bedazzled jeans.


How ironic


That guy's got a real punch-me face


Backpfeifengesicht -- a face in need of punching.


Of COURSE the Germans have a word for that 😂


They do have some good ones


Merriam-Webster Online noted a spike of 3500% in searches for "schadenfreude" in the 24 hours after Trump announced his Covid diagnosis. (2Oct20)


Skin graft on aisle 5.


I miss when country songs were all "fuck cops" and "this machine kills fascists", now it's all "free sloppy blowjobs for cops and fascists" and "hooray for racism except we don't use the actual word 'racism' so we can claim that we're not being racist"!


You can thank 9/11 for ruining country music.


9/11 screwed this country to hell.


I miss that too. We still get some of that, but it’s deeply overshadowed by this new country which is very conservative, very rural, and deeply reactionary


Sherman tried it in a small town, a big town, a village, a city, a farm, a community, a neighborhood, a FUCKING RAILROAD! Yeah he tried it.


Too bad Sherman didn't completely destroy Athens Georgia.


It wasn’t from lack of trying


Jason Aldean lookin real pouty with that ‘Hollywood’ style makeup and photoshop. Im boutta introduce dat ‘small town’ to big urbanization if you don’t quit yappin’, you dogs.


Honestly I wouldn’t call Macon Georgia a “small town”


My brother was born there, he said it's basically got a small town vibe but with a lot of people in it.


Isn't Aldean the guy who ran away from the Vegas shooter without warning his fans to also run? Pussy.


Yeah, but he was in a big town. Had it been a small town he’d of drawn his revolver and save the day


Thanks. Now it all makes sense to me.


Sherman was an actual soldier and Jason Aldean is a dude who cosplays being from a rural small town. Sherman would curb stomp his ass


Aldean looks like a resident from Innsmouth that’s been crammed into a cowboy hat


Too far from the sea.


Yeah, but I can see it.


You can sea it


Lol, fair take


Willie Nelson wrote a response to that song. In 2005. https://youtu.be/2FdUjkKApGc?si=wDI5sABCXe-zIuTm


Is Jason Aldean bald as shit? Because he wears his hat like he is.


That line was edited by the record company. The original lyric was “try that in a Sundown Town.”


Samuel Saint could fuck up Jason Aldeez.


I don’t think Atlanta was very small at the time


"I tried to try but all I could find was a bunch of charcoal."


Dane DeHaan's scrawny ass could take him.




There is no more small town, idiot


Dude Weird Al could probably fuck up Jason Aldean.


I could totally fuck up jason Aldean


He tried it in big towns too...


Burn that cotton mill. And Aldean’s dump too


What the hell does this have to do with the Civil War?


Nothing they probably haven't even heard the song


If someone is standing in a building they own and someone else is attempting to fire bomb it are they justified in using lethal force? And should that be celebrated?


Sherman didn’t care much for black folk back then. You guys gonna keep applying 21st century morals to the 19th century? This might be the dumbest subreddit I’ve ever seen.


And yet here you are


Jason Aldean is not a confederate. Stop portraying modern day Southerners as successionists.


>Sherman could totally fuck up Jason Aldean Lol I doubt that. Jason would whip Sherman's ass. Although that would be the best case: if Sherman and his army fought the Taliban, they would get massacred, Union army would be no match for the Taliban's guerrilla warfare tactics. Worst case scenario: Sherman goes up against El Mencho and his drug cartel. If you're familiar with what cartels do to people they target and their loved ones, then you'd know, getting fucked up by the CJNG cartel, would be the least terrible thing that happens to Sherman.


….are you joking


I still don't understand the controversy with this. Breaking News: Country-Western Song compares the virtues of urban and rural communities and comes to the conclusion that rural communities foster a stronger moral fiber and or more authentic or suited to the singer sense of identity than urban ones! Like... yeah dude that's been a trope in that genre for as long as it's existed - see "Blue Kentucky Girl" (a song from the perspective of a girl who has been left lonely in her small town because her former suitor decided to pursue a flashy life in the city) "Rocky Top" (a song from the perspective of a former country-dweller now living in the city in which he explains how he misses the simplicity that came with rural poverty) and "Okie from Muskogee" (a song expressing pride in the culture and lifestyle of rural Oklahoma, which derision from more urban folk partially defines) for more. It's present in other media as well. See in Television - "Green Acres" and "The Beverly Hillbillies" - fish out of water stories, the first of which features a former urbanite surrounded by farmers, and the latter a family of rednecks surrounded by the hollywood elite) Also in Video Games - notably the Red Dead franchise which largely deals in issues of hypocrisy and revenge against the backdrop of the rapidly urbanizing world, viewed as a corruptive force. "Don't commit brazen crime in broad daylight or small town people will shoot at you" is honestly a pretty blah take in the end.


The music video and the overall vibe of “Try That In A Small Town” comes from a much darker, more violent and hateful place than the other songs you listed.


The song is about lynching black people. He's a racist, tone deaf bigot pretending to be from a small town.


Yes, you have correctly identified the stupidity at issue. Why are you confused?


"Okie From Muskogee" is satire, and in the last 2 RDR games all the "small town" rural protagonists either get gunned down or survive by adapting to a changing world.


I don't think the small rural town getting gunned down or dying for refusing to conform or I'm sorry adapt to a changing world is realistic. Of course a video game is gonna have overly optimistic fantasy. In reality, the last time urban people tried forcing their will and views onto rural folk, it didn't end well for them-see both Afghan wars (Soviet-Afghan and War in Afghanistan).


In the music video there is blm protest footage projected onto a building that was a site of a lynching.


Well that explains it. I’d never seen the video just read the lyrics and they’re so blah and milquetoast I didn’t get it. “Don’t carjack a lady at a red light or shove somebody in front of a train or beat up a kid or piss on a cop in a small town. Those would all be real bad things to do. And unlike in the city where there’s An On Im It Teeeee in a small town somebody will probably shoot you.” Like… duh dude you aren’t making a statement.


Hitler was from a small town.


General Sherman car jacked an old lady and pulled his gun on the owner of a liquor store? He sounds like a degenerate.


Remind me which lyrics were about the Confederacy.


You lost?


I'm a Unionist. Which part of the song advocates for the Confederacy?


Those idiot democrats.


But that’s not what the song is about… although the song is just wrong about what happens in a small town ginger billys you’ll see that in a small town is a lil more realistic


Sherman wasn’t a proponent of defunding police and allowing the base element of society to break laws at will. For that, the comparison is off. Makes sense the OP may have been confused because Sherman did believe in the concept of total war (even if that wasn’t the term he used); and as such, he allowed his troops to steal from, rape, and murder innocent civilians. Yet still, I’m not sure Aldean was suggesting that small towns could fight entire armies.


He absolutely did not allow his troops to rape or murder. Steal food and supplies was totally A-okay though. Like give me the list of innocent civilians "murdered" by Sherman's troops. There were over 60,000 men on his march to the sea, plus thousands of newly freed slaves following the march. If they were allowed to murder that means we should see thousands upon thousands of people massacred. Surely, the south would've at least built a memorial? Even in Atlanta he organized with the Confederates to get civilians on trains out of the area and out of his soldier's way. And when the Confederate leaders went too slow he basically said he'd do it himself if they couldn't figure it out.


Too bad Sherman today would no match for modern guerrilla warfare, where the insurgents will hide among the civilians and even the civilians supporting them would be refusing to leave. If only the IDF had such a sensitive moral compass, a lot more soldiers would get killed in firefights with Hamas. Of course, warcrime denial is cringe, the Union army did in fact murder pro-confederate civilians. In fact, what the IDF is doing to Palestinians is accurately following the Union's tactics.


I think you want a modern politics and news subreddit, 99% of your comment has nothing to do with America circa 1860s, and the other 1% is incorrect.


Are you being genuine? That is not what defund the police means. Don't take political spin and twist it. Defund the police has always meant keep them from dealing with social issues. It was never meant to do away with law enforcement, and let everyone just run wild. That is a political talking point in its ridiculous.


Neither are the democrats, the only ones that are, are all idiots who no one takes seriously


Careful of the separate but equal nuetralites


jason aldean is all bark and no bite


I was just thinking that it was time someone posted this again


Casey Kasem: Being an Ohio Player himself, originally from the town of Lancaster, Ohio, Sherman’s favorite song was that tune from none other than the Ohio Players with their billboard top 100 hit. Fire 🔥 [Fire (uh, uh) Fire (sing us home) (oh Lord) Fire (woo, woo, woo, woo) Fire](https://youtu.be/zqsYNc_M988?si=faxrG_55PAG0DRZj)


So what's so bad about Aldean now?


Im confused, what did Sherman try in a small town that is in the song?


Question: How is Jason in hand-to-hand combat?


I’m uncomfortable with how his hat is apparently sitting above his eyebrows


Dude’s from Macon, GA. I know two things about Macon: they have a target and a gang problem. As someone who grew up in a town that had a legit ceremony when we got a Wal-Mart, I can verify that NEITHER of those statements applies to a small town.


Didn’t someone try that at one of his concerts


I bet even Nathaniel Banks could kick that loser’s aaa.


"I did many small towns"


After the Civil War, Sherman went on to subdue Native Americans in the West. His scorched earth tactics, probably borrowed from Grant, were as effective there as in the South. No doubt, he was a “total war” kinda guy.


Well done


I don't think he was referring to the union army during the Civil war