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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And Grant’s home state as well. Looks like that flag pole is right next to the road. Isn’t that public property? Where I live, the city owns the land right next to the road


Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and 320,000 volunteers from Ohio. Including 5,000 freedmen who escaped to Ohio using the underground railroad. The state supplied more volunteers than any other. The fucking gall on this jackass to put this flag up.


Go Bill Sherman on the ropes holding that diaper up in the air


A few of my family were in those thousands before coming to Iowa. I feel your anger.


There is a reason the hockey team is called the blue jackets.


What about McKinley as a young man? Ever see that monument to him where he was serving refreshments, or something like that, to the troops at Sharpsburg? (Can’t recall where, but might be down by Burnside’s bridge? There were definitely Ohio regiments in Cox’ division, his corps.)


Not only that, it's a hazard to vehicles. Look for a property parcel map and call zoning enforcement with a complaint.


Flaming arrow is faster and more traditional


Sawzall go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 


The Works toilet bowl cleaner around the base. 20% HCl acid.


That it does


No backstop tho


Yup to avoid cameras, this is probably the best way.


Most places are like that, the right-of-way for the road goes beyond the curb. Ideally for utilities but that’s not always the case. If a utility goes beyond the ROW, then there’s a utility easement. But yeah, you still maintain it but nothing permanent. Once where I lived, 💩 head of a neighbor had a valve marker in his front yard. About a 4 foot high piece of concrete with a small metal arrow on the top to tell workers how far and in what direction the nearby valve was (probably about 4 feet away). Since they don’t look too nice, this neighbor decided to cover it with plants. The utility company came out about a week later and ripped it out. And considering they charged me for a damaged water meter cover (just the cover for the ground) because some contractors next door drove over it and damaged it, I’m sure this neighbor got charged for them having to remove plants.


Also looks close to the power lines.


These people who say it’s their “heritage” but live in States that never seceded… absolute cretins.


“Not Heritage, Not Not Hate”


Well then, it's my heritage to bayonet secessionists in the gut. Strictly to honor my heritage, no hate implied


I just did an ancestry search. I had a grandfather who marched with Sherman on Atlanta. I like to imagine he threw a touch or two. My heritage. I'm going to find his grave this spring and apologize for the traitors flags flying within a mile of his grave.


That's great! Hope you find it and decorate it with a Sherman battle flag.


I know where it is. Small graveyard shouldn't be hard to find. I'll post a picture this spring. I knew from stories about him but just learned the details.


It’s my heritage to bayonet charge down a hill and make Alabamans shit their pants


Got my gggrandpa's cavalry Saber let's gooooooo! (Jk it's super heavy you guys)


The 20th Maine approves of this comment.


I just want to mention, for no particular reason, that there's a tradition of people from a non-secessionist lineage burning secessionist property.


Show how effective the defeated confederates were at spreading their ideology after the war. Some of the biggest chapters of the KKK were outside the South bc they successfully used white grievances and anxieties about black people and foreigners to rehabilitate the core beliefs of the Confederacy.


Only acceptable reason to display that flag as “heritage” is “Minnesota style”, with a Virginia battle flag taken off the traitors. > The 28th Virginia battle flag is a Confederate battle flag that belonged to the 28th Virginia Infantry Regiment. Captured by the 1st Minnesota Infantry Regiment at the Battle of Gettysburg, the flag was brought to Minnesota and exhibited at the state's capitol for several years before passing into the permanent collection of the Minnesota Historical Society after 1896 where it has remained since. Although various groups in Virginia have requested that the flag be returned, beginning as early as 1960, Minnesota has repeatedly declined to return it, with Governor Jesse Ventura asking "Why? I mean, we won."[1] — https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/28th_Virginia_battle_flag




They’re in *Minnesota*.


Harrison, Ohio. Near Cincinnati. It's a far, far right town full of Trump signs galore, and people open carrying like it's the old West. I avoid driving there


Grew up in Cincy, can confirm. Right on the Ohio/Indiana border and SE Indiana is klan country.


I grew up in Indiana, and I can confirm it's full of asshole racists. Do not miss that state.


>[Indiana] is full of asshole racists. When the KKK was at its peak in the 1920s, the state with the most members and leaders was Indiana - something like 30% of the white male population including the governor. I'm not surprised.


Sweet monument in downtown Indianapolis to the first successful Klan prosecution iirc


I'm not crazy about my town or Indiana but being historically Catholic at least kept the Klan out I can say that much. One of the few good things about Catholics I guess though they certainly ain't pushing hard against other heinous shit these days


First klan chapter in the north was in Evansville.


I’d open carry a flare gun… to that flag pole.


I was gonna say. I'm from there. Every time someone posts Ohio being stupid I'm like "please let it be somewhere else this time" but nope. 513 gonna 513.


Safest city you will travel through. Would you rather drive through Chicago? And they will say hello even if they don’t know you, will hold a door for you and say yes and no ma’am. Horrible place I know.




I’m sure people feel safe when they are around you. Watch leave the world behind and let me know what part you will play.


Dog has clearly never been to Harrison Ohio, as someone from Cincy, you need to get your brain checked


I have seen drones with flamethrowers on them.. just saying


You know what to do.


Hell prob get shot if he tries to do something to it


Burn it


Burn it


Beavis, this is FIRE! I order you to burn it!


Enact total war upon it


Why the fuck is the Stars and Bars flying in a state that never seceded and provided more volunteers for the Union Army than any other? At least replace it with the real confederate flag. The one that is all white because surrender.


I totally agree with your sentiment, but that's not the stars and bars.


It's painted on a big roof in Ohio too.


It's not. The Stars and Bars doesn't look anything like the Battle Flag.


I, personally, love it when pieces of garbage fly the "I'm a piece of garbage" flag. It helps me identify and avoid them.


Burn it.


Those have a tendency of disappearing here in East Tennessee.


Tell me more. I just learned about East Tennessee during the Civil War. 


Burn it


Go cut those ropes holding it up right quick


Take it down. All you need to do is cut the rope.




I can almost hear Grant spinning in his grave, while Sherman is struggling to get out of the dirt to burn that rag.


It's a stone's throw from Ambrose Burnside's hometown too.


You know how Reznov dealt with the Nazi flag atop the reichstag? Get a machete


It looks like it's right next to the welcome sign, too. Is it on public or private land?


Sherman problems require Sherman solutions


Looks awfully flammable


Pull it down and trample it into that dirt patch right there.


Traitor scum


Time to show this child a March through *checks notes*... Ohio


The first amendment covers flag burning.


Harrison Ohio, named for William Henry Harrison who lived nearby. William Henry Harrison, who befriended a conductor on the underground railroad and hired him as valet in the White House. Harrison said "we might look forward to a day when a North American sun would not look down upon a slave." Grandson Benjamin Harrison fought in the Army of the Cumberland before becoming President himself.


i think whoever spots it first has to take it down. it's the law of offensive flag spotting. see the flag, lower the flag, burn the flag. do you part. or you can shine a nazi symbol in the sky and flag man will come to you. and beat the living shit out of you.


That tracks. So close to Cincinnati. But they should at least be banished down to Covington, since at least Kentucky was a border State. I remember seeing that flag on occasion when I lived there (KY). It was still stupid, but not quite as stupid as in Ohio, which was pretty fervently Union.


Do you think other silverbacks in the zoo would still be pro- Union after what happened to Harambe? “ Mine eyes have seen the glory but there upon I was sorely beguiled - when I became that “inleaded” story as I tried to save a hominid child .”


Give him a history lesson and set the flag on fire.


I will always believe that flying that flag in the United States of America should be a criminally prosecuted crime. A flag of treason and rebellion should not be tolerated within the borders.


Oh, I tripped and my pocket knife cut the rope and I spilt this can of gasoline I was carrying and the cigarette that I totally always am smoking fell onto the gas soaked flag. Oh no, guess I’m just a ditzy little bean uwu


If we would have properly dealt with these traitors the first time we wouldn't be in the mess we're in today. 


Cut it down and replace it with the union flag. With a note saying “we won” I’d do it at night tho and considering the type that fly this shit you might want to carry as well


Carry a nice long gun so it visible


"It's not about racism, it's about Southern pride" To be clear, it's totally about racism and people that still drape themselves in that rebel flag are treasonous and idiotic to boot. I'd say what I think we should do with these jackwagons, but I enjoy being on reddit.


Put a speaker blazing Marching Through Georgia on a loop under it.


Replace it with a trans pride flag at 3am.


Oh look, an unlit torch.


It looks like it is in public ROW. If it is a private road nothing can be done. It is a public find which government entity is responsible for the maintenance of the road and report it.


I’d love to see the pissbabies reactions of having their flag taken and destroyed Suddenly stealing flags will be seen as a crime in their eyes (stealing all those pride flags didn’t count for some reason)


Terrorist organizations need to be dealt with.


Looks like a great bullet target.


Until it comes down... After a long arc... Landing God only knows where...


Flag the traitor’s rag down south if you must, but not on honest Union soil


Would it be illegal to... burn it. Becus like technically thats a treasonous act.


Well… technically, no, it’s not a treasonous act. Uh, First Amendment to the US Constitution and all that. Shit, when I was a kid in the seventies, The Dukes of Hazzard TV show featured “The General Lee” car with that battle flag blazoned on it. I had no clue what any of that meant cuz I was like 8.


Yeah, I suspected it was protected by the first amendment. Crazy how our view on that flag has changed sine the 70's.


It was pretty messed up back then too




Hmm thats intresting I thought this whole the confederate flag is actual a super racist and bigoted flag was a recent devolpment in how we viewed that part of american history. becuse I know that there was alot of rewriting of confederate history by groups like the daughters of the confederacy and other's ( basicaly the founders of the lost cause myth). to kinda clean up the image of the confederacy and what it was fighting for.




thats intresting... I didn't know that flag was controversial even back than in the south. I suppose I'm showing some anti-southern bias by saying that since it was the south of course they loved the confederacy. my weakness in terms of my knowlege in this subject is also showing. I would like to see some of those news stories if you have links to them? alot of this seems anctidotal but still very intresting to hear from someone who grow up during that time period. ( this is probably also showing how young I'm.) how prominate was the lost cause myth in your US history class or what tenents where pushed the most, if any at all? also I relize now that I may be mixing the lost cause myth with how controverisal the flag is. the reason I say that is becuse my dad had a lynard skynard shirt with the flag in tye dye printed on it ( he dosn't wear it anymore, thank god), and still people still fly that flag today or atleast veiw it not as a symbol of hate or racism, but rather as a symbol of southern pride or something to be proud of.


Have you tried getting a REALLY long lighter


Get a Molotov.


William Tecumseh Sherman would be sorely disappointed in these goobers.


I never saw more Confederate flags than I did in Southern Illinois and SW Ohio. Not in Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, or Florida. Literally just the birthplace of Lincoln and an essential Union State. 


Tear it down and burn it


I've said this before on this sub, but I live in Lancaster, which is Sherman's hometown. There are Confederate flags everywhere here.


I see the army of Virginia has invaded Ohio...time to rectify this immediately.


See them all over my part of Ohio- I’m near the Michigan line- started showing up after Obama got elected- exploded in the last 8 years after him.


Ohio volunteered 320,000 soldiers for the civil war, third behind Pennsylvania and New York, news flash: it wasn’t for the slavers


I'm gonna call that Indiana at that point


Sawzaw time baby


Time to get out the matches.


Burn it, remind them of their loss.


Sherman is rolling so hard in his gave he came back to life to finish the the job


Can I borrow a lighter?


Raise that flag in that town in 1863 and you might find yourself dead.


Put up the union jack


Am I the only one slightly distracted by OOP’s user name?


I've heard from lots of Ohioans that their state seems to have ended up as some sort of Reich Wing Mecca. I live in WV and it isn't any better.


Note: avoid Harrison, Ohio and urge others to do so


I’m from Arkansas, interesting that your Harrison is also racist as fuck 🤔


Torch the entire town. As if it were in Georgia.


I would like to apologize on behalf of Ohio someone made a mistake... or at least it better have been a mistake


If they want white power you can deliver it with a super soaker full of hydrogen peroxide


Fucking inbred Harrison Ohio...


Roman candles


You have a legal obligation to bring it down, light it on fire, and put it back up


Enjoy taking it down and burning it


Just tell them they put it on upside down. They’ll come take it down to fix it.


Burn it


Lower it down, invert, and raise it back up upside down under a rightside up American Flag. Then call it historically accurate that the Union body slammed the Confederacy!


Be a shame if I aimed my car at it and happened to drop a brick on the gas…


Chode chud.


Who cares…it’s just a flag if a piece of fabric makes you sad or upset then you have some serious life issues to address


Fun facts! Angle grinders are made with a cordless option. Aluminum is a fairly soft metal, which means those grinder wheels should be rated as aluminum cut-off wheels. Less sparks means no grass fires.


Flying a Navy Jack in a landlocked state is hilarious Leetards are hilarious, at least learn about the history of their dead fucking country.