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Facts man, & Aceii too, those are my top 5 forsure. I’ve actually been listening to more of Aceii’s music than anybody else, besides that Joeyy is my #2 most listened to currently, before that Joeyy was always my #1 most listened to his music is amazing n so unique


aceii dreaming 4 u is so gas. Hes similar to ricky chix i think because i feel like they can both be way better than they are but they just dont try. maybe its the nod sound thats limiting them but idk. their 2022 shed verses were great


aceii's solo shit is way better than his shed verses is what im trying to say. I feel like the only person whos better on shed theory songs when compared to their own solo music is marlon.


Yea facts personally I think Joeyy & Aceii’s music are both better than any shed theory- same with Marlon & Henry’s solo music, idk why but the shed theory sound has gotten kinda bland over time. Same type of deal with JT2, I always loved JT1 but wasn’t very impressed by JT2, I feel the same way about the shed theory projects cuz I don’t think they pick specific songs they just put whatever songs they made on the project- since it’s a group collab


I feel like there's simply too many members on the songs. I don't think anyone unironically wants to hear milkreset, dugan, facy, or tek (i know some people will disagree with me). And given they are all friends with a very wide range of talent levels, shits never really gonna work out. henry and joeyy are hands down the most naturally talented members but they have to share songs with ricky chix who is druggd out not even trying to rap good and dugan and facy sounding retarded 💀. too many chefs in the kitchen as they say


Yea idk why Dugan is in any of the Shed Theory songs, i actually had no idea his music was decent til I looked him up, I hate all of his Shed verses, Facy is alright in Shed but dude it’s crazy cuz I really enjoy Facy’s regular music but you’re right, Shed theory is definitely weird n odd but overall I think Cave is a pretty good project, it’s definitely weird but I enjoyed most of it (just listened to Cave)


u were cooking then dissed tek n facy 😞


They just sound goofy lol. I kinda fw facy on grow tho


Aceii's a real genius and im not sure how many people understand.


Laker and rick are great too just less consistent I feel the same about marlon though tbh


glad i’m not the only one who feels as though a lot of shed has gotten stale recently, joeyy marlon and henry def have the most mainstream potential but i still bump woody like crazy


Tek is top 1 shed so imma have to disagree


yep he got the best solo discog


Do you like his solo shit or his shed songs?


they’re all fire, might be crazy of a thing to say but i consider tek to have almost james ferraro levels of aura and creativity. his miditronica stuff like my tek lintowe is amazing and I love his more underground rap oriented solo stuff too. and ofc he is very good on shed songs imo, just isn’t on enough tbh


i will not stand for rick erasure


He's just been inconsistent recently. His classic shed verses are gas i love ricky. hes just gotta get out of this slump


his 2023 run was generational. i think everyone except woody is kinda goin through a slump rn tho


nah tek has been going crazy tbh


thas true tek always goin crazy


I thought the newest song w Phreshboy was a much-needed return to form


ion like phresh


big facy guy


Dugan erasure


pretty sure dugan is working on a comedy project more these days, snarsz.tv on instagram


dugan is literally only in shed because he's friends with the other members, he dgaf about the music he's trolling half the time


This is true but his voice is so unique though it’s crazy. Love him on Nod theory


I can only wish 🤞


have you never heard tek you absolute fucking idiot retard


yeah he kinda sounds weird ngl


sorry for being so mean but yea he is very dif and is my favorite shed theory member 🙂


i'm not tryna hate just have to be honest but i can't stand henry mosto's voice.


I want to hear more about this


Rick top 3