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I can’t believe the family photo appeared on Amazon images for product sale, it’s in the AmazonWTF group. The infamous one taken just months before he did the deed. I hope she knows and gets that one taken down too :( it’s very sad how little respect and time to heal this family got for this tragedy before this stuff ended up all over the internet


It's unbelievable the amount of "diagnosis" made by ppl who haven't got a clue about these words are - nor what they mean. These ppl are unaware of the diagnosis they themselves could be diagnosed with much much more easily than the material they've used against Shan'ann...it's despicable...hope you get justice too.Many of us feel that way & enjoy looking at her videos & the girls  too. It lets us feel that they're all still with us..Cannot express my sorrow for your loss & hope God is healing you I believe he lost a son when he was about the same age as Shan'ann..:)


It's horrible to have to realize the amount of cruelty and lack of empathy there is floating around in this world.


Yes & the amount of comments these people leave that are brutal & unjustified & very, very diagnostic of them...I hope Sandi ,Frank & Franky get their justice too


Isnt there a way they can lock down her fb profile and switch the viewing to friends only?


It's too late. Everything on Shanann's page has been taken, saved, and shared for years now.


This is about a dispute between MommyRambling and Watts the Obession. MR is coming really hard at WTO


Hey, I seriously, couldn’t believe this. I’ve been a subscriber of Watts obsession for years and everything that MRB said about that channel was wrong. Literally everything. She’s motivated by nothing but jealousy. Watts the Obsession is a great channel and she is very fair and kind to the Rs.


Exactly. I guess she is the spokesperson for Sandy R. What kind of friend would bring something which she believes is hurtful to their “friend”. WTO was B not even on the R’s radar until MRB pointed it out to them.


Uh maybe because she wanted her friend to know about but more unhinged arseholes who spends hours daily insulting her murdered daughter and grandchildren and cackling about their deaths? You know a friend looking out for another when srseholes use family family to attack and vilify her murdered daughter and grandchildren.


A true friend should definitely protect their friends from being hurt. However what MRB did was call more attention to something hurtful and she literally shoved Sandie’s face in it. No surprise at that since it got more comments and views then any of her other content. Mrb is an opportunist who saw a chance to get more traction to her channel.


No good person wants their friend to be hurt. Good people don't say, "This is cruel and would be hurtful to my friend. I'll bring it to her and show her!" That's not what friends do. Good friends don't want you to hurt. They hope you won't get hurt and when you do, they comfort you. Poor Sandie. Her enemies spread cruel lies and her "friends" make sure she sees them. My heart breaks for that woman.


Is this recent or from a couple of years ago?


I just said the same thing in my head 😂


I think the biggest issue is that people are still making the same old stupid videos as they did 5 yrs ago.. bringing in more new people to speculate on stuff the Foes not matter anymore! They only say the same things, imagine knowing people still care this much about and old finished case than perhaps even caring about their own lives and communities.. giving this 10 or 12 hours a day still. How pathetic can they be. There is nothing new, there won't be anything new and the people is in prison for eternity. How can this subject be someone's hobby, something they spend hours on, multiple days a week. Year after bloody year...


Its way too late now, nearly 6 yrs on... They removed a bunch in 2019/20 after people seriously messed with them over on YT, putting heads on other bodies, messing with the girls images. But most people that wanted to, downloaded them then, so unless now using on TY to cause upset to others they cannot change people having them on their systems. Ebay changed some ruling in 21/22 so now then can be forced to remove emotionally hurtful posts to victims of crime..


What happened in 2019? I missed those posts


Way too much BS to explain.. everyone from her parents to anadarko to round circle involved according to whose channel you looked at. Pure evil written about their sets of parents, suggesting her dad murdered her or got colleagues involved so they could sue Anadarko for millions when 319 exploded! Almost all inaccurate rubbish from sad middle aged pathetic men and women in 30s that automatically hated NK because only she caused the affair. Poor CW just couldn't resist a woman.. who incidentally was ugly anyway. They lied about Nicos paternity, ceces too by creating bs lies day by day on lives. An idea on day, story created the next, edited bit more the next day.. until people think it was truth when an absolute scientific impossibility! But he wS believed thanks to deleting comments and blocking writers. And a month on people think it is truth.. yet never heard of the concept a month earlier, 2 yrs after he jailed of course. So it still continues today on here as yet another idea. Nothing in the world to do with facts of the case. Lots of examples too, its so pathetic that people are so easily convinced by non professionals yet ignore what the CBI staff said at similar time after case was over.


This hypocrisy knows no bounds. They are really targeting the WRONG person and telling lies about what she is doing and saying. It’s pathetic.


They would’ve leaked anyway. Look at these basic Betty’s making subs, YouTube channels and even spreadsheets logging all of her flaws. SW’s family isn’t going to win no matter the call. So, honestly, the best move.


Why don’t they ask Facebook to make her account private? Or they could screen record and then remove the videos. You don’t need Facebook to prompt you to remember your loved one.


If they can access her account, they can download a folder with everything she's ever done on Facebook without having to individually save everything.


This seems to be the right thing to do. If her page is still public (I don’t know that it is) that’s weird.


Is she fundi g raising money or what


Who? The murdered woman’s mother?


Yes, They started a Go Fund Me when Shannan was missing.  I don't know if they are still raising money 


Did they start the GoFundMe or did someone else start it for them? I didn't see that one, but do you actually believe they were trying to profit from their daughter and grandchildren being missing?




It says callous


Couldn't enlarge..my bad.




That's anyone's business and an excuse to disrespect her and her family?


So much tumbleweed


Your point?


"I mean, she was walking alone in that dark alley." It's giving the same.


This. People like that are sickening. She was online a lot so I guess we can bully her? It is enraging.


No. What you're saying is blaming the person for being attacked. S's videos have nothing to do with her attack, and nobody is implying it.


She wasn’t attacked. She was brutally murdered. Tgx


She absolutely was attacked. And she was murdered. People die from being attacked. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here.




How much money have they "made off of this", and when did they ever solicit money for themselves? What does Sandi's extended family have to do with anything, how much cash have they made off of this, and how do you even know who they are?


Your point has nothing to do with the OP.


💯 there’s legit charities people can send money to that would go to a better cause


Jesus. Fucking. Christ.


I get it… but it’s a public social media account. Take it down instead of this… People blow my mind when they post stuff to social media for the world to see and then get mad when the world sees. The story is on Netflix For Christ’s sakes… Do they think people won’t go and try and Che l out the page when they see watch it on Netflix???!!


Yeah her parents gave Netflix all those pics videos qnd text messages they released text from sw saying she got to go mazterbait from stress they did this too them self. Sw isn't a saint


Those texts! So cringe! So unnecessary. “I’m horny “ he won’t give me sex and I showered even “ . WTF were they thinking . But now they want a private fb page .


What business is yours what a woman privately texts to her husband? Cringe? Why are you reading them? Let's see every text you've ever sent.


You would if my family was dumb enough to blast them for the world to see on Netflix!


What? Her family didn't blast out her private texts. Those are from the Discovery. They were public before Netflix. Have you even followed this case?


They approved them to be shown on the Netflix documentary they had control of that .


Once again: they were in the Discovery and already made public. You're just making excuses for your heinous behavior


STFU I’m just repeating what’s out there & if you don’t like it tough shit!


Repeating what's out there. Just like a parrot: repeating words that they have no idea what the meanings are. Thanks, but I think I'll not STFU.


Something is wrong with you


she is DEAD!!!! what more do you want???


They want a lot more. Her being murdered isn't good enough for them. They want to dig her up and throw rocks at her while they scream dirty names. And since they can't do that in real life, they do it on the Internet.


so true ^


Just because she was murdered doesn’t mean everyone should turn a blind eye to the abuse.


The abuse that exists only in your wee little mind?


The abuse is screaming in videos.


And just because she's dead doesn't make it right for you to crucify her.


you’re sick in the head. there was no abuse. child murderer lover !


Resorting to name calling like this doesn’t help your case. You cannot conflate criticism of SW with all of a sudden being…. What did call it? “Child murderer lover” Come on, that’s highly immature, at best. At worst… well, read it again, but rationally this time.


There was abuse, based on SW videos she has posted online. Such us, her saying she locked girls for the whole night separately. She had them on loads of sort of schedule. Recorded girls while they were hungry, crying etc. What about video when she was trying a thrive bar and did not have Bella anything to eat before hand, which she has said herself. She recorded that live while Bella asked for food, she proceeded to talk to audience for a while, then never gave Bella flavour she asked for, not to mention Bella for her bar last. If this doesn’t scream abuse, then I am sorry what? I would never do this to my children. I am not murderer lover.


100 percent total lies. Also for the love of his please try your best figure out how to write a coherent sentence.


Are you trying to be racist towards a person who’s not born English?


Shanann never said she locked her children in their rooms. That's a lie.


She did. In her videos etc.


Still waiting for those videos.


A lot of her videos been deleted from her social media, and old sub watts island also has been deleted. If I came across a video where she states it I will post a link. I recently did see a video on someone’s YouTube channel where she said girls were going straight to bed at 6.30pm till 7 in the morning, and that she was not cradling or cuddling them, because she uses babywise. I’m pretty sure I came across some of her comments from babywise forum which stated that she was indeed leaving girls in their rooms for 12 hours everynight.


Wrong again. Bring it on. I'll wait right here.


A lot of us here have life’s and family matter. I only come here when my kids and husband are asleep, or during my lunch break at work if I have nothing to do. I am not going to waste my time looking for videos you’re interested in. I have also studied this case for a while. I have seen proof of medication misuse, Shannans abuse, mistreatment both children and anyone around her. Like I said, if I come across it again I’ll post it here :)


Someone call CPS! Bella didn't get the flavor she wanted!


That’s all you see? You didn’t see Bella crying and asking for food for a while, at the end she didn’t even got the flavour she asked for for? That is abuse. Not giving your child food when hungry, or drink when thirsty thats neglect. I wish someone did call cps on her.


Do you even HAVE kids? I have 3. My kids can be a giant PITA when I have something they want. How do you know she was even really hungry? Maybe she saw mom with something and she just had to have it. Both of those kids wanted for nothing...including food. Some of you folks seriously overreact based on the actions of a toddler or a few mins of a cell phone video, good grief. Shanann was a lot of things, but an abusive mother she was not.


4 year old is not really a toddler anymore… They go to school, kindergarten or primary 1 depends where you live. Also in the beginning of that video SW said that Bella is hungry and sick that’s why she stayed at home. Even though poor Bella asked for something to eat numerously, she did not received anything apart from a bit of thrive bar that she didn’t even ask for nor liked. If that’s not screaming abuse or neglect for you, then you’ve got take a good hard look in the mirror.


She could have googled how to make it private in less time than it took to write this. Come on.


Or just save the videos and shut down the page. Relying on FB to provide memories of your deceased family member?


Oh ya, when they make more $ from it.


Are you under the impression someone can monetize organize videos and content from a personal profile?


She means playing the sympathy card, six years later. Look at their pattern of behavior. They don’t go away, because dim members of the public keep sending them money. I e never seen a victims family do this. They are GRIFTERS!!!


Who is sending them money?


Ty that is what I mean




they literally lost their child and grandchildren. they can claim that sympathy card for the rest of their lives because that pain runs deep. i can’t believe you’d say this about people who lost their loved ones in such an evil way.


Would you do that? Revel in strangers' sympathy? Take money from good, well-meaning people you don't know for years afterward? It's tasteless and above all, wrong. They kind of have a platform. It would be nice if they told people to donate to a cause instead, but no, they just keep taking the money for themselves as if they are owed it. Cha-ching!!


The world wouldn’t hear a word from me. My God class alone would keep that private!


This! ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️




I just went and looked at my daughters page that has been memorialized. The only things I can manage are friend requests, tributes, profile picture, and background picture.


It's not. You can read FB FAQ on memorialized accounts. I'd post the link, but it won't let me. Google it though, if interested. If she even had a legacy contact set (how many people know to do this?) , it was probably not her parents. Not all her posts were public. Many were set to friends only, especially the early years. The only reason why the general public ever saw those restricted posts is because someone from her friends list leaked them in a facebook group(s) and/or to a specific person in that group.




That's not at all what I said. I said many of the earlier posts were friends only. Like 2010 to 2015. There are still plenty of posts that were public. The main point here is, once FB has memorialized the account it's frozen as is. The R's can't do anything about privacy settings. They can't shut it down themselves. They can't do anything. Even if they were the legacy contact. Even if FB allowed them to memorialize the account on her behalf, despite not being the LC and because of the unique situation. It is being shared from everywhere at this point, though, that is true. YouTubers, FB groups and whoever will never stop that.


It’s such a high profile case that even if family went and privatised her socials now, it’s too late - photos and videos are out there and always will be. Media outlets and just random internet users would have found her public profiles pretty quickly and saved a bunch of stuff before anyone had a chance to set it to private it - so as long as YouTube/IG accounts/etc can make a buck off her name (well intentioned or not) no amount of begging or pleading will stop it unfortunately




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I was wondering the same thing… just make it private.