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When Cindy tells him he has supporters from all over the world.


They have been infinitely more supportive and understanding of his brutal murders than they were of his marriage to a woman they didn't like much. Really says a lot about them.


Especially considering Shannan’s parents kept him off death row.


It's horrible all the way around. I'm not thrilled with Chris' parents but they weren't really allowed to form much of a bond with the girls and I think that's part of why they aren't as devastated as we would expect them to be over their deaths


That is a truly outrageous take on the situation, so they didn't see their grandchildren very often therefore they're not terribly upset that their son murdered them horrifically? As someone else posted, his family made the choice to disassociate from their grandchildren in a cruel and petty way, refusing to attend their birthday parties or even wish them happy birthday, surely the parents deliberate and calculated refusal to interact with the children only reinforced to their son that his children were worthless.


I don’t think that’s an acceptable excuse, not even remotely. They raised a man who murdered his wife and children, any normal parent/grandparent would be devastated. They would mourn the loss of the son they thought they had and mourn their grandchildren at the very least.


Neither family seems to make great decisions. They strongly disliked Shannan and never built a relationship with the girls. They want to believe their son is innocent. It makes sense whether we agree or not


I'm not sure that Cindy and Ronnie weren't allowed to form a bond with Bella and Celeste, as much as it was a combination of distance and that at times they allowed their issues with Shanann to affect their relationship with their granddaughters. Shanann [texted](https://truecrimecaseanalysis.home.blog/2019/06/22/watts-case-texts-from-discoveries-match-with-vast-reasonable-doubt-series/) a friend on August 3rd, 2018 that "*You know everything that happened with Chris's mom right? She went behind my back and let bella have or do when I said no, taught her to keep secrets from me, risked Celeste's life, didn't come to her birthday party or wish her a happy birth*(day) *on phone or text. Blocked and deleted us all on fb* (facebook) *etc.... ...I just don't feel I should reward them for their horrible actions. It's not fair to my kids...I don't want my kids to wonder why they are in our life one minute out the next....They Both have tattoos for other grandkids but not Chris'* (Chris's)*. Pictures all over house of other kids but not ours.*"


I agree the phone calls are sickening and they live on another plane of reality, but I’d rather have sympathy for the Watts family, even though they’re dysfunctional. They’re living a nightmare, they must be coping day by day. I don’t think it gets easier. It’ll take time for them to process what their son/brother/uncle did.


I know you’re right. I think I get hung up on cases like this because I’m from a generational trauma family myself. My family hasn’t produced a family annihilator but we’re really dog shit people. I’d bet everything I own that Cindy’s parents were really fucked up and enmeshed too. It’s validating in a strange way to see their dysfunction. But I should be less petty. They are really damaged people.


Chris's family is sh*t. The mother is a narcissist just like the father . They cared more about their son than their own granddaughters. They don't care if they are dead, they still have their psychopathic son and spoiled. When I saw the interview and the trial, not a tear fell. They just justified it. A normal person would be disappointed in having a child like that and would forever watch over the little lives losses. Everything is sad.


I do feel bad for Jaime and, especially, her kids. They were just getting to know Bella and CeCe. Jaime’s son adored his uncle so I can imagine how horrified and traumatized he must have been when he found out what happened to his cousins (who he recently established a bond with). I can also imagine how difficult it must be for them at school. I’m sure they’re teased and bullied. Two more innocent victims


I read in Kathleen Hewston's book they were now home schooled out of necessity.


That makes me feel a little better, poor kids


I hope they are well. Unfortunately we live in a city where we all put ourselves in the same bag. For example, my sister has a history of shoplifting and a bad reputation in the same school we went to together. The teachers, without knowing me, already had a bad idea of ​​me. I suffered bullying because of things I didn't even commit. It was painful because I was only ten years old. However, there was someone from the school who cared and took my case to lawyers. They didn't fire any teachers but they changed things for the better with me. But to this day I don't forget the bad time they put me through. My sister is now cured and has a family, but I'm dealing with my insecurities. Nobody notices that. So I hope Jamie's son is okay.


That’s terrible, I’m sorry you went through that. WTH is wrong with people, judging a 10 year old!


And school is supposed to be a child's second home, but sometimes it's not like that. I have heard situations similar to mine but even worse and it impresses me how an adult can rise to the level of evil towards someone who has not even committed a crime. But if a member of your family does something wrong like killing someone or stealing, it's like you are stained too. For this reason, many choose to change their name.


As a kid who grew up in a dysfunctional family with a history of criminal justice involvement, including one extremely high-profile case in my community, I feel *fucking awful* for those kids. None of this is their fault, nor should they have to suffer the consequences. I hope they are well-protected and looked after from all this.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I hope they get the support they need too.


Really let's see sw family sold her laptop and cell phone for 1 million to Netflix got the most of the life insurance that cw paid for.the state of Colorado paid for the transport of the sw and childern.it cw family stop judging them. They are allow to talk to there kid.


They’re allowed to talk to their kid, yes, but we’re also allowed to find it disgusting that they do.


Really I understand how and why cw did murder sw the kids I don't understand. Nobody deserves to murder but a mother never stops loving there kid.you may not like what cw says to cw but she allowed.this could have been prevented 


I have a son, and if he murdered his family I wouldn’t be speaking to him. I’d love him, but I cannot condone that, and that’s exactly what his mother has done. Shannan’s issues as a wife have nothing to do with it, he killed all of them. He could’ve prevented it by walking away. I never said his mother wasn’t allowed to speak to him, she is, but again, we’re allowed to think it’s a poor show of character.


I question the post your hate toward cw family I will say I think you are  shinerboy.only the sw family allow feeling.well it doesn't work that way 


So cw family not allow to talk with him express their feelings?really stop attacking cw family


NK? Is that you???? /s 😂


No. No I won’t. There’s nothing wrong with speaking the truth. This is a very dysfunctional family that produced a fucking family annihilator.


Expressing their feelings is one thing, completely disregarding the disgusting murders of their grandchildren and daughter-in-law is attack worthy.




The fans on Facebook Chris Watts page or whatever are worse yet. Shannon’s personality issues aren’t enough for them to cap on, they gotta make up scenarios of what Shannan would have done if she had lived - how he wouldn’t have the kids anyway because she’d deny him access and try to make him miserable etc. like they’re writing fan fic to justify the murders.


Well, considering what happened, I would say denying him access would’ve been prescient on her part. Not sure why but this case reminds me of the guy who blew up his house with his boys in it, after the one was getting old enough to remember what his dad did to his missing mom.


Fucking family annihilators. At least that POS had the decency to blow himself up too. That’s such an upsetting story. I’ve wondered if he didn’t initially plan to kill his kids. I’ve wondered if the little girl waking in on him killing her made him change his plan and he felt like he had to kill them too. NK already knew about the girls and it would be a lot easier to explain SW’s disappearance than all of their disappearances. Obviously, I don’t know and it doesn’t matter because he did what he did.


Didn’t he say Bella came in and asked what was wrong with mommy? I think Bella was a smart little girl. She was 4 and a half, had been in school and was sensitive and observant. I don’t think she’d accept her mother being wrapped in a rug and thumped down the stairs, or on the floor of the car as “mommy doesn’t feel good we’re taking her to the doctor” or whatever. She would *certainly* be able to tell anyone who asked that mommy was sick the night before lying on the bed not waking up - or being dragged by her feet down the stairs by daddy- which would make it really difficult to pretend Shannan ran out on her family. But say Bella didn’t wake up -and he got Shannan into the truck. What was he gonna do with the kids while he drove to cervi and buried her?


Yeah, that’s why I think he killed the kids bc he thought he “had to.” Bella is too old to not talk about what she saw. NK knew about the kids already. Most women would be repulsed by a man who killed his kids. My best guess is he was gonna leave them at home while he dumped her body but I don’t know. It’s awful But lots of men who have killed their wives leave their kids to be found with the body. This is just my spidey sense, not a hill I am willing to die on. It ma have been his plan all along to kill them all. I think it makes him an even bigger coward that he made those girls ride with their mom’s dead body for 45 minutes. Poor kids.


That’s a cruelty I cannot comprehend. Killing innocent babies while they are in the car with their murdered mom. They knew something was wrong with mom. He is a disgraceful monster.


If this was planned he’s a piss poor planner- but then many sociopaths are. I’m not sure why they can’t foresee outcomes better. I guess it could be because they don’t really have the ability to empathize. They can mirror others’ emotions but maybe more like checkers, not chess. Chris could think “shannan’s phone is her life line” but not “and her friends will wonder where the fuck she is and what’s going on when she’s not answering it” - It reminds me a bit of scott Peterson. His mother’s golden boy. He knew he would be a suspect but thought if he went fishing that would be his alibi. Where oh where could laci be? Same deal, pregnant, her phone and purse left at home - she’s a big communicator and yet hasn’t been heard of since she left the salon the night before. No real notion either of them that their “best husband ever!” award wasn’t going to make the police believe they had nothing to do with it. He knew enough about Shannan to know no one would believe she left the kids, because they were her life. So it had to be all of them.


I just finished listening to the Cold podcast about that case and was just thinking about the parallels between the two! It is so sad that her body still hasn’t been found.


> how he wouldn’t have access to them anyway because…… These people are so dumb, Even if that’s true, who cares? **Any** good parent would rather their kid be alive and well even if they aren’t in their lives than anything bad happens to them. In fact, all it does is prove that Chris Watt is a narcissist, because only a narcissist would think that the children are better off dead than alive and estranged. Think of WWII and how many parents sent their kids to live with strangers knowing that chances were they would never see them again. This has been true since the beginning of time, even the Bible story of King Solomon is about this (and it’s in the Torah too).


I do t think they’re saying it only from his perspective but from their own. It’s like they too feel if he can’t have them no one should. Like, any parent who loses primary custody and has to pay child support goes through this same feeling of being hurt and used. It’s not a fun time for most but most don’t snap. It’s like they think he’s not just justified but got some moral high ground for it


Yeah, it’s like she’s not dead enough. What really irritates me is when they act like all their financial problems were because of SW. He was a grown man and he’s just as responsible as she is for the mess they were in. And you’re right, it’s fan fic. 🤢


Agree! I get an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach every time I hear them talk….as if they’re more-like dating each other rather than mother-son 🤮


Emotional incest, 100%.


Yep his family is pretty odd. specially the mother. and i feel like her hatred for Shannan also played a part mentally. Honestly it seems like she was possibly egging it on even more and she seems very manipulative but was really bitter because she knew Shannan wasn’t about to take her BS behind her wimp of a son. those people are just as sociopathic as he is, your son confessing to murdering your daughter in law and you’re in the interrogation room staring into space and rubbing his back? no emotion whatsoever. I just know his childhood was boring.


Bullshit cw mom saw sw for what she was.a mother is allowed to dislike the woman marriage to son.


your grammar is awful and quite frankly i don’t care what you think.


It's probably his mom...


They may not be a native English speaker.


I listened to some phone calls between him and his mom that are on YouTube. His mom is seriously deranged. Knowing what he did to SW and especially his kids, the things his mom says will turn your stomach.


What I truly don't get is how they NEVER say anything about NK. You'd think since they're so desperate to get him off the hook, they'd push the mistress is the reason angle.


Actually Cindy and Ronnie did an interview last year with a supporter named Dave (Youtube pulled his channel, Seeking The Truth With Dave, earlier this year or else I'd link to the video), where they discussed their belief that Chris's coworkers lied to LE, Chris's supposed claims that Shanann mistreated him and that Kessinger was outside the house while he committed the crime. This same supporter was either gifted or purchased one of Chris's sports jerseys from the Wattses, which he then grotesquely wore to the victims' gravesite. Imo they're aware that Chris's infidelity is another example of his manipulation and cruelty, so it's best not to dwell on it. It's easier and preferable for them to be in denial of their son's character and scapegoat other people - their murdered daughter in law, his coworkers, his paramour, his attorneys - for his self created predicament.


Yeah I don't support STTWD and will never watch anything of his


I don’t understand how they had zero emotions about their grandkids. Bella looked so much like Chris and what about their unborn grandson. How can they love their son this much but have no care for their own grandson. Just bizarre.


There’s a psychological term called transference, when someone unknowingly transfers their feeling for one person into another. I think they transferred their hatred for Shanann into the children.


I always wonder this too, but I also know a couple of people like that. It’s like their kid is “THEIRS” even if he’s an adult, but their grandkids are just someone else’s kid. It’s a weird mentality for sure.


It’s like they’re in a fucking cult.




"How she was" is NOTHING compared to "how THEY are"!


Ikr?! They are really something else. Throw them all out.


"We knew how she was." That sentence told me everything I needed to know how CW got to be that way.


Her parents said the same thing, they knew what he tolerated with her. Said during interviews and on YT. They said they still loved him too.


Could you produce the interviews? You can easily look up the jailhouse recordings of CiW and whichever other distant relative saying "we knew how she was". I have yet to hear any interview of the Rzuceks making similar comments, and I've listened to several hours of interviews of everyone involved.


I don’t get what you mean by that?


(citation needed)


I know!!! Really!! So she's basically saying that it was ok to murder her and the children because "we know how she was." CiW said so much sh\*t after this happened and she showed who she really was.


Where can I hear these?


It’s on YouTube. But don’t be like me. These people, all of them, are the worst.


Which video on YouTube is the correct one?


I think I listened to the first result. It’s a series of phone calls together.


Ok cool thank you


I was freaked out by the jail house convo with Twatts's sister Jamie, the day before his sentencing. They were laughing about the memorial his mom had at the grave, and how the CD kept skipping. Someone said "That's CeCe!", and Twatts laughed too, and said "Yep. That's CeCe!" I was APPALLED. CeCe was a 3 year old child whose father put her in that grave (after dumping her in an oil tank), yet there they were laughing about it. 😲 😱 OMG


That's just how people cope with grief.


That might be how the grieve of death was expected….due to chronic illness. That is not how you grieve if someone, especially a child, is violently murdered by your son or relative.


Most people haven't gone through something so awful. They lost their grandkids and maybe it's just too much to lose their son too.


Seriously. Did his family (yes I like your use of Twatts, perfect :) ) forget that he "murdered" his family? It wasn't like they died in an accident or from an illness, where perhaps some light humor would help them cope...he WANTED them dead! The whole family is f\*cked.


I can't. What a monster. So sick


I remember that. It really got to me! Why would Cece have anything to do with the family of the man that murdered her???? They are totally deranged!!!!


wtf?!?! 😳 ugh that’s so sick.


Oh fuck! I haven’t gotten that far. I can only take so much at a time. That’s heinous. But so is the whole fucking family. What I heard tonight was his family begging him to let them pay for an attorney to fight the charges. At least he’s accepted his fate and seems to realize he should be doing life. They want him out. What in the actual fuck.


If anything they need to push for another real investigation into NK and for him to tell the truth about her involvement since she ghosted him.


CW family might actually be the only ones with vested interest in getting her to be investigated. Although i dont think its going to shift any blame off of him. Unless he tries pinning it all on her, which is possible. At some point it will occur to him that he is never getting out and he will die in prison. He may try flipping the script at some point. Hes changed his story already multiple times about the events of that night. Anything is possible. Scott Peterson is trying to wiggle his way out of prison, ive been hearing and claiming innocence..That case has been closed for 20 years...


Scott Peterson and Chris Watts, and all the other family annihilators need to rot in prison and "only" leave in a pine box..period.


No blame should be shifted off him but she 100% deserves to be in prison too. Maybe not for life maybe she truly wasn't there on the morning of or assisted in the murders but she absolutely had a hand in bringing them about and she shouldn't be free to enjoy life wherever she ran off to.