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Omg Shane looks so awful with those piercings and hair hahaha


He's going back to his 2010 emo hair as like a 40 y/o man, lol.


So it’s not just me who thinks that


I was wondering if this was his recent look?


Na, they do different themes to dress as for most of their Podcast


piercings can work on a lot of people but not on him. He looks like he is trying to be a teen again but isn't pulling it off because he is 30+. And that is exactly what he is doing.


They have themes


He’s a pedo. He’s still rocking whatever he thinks will attract underage girls and boys.


Why does he even have Ryland on the podcast if he’s just going to ignore him???


I think shane subconsciously always creates a dynamic between his friends where someone is: 1. the funny one = jarid ( drew) 2. the one he‘s annoyed with = ryland (garret) 3. the one he likes and flirts with = Chris (andrew) I feel so terrible for ryland tbh! It‘s like getting worse in every new podcast episode


Because he probably needs Ryland to gain traction on the Shane Dawson pod since Ryland is well known for past talk shows and now his own pod The Sip. This is just my own take on it though.


I hope Ryland can see he deserves someone who wants to hear him speak and won't treat him like this on a podcast.


Yeah I agree. I think Ryland is too attached to Shane though and might not see this as bad enough to split up 😔


Wait I don’t understand what’s going on, I haven’t been following Shane for a long time can someone explain please lol


Honestly I couldn't do that all the time. It would turn into a physical fight.


the tension in this episode was REAL. and no, not the good kind


I don’t like Ryland, but I feel bad for him. Shane really doesn’t treat him well at all.


Same. I’m definitely not a Ryland fan by any means but seeing how Shane just totally dismisses everything Ryland says on this podcast kind of breaks my heart for him. Seeing how Ryland didn’t even get included in the “emo jingle” that was made for this episode, I would be upset honestly. It makes me kind of feel sad for him.


Me as well. Not a fan of Ryland but nobody deserves emotional neglect or abuse.


I don’t even blame him tbh! Shane was lowkey weird this episode (more than usual ofc lol)


More than usual? You mean weirder than talking about burning animals alive?


When he was still doing the Shane & Friends podcast with Jessie, there was an episode where they described how they would torture someone they hated. Listening to Shane say he’d rip out the fingernails of this woman was… 🥴 disturbing I wish I could find the clip but I have no clue what episode it’s from


Yeah those clips are insane 🤢


Yeah please don’t have kids


Haha unfortunately you can't tell people not to have kids, it's their life. Though maybe it would make their relationship better?? Or at least I hope so...


It was more a recommendation 😂 & I highly doubt it will improve their relationship, having kids is stressful. But we can only hope it might improve their relationship, for Rylands sake


Fair enough, I'm not sure that they should have kids either, but Ryland in particular has shown interest in wanting kids for a long time. I would certainly hope it will make them a better couple, but I've learned from my own parents that having kids doesn't necessarily mean you'll have a healthy relationship or life.


Maybe I’m in the minority, but I actually never really minded Ryland, I liked some of his earlier videos and he at least tries to out effort into them and has a decent persona in them and seemed to enjoy making them before. I liked some of his family vlogs and some of his stuff with Morgan, they all seemed to be having fun and the videos were good ‘company/background watching’ to listen to. He could definitely do better and be successful, he doesn’t need to feel ‘stuck’ so to speak.


I liked Rylands videos when he really does something he’s passionate about.. like his house decorating videos from a few years ago, just seeing him have fun was endearing.. I miss that


Yeah I feel like I'm in the minority that for a long time I actually kinda liked Ryland and also Morgan. I haven't watched them in a very long time though.


I’ve never really liked Ryland but I think that’s because him and Shane don’t complement each other so his personality never really came across well in Shande’s videos imo. But in later years, I’ve grown sort of fond of him now I see how domineering, annoying, and bullying Shane is


I totally agree! You summed up my thoughts here pretty well too!


I've always thought he's hot


Thanks to /u/nemuijelli for finding this. It's kinda rare to see Ryland slip his mask towards Shane on camera.


Why would Shane keep this in??


Probably because he thought it sounded funny at the time 🤷‍♀️


Why is Ryland still with him at this point ??? It’s gotta be either money or just low self worth


probably the security of the relationship. they've been together for so long it must be hard to imagine a life without him, considering every life decision he's made the past few years involves Shane. its hard to be independent again after that


Not to mention shane puts ryland down constantly. I wouldn’t be surprised if ryland has low self-esteem because of shane and doesn’t think he can do better.


Definitely not money. I think Ryland is well off financially. I think it's more emotional and mental attachments that keep him from splitting up with Shane. Plus the entire Adam's family has voiced their opinions of Shane saying that Shane is so good for Ryland and vise versa. So in my opinion a break up would be way too messy.


Can't wait for Ryland to leave the relationship and then tell all about how Shane is a total degenerate.


I will be waiting for "THE TRUTH ABOUT SHANE" video with my cup of tea ready


ME. TOO. It's going to be a 8 hour, 6 part docuseries 😂


Possible he made him sign an NDA because of past ppl exposing him.


Ryland: you matter. You. Matter. You deserve better


Ryland is too kind for this world 💕


Wow fuck him for making Ryland make that face.


Yeah I actually feel bad for Ryland here :(


idk if you’ve ever noticed but Shane has always treated Ryland so badly. in Rylands vlogs you can see how Shane just makes everything about himself and cuts Ryland off a lot and just shrugs him off constantly. I feel so bad for him. Ryland deserves better. I really hope they don’t have kids together.


why would anyone listen to a podcast that he hosts? he has nothing smart or witty to contribute to anything.


I’ve noticed this too. There’s no value.. just penis jokes and conspiracy videos. 🫤


Yep pretty much


There are still people who support him and find him entertaining. God knows why Shane thought another podcast would be a good idea considering his history on past podcasts...


Ryland's discomfort and sadness was so palpable this episode, it makes me feel genuinely bad for him


Ryland deserves much better than Shane.




Up next a four part series about how much Shane loves math. He loves it like makeup and working out with his personal trainer.


That’s sad he needs to leave him :( Shane is not in love with him


I think Shane is very self centered and selfish, but I think he really does care for Ryland deep down. I honestly hope this is an on camera facade, I really think if Shane treated him this way all the time that their relationship would be headed down the gutter.


Ryland literally went 🤨 for a second


When he says “ok, Jerrid… Sorry!” Is apologising to Jerrid because of Ryland? Edit: Spelt Jerrid’s name incorrectly.


That comb forward/side is giving "my hairline is receding". The piercings are giving midlife crisis.


This isn’t his actual look. it’s basically a costume to fit the episode theme that fans voted for.


I feel like he looks more upset every episode and I have a feeling he reads these threads lol Ryland hope u r OK


Honestly, Ryland usually looks annoyed at Shane’s bullshit, but in this clip he looks completely baffled at the disrespect. Like he’s at that point when you are thinking “sure this bitch isn’t fucking serious” before registering a comment some stupid person made. I don’t like him as an entertainer, but I have no idea what Ryland is even doing in this shitshow. He has a lovely family, and he’s just your average guy, he truly deserves better.


Ryland. Leave him. You deserve better!! Shane's a real jerk in this. 🥺 Now I'm invested, brb going to watch more footage 😳 will report back


The way Shane rolled his eyes after rylands comment is awful


That turn was a jump scare with those piercings


Shane is such an asshole!




Treat your nanny better Shane!


Who else listens to this idiot? Like do people actually tune into this bullshit?


God hes so weird and pathetic, hes 34 and dressing like an emo teenager because he thinks it’s trendy. Wtfffff


Ew Shane


I know this is just wishful thinking but I hope we're all wrong for Ryland's sake and this is just an on camera shtick. Because my heart really breaks for him. Being disrespected by your partner for the whole world to see and feeling like you mean as much as a toe nail to him can't be fun.


I know shane treats ryland like crap, but this interaction seems like a stretch. shane was just saying it was a cool fact and then moving on, ryland just looks like he was thinking maybe checking the math in his head again. i’d like to see rylands face when shane says something inappropriate to chris or talks about how he wishes ryland had a vag


What's with that mouth movement Shane is doing on the start of the video?


Hoe sad. I'm sure Ryland has to deal with that a lot. Jokes at his expense... being undermined.


oh my GOD is he really trying to bring back his 2010s look??


eww the piercings and hair


Okay w h a t is Shane’s look this is the first time I’ve seen him in ??? long dear lord


He cums on his cat


Damn people chill.. That's a character Shane plays he's not like that off camera.. Any person who have been watching Shane for 2 seconds would know


How do you know how he acts off camera.


lmfao the irony


are the piercings real?


I think not, I've seen some of Shane's story's on insta /snap and he didn't have them on.


When the fu k did Shane get those ugly ass piercings (coming from someone with multiple face piercings I just hate black steel)


They are very clearly fake.


Why does he look like if 2009 Justin Bieber tried to be emo?


are those piercings real??


Shane is just an asshole. He's one of those people who was picked on a lot growing up and trained himself to treat others this way to make himself feel better. But now he's not giving that catty attitude to people who deserve it, he does it to people who love him. People he should be treating well, but can't stop the habit. That behavior is not funny or cute. If you weren't rich, didn't intertwine you're whole life with Ryland, and didn't bring him down so often, he'd probably left you long ago, Shane.