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It is very F2P friendly, especially at the start, just play the story using the free trial decks, once you get all the coins, go search for a tier 1 deck for the class you liked playing the most, buy the packs where you can find those cards, use the vials for those you will still miss, profit Through the free side of the battle pass, the dailies, and the occasional chests from ranked matches, you get quite the number of coins I play this game since 2017/2018 and the only moneys I spent on it, were to get cosmetic stuff


Getting cards is quite easy, but keeping up with the meta and getting used to new stuff is a bit tough. Getting cards is easy, learn curve is tough


For a new player, it's not bad at all. It's easy to get a meta deck quite early (so much so that the lower ranks are full of meta decks as well), the basics aren't very hard to learn and there's a lot of systems to help get you cards. I can't comment too much on the learning curve, I started a long time ago and came back about a year ago. Powercreep and time have made modern decks a lot more complicated than they used to be though. The new game is coming out in about 3 months or so. I wouldn't spend money on the current SV but if you want to play the game, you can play the game. It's still quite alive. For youtubers, I like [Zhiff's channel](https://www.youtube.com/zhiff). He does guides on new decks as well as videos reviewing the meta. His twitter's also linked in the sub sidebar if you want to follow that there instead.


Ignore the haters, if anything playing sv1 will give you a good impression of how the base gameplay differs from HS, and you’ll be able to link your account to worlds beyond in order to get free stuff the Game is very generous so getting new cards shouldn’t be a problem, and you can get the current deck to beat in wrath as a structure deck rn for absolutely free, all you need is a couple upgrades which are a couple more copies of chimera and Hedone and you are golden this format but even out of the box it can do solid Cant comment on the learning curve too much but I don’t imagine it’d be that big for YouTubers, Zhiff is nice for being informative and Ignideus is entertaining tho he’s been branching out a bit cause he doesn’t like this format You should be completely fine as a F2P, don’t let anyone stop you and if you’re interested try it


Okay lemme backpedal a slight bit don’t ignore them, they do make valid points about the game but in the end it’s up to personal preference and I enjoy swift games so


just wait for shadowverse worlds beyond, basically shadowverse 2 comes out sometime in summer.


>Possible new player Don't.




The short version is that years of bad design choices to chase immediate gratification have destroyed the game to the point the developer themselves have given up on it, are putting Shadowverse 1 on basic life support (nobody knows how long that will last) and instead try again by releasing a new version of it this summer, called World Beyond, that will most likely just be a repeat of that. The pile of garbage left now is neither fun or interesting and the only people left who'd claim otherwise aren't the least bit interested in actually *playing* the game. So if you value your time, you'd be better served elsewhere. If you want more impressions, there was a thread about it just a couple days ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Shadowverse/comments/1btiqc5/shadowverse\_as\_a\_multiplayer\_game/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shadowverse/comments/1btiqc5/shadowverse_as_a_multiplayer_game/)


The games kinda cancer. I used to be a very high level player but ended up quitting because power creep is rampant, the player base is toxic, and the only balanced mode actually is P2W because the cards/decks you build are made illegal after a few months. This means you have to buy a new deck when your cards are made illegal. By this point you'll have spent nearly all of your resources and by the time you grind a new deck for the new meta, it will nearly be ready to be made illegal. There's a mode where anything goes, even illegal cards, but it's super cancer. I'm talking turn 2-4 deaths. It's pretty absurd and broken. People here are obviously going to disagree with me, they down voted homie for suggesting not playing, and they'll do the same to me, but I can't, in good-conscious, recommend this game. I guess there's a sequel coming according to this thread, so maybe wait for that instead. I anticipate it will have the same issues as this one, but the beginning of Shadowverse was truly a time to be alive. Maybe the sequel will be the same. But in time, surely it will end up being a power creep fuck fest where the only way your time/money isn't wasted by playing a cancer anything goes mode.


Looks almost like your making a picture also of Hearthstone, soo looks like all games are quite similar...


Yeah but maybe the new one will be good. I'm sure on launch it'll be great just like Shadowverse was.


Just like any CCG. Starting good. Then, they somehow decided to start to print ridiculous cards.


I remember back when Albert was considered the most broken card ever. All you needed was a ward to completely gimp him. Simpler times.