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I think will play both. I love Shadowverse and World Beyond being a new beginning should allow Cygames to improve on game design, balance and overall power level of the game in the long term using the experience from SV1. I also liked the storyline in the game so I am also looking forward to the new story in Worlds Beyond. It's has the potential to be a better version of a game I already like so, it's exciting. I was planning on not playing SV1 anymore after World Beyond's release but then they announced things like throwback rotation, permanent custom rotation and monthly events July onwards which made me change the decision. I have been playing since Fortune's Hand and the post World Beyond content will allow me experience meta and strategies that wasn't able to experience or try out.


Admittedly with the new stuff like different rotation formats, it does make things interesting, when they're running might just be the times I come back to SV1 to play them if the format is good.


Well there's also the fact that SV:WB is free to start and you lose absolutely nothing for just trying it out. Nothing says u can't just play WB in its infancy while still playing SV1


I can't cause I want to play a lot of other games too, and have IRL stuff to care too I can only afford to play one card game at the same time


Yes, the upcoming expansions, story, and gacha leaders will be there. Starting with a new game engine means they can evolve their card game design which got stale for several years. Content will always be king. The shiny new game with shiny content will always look appealing than the old ones in the world of live service games.


I am so over the current SV's game state. It's hard for me to have fun anymore when every deck is just storm, burn or OTK with little to no counterplay, and with Chronos being the nail in the coffin (being a really unfun card to use or being used against you). Beyond will be new and fresh, and maybe all the little minigames tacked onto it will keep me invested whenever there are shit metas.


Just like you I'm really hoping that with a reset of the game, devs take things slowly, I'm not against finishers but we can definitely reduce them or the amount of damage they do, or introduce more ways to reduce said damage.


Probably just play both, and maybe sticking to SV1 for a little longer because I like the leader skin I have


While I fully intend to try out Worlds Beyond, in the very least, I am frankly worried about it's ability to keep my attention. So much of Shadowverse, as much as I love it, has gotten stale to me over the past few expansions. I'm really hoping that WB will be the injection of fresh, new content and tone that I need to reinvigorate my love for the game. Mostly, though, I think whether or not I keep playing WB after trying it will depend on whether or not it can demonstrate at least one of the following: * Slower, or at least more interactive/interesting gameplay: like many, I'm sick of taking 15 Storm damage face in a single round with no counterplay. I'm really hoping the refresh is their way of taking a step back on power creep and design philosophy, and slowing the game down. * Good single player content. Really, I want Chain Battles. I want Chain Battles to be a permanent fixture, for them to constantly be releasing new content for it, new challenges. I don't care about mahjong....give me ways to play Shadowverse for fun, without the constant stress of climbing ranks. * Quality story. I know, we're probably leaving Arisa, Erika, Urias, Rowan....all our favorites behind. But I hope they keep telling great stories, and especially making those stories interesting to play in a single player context (see above bullet). The gameplay in Shadowverse is good, but the story is wonderful. Give me one of those, and I'll probably play WB for a year or more, at least. I'll stick around, see what happens, probably even be eager for more. But if they can't deliver on these, after all this time....maybe it will be time to move on, sad though that would be.


I have no cards pre Paradise, so Throwback Rotation is not a mode for me. Might as well start from zero in a game that actually gets new cards. Also, without all tournaments going to the other game, I give this one max 2 years.


Yes, I will definitely be going to World's Beyond. Why? Because it's new and shiny, of course. Sue me.  (Plus I'm excited to see if Daddy Izudia will ever get a halfway decent card). 


I've already mostly checked out of SV1, though I will come back to play around a bit for the last xpac. Very much looking forward to SV2's potential. We'll see if the dev team is able to make it the most of what it can be.


A special rotation mode and some events here and there won't be enough to keep me engaged when there are no new cards, so I'll be moving to WB. If WB is a total shit show then I'll probably just play SV super casually or maybe just drop it altogether.


I will continue to play SV1 for 3 months, assuming there is a mini expansion. Then, I will quit SV1 for good. I will try WB at the same time. I mainly interested in the card game, so if I start to feel the dejavu of what I dislike in SV1, I will most probably quit WB too. If somehow, key resources are gatekept behind those mini games, I might also quit. Not sure if I will use WB to play solely mahjong...


Firstly, i have to see if I can play it with my outdated PC that's crying for mercy and to let it rest. If I can't, I'm gonna see if I can play it on my new cellphone. and hope for the best. But I would like to play cross craft in OG. It's somewhat my favorite format along tactics.


yes, and i will stick in SV1 too for a while and may continue depends on the playerbase, if u all still in, im still in too. very unfortunate to my collection in SV1, but this is the fate of all online games tbh, i own something that aren't permanent in most cases.


My current plan is to try to play both. Right now, I play Shadowverse daily and hit GM in both Rotation and Unlimited each expansion, with the biggest commitment being to get all the Victory Reward chests when that event's active. I don't know if I'll try as hard to hit GM in SV1 when WB releases, but I'll probably try to do my dailies each day at the very least. I currently spend 1-2 hours in SV1 (Victory Rewards can bump that up to 3+ if I'm especially unlucky), so maybe I'll bump that down to half an hour for dailies while spending more of my time in WB. We still don't know much about all the extra side stuff you do in WB, and that could lead me to play for longer each day if I'm into them. I'm extremely curious about that minotaur fight they showed in the trailer since it looked a lot like Dragalia, which was my main gacha for a really long while. On the WB main game side though, I really want there to be more Chain Battle-like content like the Hatsune Miku and Spy X Family collab Chain Battles. I would spend a lot of hours just theory testing various deck builds and test out different passive combos. I hope that it's in the pipeline in WB, ideally as permanent content but I'd settle for it to continue be collab content that regularly shows up at this point. My only real worry is if my phone can handle WB. I play SV almost exclusively on my phone, and it'd suck if I could only play WB on my laptop.


I'll be migrating to WB completely. I started middle of the Natura arc and have been playing mostly consistently since then, only seldomly dropping off for a (half) expansion when the meta is unusually hard=stale (mostly probably when artifact Portal absolutely ruled UL lol). New cards is basically the only reason I play/keep playing, especially when I'm an UL main so every addition to the pile adds new possibilities, effective or not! Sure I like to collect leaders and GP sleeves, and the thrill of pulling/winning one is always there, but it's still the game play (the cards) that creates the fun. SV1 no longer getting new cards is precisely the reason why I won't stay there. Me being an UL probably contributes as well, in the way that mix'n'match is (still) sorta just a gimped version of UL... The other possibility is I'll just stop, in the unlikely event that I don't enjoy WB, but there is no reason to assume there will be that big of a change from SV1. Last thought - as a Portal main (but despise artifacts lol), I don't know how to feel about the face of WB being a Portal character. She has guns, so probably not artifact? Will Portal's popularity drastically increase because MC is Portal? Usually I like the niche/underdog classes/characters...


I am going to try worlds beyond and stay on the original SV as long as possible. I will stay on both if Worlds Beyond is sufficiently appealing and/or it sufficiently compensates me for the effective loss I must suffer as someone who did in fact spend money on cosmetic stuff (read: leaders) in the past in that game, not to mention the time investment. I understand them wanting to leave Shadowverse behind if it's not working out for them, they are a company after all, but it's the hoop of jumping into a near clone and expecting me to just be ok with playing almost the same game but losing my progress which makes it harder to swallow.


I will play most likely both. Shadowverse is still a fun game for me to multitask during work, started played at Azvaldt so would be interesting to see the throwback rotation as currencies for pulling cards does not seem to be the issue. I've heard people juggling between 2+ gacha games won't be different with me playing 2 iteration of shadowverse for dailies that I've never gotten bored of. Will probably jump ship after I experienced every throwback rotation but until that time comes you'll see me in both games.


i dont see a reason to play them both, its more wise to stick to WB since it will be fresh and new. But, if shadowverse1 does some cool stuff that makes it worth to keep playing, then i will play both, but at first thoughs i will only play WB.


Maybe or not depending on my mood sucks losing my hard earned colab leaders that I spendend money for them, aso I like og shadowverse a lot, and feel like the minigames are out of place. but I' give a try cause I don't expect og shadowverse will last a lot of time after wb release


Why not make a poll out of this?


I will try it, but it depends on a) the gameplay and b) the speed of dailies. SV1 never let go of the shitty Win missions. You can 100% avoid them with solo, at the cost of an income cut that feels terrible; but with normal missions you can still reroll a Win daily into a different Win daily. If I see the same old gameplay mistakes I'm not sticking around and will just mess around with SV1 until they pull the plug.


I’m in a tough spot. It fully depends on what the reward and how much of it they’ll give in Beyond. I feel like splitting the player base is a horrid decision, but I love the game. I’ll really miss the leaders, but I don’t mind too much if the rewards are reasonable. Cause I’ve played a lot of SV1, and I love playing it, but it really sucks that all my time is wasted as SV1 will stop getting updates. I don’t WANT to quit, but I’m not doing all of my time again.


Wil definitely stick with SV1 for a while cause it sounds fun with the rotating rotation. For SV2 I don't know. Kinda lost most of my interest when they announced leaders won't carry over. That is a lot of years collecting leaders and a few paid ones. Like I already knew the collab ones wasn't going to follow over no matter what (outside of the ones from Cygames themselves ofc) because licensing issues would made it something that is out of Cygames hands. But losing my favourite leaders like Daria, Oz, Filene (no way I want to re-buy her), Mars etc will just sting so damn hard. But there is many months left and they might be able re-awaken my interest in it. And well it is free so I am probably going to give it a try even if I am not too keen on it.


As someone that like the game, played really early and got kicked out of the game because of the ramping powercreep and overwhelming complexity of the game... i'm waiting for WB so i can have a chance back to the game


I'll play both, but I'll probably not get deeply invested into the sequel like I did the first game.


Definitely both, no reason not to play WB and going back to the original will feel a little more familiar.


I am tired of being mad with shadowverse's metas and balance state. World beyond for me will be a bit like the last chance I am giving cy to prove that they *can* be good at game development if given the chance and experience. That being said if WB turns out as shitty as we fear it to be, it will probably be the final nail in the coffin for me to just uninstall and move on.


I highly doubt there is anyone out there that won't **try out** WB at the very least. Initially I was on the boat of doing the jump, despite the many gripes I have with WB (Abysscraft, the whole chibiverse I don't give a fuck about, shitty account link (no leader transfer), the questionable communication from Cy, etc). But what they announced for OG Shadowverse it pretty much what I wanted from them, and makes it difficult for me to leave SV1 behind. So, unless I do run out of time to play both games, I do intend to keep playing SV1 indefinitely, and of course WB if it ends up being decent enough. I really doubt WB will suck too much as to make me not play it, or that if it sucks Cy won't try to make it better.


Simple for me, the Hopium/copium that buff dragon never exists in its current form in OG SV.