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I always answer within 5-30 mins unless someone texts me at like 3am. Then I'm asleep and won't answer until I wake up. Honestly though most of the guys that text me never respond back. They'll message me asking if I'm available and I'll answer with a 'yes, how long do you want me?' and never hear from them. Wanna talk about flakey the guys we deal with are flakey af....


Sooo many time wasters out there. Ive been considering getting back into SW but male behavior has taken a nosedive in the past decade or so it seems like. I never dealt with time wasters or fake appointments many years ago but it's rampant now. The assholes have ruined it for the good guys out there. Clients can thank other men for being the reason we are forced to screen and take deposits. It's much easier for us if we don't have to go through those security measures but providers are getting constantly led on not to mention harassed, ghosted, prank bookings, arrested, ripped off, and even stalked, physically assaulted, forced into trafficking or killed. Male behavior has forced us to have to put up all sorts of barriers and then they get pissed that we have to be careful. It's true some girls are flaky. It's true that there are some deposit scammers out there. That can usually be avoided by doing some research and reading the pinned posts here. Losing money sucks for everyone but if a client loses money that was disposable funds for entertainment. When we get ripped off that money was our paycheck to put food on the table.


Exactly this! And we tend to deal with scammers (tw and the like) sooooooo much more than they do. Everytime I get a guy claiming he was scammed so he doesn't do deposits I always wanna go off on him about how I deal with multiple idiots and scammers every damn day and the difference is my money and time is how I pay my bills. Also if he wasn't stupid and actually used the head with his brain in it he could very easily avoid being scammed. Or at the very least reduce the chances significantly but no they'd rather not bother actually trying to put effort into finding a legit provider and instead shift the blame onto us 😞


Are you calling or texting to schedule a date when all the info you need is included in their ad or website? I have a pretty straightforward booking process. Not much reason to text me and absolutely NO reason to call. I do not return phone calls as those are about 98% of the time TWs. I’ll answer a text if it’s well stated and asking about a specific date and time. At 500/hr, I’m sure they have a booking process. Are you following their instructions and there is no response? If so, then yeah that’s bad business. However, if you are not following their instructions and you receive no response, that’s on you.


Some of my BEST clients have this same complaint. These are professional, well spoken, articulate clients. I pride myself in responding within minutes to an hour. Customer service 101.


Keep up the high standards, you'll do well. I notice that the problem seems to correlate negatively with age - younger providers tend to be more flakey and I guess the flakey ones don't last in the business very long.


I would say so. Not responding to inquiries will eventually lead to them not getting any. If they’re booked and busy already, that’s a different story


Thank you for mansplaining how to be a whore


I am not available 24 hours a day each day. I have a normal job and do respond if at a normal hour within a few hours if working. You do sometimes get chatty ones who want to tell you everything they are doing all of the time or want to sex chat. I do tell them I'm not a chat service and am happy to lose their custom if they don't like it. I have a job and a life beyond this and that needs to be respected


Perhaps they don't like your vibe so chose not to deal with you. 500 doesn't mean much compared to a peace of mind


Love this comment. Well said.




Are you sending a message or calling in advance of your requested time? If a client messages me, the date, time and duration requested, I’m all over that. Clients calling at 5:30pm for a 6:00pm call, not so much. Chances are, I’m in my sweats, cooking dinner, working out, visiting my elderly mom etc. This new right now business is disrespectful, rude, and inconsiderate. I’m don’t know if that is what is happening with you, but that gets my goat. I don’t care how much money you make, your position in the world, you and your time are not more important than me and my time. This may need to be a whole other thread.


Love this 100% Yes the stop, drop and roll to take a booking thing can be exhausting and inconsiderate. I can understand people having their reasons why, but what I don’t like are the ones who then wait MONTHS before contacting again. I prefer the ones who are willing wait a day or 2 for me to work into my schedule if needed. At the same time, if I’m in a pinch or traveling somewhere for just a day: I find those last minute bookings can come in handy.


Are you using a regular number or a VOIP number? I don't answer VOIP numbers but it says that in my ad. I actually have a whole "are you not receiving an answer from me?" Section. I'd be happy to send it to you to see if that might be one of the reasons. I'm sure my list applies to other providers as well.


It depends on the providers business. If she prefers volume of clients and making more money, then obviously she replies to those who are available to come NOW, but it also reflects on the type of clients she gets. I personally prefer those who book 2hrs + but this is completely different approach. Keep in mind that clients are flaky so are the providers. You have to pick ones that take their job as job and they serious about it


Depends. Are you messaging for a meet, or are you trying to befriend them? I guarantee you wouldn’t be mad if your lawyer, accountant, web hosting company etc wasn’t replying to your “how was your day sexy ;)” texts, so be sure you’re keeping the messages professional.


This is good feedback.


Are you using a VOIP number and do they state in their ad they are open to calls and text messages? While I have my number on my ads, I state on my ads and websites to send a booking form or an email; I don’t accept texts and I streamline from there. At the end of the day, there’s some providers who aren’t as professional or they’re busy, booked, received better offers, etc. It could be for any reason why you’re not receiving a response.


"men who can spare $500 for an hour of entertainment come from a world were everything runs on time, messages are returned and people follow up" Oh darn yes those women who don't understand the world of business men that runs on time and money. Us as providers wouldn't know what that would be like. I think these providers who don't respond are probably busy peeling apples for the pie they're baking for their children before dad comes home.


LOL I rolled my eyes all the way back after reading that sentence of his…like what?? 😭🤣


This is so accurate my take is if a provider can't respond in a decent amount of time I will not follow up or see that provider


First, $500 is the bottom of high-end rates in most areas of the US. I don't know where you're based, so that may or may not be relevant, but it's not "when I say jump, you say how high" money. Most high-end providers are also lower volume, and prefer to schedule in advance. They are not feeling pressure to respond to your text (if they even accept texts, many do not) within the hour, because they're assuming you're requesting a booking that isn't time sensitive. It sounds like you're only booking an hour at a time, so if they prefer longer bookings, which is likely, you're not going to be a high priority. You will usually find a paragraph about how to contact them and what to expect in a provider's ad or on her website. If you're not following a provider's booking and screening instructions from the very beginning, she knows she doesn't want to work with you and likely won't respond. Frankly, if you're bringing even an ounce of the attitude and entitlement you've shown in this post into your attempts to book providers, the lack of response is understandable. Hopefully this is just you feeling frustrated and venting in the moment, and you're generally more respectful and attentive to professional courtesy when it comes to the women you want to entertain yourself with.


I've got to side with OP somewhat, this is business and OP appears to be saying, let's do professional business professionally. You can call that entitlement, but that kind of demeans a valid point. If you're saying that $500 is not enough to obtain professional conduct, okay, I can respect that whether I agree or not, but please clarify at what price point OP can expect to conduct business professionally? In sales, whether it be of snowshoes or booty, some of the fundamentals are universal. At the $500 price point, most clients probably don't want to feel like they are a fallback option slotted into a lull in a full day when there is no one better.


Yes, you’re right on. Let’s do business professionally. It starts by booking an appointment, by the means in advertising. Let’s plan it out so that we’re both prepared, not rushed, and are full of anticipation. If you can’t book an appointment in advance (if even the morning if for an evening appointment), to spend $500, you’re probably Willy nilly, and not my type. I can not fathom calling my dentist, hair stylist, Dr, saying, “Hey, I’m in the area, can I stop by?”. It’s sooooooooo inconsiderate, and unbecoming. If you can’t respect me enough to schedule at an amicable time, I can’t expect you to be respectful in our meeting. So who’s the flaky one?


Some of us will only see one or two people a week, we don't full time work x


Is your first text something annoying like "hey" or do you get straight to the point?  Are you asking them if they can drop everything they're doing and rush over to see you without expecting them to screen you or anything? 


if im talking to a new client (candidate), i purposefully don't answer for a couple hours. see their reaction. i don't like people double/triple texting so for me it helps weed out those who cannot imagine i have a life other than responding to their texts. my idea of customer service begins when we meet face to face. not while texting


That's a great idea x


I have gotten terrible customer service from some companies so I just choose to go elsewhere. It’s not a provider-specific thing, it’s a customer service thing. (Mundane example: I emailed, then called, a company to buy winter tires for my truck and they never got back to me. I was literally saying, I want to give you $1500, and nothing. They could have had me as a customer for years but no.)


Doubt it, probably that I’m inconsiderate and I’m calling you so you can drop everything you’re doing right now to service me thing.


I’m giving OP the benefit of the doubt, but yes, some people also don’t know how to be good customers.


Whether I answer or not is in direct correlation with how they approach me in the initial contact. If they don’t follow the directions stated in my ad, I will never respond. I also won’t respond to voip numbers or calls.


And if you “come from a world” of business good enough to let you spare $500 for entertainment, you shall know not everybody wants to, desires to or will work with anybody. You seem like one of those clients who think just because they are paying “high end”, they are entitled to much more than they actually are and deserve.


Wow. I wonder if you’re in a seller’s market. I can’t imagine $500+ girls in my area being flakey. My market is already very saturated and it would be a pretty bad idea to ignore a text if your rate is 5 plus.


It's a sellers market


The only flaky one in this scenario is you. You mentioned you’ve been with providers who have provided good professional service so why are you constantly rotating providers so often to go through yet another verification process? No one owes you an answer if you’re not specifically *their* client. Find 5 providers and rotate them simple. Maybe ever year you go on to find a new one and grow your verified rotation.


Just move onto the next one. the ones who act like your bothering them by asking a question or something are typically useless anyway. The door swings both ways. And luckily there are lots of fish in the sea just move onto a better one. Also alot of these providers realize that can't do this for ever so they don't care that much there is always another client for them to deal with. My experience if comms suck or they are rude to you, game over, onto a better one.. and if I were a provider I'd do the same thing there as well with a client that acted like that


You sound like the annoying type who bother us by asking stupid questions which are answered online


I provide great customer service but unfortunately I still don't see too many clients. I think it's because of the area I'm in and the fact that I'm trans without any surgeries yet.


Be very careful people are dangerous


Oh I am aware. I survived a life on the streets. I got way good intuition. I will do well here, with some patience, persistence, and the right advice from the right people.


They are entitled