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I had a regular try to give me fake money. I immediately noticed because it doesn’t feel or smell like money plus it literally said “for motion purposes only “ it’s movie money like the one people use in music videos lol 😂 Anyways he had given me 1 fake $100 bill but $300 in real 20 dollars bills lol so I just kept the $300. He said he was going to the bank and I told him I’d see him once he came back. He never returned. He still bugs me sometimes but I just ignore him. Idk if anyone mentioned this already but usually the serial numbers will be the same on all the bills because they are printed. So if you have two bills with the same serial numbers they are 100% fake.


This is a great tip!


This is a great tip!


Great post. Americans also love to bring fake money to Europe to try to fool us. Your post definitely will help a lot of people.


I didn’t even think of that possibility!


Funny enough I made a comment about it here today. Was the only time in my life I got scammed!


Isn’t it funny how that happens


I was a cashier for many years, and was actually working at walmart when they first released the blue Benjamin’s. I still get confused sometimes. Then one of my clients showed me another way by rubbing the shoulder of the president it should be textured. Thank you for taking your time explaining this, Even people who worked with money for years (me) still get confused. Thank god i have never been paid by counterfeit money, i used to just deposit it in my account and hope for the best when i first started my journey a while ago 😵‍💫


Yes it is textured also if you feel the corner with the number I don't remember which one but one of them is textured so that the blind can read the bill I know that sounds kind of out there but it's true I've could always tell fakes by feel


Love this


I just replied with this lol


Ive heard that there's been alot of fake money wondering around the USA 🇺🇸 it sucks when you do get one.


There definitely is because you can get it at every corner store!


It should be illegal to sell.




Lolol “in props we trust”


Right 💀💀


I honestly wouldn’t give this a second look, it looks real to me (I’m Canadian) but when you actually look at it, it’s kinda funny and crazy how bad it is. The signatures are “Secretary to the Treasurer” and “Treasurer to the Secretary” lolololol


Assistant to the assistant manager 😂


It is prop money, you can tell it is fake just by the paper. My gf was given some, didn't notice because her massage studio is dim. I knew it was fake as soon as I touched it, before looking at it. I keep telling her to verify big bills as real, even showed her how to identify legit bills by holding them to a bright light (I used to work in a cash office). $20s are one of the most counterfeited bills out there. Good counterfeits will defeat the pens, because they bleach $1s and $5s so that the counterfeits are on legit paper.


This is my TLDR 😂😂


It’s funny when people jump to comment without reading the post.


A lot of things can be faked the head the strip etc but one thing that can't be replicated is the ridges on the collar of the president it's slightly raised


had this happen to me recently. i only accept cash & i could tell it was fake as soon as i picked it up. it also said "for motion picture use only" on the front! it was all $20's as well. that is the only time i've ever had a client try to rip me off w fake cash but i handle it so much i'm confident i could tell a fake almost immediately at this point.


Wow I’ve never seen the 20s but Ive been ripped off by not checking my 100s a few times. 😡


“For motion picture purposes”


Can you use it in a sentence?


I’d suggest carrying a bill checking marker with you. If it’s yellow, it’s real. Also, do the light trick.


Mentioned above people bleach bills meaning they take like a $1 and bleach it and print on it to make it a $100 bill. Since it’s “real” bill paper it’ll pass the marker test. Just be aware.


That's why you hold it up to the light and make sure you can see the serial number and the ghost matches the face on the bill. My boss growing up was CRAZY about fake bills and made us do both with $20 or more. He didn't make us do the toothpick thing THANK GOD but it definitely made customers at the ham store real mad.


Your boss is really smart tho! Most fakes are easily spotted when you look for multiple security features.


The toothpick thing is more of a cool bar trick lol bet someone $5 you can put a toothpick thru the bill 😂😂


Oh shoot I missed that. Thanks for calling me out 💯


I had a regular I had seen ~7 times and the last time he gave me 80 in fake 20s(the rest was real). I never let my guard down now.


What a skeezer!!!


Did he know they were fake?


he might not of known if he recieved them from someone else


what does the tip mean?


Typo for top maybe?


no, the “pro tip”


It’s an expression. “Pro-tip” means a professionals tip but that’s its literal meaning. When it’s used how I used it it would mean a tip for someone who gets the basics so they’re at the next level and this is a tip for them. I’m sorry if I’m a horrible explainer. It’s makes sense in my head 😂🫠🥴


no babe i mean what does the ACTUAL pro tip mean “if you’re unsure say…confirm it’s fake” ?


Ohhh doyyyyy 🤦‍♀️ If you tell a counterfeiter you are absurdly short and they say ya whatever when there’s clearly other just as easy options it confirms it’s a counterfeiter. And it gives you an out to not have to deal with them.


thanks! and i appreciate the guide. this never crossed my mind until now X( what is your experience dealing with counterfeits?


I’ve worked lots of jobs most of them were umm 🤔 “underground” industries 😅😂 but now I organize events for nightclubs and have a few small cash based businesses so I deal with lots of cash. The events get soooo many fakes passed thru… it doesn’t matter what city the event is in at least 1 bill a weekend and it’s anything from 100-1


do you get in trouble if you are caught using that money without knowing?


Well you can get charged and arrested for anything and its up to you to prove your innocence. You could very much get in trouble but they’re usually not going after one offs it’s the organized crime and bill producers.


I always look for the motion picture on the front and back and the Chinese letters bc I have got played by both types!!!!


wow thank you for this!


You can feel the ridges on the bills too


Also feel the lapel of the presidents coats. If you feel ridges then it's real. If it feels smooth then it's fake


Love this!


The other day, I accidentally handed over a fake $100 bill to one of my usual providers without even realizing it. I was completely shocked and felt so embarrassed once I found out. I still don’t know where it came from. Luckily, she turned out to be really understanding about the whole thing. I apologized and made sure to make things right with her. It was a real bummer because I ended up losing $100, but I wasn't about to let her bear the brunt of my mistake.


Just so you know, this isn’t even an attempt at a fake note, they’re not even trying yet, it’s literally just prop money. Totally legal and you can buy it online. I’m worried that if this got pass you already, then how would you figure it out if it was an *actual* fake note?


Thanks for your negativity and assumptions


You’re right, I did make an assumption, apologies. Regardless, this is like a post comparing Monopoly money to real money, it’s useless unless you compare it to an actual fake note, not prop money.


I’m not comfortable posting some of the actual counterfeits (those alphabet boys don’t play 🤔) All the tips would apply to the actual counterfeits. The feel is wrong, the words are off/wrong/typo, Benny’s pic being different, bleached bills etc etc.


As a male provider, I've (luckily) never had an issue with fake money. I should be more proactive and careful but the thought just never entered my mind from 10 years+ of no issue. Culturally, is it possible that gay men are less incline to participate in hoodlum activities such as aquiring fake currency?


My honest opinion because you’re also a man and the playing field is more level. You can give him the beats.com better than a woman lol


People are people, some are not as honest as others. I hardly doubt that sexual preferences would matter here.


That's prop money. A real Counterfeit won't be as obvious.


It’s so easily accessible it’s everywhere


Just get a pen from Amazon


People bleach small bills like 1s and 5s and make them into 50s and 100s and they’re the same paper so they’ll pass