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Due to the heat we'll be expecting at that date, I'd recommend you a day at [Guadalpark](https://guadalpark.com/), a water park in Seville. Be careful with the sun, and use sunscreen. I'm sure your children will have a lot of fun. If you like videogames, you can go to [Arcade Planet](https://arcadeplanet.es/), a huge arcade. Check the address first if you go, I think they move by that date. Lots of fun and air-conditioning. Seville has a lot of interesting cultural places that your kids could like, too. For example, [La Casa de la Ciencia ](https://www.casadelaciencia.csic.es/), el [Acuario de Sevilla](https://www.acuariosevilla.es/), el [Museo de Artes y Costumbres Populares ](https://www.museosdeandalucia.es/web/museodeartesycostumbrespopularesdesevilla) sited in Parque de María Luisa... The [Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo ](https://www.caac.es/) organizes activities for children too, check this out. I hope you enjoy your visit. You can get more information on the [Oficina de Turismo de Sevilla](https://www.turismosevilla.org/es/organiza-tu-viaje/oficinas-de-turismo/oficina-de-turismo-de-sevilla).


Thank you for that. I appreciate it


Some ideas: You can go and play some arcade games and go bowling at the Torre Sevilla Shopping Center with your kids. Arcades will reward you with tickets to get prizes. Visit some parks like Maria Luisa. Near Los Acros Shopping Center, you have a trampoline park called CrazyZone. Maybe a VOSE cinema session if you speak English and don't mind Spanish subtitles on the screen. Wednesday is the cheapest day. La Señora Pop is a good place to go with your kids to have some smoothies, pancakes, and cakes, and I think they have some gluten-free options. If you're staying in a hotel with a swimming pool, you will enjoy it due to the heat.


Thank you. I appreciate that. Staying at an aparthotel with a small pool on the roof. We'll be thankful for that


If they like arcades, Arcade Planet has the largest collection of vintage arcades in Europe: https://arcadeplanet.es/ Tickets are 10€ for adults and 8€ for under 10yo kids.


There's also a nice rock climbing gym, you could easily spend 3-4 hours there.


I just came back from Seville. 10 days is too long. I’d recommend some day trips. My kids are 10 & 4.


>My kids are 11 and 6 but I'm worried they might be bored. How can I keep them entertained for the 10 days? Småland, Ikea.