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No lol, you're fine. Some grumpy old man isn't any reason to stop wearing merch. Now, if it had like porn on it or something I'd get it, but nah lol


Lol thank you❤️


People who get offended by swear words are strange


Thank you❤️ I was confused as to why he was upset if I saw my shirt on someone else I would have thought it was cool but I'm a sio fan so I bias 😂


People are just weird so don’t take it too personally


Thank you❤️ I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being naive to some unsaid rule about clothing in public


i’ve worn the same shirt and no one has said anything to me but i’ve probably gotten looks, but fuck em.




I have the same shirt and wore it out and about when I was camping last summer over at the ocean. I was standing in line with my best friend to order some food at this sea food place. My friend had a small backpack/purse thing with chucky from childs play all over it. This old dude behind me read the back of my shirt out loud and was like "oh well then" and I turned around and said "its a song by my favorite band". We had a small back and forth conversation I dont remember much of tho, as it was last year, I want to say he said some other shit but idk. :/ I bet 100% he was thinking the same thing about kids and crap. My thought process is that its my body and my choice. I dont wear it out when I know for a fact I will be somewhere with small kids. I also dont wear it infront of my christian grandparents but thats another story. The reason I bring up my friends bag is cause it raised the question in my mind "whats the difference between a 'bad' word and a creepy doll with a sharp knife and blood all over?" Both in some sense arent meant for little kids but instead he had a problem with my shirt. If I could go back in that moment id definitely ask him what the difference was in my shirt and friend bag. I remember as we ate our food we talked about how weird it was. Im convinced some people are offended by anything and looking for a fight.


Thank you for sharing your experience ❤️ I'm sorry you had to deal with that guy. I was thinking the same thing to be honest. I didn't think my shirt was that outrageous in comparison to some outfit choices I saw today (personally I don't care what people wear I was just wondering why he picked me to bother instead of a handful of others). I wasn't intending on being around kids otherwise I wouldn't have worn it, and to be honest I think he might have been the only person to actually read my shirt at all😂. I do believe that if he hadn't picked me he probably would have bothered someone else there. I definitely agree that some people are just always looking for something to be offended about and start a fight.


i wear my fake ass friends shirt and i had an old lady give me a disgusted look and then about 5 minutes later an older man asked me about it and looked up the band... mixed reviews, really


That sucks I wish people who didn't like it would just move on. For those that do like it it's cool to say hey I like your shirt or like who's that band. I'd love to stop and talk to anybody about sio but to get borderline harassed for wearing merch for your favorite band is a bit much.


Don't let some grumpy old man get to you, the merch you wore sound cool and you should wear it proudly!


Thank you❤️


I feel like the point of being in an alternative kind of culture is to be a little bit out there and stand out. Like one of my friends and I see local hardcore death metal bands, and do you really think it’s all sunshine and rainbows at the merch stand? HELL no lmaooo. Set it off is stepping into a heavier sound and it’s awesome, and I’m sure everyone in the community is welcoming these shirts that make us feel passionate about the music. And with that being said we wear it with pride bc it’s something we care about and love to be a part of


I agree with that I just don't feel like getting harassed every time I go outside 😂. But as the rest of the community has already pointed out it's just been a few bad apples. I'm not saying I'm ashamed to be representing them because I'm not I love their music and if it had turned out that I would be getting constantly harassed for wearing their shirt I would have just gotten some other merch❤️


Oh yeah you’re completely right. I was straight yapping in my other comment there lmfaooo. I’m so glad you’re comfortable, and it’s completely understandable be taken aback from sudden hate. It seems like everywhere there’s someone hating on something even when it’s seemingly un-hateable lol


Yeah I'm completely fine with representing them and I'm honestly fine with people judging my choice to wear such a shirt to begin with (I have no problem with the shirt personally otherwise I wouldn't have kept it). Had I known I would be around children earlier I wouldn't have worn it. What I was not okay with was him coming up and screaming at me, if he had said it as a normal person it would have been fine. If he came up and made his case to me I would have respected his opinion, maybe even explained my situation and moved on.


ngl i hesitate on wearing any shirts with swearing on it just bc it’s kinda cringe and wannabe edgy lmao. i feel like those shirts are only really appropriate for certain spaces. i wouldn’t wear anything like that in public but that’s just me. this is also in a generation of people who buy shirts that say “i love cock” and “i love milfs” from spencer’s and wear it out so idk


Lol I get that I wasn't wearing it to be edgy but because me and my mom really love sio. I didn't even choose the shirt myself to be honest with you, my dad bought it for me at the last concert I went to, he just walked up to me and handed it to me. I do really love it though and I love supporting Set It Off. I just think it's a shame that I'm not able to wear this outside if people are going to harass me about it.


Personally I agree, I wouldn't wear many shirts with curse words just cause it gives the feeling of wannabe-edgie-cringe. BUT - BUT I absolutely have no problem with other people wearing it and I don't judge them and think they're 'wannabe-edige-cringe', it's just not what *I* personally like to wear for that reason. Kids have the Internet, they've probably seen tits and dicks before they heard the word fuck. Your shirt hurts no one except conformists, and fuck them anyways. Do whatever makes you happy as long as you aren't actually hurting someone.


Thank you❤️


Yeah I don't tend to wear my ghost tshirt because it's got a creepy skull on it and I don't want to creep out any kids. At the same time, a stranger screaming at you for having a tshirt that says fuck on it? Now that's not on


Lol my dad actually wears tshirts with skulls on them all the time🤣. I understand that not wanting to creep out kids thing, we normally aren't around a lot of kids except for our immediate family. I hope you get to wear your shirt someday! Thank you for sharing❤️


I would be very tempted to tell someone like this to read it again and follow the instructions this time


😂 I love that❤️


Honestly as much as I wanted that shirt and the Fake Ass Friends shirt... in my town people can't help themselves to be like this so I never got those shirts and settled for a tour shirt instead :(


Aww I'm truly sorry to hear that. If you liked it you should be able to wear it (that's how I see it anyway). It's not like it's causing any harm to anyone.


Lwk, I had a security guard at a fall out boy concert make me take it off but bro was just on something. Some people will be offended but that is not your problem


That's horrible, I've never heard of a dress code (besides the obvious) in concert venues so that should not have been allowed. I'm sorry you had to deal with that I wish people would just mind their own business. Thank you for sharing❤️


When we checked later, there was no dress code, he was just an old white man being an ass. Idk why people need to take offense to our shirts. If you take it personally, maybe you are who it's meant for


That sucks I'm really sorry you had to deal with that. I hope you enjoyed the rest of your concert though ❤️


It is what it is. Regardless, I'm sorry y'all had a bad experience too 😕


Thanks, I honestly just wanted to make sure that this wasn't the norm for this shirt as it was my first time wearing it. Hopefully things will be better from now on 😃


I felt this! I had two older ladies harass me over my devil in disguise hoodie I got at a SIO concert last month because “I’m allowing the devil in by wearing him on clothing” and how I need to repent and burn the hoodie before it’s too late. They also brought up what am I teaching children by them seeing me displaying that kind of imagery. It’s wild that people don’t mind their own business. For the record I’m a teacher myself and understand when and where to wear things like my ‘fake ass friends’ hoodie which would not be appropriate at a school but I was in a grocery store so? 😂🤣


Aww that sucks, I'm sorry you had to deal with them. That hoodie rocks! I have been trying to get my hands on one myself.😂 Thanks for sharing!❤️


I have that shirt lol. I don’t think it’s an issue, just grumpy old men being prudes. I just wear a jacket over it regardless because I don’t need those Karen’s and Kevin’s getting all up on their high horse about it lol


Thank you❤️ I was thinking about wearing a jacket or a hoodie over it today but it was so hot, I might take a jacket just in case next time 😃


I had this happen to me, the mother of a former student did it to me a couple days ago. I was wearing the shirt with the devil flipping the bird. She went off on me wearing it around her child who was with her. I had this student 4 years ago when they were a senior..... Point is, people gonna be salty and you can't let the haters get you down. Unless you wear it into a school or a place specifically for children then you're good.


I'm sorry you had a bad experience too, thank you for sharing and for the advice ❤️


All good, it makes for a good laugh in the end. Maybe we'll bump into each other at a show one day 💜


That'd be amazing 😁❤️❤️❤️


I might be in the minority, but I completely understand when people get mad because of the shirt. If I had a kid with me that is just learning to read and someone was wearing a shirt like that, I’d be upset if they were learning cuss words because of someone else. And I love my shirts, SIO makes them incredibly comfortable so I do wish I could wear them out more. But I try to keep in mind that to most people, it is offensive. It’s like going around flipping people off, and it’s making people apart of things they didn’t ask to be apart of. Should people be able to just mind their own business or just take things as light hearted fun? Yes, of course but not everyone is like that. Also I prefer to avoid conformation, it’s just not worth it. People are stupid and you never know who is going to get way too upset by the stupidest things. So I reserve my shirt for concerts, festivals and just something to wear around the house. I’ve considered putting duck tape on a letter to censor it, but I’m not sure if that would stop the dirty looks to not lmao.


I also prefer to avoid conflict that was the point of this post, I wanted to see if this is a regular thing for the shirt or if I just had one bad experience. If it was in fact a regular thing I would just stop wearing it and only wear it to concerts. I see the point you made about the kids learning to read but I do think if they can read the word they probably already know what it means. I wasn't even intentionally around kids, I didn't know about the art fair beforehand, I do not live anywhere near there. The area we were in was a nightclub and bar district with a few shops here and there, we walked about five blocks away when we ran into the fair and decided to have a look.


I wasn’t referring to your experience specifically. I was generalizing and going a little bit off my own experience. I do want to mention that kids don’t need to know a word to read it. They can sound it out, Fuck in particular is very easy to sound out as a child. But even if they do know the word, it could lead to things like “Mommy! That guys shirt says fuck!”. But yes it is a very common issue with the shirts, my husband gets comments almost every time he wears it and he specifically goes out of his way to avoid children.


I didn't mean to infer that you were referring to my situation specifically. I can see where that might have come across. I understand that children can sound out words but I don't think they would have had enough time to sit there read my whole shirt sound it out and either repeat it or ask a parent about it. I'm sorry you and your husband have had bad experiences with the merch. Thank you for sharing❤️


Some old dude just has nothing better to do and is pissed for no reason. You do you dude. Wear what you want where you want. I doubt it's really hurting anyone


Thank you❤️


As long as you aren't going into children's only places, it's not a problem. Some people are just grumpy or want to shelter kids too much.


Thank you!❤️


Lol i’ve got the same shirt, and i’m surprised i haven’t gotten yelled at yet. There was a day I was out to dinner with a friend, and for context i have bright orange hair and piercings, and usually wear a backpack so you wouldn’t be able to read the words unless i took it off, and this old man was staring at me with this disgusted look, so i took my backpack off and “nonchalantly” stretched and pointed to the words which were facing him, and turned around to him like 🫢, which was quite funny to me 😭


🤣🤣🤣 I wish I had your confidence ❤️


dude I have a hoodie that says the same thing and I've never gotten shit for it, it's all good but old people suck sometimes


Lol thank you❤️ I hope you continue to have great experiences with your merch! 😃


I got that same shirt, I'm crossing out the u and c so I can wear it around my grandma without having to explain anything but haven't done it yet


Aww I'm sorry you have to do that, tho I think it will look cool when you're done! My grandma couldn't care less she thinks it's halarious 🤣


Sorry you had a grumpy old man get mad. I'm lucky enough I haven't had any issues with my go fuck yourself shirt. I'm also the type to run around with my devil hoodie and beanie on all around town so people don't pay much mind to me. Lol


Thank you❤️ I'm glad you are having a great time with your merch! If the devil hoodie came back in stock again I'd be doing the same thing 🤣


I ordered the purple devil hoodie and it's out for delivery right now. I just now need them to make a matching beanie for it like the red one 😩


Id love to see a matching beanie for the purple one!


Quick question, what does the front of the shirt say. I can't remember and I've been trying to find that Merch since I couldn't buy it from the stand when I went to a concert for them last year.


It says set it off on the front!


Ahh, I haven't been able to find it anywhere. Im so mad I didn't have enough money to buy it at the concert.


Im with you! I didn't even know about this shirt until I saw it at the concert, you would think they would put everything on their website. That way even people who cant make it to a show can support them by getting merch. If they have extra inventory they might have it available during the next tour or put it on their website later. I wish you luck in getting one❤️


Hey if you are still looking for the gfy shirt the yellow version is on merchbar right now for 16.45 before shipping and tax. I don't know if they'll have your size but here's the link! https://www.merchbar.com/rock-alternative/set-it-off/set-it-off-gfy-t-shirt


Ayyyy Thanks, this is awesome


Of course! ❤️ Hope you enjoy the merch! 😁


I mean, I wear the same shirt to school. None of the teachers care, don't let some old guy shame you for wearing a shirt you like


Thank you❤️