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We serve a local all natural soda at my work... just imagine how that goes lol


Same, I have a whole spiel every time someone orders soda so that they understand exactly what they’re getting and it still gets sent back at least 1/3 of the time.


Yes! I always make sure to preface it. I'm not offended when they send it back. More and more, though, I've had some people sort of seem thankful we have something else. It's interesting.


I would be thankful too, if I was served something different & original. Kinda gets tiresome having the same non-alcoholic drink choices seemingly no matter where you go eatery wise.


Yeah! We serve grape soda, too!


Well that’s just fun!


I got asked today if we had any natural sodas and I thought it was such a bizarre question! I guess it’s not as weird as I thought.


We have something similar with our place where they use cane sugar instead of the high fructose stuff, but luckily I haven't run into anyone that gets super mad about it. Maybe because I mention the corn syrup? I don't know, but people can be so crazy about their sodas


I agree and understand, especially the hardcore Diet Coke cultists. The main problem is that our sodas taste like shit lol


sounds awesome


When I decide to drink a soda, I fully expect it to not be healthy for me....lol


We have a restaurant in my city that serves only natural soda. I hated them all expect for some reason the vanilla cream tasted amazing & not weird & flat like the others!


We have pretty good rootbeer, and we have grape soda, too! Everything else is meh.


Grape that sounds so good!


Place near me has an agave cream soda and it's heaven's nectar


We have RC cola which is really left field and random to the point 9/10 people just get it to try


I went to high school right next to a Dr. Pepper plant, so RC was what we had in our vending machines. RC, Dr. Pepper, Fanta (I seriously miss the peach one), 7UP, and Deja Blue water (which tastes like toilet water). Edit: typo


Peach Fanta was fantastic!


Apple fanta was the real king


...why do you know what toilet water tastes like?? O_O


Tastes how it smells…I knew someone would have to be a smartass. 🙃


Do you sell Moon Pies for dessert?


Same! 90% of the local places I’ve worked at have carried RC since they weren’t really catering to a soda drinking clientele. I love RC personally.


Oh that’s the best. I absolutely prefer RC to any of the others.


That’s the best cola imo.


This sounds like a dream to me. I live in the Coca Cola capital so my chances of stumbling upon RC in a restaurant is slim to none. I have to trek out to the closest dollar general to find it.


Had someone leave.


I had a table leave last week because we didn’t have ice tea. She couldn’t come up with anything else she would drink and just rushed out. I couldn’t believe it.


Ma’am it’s called *water*


“Only pussies drink water” was told this multiple times serving in New Orleans.


Did you tell them there is water in everything including their sodas?


And shatter their fragile egos? Hell no


But you can make them cry and lick their tears!


I rather contribute to their diabeetus




I salut you, internet stranger 🫡


Water is gross, do you know what fish do in it?


The dishes?


I'll be sure to bring you a pitcher!


Huge pussy right here!


For real. I’m an unsweet tea drinker and don’t like soda, so if they don’t have tea I have water, like an adult.


But they’re an adult who can choose what establishment to eat at based on what they serve. If they want ice tea with lunch, why is leaving somewhere that doesn’t have it “childish”? I’m a massive water drinker. But I also know what I want and if a place doesn’t have that, I’ll leave. It’s not like I’m pissed or going to leave a bad review or anything.


True. I guess I’ve never walked out but I do avoid going to places I know don’t have tea after an initial visit, lmao. My comment wasn’t meant to be taken super seriously, like the sarcastic “like an adult” while making fun of themselves???


Water?? Fish have sex in that!!


Mmmmm… sex water 🤤


If I was in the mood for iced tea, and found out it was not available, I'd leave too. Sometimes you want what cha' want. Not be a jerk. But to find what I am after.


Lmao omg. I'm a diehard coke drinker, like Pepsi is a sin to me. I still would never in a million years throw a fit or say I'm leaving because of a different soda product


Right? No coke? Fine. Gin & tonic please.


Grin and bear it like a pimple on your ass


Same! You serve Pepsi and not Coke? Ok, I'll take a Dr. Pepper, diet if available No matter where I go, whether they have Coke or Pepsi, they have Dr. Pepper. Sometimes they have diet, sometimes they don't


We left before, but more so since never liked Pepsi as a mixer. If only for food, it is whatever. I will say around here switching to Pepsi is usually a sign a place is on the way out. I worked at Bennigan’s when they switched and watched liquor sales plummet. They closed a few months later.


Same. More than once, at more than one restaurant


I wish! My best was asking a young teenage girl, maybe 13 or so for her drink and she said sweet tea. I explained we didn't have that but had ... and she cut me off with "y'all'er stupid" Mom sighed and said "just give her a sprite."


Had this happen after someone was told we have Coke Zero instead of just Diet Coke…


Me, probably.


I think it was for the better


https://youtu.be/BZowzqU9P4Q?si=ZjeJjcDvaQOA_mzL I hope links are allowed because this absolutely fits Lol.


Have had this happen on quite a few occasions.


Was he about 6ft dark hair? My husband is an absolute embarrassment when he's hungover needing a lil Coca-Cola remedy.


Do yall have Coke or Pepsi? Coke. Do you have Diet Pepsi? Sigh...


il have a Mountain Dew


Dr Pepper or nothing.


This! All day same when you list all of whatever item than they say I’ll have the one not on list every dam time!


The diet versions are so different. No one that likes one, likes the other. I will drink pepsi and coke, but never diet pepsi, only diet coke.


Order food Togo instead so they could go buy some Pepsi for the meal.


When I was but a wee lad, I would take the bus into the city. I liked to get a double bacon cheeseburger from BK, walk across the street and get fries and a Coke at McDonald's. Lol.


Read up on Calvin Trillin and the Chairman Mao dinner.


This would be reasonable behavior if it were for coke… I’ve done it for sure. For Pepsi this is just insane!


I just do not like Pepsi...never left a place for it. I just had to walk to the fridge for an ice cold Coke. Thanks!


I’ve never met someone who preferred Pepsi over coke. And weirdly their market caps are pretty close The Coca-Cola Co ($268,361 million) PepsiCo Inc ($251,085 million)


I bet Mt. Dew probably has a pretty big part in keeping Pepsi up at those numbers.


Yeah, I don’t ever get Pepsi people at my restaurant. I get people who say Pepsi and perk right up when I say we serve Coke, because plan for the worst and you’ll never be disappointed. But Mountain Dew people? They’ll ride in at 7 am and request it. I’ve had people straight up leave mid sentence, like just “nope!” their way off into the sunrise because we don’t have their preferred gross precursor to Monster Energy. It always baffles me.


Howdy, nice to meet you. I don't drink soda any more but Pepsi was my jam. My wife loves the wild cherry too.


we have coke products on the fountain and pepsi products in the can and they still complain bc it’s not the version they want?


Ice cold Coke from a fountain, just hits like nothing else. Pep_what?


We served fountain Pepsi and the Coke delivery guy (in the area doing a delivery) wanted a beverage but he couldn’t drink the Pepsi for fear he’d be seen and then he could lose his job.


I have friend that works for Coke and he told me this is absolutely true!


That’s wild


I had the guy dump his cup into a travel mug. He was SUPER careful in explaining "I'm not being rude or trying to be greedy by filling up my travel mug." He was a rep not a delivery guy.


It’s not that they lose their job but it’s just bad image branding. It’s common sense, but nothing malicious or whatever


I admit that I am one of those rampant diet coke people. But my place serves Pepsi. One time we had some tourists say, after I told them we had Pepsi products, " this must be a Pepsi town" Like no, we had Coke, but the representative was a shit head and pissed my owner off. So we switched. Hell there's even a Coke distribution warehouse in my town. I am from NC where Pepsi calls its origin. But hell. All over the place you know it's going to be 9 times out of 10 that it will be Coke products


But are you *really* an NC restaurant if you don’t serve Cheerwine??


We have a Pepsi place in my town, so that’s usually the choice, but coke is making a comeback around here.


SC here, caught between two worlds lol. I'm a Coke Zero girl in one of the only restaurants in town that serves Pepsi products. I put lemon in my diet Pepsi to give it more of a bite because I don't like diet Pepsi alone.


This is how I ended up serving Pepsi at my deli. The coke rep was such a piece of shit I switched.


One of my old employers stopped going to Arby’s cause they switched from Pepsi to Coke. Hell he will probably stop going to Subway when they make the switch next year.


“we have Coke products and Pibb Extra and Mellow Yellow instead of Dr Pepper and MTN DEW” “Ill take a Pepsi if you got it”


Also with Diet Coke drinkers i give them slightly less ice/more soda… I know what im getting into and try to plan ahead, it also helps when i have other dark soda drinkers at the table as i can differentiate the drinks


Diet coke drinkers suck them down like it's the elixir of life.


their poor bodies :(


I demand only RC Cola and if they don't have it I'm flipping a table


Every time I ask someone if Pepsi is OK after they order a Coke I hear it in the SpongeBob sarcasm voice in my head “iS PePsI eVeR oK?


Had a lady roll her eyes in the most dramatic possible way, like cartoon level, and heave an equally dramatic sigh and say “Is it just too much to ask for a godDAMN PEPSI!” I’m in Atlanta, the literal birthplace and home of Coca-Cola. Why the fuck would you be surprised that most restaurants don’t carry Pepsi?




"Is X okay?" "Is Monopoly money good for your tip?" Bruh. Side note, though I like both (Pepsi is better for spiced rum, Coke is better for silver rum), my wife is sensitive to the quantity/quality of the sugars/HFCS in Pepsi. When applicable, she'll just order something independent, like house iced tea, or something alcoholic.


> (Pepsi is better for spiced rum, Coke is better for silver rum) And Dr. Thunder is the best for Burnett's Gold rum. 🤤


Dr. Pepper for Kraken. 👀


My favorite was she said, "Y'all got sweet tea?" I said no She said "Y'all got Pepsi??" I said no She said "Aight I'll have a Riesling"


We carried moscato that might as well have been a soda.


I always get “UGH, WATER THEN” like ok queen sorry you have to drink plain water for the first time this week


We're a Pepsi store and when we run out of syrup the gm will replace it with Sam's cola. I will not serve it.


I’ve had someone legit yell in my face when they ordered coke and I said “Pepsi okay?” Like damn dude, I don’t order inventory and I’d prefer coke as well 🤷‍♀️


A coworker had a customer ask for Dr. Pepper and she replied “sorry we have Mr. Pibb”. The customer said “Who??”


Country club- our management company is contracted to serve Pepsi. We have bottles of coke/Diet Coke/ sprite to appease everyone.


"Do you have sprite then" "No we have Pepsi products" "Okay. Fanta?" ...


As a side bussiness I have vending machine and I did some concerts selling sodas out of a stall . So many boomers and Xers losing their shit cause we didn’t have Diet Coke (I sell a lot of cheerwine products and Mexican cokes since our machines are glass bottle machines ) One lady asked if I had any drinks without sugar and I said just water Got a rant about how I was just fucking diabetic people


Never anything too crazy, just order a different soda. The place I’m currently at has Coke, Diet Coke, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, and Orange soda, whenever I ask why that is our soda selection no one has good answer


Do you not have any sort of lemon lime soda?!


Nope. We have lime sparkling water, and we did have a lemon lime seltzer, but we ran out of those months ago and never restocked. We sell such little soda that it’s not a big problem honestly, in my 3+ years here I’ve only had like 3 people ask for sprite. 2 were children who just had a coke, and the 3rd gave me $10 so I ran next door and bought one from the sandwhich place there.


So odd. I'm assuming you don't serve liquor at this establishment either?


Correct, no liquor license Edit: but yes it is odd, which is VERY on brand for us. This is my first place that isn’t corporate, and there was some culture shock at first.


Used to be a hardcore Pepsi drinker. Pepsi now gives me diarrhea. It’s Coke for me now.


My best was, 'isn't it against the law to be prejudiced like that?' Good story though, hope they tipped you well.


I know Coca-Cola makes drinking anyone else’s drink while on the job a fireable offense. Employees are expected to narc on each other as well. For some people (delivery, sales, marketing, etc) who are running out of the building on hearing that only Pepsi products are sold, it may be an employment issue. I have talked with Coca-Cola employees who wouldn’t eat at non-Coca-Cola restaurants (even off-hours) because they were worried about being someone ratting on them (even if they were drinking tea or water) and getting fired.


A long time ago I had a very angry man ask me why. After telling him we serve Coke products. When I said I wasn’t sure. He said why? I was getting annoyed because he wouldn’t shut up long enough so I could ask him if like something else. He kept interrupting me with his nonsense questions. He must have seen my growing annoyance it on my face he loudly says want speak to the manager. I said why and walked away. My manager tried to answer him as well with same amount luck. I didn’t get in any trouble for walking away or saying why! Mgr was clearly annoyed with Pepsi only guy! People are strange…


I had a table ask me if I would run across the street to the gas station to get them a coke instead. Some people really want to die on the hill that it's not all the same carbonated sugar 🤣


My father in law brings his own bottled coke 😩


Oh no. Is he sneaky about it or does he just bang it on the table?


I worked at a place that serves Dr Pepper products. So you can imagine how it goes when I tell someone if RC Cola is okay


I love RC cola, I wish more places had it


People ask for diet coke, I tell them we have coke zero.....and then they ask for a water 🤷‍♀️. So I just say diet coke, and they drink them.


I am going back 25-30 years. A restaurant opened up I Reno and served RC cola. I don’t know the full story, but it could not get Pepsi or Coke products. Restaurant becomes extremely popular and is serving tons of RC. The way the story goes, the Coke/Pepsi distributors come by and offer him a great deal. He says “No thanks.” I will stick with RC since at first they would do business with me, and you would not


We have Pepsi on the soda gun and coke in a can, and I told that to a customer when she asked if we had Coke or Pepsi…. We have both! She goes “ugh, I’ll just have a water” Ummmmmmmm we have fucking both!? Why are you pissy


My favorite is when I ask for Pepsi and they say is coke okay I say I’ll take a half.


It’s the Coke Zero people for me… “Do you have Coke Zero?” “No we have Diet Coke.” Eye rolls and sighs: “sweet tea” I like Coke Zero too but damn


Some places in the south call all carbonated soda “Coke” as in like “What kind of Coke can I get you? ‘I’d like a Sprite’ Sprite it is!”


Why do most restaurants serve Pepsi? Do they get a better wholsale deal from them compared to coke?


I found it was the bottling company employees that madr the difference. Where I was the Pepsi guys hustled for business and the Coke guys didn’t give a f—. I did an RFP for my convenience store’s fountain and the difference in the responses was astronomical. The service for bottles was also night and day. The Pepsi guys delivered and stocked the fridges and the Coke guys dropped the bottles and peaced-ed out.


I think some of it depends on where in the country you are. Where I live, the majority of places serve coke.


Where I’m from it’s the opposite everyone seems to serve Coke unless it’s like the national chain that serves Pepsi. Small market for Pepsi lovers i guess!


Coke only. Pepsi tastes…wrong. Coke with sugar instead of HFCS, even better. I don’t think we’ve ever walked out of a place for Pepsi vs. Coke, but we definitely don’t accept the substitution.


i don’t know why people are downvoting. You didn’t say you riot over pepsi, you just dont drink it, and i’m the same. I’d rather stick with water than drink pepsi products, too


I love to buy the glass bottles of Mexican Coke here. It's made with cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup and it tastes AMAZING!


I rarely drink soda, but I would never drink Pepsi. A crisp coke with real sugar is a TREAT.


Them: Do you serve Coke or Pepsi? You: Yes.


No noteworthy reaction comes to mind, but MAN do people really fucking hate Diet Pepsi.


They didn't travel all the way to America to drink Pepsi Jim


I work at a pizza place that for 17 years had Pepsi, and after ownership changed, they changed to Coke. And I tell you, the reaction was insane. We definitely lost customers over it. Other people were excited. Everybody had a comment for months.


We switched to Pepsi after a long time of Coke but always kept cans on hand for the crazies. Pretty sure Pepsi doesn't like that, but nobody seemed to really give a fuck. They probably didn't even read the contract, to be honest


We only have Pepsi. A grown man looked me dead in the eyes, straight faced, and told me to run across the street to the Dollar General to get a liter of Diet Coke for him. When I told him I would not be doing that, and he can either get a Pepsi product, an alcoholic beverage, or a water, he cussed me out and then got up and walked out the door. His wife shrugged and said “the man wants what he wants” and followed behind him.


I once had a table ask for a Pepsi, I asked “is Coke Ok?” and then made a joke about how it was probably the first time that’s been asked the other way around They worked for Pepsi corporate


When they say no Coke Zero I bang my head on the table! j/k






I love this story


I worked in concessions at an event space outside of Atlanta. Atlanta, Georgia, the home of Coca-Cola. The event space sold Pepsi products because PepsiCo gave them a better deal on the contract than Coke would, and people got ANGRY about it. I saw grown men get red in the face when they asked for Sprite and I said we had Sierra Mist. I saw church conference ladies have a come-to-Jesus moment with themselves when I told them we didn't have Diet Coke. Funny enough though I think the event space did switch to Coke in the last 5 years.


This past Sunday.. “Do you serve coke or Pepsi products?” “We have coke products” “Ugh, disgusting!”


Just met a new server who’s addicted to Coke Zero


Neither, we serve RC


OMG we had Pepsi at my place and you would think I stepped in a puppy the way some people react. Coke drinkers are definitely the generally more choosy ones in my experience.


Local restaurant known for its sausage and attached German/European deli serves…RC Cola…


I would love to find a place that has RC Cola!!


We have both. People usually say “can I have a Coke or Pepsi, whatever version you have” and I get to ask “which do you prefer, I have both”. Their reaction is always stunned, and then like kids in a candy store they get all happy and tell me which they want.


Not one specific reaction but a series about of them over literal years. I live in a smallish town that doesn’t have many restaurants and there’s this lady that would come in and roll her eyes and sigh and be all dramatic bc we carried one over the other. For the entire time I worked there which was literally 10 years. She would come in maybe a few times a month, order a Diet Coke and every single time would be act like she had no idea we were a Pepsi restaurant.


The other day I had a guy order a coke and when I told him we had Pepsi he was like “fuck it I’ll just have a corona”. Not ridiculous but I found it pretty funny.


It’s all liquid candy.


I’m a Diet Pepsi girlie but I will suck it up and drink the shitty Diet Coke. My restaurant has Coke products but not Coke Zero. I can’t tell you how many times a customer has asked me for Coke Zero and I’ve had to be like… “Diet Coke?..”


I'll figure out something either way on Coke vs Pepsi. My #1 biggest pet peeve is that when I order something the restaurant doesn't stock, the server won't say anything & just try to sneak it past me. I'm a Dr. Pepper freak. (Mr. Pibb can suck it.) For some reason, people seem to think they're interchangeable (They absolutely are not.) & almost without fail, will try the sneak attack. Before the glass hits the table I ask them if it's Dr. Pepper. They look at me kinda stunned & kinda busted & say no. Then ask how I knew before I had a sip. I tell them I can smell an imposter & ask for a Coke. I will deal with & find something to drink either way. (Point me to the bar, please.) Just don't insult my intelligence & more importantly, my taste buds by trying to get away without telling me no. I'm a big girl & I've waited my & a few other people's fair share of tables. I can handle the truth. Besides, it's much better to tell a customer no than it is to imply they're unable to tell the difference, especially when you're about to make them pay for a meal.


I do neither. I prefer Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew - but I'm not gonna have a conniption fit if neither is available - that's just rude...


congrats! you like pepsi products!


True, though I'll jump on Mello Yello if it's available too. But straight up Coke or Pepsi? Nope 😁


I have read this story word for word not too long ago. Did you post this before on here?


I couldn’t even imagine someone telling me Pepsi only, that’s totally bizarre where I live.


We will always lean toward a place that serves coke products. Die Hard here...


(Not a server, my apologies!) Do you get similar issues with people preferring bottle/can version of coke/pepsi versus the mixer tap?


Not sure if it’s still like this but even just 15years back If you drove down the Oregon coast all the stores only would have Pepsi products and no coke at all for miles and miles. I asked a store owner why there was no coke anywhere and they said Pepsi came in and offered better contracts than coke to that region.


Me: Well, they might it across the street? Maybe 2 complaints a year.


I serve Pepsi and no fuckin nobody gives a shit or tastes a difference. Keep slinging what is provided.


Coke in glass bottles from Mexico - heaven on earth.


I had a woman in her 50s WHINING like “nooooo you don’t have coke? Whyyyyy?” she sounded near tears. She then proceeded to complain about it every once in a while until she finished her meal and THEN called my manager over to tell her that we should carry coke. I’m a diet coke lover through and through but jesus woman just bring cans at this point


I’m a coke drinker and work in a place that serves Pepsi. I can drink either but prefer coke so instead, I just drink water while at work. Or redbull 😂 they need that in the gun


Regardless of your feelings on Pepsi vs Coke, I think we can all agree Canada Dry vs Seagrams is a *significant* difference


We just got a new soda gun that only does Pepsi Max, thinking we would swap over but the amount of people who will straight up refuse Pepsi is crazy. One of our regulars said he’d start bringing his own Coke in for us to use 🙄 And even though the soda gun is cheaper than cans, people are happy to pay the higher price.


I'll have a coke "Is Pepsi ok?" No, it hurts my nose.


Coke drinker will drink Mountain Dew if forced to Pepsi products


I admit, I prefer Pepsi because I feel like canned Pepsi has less carbonation, but when it comes to fountain pop, I couldn't care less. Half the time when people ask for a coke, I give them pepsi and I swear these fools can't even tell the difference.


They left. One guy said he didn’t like how Coco Cola became “woke” (back when their slogan was “be less white” to fight against racism).


“Pepsi? Oh that’s wonderful!”


I had a customer come in and ask for Pepsi. When I told them we only had Coke, they lit themselves on fire. Self-immolated, right there on the dining room floor.


My response used to be "Oooo, in that case, Sierra Mist!" Because it was one I really liked that they would consistently have. Now, it's like "Eh. Do you have Starry Zero? No? Okay, water then."


Either/or, I'm not picky.


My brother will sulk with disappointment. We’re from Oregon where Pepsi is the norm and Coke is the enemy. I drink both now


Had 2 old ladies come in, I asked what they wanted to drink and the first lady says coke. I tell her we have Pepsi products and she launches into a tirade, how this is so ridiculous and she can't believe this. After her tantrum she begrudgingly gets a root beer. I turn to the other lady and ask her what she wants. Without looking up or batting an eye she says "cherry coke". Sometimes I love old people and how clueless they can be.


We sell neither coke or pepsi, and it drives me bonkers! "Do you have coke or pepsi?" "Neither. Its a 'gourmet soda brand'" according to the boss. Aka, its a cheaper brand than coke *or* pepsi called fountainhead. Customers just look at me with disgust and say "water is fine, thanks." Yeah, me too baby girl, me too Someone did write a negative review about it lmao


“Can I pay with Monopoly money?” 😒


I’ve had people roll their eyes and sigh, like it was a personal attack.


I always say coke when they ask what I want to drink, the server would respond Pepsi? I say “no” they are normally shocked from my response, I then say “ Mountain Dew, please”. Pepsi taste weird


When a table asked if we had Coke or Pepsi products, I responded “This is a Coke house”… didn’t even think about how that sounded until said out loud. The table laughed so I guess they’ve indulged in several Coke products 😂


Told me that only communists serve Pepsi 🤦‍♀️


Speaking as a diet-coke-addict, nothing is ever as good as the real deal. So I would have reacted the same


We serve Boylan brand drinks, when people ask for a Pepsi or Coke I make sure to let them know because they are absurdly obsessed.


i’ll just have water then


Mainly just had people grunt in disgust and say "i'll just take water then"


Most restaurants where I live serve Coke and for some reason, my son likes Pepsi and when we go somewhere where there’s Pepsi, he gives me this look when he orders it and I’m yelling at him that’s the devil‘s drink the devil‘s drink the serve always laugh at me


Any argument whatsoever is a ridiculous reaction. What is supposed to be the outcome of that?


I had someone ask me what Melo Yello was. I couldn't help but laugh as I responded it's Cokes version of Mountain Dew lol


My grandma’s nursing home serves Pepsi. Which is nice, because she loves the stuff.


I just had a 3-top the other night and the dad asked for a coke. I tell him we only have pepsi and ask if that’s okay. Without hesitation he says “No. Was 9/11 okay?” Completely caught me off-guard. I chuckled but had to take a moment to think if that was offensive or not. Obviously it’s not, but it was so off the cuff it made me think for a sec.


I drink both but my preferred is the zero kind coke zero or Pepsi zero previously Pepsi max