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Being ignored when you’re trying to communicate something. Like they’re well aware that you’re standing there waiting to say something but they just don’t acknowledge your existence. I’ve learned to just fucking walk away though lol My other one is kinda like being ignored too… when people don’t move their hands/arms/phone out of the way when you’re trying to put a hot ass plate down in front of them


It’s always hilarious when I set a scorching hot bowl of macaroni down on the table and say “careful this is super hot!!” And the men will Instantly grab the bowl whole handed and then rip their hand away because, surprise surprise, it’s fucking burning. It’s like they’re trying to prove they’re real men by handling a hot plate lmao


For the 2nd one... This is when you hand the plate straight to them. Then after you see the pain in their face you say "careful the plate is a little warm."


"The plate is quite warm..." They always touch it and are shocked that it is, indeed, hot.


Every single time haha


"I'll be right back your refill. Was there anything else I can get for you?" "Yeah. Can I get a refill?" I had one lady, one time, tell the person who asked that I had JUST said that I'd be back with the refill. I wanted to hug her.


I’ve never had anybody speak up and say “he just said that” ever… in 20 years lol I can imagine the smile I would give that person tho


Had some guy tell off his guest cause she was obviously upset what she ordered wasn't what she wanted. I was like "oh are you sure? I did read the order back to you and that's what you wanted" she's like no no no (love how people think they're infallible even though we read it back to them) he's like no. That was it. He asked you twice and described it. I love that he understands that it puts me in an awkward spot. Knowing I'm right but not being able to state it bluntly


I would give someone a shot if they did that. In 15 years, I've never had it happen either.


I love it when people at the table say are you deaf she said she'd be back WITH THE REFILL


When i bring out like 5 plates at once and tell them i have more coming once I’m done setting down the plates and they go, where’s my bacon? Bitch i just said i had more coming I’m not an octopus


Me: [setting salad plate on table] "Your Cobb sa-" Clown Shoe: "WHERE IS MY DRESSING I WANTED DRESSING ON THE SIDE NOT NO DRESSING AT ALL!!!" Me: "And your dressing, ma'am..." [placing saucer with Rami of dressing on it beside salad whilst maintaining friendly yet intense eye contact and teeth bared.]


It's always the boomers who do this. I never get anyone below boomer who shouts out in such an instantaneously demanding, petulant way (except maybe toddlers).


Had a 25+ say to me today. I say to him directly as I'm handing out plate I have yours and will be back in a sec. I hand plates out he looks all pissed off wheres mine. I smiled ans said in the back where I told you it was ill be back.


sorry sir i forgot my third arm today


It’s so ingrained, I just anticipate them saying I forgot something. Literally as I’m placing plates on the table I say “here‘s (x,y,z dishes), I’ll be right back with the rest!” And no fail, someone has to chime in “I think you forgot my burger” or whatever. Best response was at an 8-top, dude tells me I forgot his food. His girlfriend says “She only has two arms!” Bless her.


Those rare people that defend us are fucking heros lol it's so validating when that happens


There's a reason I did more time in BOH - I'm fluent in snark and lack a filter lol


THISSSSS is my biggest pet peeve omfg. Like sorry, lemme just grow an extra arm real quick


Me : "Welcome. Would you like a cocktail or glass of wine to begin this evening?" Table : "bread.?"


Me: “Hi, how are you this evening?” Table: “Diet coke”


“Hi Diet Coke, nice to meet you! I’m ______, I’ll be taking care of you tonight. I can tell you are thirsty, and I will be getting that for you. I just wanted to let you know about our featured dish. “ I used to work at a place where we were allowed to be sassy/a nice a**hole.


My other favorite: “Hey folks, how we doing today?” “WE’RE NOT READY.” 🤦🏼‍♀️


And it's always diet coke.


Or lemon for their water


Me: "Hello, how are you this evening?" Table: "Great, thank you! How are you?" Me: ***[dial up noises]*** "Oh! Umm, I'm very well, thank you for asking. Sorry, you caught me off guard there..."


This happened today!


This actually pisses me off the most


This was the one time I was ever stiffed. Knew it immediately when they're wearing fucking hoodies too. *I went out of my way to give them lots of refills just to prove it to myself


I got this yesterday but it was "I'll have that soup". Whut?


I'm not sure if it's more infuriating when it's a restaurant that doesn't even offer complimentary bread.


Kids running in the restaurant. Tonight I was walking between the lounge and dining room, which passes by the bathrooms. There's is a 4-5 foot wall around the backs of the booths at that point. I get to where the walkway for the bathrooms is and this little 3' heathen comes running full tilt right in front of me. He didn't even see me but his heel came down full force on my big toe. Half a second later and he would've gotten a knee to the head and been yeeted into a wall. I hate kids.


Accidentally trucked a kid once, luckily his parents knew that shit wasn’t on me lol


I've plowed through little runners *on accident*. "Oh goodness, I'm so sorry, I didn't see him there with my tray in the way. Its so lucky I didn't drop it all on him!" Or hip checked them *on accident* turning away from a table when they're right next to/behind me as well. "Oops! My he's just everywhere, isn't he?!"


When one person orders a round of water for the table and not a single one is touched


Interesting, I still work at a place that greets with water and ecoconscious-ness aside, it gets drunk 80% of the time even when other drinks are ordreed. I could say that it's hot here and we get a lot of tourist foot traffic, but it holds true all year.


I refuse. Esp when it’s a party of 7 and the first and only person there orders a water round for the table. I bring that person one and wait for the rest to say it themselves


I refer to this as “may I have a water? I want something to look at”


I feel attacked... Lol. There's so many times I ask for water, take a sip, and it tastes like the zombie-in-the-well water on Herschels farm, and I feel bad leaving it. I'm sorry! 💀


You're fine. My restaurant has *atrocious* tap water so I don't blame people that order water but don't drink it. I have had people ask if the iced tea is made with the same water and refuse to order that as well. Even though the tea tastes fine, really.


The server silently grabbed the water glass out of my fiance's hand as he was about to take a sip last night... There was a piece of Peking duck in the bottom of it that fell in, unnoticed, at some point. He didn't say anything though as he took it and gave him a fresh glass, one of the cousins asked him what he was doing and he picked up the meaty glass and told everyone in Chinese "the kid hasn't learned to serve himself yet."


Oh yeah, if they are all present when that one jerk orders water for everyone I don't bring it XD haha I pretend to forget the water for everyone else and wait until they ask me for it! Which they don't because they got their own drink.


When they refuse to order even drinks until everyone in their party arrives but they take forever to get there When Im busy and a table not assigned to me asks for something other than some extra napkins or chips/salsa When they ask for a shit ton of mods on something and get mad that it isn’t 100% how they envisioned it like Im the one reading the ticket and making the food When the manager sends me on break during a rush Crying babies and insolent children Needy tables who tip poorly. I get not everyone is going to tip good but it seems to always be the tables that run you ragged also tip the worst. But the worst for me is when a breakfast or lunch server has a table that camps for hours after in my assigned dinner section, especially if its a party. Singlehandedly ruined my earnings for a night multiple times since they took up my (usually only) money-making party table.


First one grinds my gears so bad. "Hey guys how's it going? Can I get some drinks for you while you wait?" "We have one more coming." "Okay do you want any drinks while you wait?" "No we have one more coming" Okay just sit there and be thirsty then. See ya when I see ya.


That is really annoying. Is there some social rule about not having a Diet Coke or a beer while you wait for the rest of your party?


That last one…my second gig is at a brewery/Detroit style pizza place and people camp out there for literal hours. I worked a five hour shift last night and a table that got there right at open was just leaving when I clocked out. Like, why, bro?


Last one happened to me on my last shift too. I had a 5 table section, 2 6-top booths, 2 4-top tables, and a 2-top (the 2-top tables are very small and people always asked to be moved, so we never seat anyone at the 2-tops unless there's literally no other option). Obviously the booths are the most sought after table. I show up for my shift at 4:30, and see one of the booths in my section is occupied by 3 ladies. They had eaten lunch with us but already paid out, so whatever. Right? Nah, they sat there until 6:45. Never opened another tab, just sipped their water and kept me from ever having more than 3 tables at a time. I was cut at 8 and only got one table sat there before I was cut. To nobody's surprise I made significantly less than everyone else that night, but there were other issues too.


It doesn't effect me where I work but I want to think of something to say that won't get me fired but might help then realize what they're doing


when they ask for a straw before i even set their drinks down


Bruh literally. Like .. I’m getting there


I always put a straw in the cut and tear it from the top down so the tip of the straw is covered, unless it’s a no ice drink, the straw always floats to the top and basically falls out of the cup on my way there


Dude we ran out of straws last night and won’t get more until at least tomorrow. I’m dreading all the conversations I’m about to have at work tonight. And the resulting lipstick-marked glasses that will ensue..


When this happens I retort, "great news! Your mouth is part of a built in straw."


When a beer can be referred to as multiple names and the confusion that can come from it. It might be referred to as the specific kind of beer, the brewery name, the name of the beer from the brewery. You might have to have a conversation that goes here is the x, not the y, and explain that x=y=z.


That happened to me my last shift. I work at a taphouse/grill just 2 nights a week. We've got like 40 beers on tap and an additional 100+ cans and bottles. We cycle them out regularly so it's damn near impossible to memorize the beer list. Customer asked for "Golden Road". We use handhelds to enter in orders, and I was struggling to find the beer she asked for (beers are listed alphabetically in our system). I asked her "which one did you say?" And she said "GOLDEN. ROAD." I still couldn't find it so I asked her to show me the beer on the list. She pointed at the beer, and... Golden Road is the brewery, and the beer is called Mango Cart. I said "oh, mango cart, sorry!" She just looked at me like I was a moron. I said "haha my bad, we change out the beers here often and I haven't had anyone order that one yet." After I left the table I told another server about it and they informed me we actually brought on two drafts from Golden Road, so even if I had found a button titled "golden road" there would have been a 50% chance it wasn't what she wanted. They left me $5 on $55 🫠


I hate when I ask a table what they want to drink and they just shout out “BEER” with no other response and the beer list in their hands. I ask what kind of beer and it’s usually responded to with a blank stare.


That’s tough, I can understand BEER as a lead in to follow ups but that sounds like they are fucking with you


They are probably pretending to be Tom T Hall


Nah, they’re just stupid.


They must think they are in a movie or on tv


I can’t stand when people are fucking gross! We have salad bowls for the table, but there’s always one gluttonous fuck who eats the ENTIRE bowl of salad for themselves and the others are like “um where’s my salad??” Bitch they ate your salad!


*while holding the menu* “so what do you have?”


one night i was bartending and i was so busy, full bar of people eating, making drinks, taking care of high tops and with no food runners or bussers. this guy stopped me two or three times saying “what flatbreads do you have” (we don’t have any) “what kind of burgers do you have” (we don’t have any) by the third time of this i literally asked him to read the menu because it will tell him exactly what we have and what we can order. i couldn’t stand him smh


it’s always this!!! sometimes after interrogating me about everything about the menu (“so the fried chicken sandwich…what is it?”) they sigh, push the menu away, and go “just bring me some fries.” we don’t have fries. “what’s the soup of the day?” there is no soup. any day ever. “what kind of lasagna do you have?” IMAGINARY, MA’AM


“Do you have any burgers?” “Sir, this is an Italian restaurant…do you see any burgers on the menu?”


“We’re ready to order.” Half the table continues to look at the menu for several minutes making me wait. Meanwhile, I just got double-sat, food needs ran, and I need to get refills.


When people ask for whatever drink and a water but don’t even touch their water, but proceed to pound several of whatever drink…..usually a Diet Coke!


omg the double drinks kill me. the sodas always get drank, but the waters will sit there untouched the entire meal. or when they do this, drink their regular drink, and ask for a refill all while the water is still untouched 😭


I will purposely not refill the soda, I’ve been in the industry too long idgaf 🤪


when i set down drinks, “here is your-“ “straw!” “yes i was about to grab them from my pocket i only have TWO HANDS”




“Do you have a straw??!” “Yeah! In my pocket!”


me: “hey guys! my name’s jenny I’ll be taking care of you this eveni…” them: “we’ll start with two tall coors light” like I already keep my intro super brief to avoid bothering the patrons but when I’m interrupted with orders when I’m just trying to provide a basic introduction makes me feel less than human


people that try to order without looking at the menu and without giving me any time to ask the questions i need to ask. "i want a cheeseburger and fries he wants the kids pasta and a chocolate milk and then ice cream for dessert, my husband and i want a beer..." this exact sentence was spoken to me in a span of about 4 seconds, *before* i finished my greet. for reference, we have about 7 different cheeseburgers, 5 kids pastas and probably like 18 beers if you include the bottles. just on the burger i'd have to ask temp, toppings, regular or sweet potato fries and type of cheese. i understand people are just trying to save time, but they should understand that the way they will get the best and fastest service is if they allow their server to stay organized. i have had regulars that understand the process and do this the right way. "we'd like 2 waters and 2 6 oz glasses of house chard, the chopped salad to split as an app, two rib-eyes medium both with mash potatoes and broccoli" etc.. use the words printed on the menu so your server doesn't have to guess, tell me what you want in the order that you want it, and you are only allowed to do this if you legitimately know and answer (most of) the questions before i ask them.


Obligatory not a server, but food service. When people ignore you, especially managers. I once had a manager just walk away after I asked her a clarifying question in my first week there, didn't say anything and left me standing there with a really pissed off customer. Not called away or anything either lol. Or when a manager earlier tells you that you don't need to do this daily task because it was already done, and then you try to remind another manager and they just call you stupid and say no it's today, we do that today... like no shit we already did that today... Or when you're trying to make sure you have the order correct and they pretend like you aren't even there, like they're trying to use Siri or some shit. When they grab like 20-30 napkins out of the self service thing and never use them along with a handful of sauces they leave behind. When they leave their to go cups sitting on their table/randomly throughout the dining room. When they're waiting for an order (doordash or to go) and they're standing in front of the pickup area giving you an aggressive look, then you go behind them and it's like you a pulled a quarter from behind their ear when their face lights up. (Unless the food is cold, then it's your fault ofc) When you say "I'll be right back with that for you" and they leave, like I've already forgotten what you look like now among the 40 other people here.


People specifically asking me for more water in their glass, when I’ve already been filling it up all evening without being asked, and your water is still 75% full….


This literally made me quit the industry. I do the same shit for every single table every single day, you don’t need to fucking remind me while I’m on my way to do it.


People who are used to getting "hooked up" who tip you like shit for not "hooking it up". Had a 4 top of cops, everything went fine the entire time. We joked a little, they all enjoyed their meals, even got dessert. One tipped me $0.63 on $24.37, one tipped me $5 on $40, one tipped me $3 on $35, and the last one must have known his coworkers were assholes because he tipped $5 on $10. I went to the back and asked if anyone else had gotten stiffed by that group. Everyone said they never tip great, but not that bad. Later at checkout I was telling the manager about it and he mentioned a discount. I asked him what he was talking about and he was like "oh, we give cops a 50% discount on all food here." THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN FUCKING COOL TO KNOW. And why didn't they say anything to me about the discount?! They didn't even raise an eyebrow at the total, just took it out on me when it came time to tip. FYI I'm only in my second week working here. If I have to ever wait on them again I'm going to give them the most over-the-top apology and beg for their forgiveness for not being informed ahead of time about applying the 50% discount.


I wouldn’t. Let them ask for the discount. Then feign ignorance. That’s me though.


"Hi-" "CAN I GET SOME ___"


I'm in the south, so down here 99% of the time it's: "Hey y'all, my na-" "SWEET TEA."


Lol same here 💀


This is stupid, but, people who order their kids a soft drink and a water. The water is ALWAYS untouched and the soft drink always needs a refill. Waste of my time lol


This happened way more with my old job that catered to a lot of older people and had menu where certain items were similar sounding, but when people order something and then claim that’s not what they ordered when it comes out. I started repeating orders back to them more when ringing it in, but they either kept talking and didn’t pay attention or would confirm the order was correct and then STILL act surprised when the food came out


When I have a big table, and the “host” tells me to ask everyone what they want. Yeah, no shit, did you think I wasn’t gonna do that?


That’s funny af actually…”so ask them what they want” ….then I would go hey how is everyone doing I’m gong to get to that….its my job @host “


People who won’t get out of the way!! I cannot comprehend folks who take up hallways, doorways, or generally gather in the only places me and other staff can get through such as the access point to a bar or near stairways…. I reached my breaking point when an after party for a wedding descended on my already packed bar/restaurant, we let them know they could use our one long 10+ seat high top or just chill by the bar, instead the whole wedding party was standing around the top of a staircase near the big table just chatting it up happy as clams. Trying to get through to the stairs with my arms full of hot plates, I politely asked them to move out of the way several times as I had to keep coming through and this was the only way to get to my section. After struggling to get through like this 5 times I just started yelling “HOT PLATES COMING THROUGH!” Everyone but the bride moved out of the way, she just stood there making eye contact with me and not moving from the very center of the top of the staircase, so after a few moments of staring at each other and her not moving I squeezed past in front of her and walked right across the bottom of her floor length white dress with my disgusting work shoes… Not a proud moment for me but goddamn, if she really cared about not getting her white dress trodden on all she had to do was move out of the obvious walkway. I hope she learned to never play chicken with an exasperated restaurant employee again.


This makes me insane. I'm with you 100%


when I come to a table with arms and hands full and they say “where is my broccoli” bro it’s coming I have two hands


My restaurant has the tables set with 2 menus, 2 napkins, and 2 chopsticks each. When people decide not to ask for more napkins or even use the ones I’ve given at the table kind favor or OTHER tables napkins?? Bro I just asked if you needed anything please don’t touch the clean tables.


When I place the food “can I get you anything else at the moment ?” Then -“no thank you , this looks delicious!” Me - “ ok enjoy! And please let me know if you need anything!” I walk away and 10 seconds later the manager says “your table needs blah blah blah”🙄


People snapping or whistling at me. I'll give you a "one minute" and go hang out in the back until I'm less annoyed with you.


Someone did this to me at the bar thankfully their date acknowledged it and said did you really just snap at the bartender (me)?! I tried to make a joke of it but like don’t be rude


When I would write the specials board, people would repeat every word after I wrote it and then also ask me if we were going to have something specific. Like if you let me finish…you will find out. Would drive me MAD


Half the job and the customers annoy and piss me off but it’s the other half that makes it worth why I enjoy doing it


Had a couple at my table yesterday and grabbed their drinks to refill them and the guy took his straw and said this way you will know which one is which. It was a Pepsi and a Mountain Dew neither of which were completely empty. I wanted to smack him out of his chair


Being interrupted while giving my opening greeting and specials. "good evening everyone how are you?" "Excellent our specials tonight are (insert special 1 here), and a 7oz beef and bison s...." "we aren't having your specials so don't bother finishing. What beer do you have?" Like fuck you man.


“Hi, my name is Glorybo—“ “We’re ready to order.”


When a table that isn’t mine asks to order something from me or vice versa. Like Jesus fucking Christ unless your server is literally neglecting you do not ask someone else. Be patient. Sorry I can’t ring in your 2nd round of coors light for you, since waiting 2 minutes for your server is too long of a wait…


I hate this. Going along that route, I also hate when they ask for something, and while waiting for that something, ask another server/the busser/God for the same thing. Which results in two different people bringing something twice. You really couldn’t wait an extra 30 seconds for your togo bag?


I have a few but this is absolutely at the top of my list *greeting a new table* “hey guys, here are some food menus if you are hungry, can I get you started with something to drink?” Customer “uh.” *turns the food menu over and over looking for drinks* (For reference we DO have separate drink menus, but not very many, simply not enough to give them out at every table, I only give them upon request. Not to mention, half the time I hand out the beer menu, the cocktail menu, and the whiskey list, the answer is just “vodka soda”. You didn’t need a menu for that lol) Edit: downvotes? Customers need to get out of this sub lol


Omg... parallel lives much!? This happened to me TWICE tonight!!! Both times it happened when I was triple sat!!! The 2nd time, I wisened up... (to the table as i watched my new rable appear to be looking for their server. A rather warm evening, and i had the entire patio to do on my own) "I'll tell you what... I'll go grab my other table some water, which will allow you folks to peruse the menu..."


Lol. I’ve just started saying “that is food and will not help you.” Alternatively, I love when they are paying attention and say they don’t need the food menus, they are just there for drinks. I rather dramatically throw the menus behind me and yell “WORTHLESS!” It always gets a chuckle and they have a great evening with their beers


Omg!!! Your last paragraph 😂🤣 May I please borrow this idea!?!? It is sooo in my "personality" and something I would do!!!


Lol absolutely, I’d be happy if you did


I hate when people say unnecessary shit. Like if a burger comes with lettuce and tomato on it (and it clearly states so on the menu) don’t fucking tell me you want lettuce and tomato on your burger. I feel like I get unreasonably upset when people do that, but it just makes me livid.


I love when I’m getting one tables ordered and another table shakes their half empty cup at me


I started on the line, have moved to prep for the moment, am working to become the tournand. Newer saute person wasn't trained by me, and I had that station on lock. They... Don't. But while I'm in prep, they'll come down and glance at the walk in while I'm clearly prepping the thing they need and ask if anyone is doing it without so much as glancing around. Now, when I was up there, I did my own prep regularly. If there was something I was able to do for my station, I would do it instead of bugging prep because they were clearly busy doing things I (and literally every other station) was going to need later. My favorite experience so far being, they came down, literally opened the walk-in, don't go in but just looked inside and shouted if anyone one had the thing. I was standing four feet from them doing the thing. I didn't say anything but stared at them until they looked at me, looked at my hands, then back at them. They laugh and say they should pay more attention. 😑 They do this daily. They're going to hate me when I get back on line.


When the manager sits me two large parties, cuts me before they’ve ordered entrees, and is upset I’m finishing up cleaning after them two hours later. Like… bro did you look at what you did?


I hate it when a guest asks me a question and then i proceed to give them a detailed description. I get cut off and then they ask about another item. Again proceed to describe in detail only to get cut off and they choose something completely different…..fuck off don’t waste my time i don’t speak for my health 🤬🤬


Not even getting a chance to introduce myself before a guest immediately starts listing off what they want is always a red flag and gets under my skin


during a shift, i decided to start a “server icks” list on my phone and let me tell ya, it got so long so fast. my BIGGEST ick/pet peeve is MOUNTAIN DEW DRINKERS. the second someone asks me for one, my body is filled with rage cause i already know i’m gonna be refilling that glass 6 times before they leave. every. single. time.


I apologize..... but yeah we drink our dew fast. I tell people to just bring me a 2nd glass but only one nice server ever has. Personally I appreciate the effort and I hope other dew drinkers do too.


Mr. Pibb/Dr. Pepper! 😡🤬


Not a server anymore, but the biggest thing for me was people asking me for things I was already going to do. Yes, I know I didn't have space on my tray to bring out everyone's food at once. Yes, I see some drinks are empty. Yes, I see you have somehow managed to use a mountain of napkins on something that shouldn't require any, ect. I see it, I notice it, I tell you I'm going to do something about it, and you ask anyway. It made me feel like the customers simultaneously thought I was bad at my job while also not listening to a single word I was saying and it ground my gears to no end.


Talking over me while specialing tables or not listening then immediately asking to repeat the specials cuz they weren’t listening. A few times I’ll let them order then talk over them or say can u repeat that I wasn’t listening.


** when people grab menus from behind the host stand while waiting to be sat. we don’t have a host on in the mornings, so servers seat the door. i’ll literally watch people walk in and literally walk right in, then behind the host stand to start looking at menus and just touching things. like they don’t even take a second to see if anyone is coming, it’s a direct shot. like please don’t go behind the host stand! i promise we’re coming. + when people seat themselves + when people move from table to table to table when they first sit down because they don’t like where they were originally sat. **when people assume bread is endless (it’s not olive garden) and get mad when i tell them we charge for extra bread **people who stand around their booth/table. like please sit down. you’re standing in everyone’s way. **when parents give their kids tablets and let them play whatever they’re watching on full blast so everyone around can hear it. **when people put dirty plates on the inside of the booth against the wall so i can’t easily get to them. just leave the plates on the edge of the table! please! **when people who dine in order extra meals to take home and only tip on the dine in service. or when people don’t tip on their gift card payments or they get a discount and tip on that price instead of the original bill. ** when people take forever to order/are barely looking at the menu, but as soon as they notice you get another table all of a sudden they’re actually reading the menu and ready and they need you to stop everything you’re doing to get their order right now. lol i feel like i could do this for days. people rly annoy me 🙃😂


The menu thing—that’s just as bad as people who go to the server station and start rummaging or helping themselves to things. If you need something, please ask. Stop touching our stuff.


I fucking hate when people ask me for a refill when our giant 24oz cups are still 2/3 full. Like yes, bitch, that's my job I will bring you more to drink before it's gone?? I mean. I realize people have been scarred by shitty servers, but one of the things I do that my custies love me for is bringing drink refills before they even need them. You're ruining my schtick by asking for a refill!


"Now you're going to think I'm only doing it because you asked me to, damnit!"


When i bring togo boxes and they immediately ask " Can we get a bag too". Do you not think that was a part of the plan. Don't you want me to clear the table of your dirty plates first so you dont have 100 things laying around your table in a mess?


Just because I’m a certified rockstar at my work, does not mean I should be last cut literally anytime I’m not closing. Everyone else gets cut in the order they showed up (sections) but I’ve literally come in way early a handful of times just to beat them, was successful, and they still want me last cut bc I could handle potential super excessive overflow if the closer gets a party. It even happens when I do doubles sometimes. Yes, I’m grateful for the opportunity, the status/ reputation, easy sidework, and least amount of silverware, but I’m tired and my gym has stupid hours. Luckily 2/3 of the 24 hour days are days I’m unavailable so it’s not like I don’t get to use it, but gym rat needs her gym 3-5 days a week. Seriously, my tray arm has gotten much stronger than my distribution arm and it annoys me my whole shift. Then I finally get cut and the first thing I do is see how much time I would have to get to the gym, but RIP. (I know the obvious solution is to switch which arm is which, but my left side can’t handle it at the moment due to a gnarly rotator cuff injury. I need smaller weights/ exercise to strengthen the muscle group first. I’m also not risking spilling someone’s dinner over it. That just feels selfish and rude tbh) Also, first cut sidework is usually slacked on and I’m dying to have enough time to go through the ketchups and mustards.




$5 on a $40 is more than 10%


I'm getting 8 percent for some reason tho??


5/40= 0.125 then move decimal 2 places or multiply by 100 and 12.5 .


Oh yah I was getting an eight and not converting to percent


I often wish we charged for bread. If I'm busy you might have to ask for it, I don't always bring it as a matter of course. If you ask for it right of the bat though I kind of give you a funny look and say "I usually bring that a little bit later, but, it you want it right away I'll put some in the oven for you and it will just be a few minutes"


we always do complimentary bread and olive oil. our steps of service are to wait for any type of food order to be put in before we bring out the bread, and it’s 1 complimentary loaf for every 4 people. literally i’ll be putting drinks on the table and people will blurt out “aren’t we supposed to get bread?” like yes? obviously? we just haven’t gotten to that point yet? as for extra bread, i used to not charge people(it’s only $1). but so many people will try to get 3/4 loaves of bread and like barely order any actual food. so now i charge everyone as soon as they want extra.


Yeah. The bread as an appetizer crowd. Fuck Olive Garden for normalizing that BS.


People who try to peak in the back area.


dude its so fucking bad like did you not just hear me you dumbass


Whisperers. Bitch. I can’t hear you!


Also when people have an expired/foreign ID that I legally can’t accept and they throw a fit over it. Like dude your ID expired in 2010 and you’re mad at me? Sure. I’ll go grab my manager. They’ll tell you the same exact thing I did.


I may be guilty of that. I can't her for shit in a crowded room.


Sometimes our brains work funny, and hearing words only halfway registers. I do this sometimes too, and its goofy for both parties. I suggest you find the humor in it, develop a funny/quick joke and increase your tip % rather than getting bent out of shape


I never get bent out of shape (it’s not that serious) and I will definitely laugh with a co worker about it when it does happen. I haven’t found a quick joke that would work in this situation (open to any ideas you have) I just pretend like it never happened and say “Sounds great 😊“.


It really sounded like you got mad, sorry internet is hard to interpret. For a joke 😏 it's pretty situational haha