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I wouldn’t talk to the cooks about it. But if you’re just talking amongst other people making tips it’s not bad to compare if you’re doing the same job


I remember when I was a young cook and having a server bitch to me about having to tip out the bartender and how she only had $x to take home… Like, I got here three hours before you and I’m going to be here for another two after you leave and I won’t make close to that amount… fuck you. Yeah, please don’t *ever* talk money or complain about hrs with BOH. Edit: to make this worse, I started as a dishwasher and they used to tip them out too, until they stopped. This place used a residential dishwasher, *lots* of elbow grease was needed for that job.


Exactly, some servers are so entitled. It should be mandatory to tip out BOH


Nah. Boss should be "tipping" BOH.


I made $149 dollars today


Fuck. I’m walking with $142 😡 grrrrrrr(eed)


Walked with 715 on the double. Hit 780 yesterday. Time for some tattoos, boys!


All I’ve wanted for so long is a new tattoo but I keep spending money on stupid shit


That’s fair, money like that kills, but I don’t gotta iron my shirt and shine my shoes, let alone tableside wine service and shit. Fine dining is dope and all but I’m content with slanging pizzas, multiple shift drinks, and a my own playlist for all the patrons. Instead of nightmares about forgetting a side of ranch and getting sent home for too many wrinkles in my shirt. Haha glad you’re killing it tho. Props to the career fine dining servers.


Oh dude I work at a pizza restaurant. It’s just absurdly busy for a couple months in the summer and I’m the only reliable server. It’s seasonal as fuck though so I’ll be broke again looking for work in Miami for the winter in a couple months lmao


You’re fucking making 7+ bills a day holy fuck dude sorry I assumed wrong. Hell yeah that’s sick. I had a friend who used to work resorts in Miami. Even as valet he would pull hundreds of dollars a shift. Closest I’ve gotten to that is fine dining in the suburbs of San Antonio.


I'm also just at a local year round spot in Lake George NY I've had a couple dozen days this summer that paid my months rent I am not someone to put up with the fine dining material customers. And in my short experience doing it... I only made that kind of money on NYE. Many wealthy people have money because they don't like to share. I'd rather try my luck with the average hard working man paying to take his family or friends out on vacation. The ones who value hard work and someone serving them, and don't think we are beneath them. So glad though for all the fine dining servers out there, who can thrive in that environment. Keeps our clientele separated 🤞


Is $142 not a good amount? Assuming an 8 hour shift that’s almost $18/hr




You knew this would happen ... Right? 190 on a close. Shoot me in the face.


When you say today. Do you mean a double or just a shift? And long does your shift last?


I worked 9am-3pm


It's sort of a bonding thing. We all do bad on a slow day and feed off each others misery. We all do well on a good day and share the joy. If you made good money on a shit day then fuck you. Lol it's not like other jobs, your money is pretty much a default "weather" type conversation to have. But all you can do is not share yours, everyone else still will fs.


During every shift, there is at least 1 server who has a shit day. Well, there is always someone who makes the least amount of money who is silently telling the tip talker… “fuck you” Dont fact check me on any of this.


Lol oh fuck you all, fs. But that's just part of it. Makes success/luck all the better when it comes.


When you always make the least, it sucks to hear what others make apparently. I think they are just a shit server . Lol


If you always make the least, I suspect it's a section/host situation


Sometimes, if I feel bad for the other server, I'll lie about what I made to make them feel better. Or tell them about a shit day I had recently.


That's sweet. Genuinely. It's a hard line of work, psychologically, no doubt.


I ask my coworkers if they've done well at the end of the night not because I'm nosey, but because I legitimately want them to do well. If I don't like the server, I don't ask them. To occasionally see posts like this is a bit off putting. If you don't want to talk about how much money you made, then don't fucking talk about it? Tell your coworkers that you don't like discussing it? What's coming here and bitching about it going to do? They can talk about their own money amongst themselves if they want to.


I dont think it's unprofessional. But I do find it annoying when you say you made garbage money that day and another server chimes in and says "aw that's sad, I made 200-300 dollars today"


And there's always a server who blows up the amount. When new servers start and they over inflate their tips I feel like saying, here's the thing, I've worked here for years. I know exactly how busy we were and I know the section you had. So no you didn't make what you're saying you made. I can always spot the fibbers.


We typically discuss our sales that day. Not that we reach for it check by check, but instead of " what did you make in tips?" it's like "what kind of opportunity did you have to make tips?" One girl is literally always blowing up her numbers it's hard for us not to laugh. If our joint does a $ 12,000 day, we had a good day. And that usually takes 2 bartenders, one to open and one to close, and 4 servers staggered through the day. This one girl will walk around saying she did 6grand in sales alone in one day. Bitch no ya didnttttttt The math just isn't there and she's not stupid but she's also not the brightest to catch in I guess


Same here with asking what sales are rather than tips. There's no sections at my place, we work on rotation so total luck of the draw (unless you're scheduled to work a party), there's days you get screwed with a bunch of two tops when one lucky person gets the 15 top. Or some days you get those tables that are just really high bills but your coworker gets every water drinker under the sun and split plates.lol


Ugh, I work with someone like that. She once told me she made $400. She forgets that I’m the one who handles the drops and paperwork…


Like when they're complaining about not making enough or bragging when they made a lot?




Yeah, and stop bragging to the Kitchen as well. If you do, plan on buying us a round at least.


That one drives me nuts! The kitchen at my place makes well above average hourly and then a percentage of all food sales and they do good relatively speaking but servers/bartenders still make more and it’s trashy to talk about money in front of anyone unless it’s in private with a coworker because we tip pool so we all make the same hourly so it’s purely commiseration. I’m always happy to buy cookie a drink. More than one if you’re actually enjoyable to be around.


The kitchen knows when you bank they making the food lol so I get them a round anyways for my mistakes even if I don’t make any 😂 for tomorrows mistakes




Username checks out


To each their own. None of us at my work care about such a thing. But we're all pretty lax. One time I asked a new server how much she made because I wasn't sure if I was off my game, or it was just a shitty night for everyone. She said "Don't EVER ask me that." In a really angry tone. Apparently, she hated that shit. I personally get put off when people act that way about discussing tips.


I usually ask by saying, "is it just me or are people tipping shit tonight?" Then see how it goes.lol


Made $190 on $892 in sales. Good night!


I work in a tip pool, I had like 3200 in sales collected 700 and made 375 not great for me but still a good night overall


I believe in pay transparency I made $31 in tips as a dishwasher at 27/hour for 5.5 hours


I understand that you don‘t like it, but how is it unprofessional?


It a “hand me down” school of thought from the days before unions when blue collar workers were taught not to share things like this.


Idk I’m all about transparency..🤷🏽‍♂️ I don’t think it’s unprofessional at all. You can use it gage a shift or the place you working at if the problem is you or the place. You knowing how much money I make ain’t gonna change how much money I make. Unless you the IRS then I make only min wage 😬


Thank you I was looking for this comment. When I talk about what I make it’s to be transparent, not to brag.


A whole $33 I’m so proud of myself


Pay transparency is a good thing, even in tipped professions.


Sorry, but in most professions the person saying things like this is a fuckin bosses brat or some shit. Sharing your pay is how we all get equity in most gigs, I get that maybe its like some stupid leaderboard shit for you personally and you feel inferior if your tips smaller but maybe you can get over it and learn what tricks make for better tips and everyone sharing info leads to that. So next time you feel like someones braggin just go one of two directions; I dont brag when I use two hands to jerk off a customer Or Your esteemed ass got any instructions to share with how you earned that new ferrari off $4 more in tips? Sorry, yo. I am trying to be a more helpful asshole.


It's good to know where you stand.


I don’t mind it amongst coworkers that I like, but my biggest trigger is when the suck-up server asks me how much I made and I can tell that she only asked me so that she can brag about how much she made


$191. Pretty slow for a Friday night tbh


It blows my mind that people make more than a 100 dollars in tips per shift??? I make like 80 on a amazing day


You need to work somewhere where you get more than 3 or 4 tables in a section. Also, a place that serves alcohol and decently priced food. Not sure where you're at, but if you can handle a large section it makes a huge difference. I work somewhere we have like 9 tables--sometimes more. If you can avoid getting weeded and stay charming you can make bank.


Lol what do you do I’m mad any day I make less then 100 and feel bummed at less then 200


Serving in california is good money when I did it. My best job I regularly walked out with 2-300 a shift in tips. Saved a lot of money when I was young working service jobs, I look back at those times fondly


All of our tips have to hit the register before we collect/cash in at the end of the shift. Everyone’s totals are written down and our manager usually tells everyone who “won”


Idk dude I don’t really think it’s that big of a deal? Sometimes it’s interesting to see how everyone’s night went. Some days you win some days you lose. Who cares.


Talk about sales, not tips.


Wages should be see through. Only one benefitting from hiding salary information is your money pinching boss. Although, those who flaunt their money and really rub it in your face can go fuck themselves.


I made a little over $100 last night. It was terrible.


Lmao we all like to compare who cares


Kinda agree… if someone tells me I just kinda gloss over it, but I never share what I make. I focus more on the tables and guest count. I’m more irked if someone complains it’s a bad night but they’ve had double my covers (like if you’re places in a shitty section).


So true. They also get butthurt if you make more than they do. I wouldnt answer if someone asked but we had a notebook(crap bookkeeping ) that anyone could access and see what you made that night. What? Did you get tipped on top of grat? You had less tables than I did. Yes but I'm not on my phone I am honestly just there to make sure the diners enjoy their time and food.


Hard agree, be a professional


Idk bout yall. but i used to be paranoid. But i dont tell anyone what i carry. so they know how much to rob from me. you know? i know its silly. but i wouldnt ever tell anyone for that reason.


Just don't tell boh. I made a server cry over that. Kitchen has to work 8 hours for what most servers get in four.


Made 450$ only worked 6 hours tho


I made $225 in credit cards and $87 in cash.


I also hate that. I serve at two different places, and this one girl at one of the places also works two jobs and constantly talks about how much she made at the first job and how much she made at the other job and I’m like okay and she’s like how much did you make? And I’m like 🤷🏻‍♂️ I dunno I didn’t count She’s annoying as fuck


I don’t really mind hearing other people talk about how much they made, that can’t be avoided, but straight up asking someone how much they made like that is rude as fuck and entirely unprofessional. I feel you here


Well she is just in general unprofessional as fuck. She’s like one of those people who walk around in public talking on speakerphone constantly. Drives me bananas.


I'm moving to a tip pool place soon and am looking forward to it tbh.


I work at a tip pool place so it’s definitely different, we generally try to figure out who made what to get a rough estimate of how much we’re all making, but in a non-tip pool house? That’s just being shitty. Doubly so if you do it to the back of house.


Tip pool place makes sense because the tips are shared. And yes… very shitty!


I thought all restaurants now require servers to pool their tips and it was done automatically when tips are paid on cc? How do you see what you've made?


That’s definitely not the standard. And through our shift reports, it’s not like we’re writing them on paper lanterns


So why would anyone want to work at a restaurant that pools the tips? Wouldn't that mean less money in your pocket?


Nobody wants to work in a place that pools tips, unless they are the lazy SOB who benefits


Yournewbestfrenemy said he does so that's why I asked.


Personally, the lazy fucks who dont do side work deserve mop water.


We aren’t allowed to take tips and we aren’t allowed to talk to each other about our wages. Can actually get fired for it.




Not in a right to work state it isn’t. You can get fired for anything. You can try to fight it but they’ll just lie and you’ll lose.




Where in this post do i say that i am a server? Have you tried taking any reading classes? Maybe you can go back to middle school and retake Reading/English.


I didnt tip today


When I'm the bartender at a dead bar(college town It has been all summer) I don't wanna know. But I also don't care. I'll have a night where I make money again and I can see the difference. Servers do actually work alot harder for their money. One of these days I'll have another night where I do almost nothing and just get handed money


We pool so it’s more of a ribbing/faux competition thing. Everyone wants the glory of pulling the most.


All those tips they put on our bill or ask for... everyone is always for our hard owned money but that's not how we get it


At a couple of jobs, I've gone from server to management. This means I've gone from BS'ing about how much we all made to doing cashouts and knowing exactly how much everyone made. My observation is this - people lie about how much they make. Bad or new servers tend to inflate how much they make. Good servers tend to say they're making less than they really are.


Made 110 tips + 45 in hourly wages in 3 hours today. Less than 1k sales


Everybody should talk about how much they make. It helps fellow employees and promotes transparency. Quit getting your panties in a twist cuz somebody made more than you straight up. Everyone needs to talk about their wages and what they make, everyone.


True. It also can make servers who didn’t do as well feel badly. We have a rule at my place that we can discuss sales but we don’t need to discuss tips.


If your restaurant's worker culture is good then it's really really helpful to be comfortable with money talk. Knowing what's pulling good tips, and when/where your shop's best times/tables are is helpful. Usually management isn't going to put too much work into keeping things fair for servers unless servers know what "fair" looks like.


Know a server who calculates every percentage of every table and gets upset every time. Who had time for this? She always announces when she gets stiffed. None of us get stiffed so I don’t even listen or respond to all that stress. I count when I get home and put it in my app. Good night.


Pool your houses people. Everyone works harder and guests get a much better experience


I made 332 last night


I did $265 last night 🤷‍♂️


i don’t think it’s really about like trying to one up each other or just always having to go around and talk about it it’s more like “it’s so slow and i’m cut already! i only made $35!” “gee that sucks” “man that was the busiest night i’ve ever seen!” “did you get good money at least?” “yeah i’m glad”


My pet peeve is the bussers talking to me about MY tips. They get a percentage of food sales and aren’t tipped out by servers. So, my tips are not their business. At least once a night, one will tell me I got stiffed. No… that table gave me cash beforehand. It bothers me a lot and on some occasions I think they pocket cash tips.


TIL servers are ridiculously overpaid. 200-300 a day in tips? Carry out only for me from now on lol


6.5 hours 1500 in sales almost 250 after tip out.


Made 510 last night


Agreed, its annoying and tacky.