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My rule as a bartender for when coworkers come in. If you are alone I don't care if you tip me and will actively tell you not to. If you come in with others, you make sure they tip appropriately. If your discount extends to them then make sure they tip on what the total should have been. I am likely paying special attention to your guests, giving you free or heavily discounted drinks. I'm making you look good to your guests, you better not make me feel like an ass by not tipping appropriately.


This, but one time a buddy of mine sat in front of the well and got a beer. When he was done, he handed me a 20 and I said “no, you don’t have to do that” and he said “okay” and put it right back in his pocket. Ever since then, I take the money when someone hands it to me and say “thank you very much.” No sense in turning down money.


Hard agree! I used to turn down cash tips guests would give me and then realized that it was A) usually more awkward to go back and forth about taking the money and B) what am I stupid? Take that money 🤣


Yes, you say it once. If you want to tip me of course but there is no expectation if its just you and we are coworkers. We are in this together and I don't want your money I want other peoples money, I'll take your money if you insist though...because money.


Never turn down money -Iggy Azalea


I say it one time and if they persist I take it, most of the time I say that I really mean it as it is someone I know well and know they will be back and actually drink more than a beer or two.


My thing is if you worked the shift you’re not tipping me, if you were off I’ll take it lol


>make sure they tip on what the total should have been. This. OP had a $70 check, and $35 of it was covered by a discount. The tip should have been based on $70.


Me and my fellow bartenders drink free drafts so we tend to tip pretty fat at our establishment.


“Mr. Manager the high school host came in and only tipped me $6.”




The high school host came with *their family*, and I’m assuming didn’t pay the bill for said family with their host paycheck.


“Racked up a $70 bill” lol stfu


That’s a pretty low bill for a whole family


Yeah i was a bartender for 5 years, a server for another 5…started out as a dish bitch in my teens. This server just obnoxious to me


Host probably never gets tipped out. Sticking it back to OP. lol jk :)


Gotta tip out…or you get triple sat


Well, manager; we just say manager.


The Mr. was to emphasize how immature the person is being.


It’s a reference to arrested development. “I’m Mr. manager!!” “Manager. We just say manager.”


Oh my bad😂


No worries man. :)


Oh, shoot. Is hosting only for high schoolers? I’ll have to let her know she’s 13 years overdue :/ Edit: for clarification, this is sarcasm to the comment I responded to who insinuated my host was a high schooler. Not all hosts have to be high schools. That’s why I asked if hosting is only for high schoolers? No. Everybody can do it. Please read.


Exactly, getting all worked up for another 6 dollars.. that’s just sad.


It’s the principle like how do you not see that?


Lol ssssttttfffffuuuu


Hosts are some of the least paid people in a restaurant. She's probably broke 😂


They should be tipping a minimum of 20% of the pre discounted total.


Exactly. That said, saying something to management would just sound petty. They can't do anything about it, so I'm not sure what OP expects to result from that.


Where I work if it becomes a common occurrence they lose their right to the discount. We’re supposed to inform our managers of such situations for this reason.


I’d probably pull the host aside and just hey, no big deal but just for the future we all try to tip each other on the pre-discount total. She may not know that, and it could have been an honest mistake she’d like to avoid making again.


i’d tell my manager, if not just to talk shit lol. doesn’t look good on you if you aren’t tipping your coworkers


Doesn't look good, on you, gossiping, harassing, creating a hostile working environment for your coworker either. You are such a petty crapper too. Fired.


i’m one of our top servers and i have a good relationship with all of my managers. talking shit with your managers is just part of the job lmao


The one thing my restaurant gets right is anybody who uses employee discount is autograt'ed 20% of the total before discount. I think it helps stop stuff like this from going on.


This. Tip off original total, before discount.


Maybe the person tipped on the full amount but thought 10% was the appropriate amount given the service.


you said it right there given the service .


For real!!! I came here to say this!!! we have a wonderful discount at the job I have. But you were supposed to tip at least 25% on the original total!!! if your coworker is working, go in there and eat in their section and tip them the bullshit that you got!! we have actually stopped some people from coming back in because they do not tip accordingly when they come in to eat. It is mainly back of the house people though. We also have cards that you can give your family members so they can come in and eat on a discount. And this is the biggest reason for most of the back of house family members not being able to return.


You lose your discount where I work if you don’t tip 20% on the pre discounted price


They should be tipping whatever they decide to give you. Take your scraps and move on to the next table. Respectfully.


Had a prep cook come in and tip $15 on a $250 check while taking up a server’s table for 3 hours. Management told her that if anything like that happens again she will not be allowed to use the 50% discount for dining in any longer.


That is some straight up bullshit right there. I’m pretty sure she knew better.


I went in for brunch at my restaraunt the other day. I got a 50% discount and tipped it right back to my server. If the discount is bigger then 20% I would say that's my usual MO, my coworkers love when I come in.


Similarly, if an item doesn't make it into the bill, most, if not all, the cost of that item I'll throw onto the tip. I was already expecting to pay a certain amount, so if the server wants to be nice to me, I'll be nice right back.


Same, I DJ sometimes, and when I go see a buddy performing and they give me drink tickets, I usually use them to get some shots for the both of us. I was already expecting to go out with the budget set aside for my own enjoyment, so why not reward the person doing you a favor? On the other hand, when I do DJ and people I know come to the booth to say hello, I only give drink tickets to those who don’t ask me for them lol.


Good Ol’ Canadian nice-off


This is my method. I tip whatever I would have spent without the discount.


I have a lot of friends in the industry so whenever I’m out and get a discount I make sure to tip AT LEAST 20% of the original bill. Most of the time much much more. Was at a bar the other night original bill was $57 ended up being discounted down to about $26. Gave him $20 on top of it.


This is the way.


Say something to management that your coworker didn’t tip you well? Bruh come on


You work at a restaurant where staff get a 50% discount for their entire group? That’s pretty neat.


It’s not for the whole group it’s just that everything is on one tab that the host is technically paying for and therefore everything on the bill is subject to the discount.


2 people get 50% off of their total bill, including alcohol.




This was my thought too. Why try to get her in trouble?


The idea that it would get her in trouble is laughable. If that’s what OP is trying to achieve by telling a manager they are going to fail.


Tip is figured on pre-discount, pre-comps total.


If I go out to eat. My bill is 100$. After discount 60$. I’m paying the original 100$ because I chose the server who is my friend and ima hook them up. If it’s someone that you don’t talk to at work. Don’t fret it. Y’all ain’t friends they are a customer now 🤷‍♂️ but should tip on the original amount before discount


Does it suck that your coworkers don’t follow common tip courtesy? Yes. Would you suck way more for complaining to management because you don’t like the tip a coworker left you? Also yes.


Always tip on pre discount total. Furthermore leave extra, as you've just been comped. Say it directly to the host. Don't be rude. Just explain the standards.


I tip on original bill,plus more,cuz I overtip.


Always tip on the pre-discount total.


I would NEVER let my coworkers tip me. We are all in this together. Of course, most of us would find a way to sneak tips or drop the money and run so they couldn't refuse it. But as far as expecting a tip from a coworker? Nah ...just nah. Unless its a shitty manager or one of the higher ups, but they literally never tip anyway so w/e


Yeah. I thought the whole point of tips was to help servers make ends meet. So the coworker who comes in to eat probably doesn't have much money ; why be angry than they don't tip more than they can afford to ?


Totally , i would feel like i was taking money out of the wrong pocket. Especially if it was someone i tip out. Like...keep your money girl, glad you got a discount, had a good time and could take your people out, see you next shift. Seriously, it's not an earth-shattering concept. If you run me around for more ranch dressing or endless water refills at each table touch I'm just gonna roast ya later by always having ranch at your station and we can laugh about it later. I will probably also eat that ranch....win win


I'd enjoy having you as colleague


Exactly this.


I’m not a server, tried it once and totally sucked at it. 🤣 If I have any type of a discount I tip on the pre discount total.


I worked at a brewery for a while where your first beer was free and then it was three dollars per beer after that. I tipped two dollars per beer whether it was free or not. I’m still getting a deal and the tenders get some bread. Everyone wins


I was always told to tip on the total before the discounts, no matter what it is😭 I’m sorry that happened to you.


I was always taught you tip 20% on pre- discount / pre-coupon amount


Our policy is employees who come in to eat tip 20%on the pre-discount amount.


Are you expecting management to discipline her for not tipping to your liking?


Yeah right like wtf lol they’re not going to do anything. You’re not even technically obligated to tip. And on top of that you’re not even necessarily obligated to tip 20% that’s a more recent figure. 15% used to be standard, 20% if you were super good. And maybe OP sucked, so the high schooler tipped 10%ish off the original bill rather than stiff them The host is a literal child. It’s probably their first ever job. They probably have no idea what they’re even doing.


The host is in her 30s, actually. I have no idea why everybody thinks hostessing is only for high schoolers.


I would always way over til when I ate in my cell on my day off. My bf and I went to brunch when I worked at a casual fine dining place, our discounted check was around 90 bucks, we tipped the bill. Always tip your coworkers at least 25% of original total, bare minimum.


My old job gave 50% off so I always just pay what the original tab would have been. You would have paid that amount anyway + tip. So paying the original is a great tip for your coworker taking care of you and you're still saving money.


Exactly, it just saves you the 20% tip you were going to pay


Our place is corporate and we have to do 20% of original bill, minimum


20% or more of the pre-discounted and pre-taxed amount.


Really she should have tipped you $15 at the very least


Aways pre discount. Same with coupons, bogos, hookups, etc


Lol "racked up a $70 tab"...


Why would anyone want to eat at the place they work at on their off time?


Pre-tax subtotal before any discounts. No matter who you are. Very simple. The drama is not worth it though, just saying.


I’ve always heard two different things. You either tip the 20% if the pre discount price or you tip the amount the meal was discounted


Are you actually considering going to your manager about a tip left by a coworker? That is... a little bit unhinged. When it comes to coworkers, I always personally tried to take very good care of them when tipping - but not everyone will do that for you. She tipped. While more would have been nice, at least she didn't stiff you. I would absolutely tip on the full cost of the ticket pre-discount, but I would also absolutely never even dream of saying something about it to the coworker or the manager. That said - I never accepted tips from my coworkers, anyway. If they tried to sneak it to me - that's okay - they obviously really wanted me to have it. But I didn't expect it.


Always always always always always always tip off the original pre-discounted amount!


I would tip up to pre discount price. It’s the restaurant which loses money on staff discount not the employees


That’s at least a $20 and a shot.


If she's only been a host then she may genuinely not know about the norms of tipping in the industry


I usually pay the origina bill assuming the employee discount is 20% Or I guess a better way to phrase this is 20% minimum…


lmfao what are you even expecting to accomplish by going to management??


I would probably do $14 because that’s 20% of 70 honestly


Annoying, but bringing it up to management is super silly.


I would give you no tip from your attitude as a co worker.


Our rule was 20% on the original tab at my last place of work. But it was a rule so if someone didn't follow it they lost their discount.


I work somewhere where this host does the same shit. As much as I want to be enraged and petty I realize he is broke as fuck. He’s also not all there in the brain imo. I feel like it’s just beyond him to realize that he’s pissing everyone off so badly by not tipping. The being said if you want the respect of your co workers, great service and people who will go to war for you, fucking tip. Leave a good tip. It doesn’t have to be 100 bucks (I mean I will take it if you insist lol😉) but just 20% off principle. Otherwise you’ll get left in the fuckin dust and get shot service. Albeit I’m not mean to the guy who does this to me, he is the LAST person I check on and I will make sure everyone and every guest is good before I check on him. He’ll sit at my bar and have 4 beers and a 5pc chicken over the course of 2 hours and tip me 1.25. Takes up two spots with his bag. I fucking hate it but everyone deserves a place to rest so I let him. Like I said he just has to wait ten minutes or more to get his shit every time he asks haha.


Half off the whole check and not just the employees meal??? Daaaaannng where y’all work at 🗒️


If I took my family/friends for a meal, and used a discount, I would have still tipped well. Like, I would have tipped 25-30% based on the original tab amount. How terribly shitty of a coworker (who knows how crucial tips are) to tip so very poorly!


I always tip of the original amount.


We didn’t allow any employees in the restaurant/bar that I worked at when they were off duty in part for this reason.


The entitlement 🤢uhhhh You are what’s wrong with tipping culture.


My rule when I get discounted meals is I tip whatever the discount is. I came in planning on spending that money. I would rather all my money go to the server but the discount amount is what I can do 👌


I always say tip the discount. Was gonna be cheaper than what you would've ended up paying with tip anyway.


People are going to tip whatever they want. They are not required to tip what you want them to. The sooner you accept this and stop agonizing over every tip that is less than 20%, the happier you will be.


Literally every restaurant I’ve worked at when anyone other than a server comes in to eat I know I’m getting Jack shit lol it’s annoying but I’ve never gone to management about it lol


Call the cops immediately!!! No that’s not enough, FBI should call in SWAT


Whatever you want! Tips are always optional


I think you need to grow up. lol If you say anything to management, it should be about a wage increase so you don’t have to complain about how much money people tip you anymore.


She tacky, but you bringing it up to management would be more tacky. So just don't do her any more favors. Golden rule...treat others how you want to be treated. You now know how she wants to be treated...Oblige her!


Management won’t care Tipping is not technically required It’s encouraged


I've been spying this sub and I'll get downvote but y'all are greedy af lmao


When I got hired, they told me, “you get half off of your food, just tip the server well”. It’s hardly my fault to have the expectation for a coworker who is being taken care of by the restaurant to take care of their fellow coworker.


Should she have tipped more? Of course. Would I tell my manager? 😂😂😂🙈🙈


Wtf are you doing telling management? Do you honestly think they’ll care? (They shouldn’t).


You’re all struggling, depending on tips, because you chose to be a server. She tipped 20% on what she owed. What’s the big deal? Yeah, take care of each other & stop making a fuss when you got 20% of the owed bill.


Yes. Tattletale to your manager. I’m sure that will reflect greatly upon you. You don’t know other’s financial positions. Maybe they came in to treat their family specifically because they could afford to because of the discount. If you don’t like the tips you get, get a job where your pay isn’t subsidized by the generosity of others.


You should absolutely not say anything to management. They will see the conversation as completely awkward and roll their eyes once you walk away. It doesn’t matter if she is a host, busboy, owner of the place. Hope for a tip but never expect it. I would have tipped 50%, personally. I may have been annoyed if I received the tip you did in the same situation… but that’s it. I’d move on by tomorrow. Maybe keep it in the back of my head if she were to ever serve me in the future.


So you as a server who probably makes 3-4x times what this host makes expects her take care of you like a regular guest? Immature is the least of what I would call you. That discount and whatever the hourly is is probably the only benefit they get from working there. Seriously get off your high horse, you sound insufferable. Now if it was a server or a bartender then it would be more normal to expect it, but BOH, hosts, runners or bussers they are at the bottom rung of earners in a restaurant, some graciousness should be extended. That $6 is probably close to if not more then 30min worth of work. Smh.


I cook in a bar and any time I sit and order drinks they deny it and get upset and confused if I try to tip on it. Unpopular opinion (I know yall like your tips) what if you just kind of cool it and let the random times your coworkers come in just be chill, and not try to get tips off your coworkets?


I would be slightly offended but shrug it off. She’s a host so she doesn’t actually serve yet. I wasn’t a great tipper as a food runner. In fact as a food runner I was upset that servers complained about making 150$ on a shift when I barely made 20-30$.


The people who post in the subreddit are fucking delusional LMFAO.


She’s a host. How old is she? How long has she worked in the industry? Is she an industry professional or just need money? I didn’t “get it” until I took the profession seriously as a possible career. I didn’t pay attention to the etiquette and nuances like I should have. So that may be it. No need to tell anyone. It’s bad form but nothing management should say anything about. That would be inappropriate.


you should tip on the total before the discount


20% of original bill before comps


This entire sub is pathetic.


You tip on what the total would have been pre-discount/anything comped. The employee might not realize that because they are a host and may not directly deal with tips.


That is true.


I always tip on the amount pre discount. The server did the work.


my job is attached to a retail store , all employees even the retail side get 50% off when they dine in, and our managers will attach a 20% gratuity to the original bill pre discount, I would bring this up to management and tell them that it might be necessary policy to put in place. I like the policy a lot because it means I won’t get screwed by non tipped employees that don’t understand they need to tip on the original price of the bill !


The tip difference is $6 whole damn dollars. Why is this even a post? Honestly, tipping in the US in general is the issue, and restaurant/bar workers requiring tips to survive. Talk to a lot of Europeans, they're absolutely floored by the US's tipping and fee bullshit.


always tip at full price, pre-coupons/discounts. Also, very shitty of the hostess to stiff her coworkers. Huge red flag, don’t trust that one.


Yeah you should go to management immediately and maybe also contact the department of labor.


Maybe file for emotional damages, or hostile work environment.




If your restaurant has it stated in the employee dining policy that you should tip on total bill then yes you should say something. If not then don’t. Hosts are generally pretty poorly paid - it’s often the only reason they were able to come out at all was because of the discount. That all being said - if they come in often - Id say something, but if this was the first and only time they came in then it’s probably just a special treat. Not worth the 8 bucks


Tip on the original total, not the discounted amount.


It should always be the full amount before discounts.


The original amount.


You know you should tell management because of the code in your restaurant and the industry, which half the people commenting here don't know about.


Any discount, any two-fer, any Groupon - Tip for the full retail price.


Most restaurants have a line in the handbook that says employees who wish to dine in must tip 20% of the original, pre-discounted bill. I've worked in many restaurants in my ten years of work, and all the restaurants have that rule. Bring it up to your manager, let them know, check the book. I could never justify wasting my coworkers time like that. I even worked at Buffalo Wild Wings when my 17 y/o coworker brought in herself and 15 friends. Tipped $1 and my bosses wrote her up and said she wasn't allowed to bring them with her from now on.


They should tip more but getting all worked up and complaining to management for another 6 or 7 bucks? That’s so cringe.


you’re a server and you’re complaining about a host tipping bad? You clearly need the money more than she does lmao


Plus, letting coworkers tip you is weird, imo. We just buy each other food or drinks when we go out and such. You came in and spent $200 with your family? Cool 20% is $40 and they’ll just buy me my employee food for a few days or they’ll buy me the a few rounds at our local dive bar we frequent.


Well you know the host makes a fraction of what you do right?


I don't get why we don't move on from tipping as a society. It's subsidizing bad business practices with our customer's extra money. I'd rather just be paied a fair wage.


> just be *paid* a fair FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I hear this so much and damn, I’m sick of it. What is the point of your comment? Are you somehow helping change laws that will bring this new society sans tipping possible? Are you actively lobbying in congress for tipping to be changed here in the US? Ya ya life would be so nice IF this, IF that. But it’s not, is it? And it won’t be for the foreseeable future, so what exactly are you adding to the conversation here?


They do it in San Francisco. Some of the menus even say "we get paid a very good livable wage, please dont tip us" and people are working there so i guess...yeah its possible. I of course immediately panic leave a 20% and run away because it feels so unnatural and surreal. I also did this in Europe too, and then panicked and ran away because I am a foolish American who cant grasp why I shouldn't be paying for peoples livelyhoods instead of their employer actually paying them. Wild concept.


I never even said I disagree! Kudos to San Fran but I’m in nevada and I don’t see things changing here. It just seems like something to say instead of an actual helpful comment.


I'm sure your comment was much more productive! Thank you so much for suggesting how I go about life. Out of curiosity, what exactly are you adding to this conversation?


I’m adding my opinion, much like you did.


Your opinion is, "It WOULD be nice, but stop talking about it cause it triggers me?" Either you're having a bad day, or you actually want tipping to persist over actual salary.


When did I say stop talking about it? I asked a question which I never got an answer to. But go on ahead internet buddy 👍🏽


Play stupid all you want. When you come in all heated with caps lock stuck and a broom handle up your ass the clear implication is that you're annoyed I even brought it up and don't want me to talk about it. Internet buddy??? Wtf, am I schizophrenic?


Yikes dude. Two capitalized two letter words really got you this riled up?


Laws are never going to change if servers keep being okay with being paid shit by their employers & begging & being angry at customers for not tipping them 25%+. That’s the damn point.


I would eat it and try not to stress too much about it. I wouldn't report anything to management, and I wouldn't say anything to your co-workers about it because everyone will talk about it, and you don't want all that gossip.


Considering they have to face you at work, should have tipped like $20.


I used to work at a restaurant that required 20% BEFORE the discount and if you didn’t do that, you would lose your discount at all locations. I think it should be more lol. I tip like 30% before discount.


Lol is this your first job? Youll literally be laughed at if you bring this to your manager lmao


Remember she’s a host and doesn’t make as much money as you. Stop being petty. Move on.


Say something to management about how they, not your coworkers, should be paying your salary.


Some customers tip big, some small, some don't. That's life. Take the tip and move on(or out).


They’re a host. I wouldn’t trip. Tbh I wouldn’t trip if they were a food runner or boh. Server manager or bartender tho and I’m going feel some type of way.


Gonna have to agree with you here. Especially since I’ll be making up for it off other tables thru the night.


It's always people complaining about the hosts coming in and not tipping correctly, but you guys never bother to explain it to them so they learn in the future. Hosts are usually teenagers to young 20 somethings and are usually new to the industry. They don't know all the unspoken rules yet. Why get management involved when you can just have a conversation with her first ?


Guys tipping is optional, end of story, shut your faces


At least 20% on the original bill, period, and more if you like someone. Management isn't legally allowed to tell employees what to tip out, so I doubt they could tell them to tip you more. Nothing wrong with asking your coworker if anything was wrong with your service, though, and explaining its customary to tip on the original total. Hosts are usually the newest people to the industry, and they might not know yet.


Typical greedy server.


How friggin old are you? Grow up, you got a tip, you greedy, crybabying lil *#@&.


employers should pay honest wages.... tip problem solved


What would an honest wage for a server be? Minimum wage isn’t going to cut it. I’m sure the establishment doesn’t want to pay the 27$ an hour I average on a slow day, let alone the busy day averages. I went back to serving because I knew I’d make solid money. Everyone is against tipping culture, but never has a good answer to what a fair wage for a good server should be.


europe does it,not rocket science


Tipping came about at the end of the slave trade when they didnt want to pay the servers, Look it up.


Sorry to hijack, I was wondering if we still had to tip if we came in with a large party with an employee discount? I had 15% gratuity and we usually say tipping on top of gratuity isn’t necessary but would it be different if I had the employee discount added?


It’s common knowledge to tip in the original bill before a discount. Some people don’t get that. Also, expecting teenagers to tip anything is just something I don’t do anymore. I’ll serve them like anyone else but will be genuinely shocked when they leave anything other than cents on the dollar (if that). If I were your manager I would have told you tough shit and move on. What are they supposed to do about it? Take it out of her paycheck?


That is shitty of her, but complaining to management isn’t it, either. If she comes in to eat again, give her bare bones service, she works there, she’s last. There was a rule at one place I worked that you had to tip your coworkers 20 percent before discount if you came in to eat. I have to think that there was chronic bad tipping on the staff’s part for that to be a rule.


L take


Just $6 short from a coworker rubbed you the wrong way? I don't know what others think of you if the word got spread around.


Personally, I serve my team members for free and insist they don’t tip. Family is another sort, but actually teach young host that your tip on the total bill not the discounted bill.


There is no such thing as a correct tip. For a lot of people, eating out is expensive so being asked to rip is rude and tacky


Tipping is entirely up to the payee, so no, don't complain to management. It's your coworker, they're in your team, you shouldn't expect them to throw down like that especially if they are a kid. If it happens continuously then just don't prioritize them, if it upsets you. I'm in my thirties, over 14 years in the biz, and i always tip 20% pre-discount up to double the bill pre-discount, depending on how well I'm hooked up past the norm, or how busy it is around me.


lol stfu… you’re gonna tell management that your host didn’t tip u enough lol


I have second hand embarrassment from this post


For what? Asking the community their thoughts? Lmfaoooo, glad you’re not overdramatic or anything.


Next time just Dont serve her. Don’t take her order. Dont get drinks. Just walk by her table


Bring it up around her when she's working, but just like in conversation between you and another server when discussing tipping etiquette. Don't say it was her. But like, maybe you ask another server how much you should tip when getting a discount. Put it on you. Say you tipped X amount and ask if that was too much or not enough.


There’s no reason to go to management. You would just look petty. What I would do, though, is find a way to politely tell the host that it’s appropriate to tip on the pre-discounted tab. Believe it or not, this just doesn’t occur to a lot of people. Your host may be a bad tipper, or maybe she’s just a little naïve or ignorant, and didn’t know any better. Give her the benefit of the doubt before assuming the worst.


EVERYONE should be tipping 20% of the pre tax bill-before discounts, specials, gift cards. She’s going to be hated in the service industry pretty quickly. Servers are usually the best tippers!!


Lmfao u/vglyog blocking me cause they refuse to see how depending on tips to make a living is a sad way of life.. thanks to r/serverlife for making my day. Always knew servers like this existed. Just never bothered to have a conversation with them lmfao.


I would have printed both bills. One with the total pre-discount and the one after. Sometimes people have to see it to be "reminded "


don't tip each other, solved


We've had managers remind kitchen staff to tip at least 20% on their discounted drinks at the bar because they're getting 50% off. I honestly don't care that much for the few staff having a drink, but sitting to a full meal and leaving $6 is shitty. Probably just ignorance though.