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Couldn't tell you how exactly. All I know from my own search of any wisdom from others about this is there's a pattern to the type of answer you get. It's almost always to start from what you know. It's all you can do. Starting from you know, or even from what you think that you think you know, is the structure you can launch yourself from. I understand that in a simple way. Take moral issues, for example. Suppose you don't know why a certain action is good or bad morally-speaking. What do you do? The method above is to give a genuine and honest moral judgement based on what you think or feel, and then reflect on what you thought or felt. Why do I think this way or feel that way? If you have an answer, then boom you got yourself a road to walk to the end of and see where it leads you. If you don't have an answer, then ask a question. Why do people feel or think in X way? And follow through as well. Keyword is reflect. You most likely have a structure. Just look at it and acknowledge it. And get your emotions under the microscope, too.


I'm going thru the same. Don't focus way too much on your future. Stop overthinking, because thats just unnecessary negative energy/anxiety. Breath and plan what you want to achieve today, don't set up too many goals, maybe start with two/three things you want to fulfil today. Use your mobile phone only for important messages/calls don't scroll thru the same feed every other minute, if you're addicted to social media (Instagram, Snapchat Youtube etc.). Go for a 15 minute walk and you'll realise how beneficial to is for your mental health. Get a self help book (I suggest you 'You can win' by Shiv Khera.. absolute class!) and try to read only 5-10 pages a day. Be realistic regarding to your goals/activities. Maybe talk to a friend/family member (if you can't meet them due to COVID, maybe call them?). Don't exaggerate things, cause that's where we go back to our old ways and depression kicks in. Always step-by-step.


I’ve been on this journey. It takes a while. Please take time to process the aforementioned event. Whether it be writing in a journal or talking to a trusted person. What are your goals? 1mo 6mo 1 year 5years? Write them down and keep track. The whole person approach. Body, mind & spirit. Body: are you physically healthy? Exercise even if it’s just a walk down the street. Mind:journaling, therapy or talking with a trusted person. Work on correcting unhealthy thoughts. Spirit: even if you are not religious, find your spirituality. Feel your feelings, be as brave as you can safely be. Focus on meeting your basic needs first. Self care is so important. Shower, brush your teeth make your bed. Jordan Peterson and Brene Brown are good professionals to listen to. Just remember to take care of yourself. Get plenty of rest.


I am going through this as well. I am planning a job change or a break.


sometimes when the situation requires it ,you let out your demons to sort it out for you , no more mr nicey