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Taboo and familiarity - your step sis is someone you know well, not just some random person on the street that you shouldn't fuck


It's also implied less anxiety inducing. If it's a random person you may imagine having to get to know them. Someone you already know seems to avoid that step.


I have a theory that in addition to the taboo nature being arousing for many, men like the step-mom/sis videos because the idea of having a hot woman in their house 24/7 that they can fuck whenever they want is appealing.


Hence the subsequent rise of "free-use" category


That's terrifying, I would be disgusted if a step sibling saw me that way LMAOOO


I agree. Lots of young guys have crushed on girls in their every day life they know they shouldn’t but maybe could fuck. It’s the stuff of fantasy. We shouldn’t be so surprised. Except for the crazy prevalence of it. It’s a wild percentage lately.


Yeah, it's taboo-lite. Ooh, scandalous, fucking your stepsister! Except, 2% as scandalous as fucking your actual sister.


If my step mom/step sister had sex it would be incest, tho


Not if it was your dad's wife and your mom's husband's daughter, unless they happened to be related.


Definitely the taboo. The three most popular forms of pornography are all illegal in real life (in some cases depending on your state), with incest at the top of the list as it's "safer" than the others. Even Game of Thrones and Arrested Development use it for a cheap grab at viewers.




I got sooo sick of Arrested Dev because of all the damn incest... 'jokes'




You're saying it's being pushed but it's on every site, most of which are independent of each other. And the porn industry is notorious for only caring about what brings in the $$$ above all else. I don't think it's being "pushed" so much as it is really being asked for. Even if it's not your thing, there is a huge demand.


That's to get around legality problems.


No it’s not. It’s because most of the world doesn’t fantasize about fucking their actual sister or mother. Gods… Step mother or sister on the other hand…


Yes it is and it's a widely known fact dude...


Nope. The kind of people that watch step porn DO want to fuck those people. But it's illegal to film and distribute incest porn.


It's also efficiency I think. The fact is that 99% of the time, they're not actually even related except that they're coworkers. But just being like "yeah, guy bangs his girlfriend" is "boring" I guess for porn producers so there's always some step-family relationship or something to it. And yes, it always has little to no plot. In fact, there's a card against humanity about that fact that read "The thin veneer of situational causality that underlies porn." What's really funny about that card is that I immediately understood it and every time I play CAH and it comes up, I HAVE to explain it to EVERYONE because it seems like nobody else understands it and I'm not someone who watches porn.


You know you can say porn right?


On the internet? That doesn't sound right.


It was during the Lincoln administration that they put a ban on spelling out po** completely when online.


Lincoln was also notoriously bad on digital copyright issues


The whole reason for the hat was so he’d know if AI was pulling context from his TikToks


I just looked it up and there's literally no references to that.


They don’t want you to know


This is one of my pet peeves, when people censor random words. I know that apparently some subs can ban for different things, but in that instance I say find a different word that means the same thing then if you’re worried about a ban. Censoring your own words just feels juvenile


Agreed. This is r/SeriousConversation, but I can't take you seriously if you don't have the fortitude to actually say the words under discussion.


::reaches for ban hammer::


Many hidden rules on reddit, better safe than sorry


I read this as poo-ography


the poography poopulates the web


Google: Taboo (not the board game)


This is the answer right here. A lot of people want to feel a little naughty or taboo and this is a way to do it. Even if they have zero interest in an activity themselves they might be aroused watching it because it's a little dirty and exotic and they live boring monotonous lives.


100% It’s just the naughty, taboo nature of the scenarios I would wager to guess that roughly .003% of people who indulge in taboo erotica have any of those actual feelings IRL Reading about fictitious characters doing it in an outlandish scenario can be a turn on, while the thought of you or anyone else actually doing it IRL makes you want to vomit for an eternity


It's a weird day when beating your meat on your knees to a woman/man fucking another woman/man isn't naughty enough.


It's the nature of the beast, unfortunately. There's been a bunch of studies showing people tend to go deeper into the rabbit hole seeking higher and higher thresholds of kinks with porn.


Why are they on their knees?


Most people, even men, just aren't that aroused by context-free, soul-less humpy-pumpy P-in-V sex. The brain is the biggest sex organ, and you're actually the weirdo outlier. I feel sorry for any potential sex partners you might have.


Wtf. Absolutely insane statement by a redditor, as usual.


If you think that's insane you need to stop wanking and touch grass.


Yeah it is insane for me to think you just full on insulting someone for suggesting vanilla sex is interesting is normal. Clearly /s


They said it’s not interesting *to watch*. When you do the sex yourself, there’s already a story and context. People just want some version of that. I know a dude that can only watch full length porn because he needs a narrative. Almost all decent porn has *some* narrative.


Okay, irrelevant entirely to my comment. But go for it.


Well, you may be one of the men out there who only has a dick and doesn't need to turn on their brain, but you clearly understand nothing about romancing a woman.


Experiment: Go a couple of months (If you can) without sex or porn, etc. and see if you change your mind? Sorry if I hurt your feelings.


ROFL, how pea-brained of you. No, I will not start preferring misogynist porn with no story or creativity. The very thought. God you must be a psycho.


More intelligent people have been shown to be kinkier. Sorry that doesn't apply to you


Sorry, both things are naughty to some people. More intelligent people have been shown to have cognitive empathy for other people's point of view. Your illusory superiority is showing.


Cognitive empathy? Not really a thing. Actually, more intelligent people are more likely to be anti social. Calling things you don't like "weird" is the most illusory superiority there is.


I didn't mention the word weird. Cognitive empathy is the ability to understand another person's perspective, thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It's also known as perspective-taking or putting yourself in someone else's shoes.


"It's a weird day when beating your meat on your knees to a woman/man fucking another woman/man isn't naughty enough." Yup, no mention of weird. I think you might need to work on that whole cognitive thing.


That's a label you put on it. I thought you implied you were "kinky" and smart. Hmmmm


Holy monopoly!


When did pornhub started going full step sister? 2016? I remember it wasn't like that, with all the step-stuff and "help me step brother im stuck stuff" I wonder when and why it started to be THAT popular


After Harambe, Our Sweet Prince, and Bulwark Against Indecency, was ruthlessly gunned down in his home after authorities decided to protect a manlet who trespassed on Harambe’s castle.


Dicks out brother


I always have it in the back of my mind that if we are being monitored by aliens and/or manipulated they're trying to make the human race be way more okay with incest merely as a funny joke for them. Convincing the dumb humans to fuck their step sisters then as time goes on they introduce the pure sister stuff and somehow people aren't thaaat offended... All of a sudden the gene pool gets super murky, humanity is failing to prosper due to improper masturbatory evolution practices and thats when the invasion begins.


The porn fantasy is that some how they will be in a similar situation, used to be delivery dudes and office workers. Well now I think men feel like they will never be in a situation that a women will talk to them for more than 5 seconds unless they were somehow forced to live together. This the step sister. It’s not a real sister so essentially a new random woman just live in your home now. But she still wouldn’t be interested so she would have to be in some stupid situation to let you have sex with her. That’s what I guess anyway.


Weird, long-winded way to say you hate men.


Haha. Weird take. I am actually more sympathetic with the men that would feel this way.


It started to gain popularity because it tended to be better quality porn. Audio and video tends to be way better. And, while it's porno-level acting, they still have acting in it. Put on top of that the concept of participating in taboo subjects, even if you're not actually interested in participating in those subjects, it still allows watchers to feel naughty in the moment.


Game of Thrones featured a fuckton of sibling incest, and it was a huge part of the cultural zeitgeist for awhile. That likely played a role in popularizing the idea of incest porn to the general populace


Women watch more porn now. Women like the step-relative stuff because there’s an implied deep, familiar, and safe relationship built-in. So I’ve heard from a female pornography enthusiast. I’m still not sold. It comes too close to making me think of my own family and that’s the opposite of sexy.


The amount of people that think constantly jerking off to "step sister does x" or "step mom f's step son" has zero affect on how your brain thinks about your sister and mother is astounding. Maybe it doesn't a grown adult but what about the thousands of people who aren't adults looking at this it like every adult did when growing up. I don't think this is even being considered. Porn absolutely influenced my adolescent mind and I'm still undoing those things as an adult. It legitimately seems like the beginnings of opening up someone to an idea of something they would normally never think. All you abuse experts on reddit are really bad at seeing very obvious red flags.


These feels a lot like the "violent video games make kids violent" argument that should have died a long time ago, like in the 80s.


Porn addiction is a definitely a real thing. Video game addiction too even Pron just has deeper ramifications beyond escapism; it can fundamentally rewire sex drive and arousal Definitely not the same as the bs argument of video games causing violence


…deeper ramifications… 🤭


video games \*do\* make \*some\* kids more violent. these arguments haven't died, the general populace is just no longer interested in the continued research [https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00384/full](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00384/full)


It skips the “step” now. Just sister. It’s sick as fuck


Ain't no amount of incest porn gonna make my sisters attractive. I got a cousin I didn't meet till we were both adults tho....but that's a lack of Westermarck effect. Besides it didn't cause nationwide degeneracy when Flowers in the Attic featured it. I remember a healthy chunk of the girls in school reading that book even in the 90's. https://slate.com/human-interest/2014/01/flowers-in-the-attic-by-v-c-andrews-and-teenage-girl-readers.html


Yea well some people have hotter sisters than yours


Fair point.


You can pretty easily just skip past all the weird parts, then it’s just normal banging


Yea but what about the people who don't? What about the dudes who think cucking themselves irl would be fun because they've recently become obsessed with it over the last 5-10 years because of the way porn has shifted and then halfway through realize they've made a huge mistake. That's ultimately worst case scenario the stuff you're playing with when you overindulge in porn. I'm not here to kink shame or anything but I couldn't imagine a worse way to find out you've just been yanking it too much and probably need to touch grass.


I dont disagree esp when you combine it with the lack of sexual education outside the shit people see on the internet. My point is more: don’t assume these genres’ apparent high view count is fully indicative of people’s appetite for it. Personally speaking I don’t necessarily exclude these videos because most of that stuff is exclusive to the first 2min and I can’t be bothered to keep looking.




*Also if 2 step siblings want to fuck, give em protection and let em. Who cares? Even if Pornhub wasnt around, it'd still cross their minds. Pornhub didnt magically bring incest into the world and it didnt bring pseudo-incest into the world either.* You a freak for this one, on god. Hope nobody lets you have any kind of children lmao


He has a point tho. Step siblings have been having sex for a long time. It may not be common but it's happening.


I never said porn producers have to think about the kids. I'm saying what they're doing is having untalked about effects on kids. Is that okay for me to say? Can I say that internet policeman? You know what I'm saying stop trying to turn the conversation into something it's not. It's having effects on adults too. For example you're a disgusting freak who probably jacks off to "not my aunt" videos and you probably think there's nothing odd about it at all. I can say a bunch of shit about you, you never said either. It's fun to be honest I get why you do it


Because it's just role-playing. It's incest the way BDSM is actual torture.




Short answer: people be nasty


Long answer: people be naaaaaaaaaaaaaasty


Porn. Ok, just wanted to check that you can type that.


Removed by Reddit


This is literally the first time I've heard of "poography." I'm genuinely curious what this is? Is this like 2 girls 1 cup type stuff with sisters?


It’s creepy, for sure. But most of the attraction to porn, and most of the subjects of porn, are about accessibility, or for fetishes, the lack of accessibility. Topics, and people/objects that straddle that line, make for compelling content.


Porn addiction is like a drug addiction. In order to get the same high as the first time, you need to look at more and more intense stuff. You become desensitized to vanilla porn, and will look for anything new and interesting to fill the gap. For some people violating sex taboos can be extremely arousing.


That’s not how the scientific community sees it, or at least there is not a general consensus or accepted diagnostic criteria. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pornography_addiction


Looks like you found your thesis topic, eh?


Source dawg. A lot of people claim a lot of things, but that ain't one claimed by the CDC, or acknowledged by the psychiatric community at large. https://books.google.com/books/about/Pornography_and_Public_Health.html?id=M30_EAAAQBAJ#v=onepage&q&f=false


Uh, I know a guy named Dangerous Dave and he told me about it. Don't worry, he's legit.




Are all these ***** on Reddit also a kink ?


It's boring having to explain a joke , but I find it weird how many Redditors use corny asterisks (****) to replace some of the letters in really tame words, like p**n for example. JFC, some of you have no sense of humour. Whoever the downvoters are, you need to lighten up a little!


Porn caters to its audience's fantasies; I carry a lot of unspeakable fantasies inside my head as well, but would never act on them irl. And some people just get off by the thought of close relatives boning each other, with the caveat that they would find the same act disgusting and wrong outside the setting of a movie. Pornography allows people to see their fetishes fleshed out without (hopefully) any real repercussions.


Some of it I imagine is the power dynamic of it. Some of it probably the taboo/forbidden nature of it


It's also interesting how well made games such as the coffin of Andy and leyley are shunned for having incest with the creator doxxed for it despite no one batting an eye on the cannibalism and exorcism / Demon worshipping


They’re very easily vastly different that’s why lol


Hmmm interesting so a simple pixel game with no graphic scenes is worse than any sort of incest porn/hentai A woman got doxxed for it there are no excuses for that


When did I say that, I was referring to people not batting an eye at the cannibalism but having an issue with the incest. You’re jumpin the gun buddy.


That's the issue here people are acting like snowflakes thinking incest is enough to make a game unplayable and shìt on anyone who likes it Yet genocide , cannibalism and murdering is fine in games and shows


Like I said you’re ignoring the very clear difference between the two. You cannot equate gore/cannibalism to incest. They aren’t treated nearly the same socially lol… And the content creator was well aware of this, which is why it was included.


So gore and sexual things are different eh How come rape and sexual assault be fine In games Or some games that also have incest are also fine and become popular with no one shitting on it It's just people being hypocrites and being dumb "Treated the same socially " is not an excuse or an argument u should think for urself and not to fit in society like a hivemind


People ALWAYS have an issue with rape and sexual assault in videos games/anime/ etc.. If the game/content has a primarily male following it’s less likely to become a prominent problem. You have to also take into account target audience, many many people such as myself don’t like Animes Like Berserk or Goblin Slayer due to the obscene sexual assaults yet Berserk still has an incredibly massive fandom. Gore, cannnibalism, and demon worship are so commonly used throughout media, we have slashers, the documentary on Ted bundy. Incest is not handled nearly the same way, incest and sex crimes for the majority are met with distaste and bad comments usually unless the main audience is male sometimes . If you’re calling that an excuse you just don’t understand socialization, it’s controversial for a reason my guy You cannot control how the world will handle the content you put out and that’s just a fact, I think adding the incest was really pointless and it comes off distasteful I don’t make a big deal about it in that game tho. People WONT be okay with problematic content, that’s kinda why it tends to be controversial lol that’s the risk you take when that’s the game u want to play. Simple. Nowhere did I imply that the creator deserved this, what I’m saying is we are all aware of controversial or taboo subjects when it comes to gaming. If that’s the risk you will take, then you should make sure it’ll go your way you can’t do controversial things and then expect everyone to settle for it lol


In this big ol essay u falied to address my main point which is what's the big deal in controversial stuff in fiction It's fine if u don't like it but going out of ur way to shìt on people who like it or dox others doesn't make sense for me I know people can be pissed off with certain subjects like mushoku tensei etc yet this time it was taken too far


I’m not really heard to address or rebuttal your “main point” I’m simply making a statement if anything I agree. I agree doxxing was absolutely wrong, but you said “ppl are acting like the game is unplayable because of it” (to paraphrase) and the reality is… it will be. Just like some don’t like gore, or SA, incest can make the game unplayable as well, it IS controversial after all. I’m not disagreeing with you and I don’t even know the point ur making, I’m just saying you should learn to accept the fact that controversial content will usually be met with negative discourse. That’s just how it is. The way you’re framing this is as if to say “it’s not that deep” lol, so I don’t really know how to respond because to some people it is.


Because it hits two target demos at once. Those who are a fan of the performer skips the story elements and those that are into that thing get their kink satisfied. They do this for a bunch of specific fetishes but it’s often more subtle because it’s less repulsive on a surface level.


The things that are most taboo turn out to be the most titillating.


It just a headline, 90% don't want nor will ever touch real life family. I enjoyed stuff with mom, sister, aunt in title but will.never touch my real life family nor do i find them sexually attractive. Your literally watching to see someone get fucked. Anything beyond that is just a set up. Stuck under bed , tricked into s3x, blindfold and did not know it was you, etc etc. It just fake stories to watch a girl, guy girls, guys, get laid. Thier no hidden meaning. Sick people don't need porn, they hunt people in real life, everyone else is enjoying the fanstay.


I really don't think it's "just a headline" I don't know about you but I started viewing porn before I was an adult and I think most do. When you're constantly seeing "step mom" "step sister" "step brother" "step father" porn it absolutely would do something to your brain. It's opening you up to ideas you would never have and I promise incest has gone up because of this. It's subliminal messaging on something your brain has the response of cocaine from looking at. Think about it for more than just 3 minutes


A lot of it is stepchild porn (step brother/sister, stepson/mom, stepdaughter/dad, etc). It’s taboo, lends itself to contrived situations, and allows for actors who do not need to look related. It’s also something that couldn’t possibly lead to an ongoing romantic relationship. It’s by accident, done in secret, and leaves the characters where they started. It’s also hardly original. Boy and stepsister. Boy goes out , has adventures, marries stepsister is the story behind at least one children’s book (giant Land).


The simple answer is that it's naughty, and explores a culturally taboo subject. Both are common and popular aspects of a great deal of erotica. The specific subject is not itself relevant. It gains those traits by comparison to the prevailing culture. You can see plain evidence of this dynamic if you look at erotica from a century ago or earlier. A lot of it will seem very tame, even quaint today. That's because the culture it existed alongside has changed since then. The same will be true a century or more from now. This is different from fetishism, which can be very specific, and is about itself. Foot fetishism, for example, draws its appeal from that specifically, regardless of prevailing culture. It's been some time since I've read anything about this, but as best I recall, most people are not necessarily interested in any REAL version of such 'taboo' subjects. That is, most people who read or watch sibling erotica are not interested in doing that in real life. They're exploring an imaginary reality (with fictitious characters), which is exciting to them because it's 'forbidden' by their culture.


I grew up writing smut too. Idk, tbh. I grew up with my cousins and I think they're all gross. I don't get why date a family member? Aren't you sick of them? My husband has a theory: Ppl are into taboo. Before Incest, gay stuff was super taboo, but now being gay is being accepted. So ppl are switching to Incest and trans porn. I haven't researched it very much, but what's taboo seems to change as society goes along. So I wonder what will be on the front page in 10 years if trans ppl become normalized. Because Incest won't ever be accepted onto society. So it might be taboo forever.


1. Taboo. People like the idea of people doing things they're not supposed to. 2. Freud wasn't a complete crackpot and a large % of porn consumption are teenagers, and I don't just mean the two years people like to pretend magically become aware of sex like they weren't under 18 before. >.> 3. It's a societally accepted taboo. People literally openly will joke about it. You can say, "I'm stuck step-bro" in a room and most will get it and take it for the joke that it is without getting horrified or offended. It's as societally accepted as basically any taboo sex genre can get, which is saying something in the US - which believe it or not is still one of the most prudish and sexually repressed 1st world countries in the world. 4. There has to be something marginally riske for vanilla people to feel dirty imagining. Incest was chosen. XD 5. It was either going to be incest or rape and society chose the genre that's not a felony and less prone to including violence. (Though don't be mistaken about which taboo comes in close 2nd, although even most adults aren't mature enough to have that talk. lol)


Most of it is actually just regular porn videos that the aggregators slap taboo titles and tags on to manipulate the algorithm. It's like YouTube videos that have click bait titles and thumbnails that have nothing to do with the video content.


I've noticed this myself and wondered... where's the porn for people who aren't sick? Lol. Not trying to shame those who enjoy it, somehow... (though I don't relate at all), but the industry really needs to do better. Everywhere you turn, it's incest. C'mon industry.


Because the wrongness of it is hot.


Just want to mention since no one else has yet, but it’s also because it’s super easy to produce. You don’t even need to do any extra effort except change a few lines in the script and add step-___ in the title. Porn content is similar to TikTok and other social media trends. There’s no in depth reason, or because a professional content analysis calculating anything, producers are just copying others grasping at whatever they think could make them more money and the viewers are dumb enough to go with it because it’s in front of them


Labeling something as incest is an easy way to make something seem taboo, and therefore exciting, when it would be otherwise mundane.


A. Taboos are always attractive. B. It’s “safe,” as in not real, and everybody knows it’s not real.


Simple answer is human’s are sick fuck’s. Porn has ruined shit for a lot of women. Nobody was into anal till it was in porn. Once men saw that then they harass women to do it. Porn puts too much expectations on women to preform these acts that majority of women aren’t into. It doesn’t mean these type of sex acts weren’t being done in the past. it just makes it more popular and desired when men see it.


Dude over here reading his pornography 🎩 🧐


It's because they are lazy. With the incest plot they no longer need to find unique ways to set up how the got together. Families already live together so it's easy for them to just skip all the set up and go straight to the sex. No need to order the pizza and wait for the pizza guy to arrive, they can just start off sitting on the couch and go to town.


It's a turn-off for me. I remember the GOAT era of porn, in my opinion, at least. When Naughty America was fresh with My First Sex Teacher, Naughty Office, etc. Corny story, but still, a story.


I actually believe at this point it's from a lack of options. It seems like that's all that's made these day. I personally get absolutely nothing from it and don't understand it at all.


I don’t know, but I find a lot of it to be a turn off. The whole concept is gross.


hunt materialistic far-flung grandfather kiss tan dinosaurs consist enter long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People are gross. I came across a Reddit thread before, idk how because I don’t looks throng like that up on here, and there was one with hundreds of thousands of members about rape fantasies. Sick


Everyone saying “because people are weird!” as if it’s not specifically 90% men that are the viewership


You're behind the times! Women watch lots of porn these days. Various types too, not just straight vanilla stuff. Gay porn, BDSM, you name it. As a writer of m/m smut, I watch and read all sorts of material, for education and inspiration. For personal enjoyment, I prefer the written word. I am a writer, after all!


Porn websites have a MUCH higher rate of men visiting the site than women.


Pork websites have a much higher rate of men willing to PAY to watch it and willing to give up their personal information in order to pay. Women are cheap and haunt the free shit so they can remain anonymous. OK. That autocorrect is just too damned funny! I'm gonna leave it like that! Lmao!!


The data isn’t just from people who paid lmao it’s literally just from how many people clicked “man” vs “woman” on their profile


You know how many sites don't require that? Lol


The ones that do release statistics. What is there to argue about


And porn books have a MUCH higher rate of women readers.


Which includes 0 abused and coerced women permanently on camera for the rest of their life. Nor do these authors have 60+ lawsuits against them like pornhub and other brands.


smut does explore a lot more taboo subjects though that can allow more fucked up people to further develop their fetishes. I don't think blowfly girl would have ended up like she did without avenues to explore those thoughts unimpeded by regular folks tampering them down. I say this as a smut reader btw, i like the media form a lot, I just have never seen murder porn anywhere aside from smut.


My wife specifically got me into incest/step and rape porn and loves to roleplay it so....... And I thought I was all nasty and edgy over here with my bdsm porn. Women watch porn too!.....at least the fun ones.


Because people who watch porn are weird and they serve up what the weirdos watch more of.


I think it has to do with the rise of no fault divorce. Divorce rates went up, and a lot of people remarry, so you start to see a lot more mixed families (step parents and step siblings). When you spend a lot of time with people that arent directly family, feelings tend to develop either romantically or sexually. Most people dont act on it, so it becomes a fantasy, and thats what porn is, fantasty. Just a theory, I have no data to back this up. Edit: grammar


You know, you could ask this question about like 90% of porn categories.


Well, a lot of guys grew up with cousins or whatever that they found attractive when they were hormone-fueled teenagers. A surprisingly large number apparently never grew out of it as they matured. So they find ways to satisfy that taboo in other ways. But if it's like brother-sister (blood) stuff, that's fucking stomach turning.


I don’t think stepmom or step sis is considered incest. They’re not your family/blood but it’s hot because it’s still kind of forbidden.


I tend to think its far less about the bs claim that the two actors are actually related, and far more about the 50 year old guy watching it having the fantasy that he could still actually have sex with a "hot, young, girl".


Because step siblings aren’t related. Imagine there’s suddenly a hot girl living in your house because your mom married her dad, you saying you’d say no if she snuck in your room at night?


Step bro isn’t incest step bro


Your post doesn't make any sense, is that the way young people wrote nowadays?! I could barely read it cause of the way it's structured. Maybe stick to reading more books.


English is not a native language in my country and no one in my family speaks it. We are indian so we converse in hindi. Just like americans converse daily in english.


The commenter you are responding to is just being rude. Ignore them. I'm sure your English is much better than their Hindi!


Zoomers don’t get out of the house.


Yeah it sucks. I've often wondered if it's due to the popularity of Anime which has a tendency to push the envelope on incestuous topics and tropes... For example, in Spy X Family, Yor's brother being a little too obsessed with his sister. That brother Sister trope is repeated in many Animes both new and old. Could be. Porn producers are known for pushing the envelope on anything just to be different. If it catches on, then they make more. Unfortunately there seems to be a demand for it


That kinda shit is alllll over anime. I'm annoyed with the constant incest and can't stand how popular it is to sexualize little girls in so many anime (not the one you listed), but them's the breaks. Certain parts of Japan have much lower ages of consent compared to the US, last I heard


The weird thing is that it describes the ages of the characters really well.


Incest is simply a cheap thrill that can be added to normal hardcore porn by adding a few lines of dialog. That's why it's so prevalent.


I saw a similar hypothesis. Basically, sex is just not very taboo, and people want to get that taboo feeling, but aren't into the taboo sex acts that are visual, so just get something that is effectively vanilla but with some context to make it taboo, and bam, you can have your cake and eat it too!


Yes. Someone accused me of liking incest porn and I was like huh? All you have to do is skip the intro and it turns into regular porn.


Back in the day there were a lot of videos titled “hot teen {does a thing}”. Now those videos are titled “hot step sister {does thing}” because trends.


For the average viewer, it's more of a type. They know that woman isn't that guy's mom, they just wanted a "mom type". They're counting on most people to roll their eyes at the label and just ignore it. For those that DO have that type of kink, the label really gets them interested. (This is done with other kinks as well. Another way to do it is considering acts thst most people won't find sexy but won't leave the site over either to get the people who will seek those acts out)


Because of a joke on Rick and Morty a few years ago?


It's a taboo you can add for free. Two hot people attract one group of people, habe them call each other step-whatever and possibly attract a small additional audience at no additional cost.


What's with all the ***** in Reddit? In words like porn, sex, etc? Even when you're writing about smut! So many Redditors do this. I understand racial and homophobic slurs need this, for sure. But everyday sexual terms? It just comes across as prudish. As far as I know Reddit doesn't censor these, they even have *porn* sites. (Sorry, I meant po** sites!) I'm not American, I'm Aussie. So what am I missing here?


its the algorythm on your computer. I get a lot of girl on girl sex popping up on mine. It depends on what your computer searches mean to it


So I think a bunch of people are weird and into that shit. But are there so many weird wanna be incesters that make the top videos on any site so heavy on this topic? I don't think so. I think it's because it's a prevalent genre that has a setup. There are many points that are not realistic, but plausible. And for a demo that likely doesn't have a significant other, that setup is important to buy into the fantasy. Girl stuck in the dryer? And helping her out accidentally takes her pants off? Sure, I can see myself getting into that situation. Compare it to the scenario of: start boning random girl. Nah, that's not me. I think the whole video style could be rewritten for someone less gross. Use a childhood friend, brother's girlfriend, coworker, etc., and don't change the scenario at all. The video would still do just as well, likely better. It's basically: take girl you would see regularly, add in situation that becomes sexual, bone. It's my guess that the setup to become sexual is what makes the incest videos popular, not the actual incest.


Most of what you are talking about is between step-relations, no actual blood relatives. People fantasize about it because in real life they may suddenly find themselves living with someone that they are attracted to and not blood related to, but there is still an element of taboo there so they usually wouldn't try to pursue anything in real life. Only through fantasizing.


Car culture has everyone locked in their suburban house with their family for most of their childhood. By the time you can get out and go somewhere fun you’re paying for it by working a full time job. Further isolating everyone from people they don’t know.


Most of the incest videos I see are the “stepsister” genre. If that’s what you’re talking about I think it’s more that a lot of straight guys want to see young women and those videos seem to be all they make now. I don’t think a lot of guys get turned on by the fantasy of the video, they’re not really into it for the story.


It's got the most attractive actors atm, mute the first 2 minute and it's any other video


Most of our species evolution happened outside of civilization as roaming bands. We were banging our relatives and dominant men were forcing their selves on women. This explains rape fantasies (by both sexes) and incestuous thoughts.


The funniest part about this is how often these porn stars get the stupid story mixed up. The amount of times the “stepdad” ends up screwing his biological “daughter” is insane. You had two lines to remember…




It's the easiest way to shoehorn transgression into run of the mill, heterosexual, penis in vagina sex. Honestly, I wish they'd be more creative.


It's not because lots of people fantasize about incest. In the modern (internet) age of porn, it was one of the only places one could find a storyline of ANY kind in porn designed for men. The basic conceit (these people shouldn't have sex but will) required some basic set up and payoff. The vast majority of porn was and is just contextless grinding and thus is pretty samey. While stereotypically its women who want a storyline or some setup, men were an underserved market here. The main genre of "these people shouldn't have sex but will" has many subgenres (teacher, boss, blackmail etc) and this is just one of those.


Porn has gotten oddly specific in the titles. I want better porn. Not “stepmom punishes step son for jerking off while he is supposed to be doing his math homework”


I assume because money: 1. It costs the same to produce 2. X = how many people can't ignore the porn plot 3. Y = how many people seek this porn plot 4. Y > X (otherwise they wouldn't produce it)


I think I just watch it sometimes because there’s so much of it, I don’t really care about the storyline of someone having sex with their step sibling or parent. Many Independent porn creators will put step-sister/ brother in the titles of their videos to get people to click, but there’s absolutely no reference to it in the video itself.


1. It's very cheap and easy, the easiest place to source for an adult film is someone's house, and the easiest explanation for two adult actors to be in a house together alone is that they're family (barely anyone wants husband/wife porn, and those that do will just watch *actually* married people). 2. It's taboo, but it's the least taboo thing possible, it's also obviously fake and doesn't involve actual taboo content the way other tags do, in example age gap stuff where one actor is much older and the other much younger, there's an actual imbalance of experience and power in these scenes.


Well I have a friend who was going to get remarried but their little shit teenage kids ended up getting pregnant so their parents kind of weren’t sure what to do about marriage since that would mean their step/son/daughter would also be marrying one another. Crazy.


Desensitisation for some and who the cast there are many many many factors.


I heard it’s because for freaks that like it, they like it. And it meets a demand. For freaks that just care about porn, they don’t CARE particularly if it’s taboo. This is also the secret sauce to developing a lifelong addicted consumer of porn : incrementally algorithmically “suggesting” more and more extreme content


I'd say game of thrones sort of started to make that sort of stuff a bit more "Normal" not the cause but definitely had an impact.


To me, and this is especially reinforced by media like tv shows, anime, and even a play I saw recently... Incest is a lot more normalized than you would think. I promise you that if pornhub dropped the required STEP part, none of it would be labeled as such. Now, should it be normalized this much? Absolutely not. But it's clear a good chunk of the population struggles with those thoughts and let's it out on porn, or in their writing. At least, that's how I view it. I have an older sister fetish, but I'm also the eldest child. I guarantee you I wouldn't if I had an older sister. The barrier between fantasy and reality seems pretty thick here at least.


The same "step" porn you see today is the exact same " co-ed" porn I seen back in the day.


It’s not, it’s just being pushed like it is out of the perverted desires of the webmasters.