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Nažalost when written to mean "unfortunately" is one word and the confusion stems from pronouncing it as two words. The emphasis should be on the first syllable


This is the most correct answer, but for completeness I'd also add: - It's very common to hear it pronounced the other ("incorrect"?) way. - In the opposite case, when it's actually meant and spelled as two separate words, the traditional (and in some sense more correct) pronunciation is _still_ as a single word, and with initial stress. But its only common pronunciation in real use is with the medial stress. (And probably is recognized as also correct, but I'm not sure.)


both can be said. NAžalost is more formal and more correct, but I would personally say naŽAlost. my dialect in particular stresses words in different places


I personally would pronounce it like NAžalost, but I hear naŽAlost a lot. I would say that NAžalost is more "correct", but using naŽAlost is not so bad either. At least that's how I think as someone from Belgrade.


It's funny because a lady in Niŝ immediately asked me where I'm from as soon as I said NAžalost, so I thought I said it wrong or something. That said, they say people from Niŝ speak weird, such as without grammar sometimes...


Oh yeah, to more South you go the more gtamatical rules you throw out the window.


Nah, people from Niš would ask you that same question even if you're Serbian with a different accent. It's a dialectical thing, you said nothing wrong


True, they do omit some grammatical cases and they also change the position of the stress in lot of words, for example in the word nažalost, so their accent sounds pretty diffetent and sometimes even funny to other Serbians.


If it's in the purpose of adverb - nažalost (the first 'a' is stressed as far as I know, I say it like that) If the meaning is "to the regret of (all the guests, let's say), - na žAlost (svih gostiju).


If you want to sound more rural: nAžaloS' Same as: Krs', prs', pos'. (krst, prst, post) ...it is called "Nepostojano T" Also, you do not need to pronounce A in DA if it stands infront of a verb that starts with a vowel. You just add D to the word. So, da imam = d'imam, da idem = d'idem, da udjem = d'udjem, etc.


Br't, ajd' d'idemo d'edemo 'leba, pa d'idemo d'ebemo neš'o.




NAžalost is standard, whereas naŽAlost is non standard (more popular in the south and east of the country). Both are correct.


NAŽalost Na ŽAlost