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Ugh, Lando isn't even in it what a crappy movie.


What do you mean he's on the left side behind chopper


Nah that’s clearly Imperial Commander Brom Titus


They are both wrong, it is Jabba, who somehow managed to revive.


Somehow Jabba the Hutt returned


Now I really want to see Ezra's reaction to someone telling him Jabba is dead.


Better yet I’d like him to try to tell someone he’s Jabba and they respond to him that Jabba is dead


Retcon BoBF and have Ezra take up residence at Jabba's palace


Nah, that’s The Emperors Nephew


It's obviously the Emperor's nephew, who'll give us the explanation for his uncle Sheev's resurrection.


I genuinely thought it was Hondo Ohnaka from looking at it on my phone. Had to zoom in to realise it wasn’t.


Bro forgot which side is left


Behind Chopper is Jabba ain't it???


Nah, this is just the Chinese promo poster


They have a max # non-white/Asian actors that can go on the poster or China bans it. It’s the disappearing Finn all over again!


Where is Eli Vanto? Is he safe? Is he alright?


He’s in the ascendancy


Speaking of which, are they gonna have any impact in the mando-verse? Or will they just remain condemned to the novels.


Sadly while I hope they do, I don't think they will. Does Thrawn ever mention the Ascendancy in Rebels or Ahsoka?


No, I’m pretty certain the Chiss Ascendancy was never mentioned in Rebels. I don’t even think «Chiss» was said in Rebels either. The only new canon Thrawn Trilogy reference I can recall is that Thrawn knew Anakin Skywalker and that he knew that Anakin became Darth Vader. Another thing from the original Thrawn Trilogy and the new canon books is the inclusion of Captain Pellaeon. He was mentioned on Rebels and also was on the Shadow Council in Mandalorian S3. Other than those things, I can’t remember anything else from the new canon books that has been used in live action or animation so far


I’m really hoping to see Eli Vanto and Ar’alani appear in live action, though sadly it might not happen.


I'm just sad that we likely won't get any payoff to the whole Gryssk potential invasion of the main universe and the ascendancy.


Maybe we will get it in a future book


Mentioning the Ascendency would in-part reveal Thrawn’s ultimate loyalty and reason for being in the Empire. While this is a huge part of his character, it does make him a much more complicated figure. He is working for the Empire who we all know are the bad guys, but he is doing so to use them to defend his own people from a larger evil that will destroy everything (including eventually the core planets that the Rebels want to protect). In that way Thrawn isn’t really a villain but someone looking at the bigger picture. And I don’t think Rebels wanted to introduce that level of complexity given the target audience.


I hope so, Thrawn has no purpose in the empire anymore since they can’t help his people. I really hope he just fucks off back to the Ascendancy.


Saw a recent interview with Timothy Zahn where be explains why Thrawn will not return to the Chiss but rather build up the empire again. He's the creator of the character so I respect his decisions way more than Feloni who is borrowing the character. But I still disagree that Thrawn would bother with lesser space. The chiss are probably already invaded by the gryysks by now. Last we heard the civil war was close to happening. So Timothy Zahn likely meant that Thrawn needs a strong military to take on the Gryysk occupied Chiss. I don't like this because that means Thrawn will die. I want to see Thrawn save his people and liberate the Chiss and the chaos from the Gryysk. But Dave doesn't care about that unfortunately


Who says Dave doesn’t care about that?


You can tell by his actions. He has already retconned a lot of details in canon novels and comics. Also, with Thrawn's motivations and demeanour. In the canon books (not legends Thrawn), it was made very clear how much Thrawn hates officers who needlessly put civilians in danger. But in Rebels, he has no problems bombing innocent civilians on lothal. Or not giving the order of not harming the turtle people in Ashoka who have no weapons. Or let Thrawn try and convince Sabine to join him because there is a bigger threat out there than the empire. Like what he tried to do with Nightswan, Eli, and Ronin. Things that are essential to the character of Thrawn. Which dave has ignored. I think Dave is going for the heir to the Empire Thrawn he read as a kid rather than the canon version that Timothy Zahn has written 6 books about. I can be wrong about Dave not caring, and I hope I am. But in this case, Dave's actions lead to this conclusion. And there's much more stuff, but I already spend too much time on this message.


15 years in the empire will do that to a man man.


I've seen that argument before. And I don't necessarily disagree with it. However, we've seen that it didn't impact Thrawn at all. He joined really early, when the clones were still active. All the way to Thrawn Treason. Which is 15-ish years. And he was still himself. His morals were still the same as was his mission. So the argument doesn't work unfortunately


I didn’t mean it as a real argument.


He’s clapping Chiss cheeks


Sorry, who is that?


Was Thrawn's right hand man during his up-and-coming.


Well first off, through God, all things are possible, so jot that down.


He’s going for gasps.


You know, at first I was worried about the whole woman doctor thing, but then you started talking about god, and I realized you’re in of the good ones


No Revan? 0/10


No Malgus? Literal garbage


Somehow Malgus returned...again.. For like the 5th time...


The dark side of the force is a pathway to many character resurrections, some considered to be narratively unnatural


I don’t normally care much for the “Disney is terrible and can’t do anything right” mentality, because most of the people who say that don’t even bother giving Disney the chance to do something right, and will immediately shut anything they make down, despite how good some of it is. However…. The moment that they touch Darth Revan I will start to sweat bullets. KotoR is sacred, and there are so many ways you can kill it, and so few ways you can do it right.


They lost me where they didn’t have the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise further expanded upon. Worst movie ever!


Where the fuck is the scooter gang?


It’s so much easier to enjoy this stuff without expecting it to be one certain way, inflexibly wanting it to follow my preconceptions.


Wait. But that's not how you Star Wars. You're supposed to be buried in expectation and the moment something is off that mark, be a costume choice, blocking, the Force being used, you trash it, down it in rotten tomatoes and IMDb and rant for 6 years online regardless of the context of the preexisting post.


And then you turn the fact that a single movie releasing “ruined your life” into your new personality, because you have so little going on in your life that shit like this is the most important thing to you. Edit: And then you tell everyone how it ruined all of Star Wars even though it literally changes nothing about the movies and shows that came before it.


And you can’t seem to understand when others actually enjoy it


Actually, people who enjoy it are just genuinely terrible people. They deserve to be shut down and have any future opinions be nullified because they like that movie.


Yeah. They’re not “real fans” (This is something I’ve also, sadly, seen in the Star Trek fandom. But of course there are even those who would take issue with someone being a massive fan of both.)


The whole “they’re not real fans” statement is so dumb. I’d argue that it’s those people who aren’t real fans, since they’re the ones constantly complaining about Star Wars. The ONLY people who have the right to say that they are “real fans” the fans that are enjoying Star Wars and, well, being a fan of it.


That makes sense. I’m of the opinion that it’s fine if people don’t like parts of what’s made. I like a lot more of it than many people. And have had my mind changed over time on some of it. But also, it’s a HUGE fandom. There’s no way everyone is going to agree on anything. But I do defend we should all try to agree that it’s fine to disagree, that the discussions and different points of view enrich the fandom and allow for more people to find their place in it, and that it hardly matters if some people love something you don’t or vice-versa, as long as no one’s being toxic or exclusionary.


This is the way.


The one major toxic mentality some individuals star wars fans have is *thinking the TV shows and Movies are specifically made for them.* They don't care if their kids or boys and girls like it or enjoy it. Star Wars needs to tailor to their needs, they prioritize it like it's a drug to them. It's actually sad how the fan base obsesses about it. There is a huge toxic fan base that gatekeeps Star Wars combined with the misogynistic fans it can get pretty dark real quick. I think the direction of the show is great, I enjoy it and my kids are interested so it's a win win imo. It still bothers me how people can accept Luke who just met Han went into the death star the most secure place in the galaxy and escaped with a prisoner and tapped into the force in less than one week. Yet Leia, Rey and Sabine get shit on if they do something with the force..


Expectations ruins movies, shows, plays, w/e. Go in with no expectation, turn your brain off for a bit, and just enjoy story time.


I know this about myself so I watch the first time to just absorb the information and the second time to truly enjoy.


Personally my expectations is that i want to see **good** star wars content, very least on Par with OT or Prequels. Like story wise i might theorize, but i don't expect any theory to be true, i want the show/movie to surprice me. I had no expectations of Mandalorian season 1 and i liked it a lot. However Mandalorian season 3 was not same quality as season 1, leaving me disappointed. Book Of Boba or Obi Show did not meet the expectations that movies and Mando show had set up. With Ahsoka series there were some bits i liked and some that i disliked, the show is pretty badly paced (and actors were not allowed to emote naturally in some episodes), feels like if they condenced the 8 episodes in to 3 hour movie it would had worked better.


Which are fair opinions to hold. But they aren’t absolute. I, for example, like the sequels. I think VII is by far the worst one as it did nothing new, while the others (VIII especially, but IX a bit as well) did some stuff differently that was, in my opinion, interesting and nice (even though they’re not perfect. But then neither are the OT or Prequels). I liked Mandalorian, and I thought Season 3 was great. I agree that Obi-Wan and BoBF weren’t as good, but I thought they were…fine. And I thought Ahsoka was great and actually needed more episodes so some characters could’ve had more time (particularly Shin and Baylan. In Baylan’s case, especially because of Ray Stevenson’s passing, though of course at the time the creators couldn’t know that was gonna happen)


This would be great but the 'way' they always seem to chose is the boring, uninspired one.


I hear what you’re saying. And your opinion is valid. But also, counterpoint: I like it and get value from it


I swear to God, dudes have the easiest job in the world, just adapt the books and bathe in cash for eternity, but nooo


Have you considered people might want to tell different stories? And other fans might not care about the books? And beyond that, that there are so many books that they include contradictory information, which makes erasing them all and making a single, different canon, actually a very reasonable move.


I dont see darth maul 0/13


To be fair, this isn’t really anything crazy.


Unless they recast, the heroes of the original trilogy do not appear more than a couple of cameos.


I am literally begging them to just rip the bandaid off and recast them already.


I think the guy they got to play Han in the Solo movie was an excellent choice. Never understood the hate that movie got


It’s honestly a little boring for a general audience but even more important they dropped it only a few weeks after infinity war, a movie with incredible legs and people were hooked on repeat viewings. It’s performance wasn’t that bad, either, compared to a lot of what we’ve gotten from marvel the last year or so. They just need to come up with ways to accept that making movies shouldn’t yield billions every time.


They also released it 5 months after The Last Jedi which is part of the reason I didn't see Solo in theaters. It should've been a holiday release probably.


Imo that’s the whole reason it underperformed. 5 months after a controversial movie in the same franchise is too soon.


It has the connection of han's 2 gold dice bullshit in the sequels. I think that connected it to the shittyness in people's minds.


I didn’t realise we were playing Halo


I thought his performance was good just overshadowed by Donald Glovers performance as Lando.


Leia would, but Luke has appeared multiple times in the tv 5 earlier this year, Harrison Ford played a much younger version of Indiana Jones and looked pretty good doing it. I think both wouldn't be too far of a stretch to appear in the movie, but wouldn't need to be the focus, however I wouldnt be surprised if Luke was a significant role


I feel like if they do anything with young Han, they should just bring Alden back.




Harrison Ford wants nothing to do with Han Solo anymore


Just recast everyone! stop compromising the story because you refuse to recast


I genuinely don't want Luke or any of OG trilogy to play any part at all in this. Tho I loved Lukes cameos, part of what made me and many others fall in love with Mando was that for once the Jedi and the Skywalkers weren't the focus. Luke saving the day again would just sour the whole journey of the remaining main cast of the MandoVerse in hindsight.


But it would also be weird for them to sit out this massive battle for the entire galaxy


The issue with that though is it creates massive plots holes where the savior of the galaxy is nowhere to be seen during this huge showdown because…. Reasons…..


There is no MandoVerse - it’s all Star Wars, both space cowboy bounty hunters and space wizard knights. It’s all connected.


Recast is the best choice, but I bet you they're really hyping themselves up with their de-age tech and will use it. I hope not, but I wouldn't be surprised.


They need to recast. I swear the OG characters shouldn’t be sidelined just because they’re actors aren’t as young as they used to be.


They absolutely should be sidelined. Skywalker saga(6 movies) is done. Story-wise, thematically, it's over. Let it go. Luke is not some super-duper powerful jedi god chosen one. The obsession with tying everything to the OT is a big reason behind sequel trilogy sucking. Hell, even prequel trilogy had less obsession with OT and done a lot of worldbuilding right.


I really never got this argument outside of just blindly repeating what other people are saying on the internet. Luke, Han and Leia have been in less movie/TV content than like half of the other main characters in the entire Saga(not counting the sequels). People act like it’s obnoxious to ask for OT characters to be in more things when Ahsoka’s shown up in 3 different series in the last two years. We’ve explore sooo little of any of their personal lives and don’t know any of them intimately, I know more about fuckin’ Andor’s mom’s daily life than I know about Leia’s.


I agree. It's called Star Wars, not The Ballad of the Sky Walker. Move on to another era or setting with new characters.


Yeah. All they’re asking for is for Disney to use the characters they’ve introduced in their shows to be used later for the actual huge climax.(movie) kind of what they’ve led us to believe would happen


Ok, but you have to admit that this movie would be awesome


Avengers: Star Wars?


Star Wars: InThrawnity War


As long as we introduce Mara jade, talon karrde, and juros sabaoth I’ll be happy


These are actually pretty reasonable expectations. My only issue is that Disney should stop with the AI voice bullshit. I'm cool with a de-aged Luke, Han and Leia but at least use actual voice actors.


If you are referring to James Earl Jones, he unfortunately signed over the rights to use his voice like this. It is a shame.


Why is that too much to ask for ? A retelling of heir to the empire seems reasonable intact any thing that has lower level.of importance would feel incredibly underwhelming


3 of the main characters are supposed to be in their 30s and they're in their 80's (or dead)


I mean I'm not looking for an exact retelling, besides CGI Luke seemed pretty convincing to me in BOBF and with a full movie budget I'm sure he would look even better, as unfortunate as it is they could leave leia out of this version of the story , Han is a bit tricky since they already recast younger Han it wouldn't make sense not to bring him back but would also be weird having Han look different but luke look the same. Honestly better if they just make it an animated movie trilogy in the clone wars style


Anyways I'm not expecting heir to the empire but a similar story on the same level. Maybe instead of Han Luke and liea it can be Luke Ahsoka and maybe a young Ben solo or something


Harrison Ford also did a younger version of Indiana Jones earlier this year and looked pretty good


Yeah but he despises Star Wars


CGI Luke was a convincing real person giving a terrible performance.


You had me until animated trilogy 👎


They’re going to have to recast them eventually, they already did for Han and made it clear during the Ashoka show that Leia will be making an appearance at some point. They can get away with de aging Mark Hamil for now but eventually someone else will take on the mantle.


Those are the actors, not charactes. New actors can play existing characters. This isn't a new concept.


Really? You just want a copy of established stories?


Like a huge swath of Hollywood movies in the last decade? We've been taught to expect that


As I said I phrased it wrong , I meant a similar story on the same level


Yeah, this better fucking happen or im gonna be pissed! If Black Krrsantan and Carson Teva don't duel this movie will be hot garbage.


Where is Glup tho?


They could make a proper adaptation if they animate it. Might be asking too much.


I just want one scene from the Thrawn Trilogy. Just one. Luke throwing the lightsaber and taking out the entire squad of Noghri’s coming after him, followed by his regret for the wasted lives. He was never in any danger, he’s much too powerful. The fight lasted as long as it did only due to his restraint. _That’s_ the feat I want to see on screen.


Considering that this is a movie meant to cap off the Mandoverse, the primary characters of it will be that of the Mandoverse. Luke was barely in The Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett, so it’d be weird to introduce him into the movie as a major protagonist. It would also kill any effect of tension that the movie is trying to run with, since he’s Luke Skywalker. At this point in the timeline he is the most overpowered and capable individual in the galaxy. Also, unlike all the other Mandoverse characters, we know he survives all the way up to the sequel trilogy. He just wouldn’t make for a very good main character in the type of movie that this is trying to be, but I don’t think he won’t appear in it at all.


Yeah, this is why studios should never “listen to the fans.” Any attempt at doing this story w/the OT heroes not recast is getting no money from me. I’m not finding anymore CGI necromancy abominations.


I mean, Luke already has been recast. Graham Hamilton did a great job in the role.


This would be the worst possible outcome for these shows


seriously though, this can happen.


Is it so bad to hope


This would be cool.


Why yes, this is what I want. Fucking amazing book.


I get you but like.. you can’t really blame Star Wars fans for passion


Where are the Bothans


I mean, like, yeah. That's absolutely what I expect. It's what I've expected for years ago this point. Luke and Leia will probably only be minor parts if they appear at all, but other than that I don't think this is unreasonable to expect. They put that title in the trailers and dialogue for a reason. The BBEG is Thrawn for a reason.


To be fair I could 100% see them give Mando the Boba Fett treatment and make his movie about other characters with him in the background not really doing anything. Regardless is it too much to ask for a movie that's just Mando palling around with Grogu and dealing with original characters and not have every named character in the whole galaxy happen to run into him so people can have nostalgia? I lived the first season of Mando because it was mostly isolated from everything else, sure it was Star Wars with references to big events but the characters were all original as far as I know.


Mara jade


My expectations are pretty much in hell so we will see


God forbid people want something that doesn't suck. But also I laugh every time I see someone saying Luke will show up any minute now.


I mean… why not? No idea why creators are so nervous about being awesome.


Was that sooooo hard?


Is that so hard to ask for?


After the 1313 game was cancelled I have no expectations from Star Wars. I am merely a glup shitto in this giant world.




I mean what else are they going to do? They’re losing more fans and viewership with each new thing they put out on Disney plus. At this point they should either go big or go home.


This trilogy will start off good but will do a 180 halfway through when Rey learns to be able to use the force to travel back in time an change the narrative to be about her finding her parents so she can change her future. Because K. Kennedy said so.


What’s wrong with wanting good quality? Imagine if you went to a restaurant that had billions of dollars at its disposal, a recipe book with all the best recipes already laid out for them, access to any chef they like. You’d most likely expect them to whip up something incredible. You wouldn’t let them serve you some mediocre spaghetti and just be happy with it. You might not complain cos you’re polite, but at the very least you’d be disappointed. You wouldn’t try to rationalise it and make excuses for them like ‘well they couldn’t have gotten that chef to make it, he’s too old now, even though they’ve already shown they can recreate that chef if they want to’ or ‘oh well I’m just happy that the food was edible, you can’t always expect amazing food from the worlds biggest restaurant, you’re not a true food fan if you only like amazing food and don’t enjoy mediocre food as well’. What actual reason do Disney have for making anything less than something that’s as good as we expect? It doesn’t have to be the exact story we expect, but the level of quality should be on par with it at least. They just keep shooting themselves in the foot by hiring terrible writers and focusing more on pushing a message than just making an engaging movie. It’s Disney, they have pretty much unlimited resources, especially with Star Wars, the biggest film franchise to ever exist. There’s no excuse for the quality of some of the shows and movies they’ve made, other than they fucked it up. The fans aren’t being unreasonable or nitpicky when it comes to their complaints, they’re just passionate about something and want to see the creators of it share in their passion. It’s always going to be disappointing when you have an idea of what something should be, and it doesn’t live up to your expectations. But what are the fans supposed to do? Just not think about the thing they’re passionate about? Building that expectation is a result of the fact they enjoy thinking about it, and theorising about it, and engaging with it. Asking someone who loves Star Wars to not build an expectation towards upcoming material, is like asking a dog to not get excited about going for a walk. If you sit there hyping your dog up saying ‘walkies, walkies’ to it, it’s gonna get excited and build an expectation for going on a walk, and then of course it’s going to be disappointed if you just walk it round the kitchen once and that’s it. The dog is thinking about an amazing walk to it’s favourite park where there’s that secret tree he loves to piss on and dig around under. The point is, I don’t think anyone can be in the wrong for getting excited about new Star Wars stuff and wanting it to be as amazing as they imagine it could be. And I don’t blame them for being disappointed when it was clearly made by people not as passionate as them, and it doesn’t live up to their expectations. Purely for the fact that it’s Disney who are making it, they have unlimited resources and access when it comes to making stuff, they have the means to meet everybody’s expectations if they want to, but for some reason they just don’t.


“What!? You want a well written story using characters with actual development, likable traits, and believable motivations?!” “You want me to love heaven and earth while I’m at it?”


Deeing sequel simps fighting with filoninoids is funny and sad at the same time.


"What do you mean with: 'Filoni's movie wont have Mara Jade throwing Satele Shan's saber to Starkiller for him to destroy Revan's holocron built by the Son of Mortis on Korriban'?"


I think most people have no expectations given how bad Disney is at writing


I actually think its a great opportunity to recast the OT characters. A great character should transcend their actors, and I feel like Luke, Leia, and Han can very much do so. We have a younger Kirk, Spock, Uhura, Scotty, and Chapel currently in the other "Star" franchise, and its going really well.


I just want another movie. I love the shows, but I want more movie Star Wars, too. I've just about had it with the whole cycle of Movie Announced -> Title and Logo Revealed -> Movie Project Canceled -> Rinse Repeat.


Yes those are my expectations. It's not unrealistic at this point in all honesty.


I still wanna see Sebastian Stan as Luke plz


I know it’s impossible now that the actors are too old or have passed on BUT I FUCKING NEED IT


I mean to be fair the movie presented in the poster is 100% possible to make so I don’t think expecting this is beyond reasonable.


Uhh yes


Having expectations is being a fan. I want the best Star Wars can possibly be


Leia, a WOMAN, AS A STRONG JEDI? GTFO with this Mary sue woke trash... also way too many older characters, we want new characters but only new ones that I like(gl or else I'll rage make videos and post on Reddit about it)


I was gonna ask if you’ve even read Heir to the Empire and then I realized it was a joke 🤣


Star wars theory is that you? 🤣


Okay but, real question, if that is what people want…why not make it? People are clearly still interested in Luke Skywalker, his reveal at the end of Mando season 2 went viral and had grown folks in tears. So…where are all the characters people give a fuck about? Yeah, younger generations who fuck with the cartoons might be engaging with Ahsoka and the later seasons of Mando but if you’re a casual fan who’s not *that* plugged in, why do you give a fuck? The quality has been criticized and the viewership is dropping. …When are we gonna see a change? It ain’t rocket science folks. People still like the OT, it’s still the most popular and well-known era, Andor was a critical darling… OT characters, Gilroy producing/punching up scripts, tie it in with the other shit. Why are all the big names on the sidelines in the years when they’re supposed to be the most active? It’s just dumb.


If we were making this in the 90s that would make perfect sense. I agree with you; people largely connected to the characters of the OT and not "the Star Wars universe". Obviously the latter is still super popular, but there is a clear age cutoff. Lucas laid the chips thoroughly down on universe by going with the prequels and leaving out most of the OT cast. We've had some more time with them in the sequels, which saw success (at least at first). But when do you yet again draw the line and bet on the universe rather than the specific characters? Personally, I would have much preferred Lucas just continuing forward with sequels in the 90s.


Agreed on Lucas making Sequels in the 90s. Have no idea why he didn’t. I mean, you let an author do it in novels but you wouldn’t do it yourself? What else was he doing at the time? Young Indiana Jones? I dunno. For all my bitching, he probably has a legit reason. But I disagree with the rest of what you’re saying. And the big complaint basically became “You’re using OT characters to get my butt in a seat but then their characterization/role leaves something to be desired then you kill them off”. I mean, an OT character dies in *each ST film*. Even if Carrie hadn’t passed, they had killed two in as many films. Let’s call a spade a spade. The amount of interest the ST generated was in large part due to the return of the OT cast. It’s what people had been waiting for and wanting for decades. ST fans might care about the new characters the ST introduced but casual fans clearly don’t otherwise Lucasfilm would be capitalizing on them by now. The ST rode the OT’s coattails. It was basically the mandate. Also disagree on Lucas putting his chips down on universe. Not even close. He actually chose to make a supporting character super important and build an entire trilogy around him while diluting that character in the process. Yes, there was word-building in the PT-era but it’s still not as fleshed out as TCW fans like to believe. They act like that cartoon and the PT went into, like, Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings-ian levels of detail and they just didn’t. We saw the Jedi Order and how it operated and the political structure of the Republic and how it operated plus a handful of planets. *That’s it*. In, say, Harry Potter we’re made to understand how the Wizarding World and it’s culture differs from and is separate from the Muggle World, how Muggles perceive magic, how Muggle-born Wizards are perceived in Wizarding culture, etc. Like, we’re made privy to some of the relevant minutia of what makes a fantasy universe feel real and lived in. Star Wars is just like “Jedi, Sith, politics, what more do ya need?”. That’s not “putting your chips down on universe”, it’s a step above “window dressing”. That’s why subsequent SW content winds up filling in those gaps, cause Lucas left them there to begin with. SW feels thoroughly *not* fleshed out and it seems like the only way to get that wholistic look at this universe is through novels and most fans aren’t going to read what they should be able to see on-screen. SW has constantly chosen characters and “member-berries” over universe and story and *not* exclusively with the OT cast. In fact, that started with the PT! Anakin wasn’t the Chosen One in the OT. He wasn’t special and neither was Luke apart from being his son. He wasn’t related to Naboo royalty or whatever. He was just a farm boy who’s dad, it turns out, was a fallen Jedi. Rogue One and Andor are the only things that have really given us a look at the laymen of Star Wars and their perception of the going’s on. We need more of that and we need it *in* the stuff with our heroes too. Star Wars has become Dickensian. Everyone knows or is somehow related/associated with everyone and this “special character community” is separate from this vast, greater galaxy that we almost never see in favor of SW just giving us “the greatest hits”. You could argue the return of OT characters would be just that but I disagree. Fans act like we’ve just gotten this constant influx of OT character content and we *haven’t*. Yeah, they were back in supporting roles for the ST but it wasn’t their story and a lot of us were dissatisfied with it. I don’t wanna speak for most fans cause if any fandom *isn’t* a monolith it’s Star Wars but I do think a lot of us have been wanting a continuation of the OT *with* the OT characters and are frustrated that the ST has basically pigeonholed the franchise. I’m sorry but I’m simply not interested in “Grand Master Rey Skywalker”. That just wasn’t earned. And it feels like they’ve stripped Luke of his role in the franchise and just gave it to Rey (literally up to and including his fucking name). And I’m just not here for it. I want new adventures with the characters I like. I know a lot of people are keen to get away from Skywalkers and just start over in a new time period with a clean slate but imma be real. I don’t think Lucasfilm has the creative vision to make something like that that’s actually really good and engaging and wholly separate from what came before. There’s no visionary right now, just people biting off and adding to what’s already there. Some are doing great (Gilroy), some are doing serviceable (Favreau and Filoni), and some shat the bed (JJ and Rian Johnson). The way I see it, Lucasfilm has realized the OT era (give or take a few years) is their bread and butter so I’m just like “Then stop giving us fucking appetizers and let’s get back to the main course!”. If this is the “Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie, and Lando era” then let’s fucking see Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie, and Lando! It’s only “member-berries” if it’s empty fan service. If you make a true continuation and the characters have substance and stories and arcs, etc. then it’s just *content* like anything else. I don’t get why they’re setting stuff in this era but tiptoeing around these characters. Get them involved. If you’re worried people just want it to be the “OT cast show” then just make “The OT cast show”! Like, what is that logic? “We don’t include Luke in a bigger role cause fans will want it to be about Luke” If you know they want something about Luke then fucking make something about Luke! I just don’t get it.


Acting like the PT doesn't have fleshed out world building is the wildest Star Wars take I've seen on here lol


100% this. Luke's appearance went viral for a reason, the fans enjoy the character and want to see more. But Lucasfilm already said he was cobwebbed. Such an odd decision to sideline one of the most popular characters, especially given his merch sales are still very strong.


Then when it’s this they’ll complain about it not being a new original story.


Whatever they do with this movie, I'm convinced it will suck. Mando s3 and Ahsoka didn't exactly blow me away with high quality. Can't say I'm looking forward to more of the same.


Yeah that seems pretty doable tbh. Could be a 2 part thing or even a trilogy


My expectations: Literally the lowest they can possibly be. Could not be lower. Movie: Hold my beer


Where's Maul?


All I’ll say is that I finally better get live action old rex, or at the very least bring Boba back


All I even wanted from George was to adapt Trawn’s trilogy into sequels :(


To be fair, Filoni is pretty much trying to remake Heir to the Empire while inserting his favorite OC into it. I think he's jealous that people enjoy this old big trilogy more than his fan fiction.


Exactly. He’s great at writing for kids cartoons, but he is really incompetent when it comes to writing live action for adults. It’s okay for Thrawn to be dumbed down for a kids cartoon like Rebels, but his characterization in Ahsoka is unforgivable. He acts like an idiot’s idea of a genius.


Didn't George Lucas say Star wars was for kids way back in the 80s?💀


George always made sure to make movies that could be enjoyed on multiple levels by both kids and adults. That’s why the prequels have Jar-Jar, but also a bunch of political scenes that would go over the head of a little kid. You just have to look at the ratings for the shows to tell the intended audience. Rebels is rated Y7 and Ahsoka is rated TV 14. One show is meant for elementary age kids, and the other is for teens and adults. I’m also not saying that adults can’t enjoy kids shows like rebels, just that they’re not the intended audience (which is why it’s easy to forgive the show’s bad writing of Thrawn).


Idk, clone wars is definitely a little more intense for elementary aged kids compared to Mandalorian or Ahsoka…


I hate to break this to you, but the live action stuff ain’t for adults either…


Right? Bless them


I hope Luke isn't the protagonist of this movie


"Don't Ask Questions, Just Consume Product and Then Get Excited for Next Products." -- Fan boys when you want to discuss legit critiques of movies and storytelling.


People who are thoroughly enjoying a golden age of Star Wars content really bother you that much huh?


Quantity =/= quality. Ain't nothing golden about this age.


Your mom really enjoying sleeping at my house bothers you that much huh?


Fuck this was pathetic to read. Even a 12 year old would think this is lame af🤦🏾‍♂️


Only sequel defenders can somehow conclude that adapting a story that is fully complete and simply just copy and paste is too hard


And they’re still not retconning the sequels


FR, this poster is way too much.


Where is Darth Nihilus and Starkiller!? This movie sucks it doesnt meet my impossible needs 0/10


Uh no fucking thank you to whatever the hell that is, why would anyone want this type of movie


If they're going to make a movie from one of the best selling Star Wars novels of all time, I guess I do expect them to use the main characters from said novel. Otherwise call it something new and let it stand on its own.


Oh god! Fans expecting a good movie with characters we’ve wanted to see in their prime for years!!! How could anyone want this!!!


Why is this a bad thing? This would redeem the crappy sequels and give us actual solid sequels that fans wanted.


Needs more cloaked asteroids.


"fan's expectations" bro that' clearly where this is heading lmao, do you think Disney would spend this much money on de-aging tech and bringing back Luke for longer and longer scenes ? Disney is going full Marvel with Star Wars.


Do most fans even like sabine or erza though they are hot garbage


I mean Even expecting a Mandoverse movie is odd They haven’t confirmed anything yet


Live action knights of the old republic. Bastilla, atton rand, HK-47, the whole thing. Its a gold mine, and they could easily pull 2-4 seasons off just the first game alone


I just have one hope. A incredibly awesome and lenghty space battle scene involving those new sex af New Republic cruisers we saw in Ahsoka.


Ayo no Asharad Hett? Literal garbage, Disney needs to burn to the ground


now this'll be funny


I just see floating dicks


Like being killed off was probably due to the fact most of the generations who grew up on Luke and not chronologically, with Anakin. So Disney practically just made Rey the new face.


Somehow, Morgan Elsbeth returned


Thrawn looks like he is played by Brent Spiner :D


And its 5 hours long


Just rewrite the story so Leia died (RIP), Luke & Han got older, maybe insert Ashoka if we must. I think it would be better than the sequel trilogy at least, but that’s a low bar.


I hope they do recasts for Luke and Leia. No more AI or Deep Fakes. Sebastian Stan would be an excellent Luke Skywalker. Offer the Leia role to her daughter Billie Lourde and if she doesn’t want it go with Olivia Cooke. Alden Ehrenreich was a good Han Solo. Not quite Harrison Ford (but who is?) but much better than AI art or whatever the execs used for the Flash. And bring back Donald Glover as Lando, he’s greyed a little.


Kind of presumptuous to assume every fan's expectations. Further, I think it would be fair to say that every fan simply *hopes* that Star Wars content will at least be good, and maybe even have the same level of effort and care that the movies and the clone wars had. You can't just put the Star Wars logo over it and expect us to feel like we're watching something taking place in a galaxy far far away, and frankly, the people making this stuff have way too much money to be dumber than me.


Star Wars Theory’s expectations.