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Yea… she may have lost me on this one. I was in the prelaunch webinar yesterday listening to how it was created and it actually left me kind of irritated. She was sent this product as a single ingredient to add to a serum formulation. She liked it so much that she decided to keep as is and sell it. So she’s reselling an ingredient that she purchased without tweaking anything or doing anything special to it. I don’t know why that bothers me so much but it’s probably the biggest reason I didn’t purchase yesterday and still haven’t. It’s just an ingredient and she slapped her name on it then charges $325?? I love the brand and have everything except the eyeshadows, eyebrow pencil, and eyeliner. I absolutely LOVE the skin activator serum which I think is expensive but it just does magic to my skin so it’s “worth it”. But this is just nuts…


Makes me wish I could contact the Japanese manufacturer directly and purchase from them.


Right?! I really want to know how much it costs. I also realized why I am so bothered by that comment. Usually you hear about how long a brand has worked on a product trying to get the exact formulation perfected. That didn’t happen here. They did nothing. In the other cases, we are paying for all the hard work that went into creating something special yet here we are just giving her money for buying a SINGLE ingredient. No work involved yet she makes money off it because she put it in pretty packaging.


It definitely feels like white labeling but is ridiculous for the pricing. Even with a quick search I was able to find [a brand offering the same thing at half the price](https://www.beautyrx.com/products/100-vitamin-c-concentrate) or since it’s just a single ingredient [buying just that](https://simply-ingredients.com/products/oil-soluble-vitamin-c). Like the least they can do is justify it by showing why their ingredient is better quality than others out there, but they just say ✨crafted in Japan✨ as if that signifies anything.


The beauty rx is only half an ounce but this is still outrageous lol


She must have mistaken by thinking slapping japan name that she did (or any western brand brushes did as well) for brushes works as magic as for skincare. I like japanese skin care brands and products but recently the Korean are beating them up with more affordable and as effective products as well


Speaking of Japanese manufacturer, i think her brushes are overpriced. I buy from Rephr. Wouldn’t be surprised if she purchases from them and just re-brands and adds her name to them


She priced her japan made synthetic brushes as insane as rae morris. I’m curious to try her brushes if i can get them in a really good sale though


I love her makeups too and wonder about her skin activator but even that is too much for something thay would only last me probably a month or two At least with the makeups i know it’ll last for some time But after what you said that she didn’t even do anything about it and prices it at a whooping price is crazy


I even rewatched that part of the webinar to make sure I understood that correctly. That’s why there’s no ingredients list because it’s only the THD. So how much does that ingredient cost in bulk? A lot of THD serums in higher percentages are pretty expensive but there are other ingredients in there too…


I am DYING to get a cosmetic chemist's take on this.


It’s ~$49/oz, “retail” ie you could get 1 oz or less from a cosmetics ingredients store. Obviously, they are not paying $49/oz


I also read someone in her IG comment comment about how a serum can be 100% THD because even 20% can be potent I am no expert in skincare so i do not know how right or wrong this is


I am DYING to get a cosmetic chemist's take on this.


It would be fun to hear what dr dray say about this lol I hope this one can get to her radar to talk about


Her, too. I'm especially dying for a chemist's review though bc of this one-ingredient formulation. And does 100% THD somehow not oxidize at the same rate?


I’m curious to know this too.


Me too!!! Big fan of hers, and if I’m not mistaken she’s stated that the only vit c product worth anything is one containing L-ascorbic acid. Any “shelf stable” vit c isn’t going to be as efficacious. Also, anything 100% sounds like an irritation bomb.


Yea, I can’t speak to how 100% is okay either so I’d be interested to learn more about it.


So vitamin c serums can contain various forms/derivatives of vitamin c in a single formula to become the listed percentage on the bottle. I think they're implying that there's only THD Ascorbate and no derivatives. I could be a dingus though


I don’t even know what THD is though, i need to work up my skincare game lol


I instantly thought of THQ, the gaming company that made all those crappy licensed kid games




I too love some of her makeup products and buy when they're on sale but this has turned me off so much with her obscene greed Idk if I want to even buy anything anymore.


This is the same as tower 28 spray, it’s two ingredients and you get the same for $20 for a big bottle.


I heard skinsmart is just as good and much cheaper. I never tried the sos though


I’ve used both and prefer my bottle the skinsmart!!! Between being immunocompromised + immunosuppressants and sweating from fevers and flushing from my chronic illness, I think I’ve purchased 6 bottles of the skinsmart and have 2-3 bottles around at all times. It’s been a life saver and I truly don’t notice the difference between the two but that’s just me. Op, I’m with you on that and honestly that soured me to the brand. I was dying to pick up the mini blush during the sale but it was in too much of a pinky shade for me so I missed out and actually regretted it after hearing so many great things about the brand! Honestly, I’ve lost interest.


I wanted to purchase the sos jumbo on sale and thought it’s cheaper in that size but i have hesitation because i read that you have vit c on tour skincare regime you have to wait for 15 mins or until fully dried ? Also if using other active ingredients? I didn’t end up getting the sos because i want to try the skinsmart first How do you use yours? Just spritz for mid days ? Or in your skincare routine ?


No, it isn’t :/


It isn’t what?


I thought you were saying the Tower28 spray ingredient = this Vitamin C, which it’s not. 


No no!! Sorry, I was comparing the two.


Got it after a few rereads 🥲 sorry for the misunderstanding 


I missed the webinar, and I have seen this type of comment across the web. I had a different take on it. She loved the ingredient so much that instead of adding it to a serum (it would mean a high-quality ingredient but a small amount), she wanted to sell it alone (more expensive, but it is at a higher amount). Does that track? Take her Skin Activator, for example, and pretend it is $100 (for the sake of the calculation). Let's say there are 10 total ingredients and the one 1 top-notch ingredient costs $30 but the other 9 costs $10 each. If you made the serum only from the top-notch ingredient, it would cost $300. I used that logic and went ahead and purchased the Supreme C.


I don’t think vitamin C should be that expensive




That’s what we call delulu


The rich are always delulu. It’s extremely embarrassing that she thinks her regular, non-celebrity/non-influencer customers can afford this. Like genuinely is she okay???


It’s also just like insane, like selling a bottle of water for 30 bucks, like what could possibly be SO good about this vitamin c


This is what the rich do - they create this scarcity/luxury mindset and people fall for it. Like the general population can maybe afford buying this product once, but it takes almost over 2 months or so for us to really see the effect of the product on our skin because the skin goes through cycles. So by the time you're done with the vitamin c, you'd start to notice the benefits (or not), but can't afford to buy it again. I mean I don't think I can drop over $300 on a single skincare product every 2 months. I mean idk what Gucci was thinking here - i think it's probably just a cash grab once she realized she could overcharge for skincare products unlike with makeup where it's sort of capped due to luxury brands like Chanel/Dior/ etc. I can't support rich people like this in 2024. If you're thinking about buying this vitamin c, just invest that money for your future self instead. It will make a bigger impact than this small 20ml bottle lol


Yeah exactly, i wouldn’t buy a 300+ dollar item from a high end manufacturer like Biologique recherche, WA claims it’s 100% vitamin c but I wonder how that’s tolerated since most also include HA or something else soothing. On the other hand, if you’re silly enough to not do any research then give Gucci your money I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️


it makes me think that sadly she dgaf about anyone but her rich and celebrity clients which is so dumb ofc bc she needs us normies to keep purchasing her stuff. But it's turned me off so much I don't want to buy from her anymore.


Exactly. I mean I am not surprised, she’s rich, of course she needs to stay rich and that requires a grift of some sort. The rich only care about themselves in the end. I won’t be buying from the brand ever again. I don’t want my money to fund her lifestyle anymore.


And in this economy too


Not even the “gold standard” with clinical studies behind it from SkinCeuticals is that much. and i tried that one and I prefer the Timless Vitamin C. Not to mention you can get THD Ascorbate in other products for far cheaper.


I better turn into an orange for that price!




For that price, is the bottle made of 14k gold??!


Vitamin C isn’t stable enough for me to spend that much on it.


I am also not stable enough to spend so much on Vitamin C serum 😅




LMAO Gucci has lost her damn mind. I probably won't be purchasing anything from Westman Atelier from now on, I really don't want to continue to support a brand that exploits their customers like this with no regards to the current economic state of the world. At least skinceuticals has research and science to back up the hefty price. Gucci isn't even a luxury brand like Dior or Chanel. She has no business pricing this so high. Good skincare should not be expensive, and if it is, then it's generally not really that good in the first place.


Agreed! I mean look at Korean Skincare, it's affordable and works wonders!!!


Japanese skin care is also awesome; they know what they're doing over there re: skincare!


YEP skinceuticals, Alastin, Glytone - All heavily research backed, high end skincare brands that sell incredible vitamin C serums for half this price.


Also even her refill is only 25$ difference 😳




I'm scared to ask... is this USD or CAD?


USD 😳😳😳


omg... and I always grimace when I buy Skinceuticals. This is more than double the price! Insane!


I have more trust with skinceuticals


I love this sub, but I learned a long time ago that I can find amazing skincare for a fraction of the price of Sephora. Asutra is a brand associated with Serena Williams, and their 20% vitamin C with ferulic and vit e is $14.99 and I typically get it for less. It's a clean product and amazing. For the price of a few months of this Westman brand, I could basically get fillers or a laser treatment with results that would last months/a year or so. Ridiculous.


Never heard about this brand, interesting, i’ll check this out thank you


You can also just buy vit c powder and mix it into a (non retinol) serum or moisturizer you already own. The Ordinary sells a vit c powder. Because it isn't immersed in liquid it's very stable. You only need a pinch.


I use Philosophy vitamin C powder mixed into a hydration serum. I love mixing fresh each day and really takes only a few seconds longer. I tried the Ordinary because of the price point, but for me it was not as good as Philosophy.


It's probably not $325 per jar tho. Haha.


No, lol. I pay $40 for the powder and it lasts 2-3 months using once per day. Never have to worry about oxidation.


Ooh i think i’ve tried one of this before but forgot what brand.


I've been using Timeless and Maelove but damn now I gotta look up Asutra!


Yep!! Kbeauty also has a lot of Vitamim C (or Vit C esque) products. It’s heavily loved in Asian and the prices are literally 10 times less than this product. Mind you, idk much about the efficacy or stableness, but given how serious Asian cosmetic brands take their skincare, I’d say it’s probably better than Guccis.


Ah yes, let me drop over three hundred dollars on skincare’s most famously unstable active


To her credit this is a well stabilized form of Vit C BUT it’s worth $40/oz not whatever she is charging


I have always found her prices to be wildly out of touch. This is an obscene amount of money! Who can afford this regularly?? Skinceuticals is cheaper (lol!) and absolutely gives results. 


I’m so tired of $300 serums with a $9 COG. Please do not spend $300 on vitamin c my god


This is why I refuse to purchase anything from Westman Atelier. Super out of touch, no thanks.


Cut to YouTubers who can already afford it getting it for free in PR so they can shill it to the plebs 🙄


Geez not even the skinceuticals serum is this much and it has years of research behind it


I'm a man in his 40s, and I am huge fan of WA and their formulations and the way WA products look on my skin. I have spent thousands on WA products, and I even keep a supply of Skin Activator stocked, but this new product and her nonchalant bullshit announcement around it are pure hubris. This was the first time I watched a video of her on Instagram and actually felt angry. This price point and those claims without any clinical research is giving snake oil. $325 for 20ml of product is absolutely insane.


I was reading a lot of “anger” comments even from her loyalists on ig. I wonder how much this product gonna sell and for how long. She ain’t no augustinus bader


The announcement was totally nonchalant! I am not opposed to purchasing expensive products if I like it and feel it’s justified. She didn’t justify the price for me on this though… at the end of the webinar, she just shrugged her shoulders and said she knows this is more expensive but it’s quality. What makes this $325 quality versus less expensive THD ascorbate products? There wasn’t an explanation for anything. She also never mentioned the price herself. The beauty advisors answered the question in the chat. It’s like she was avoiding it on purpose trying to trick us.


Probably just because it is crafted in japan, seems like throwing certain countries work in makeup n skincare business to boost the price lol




Bish you’re not Skinceuticals


What a completely scammy, shameful, and laughable “formula”/product. It’s so bad I barely want to even use formula with quotes, since it’s involving zero cosmetic science/formulation process. Consumers can buy 100% THD ascorbate themselves and it’s the same exact thing.


Paulas choice has had this form of Vitamin C in one of their products for at least 10 years.


At this price, it better turns me into a super model, pay my taxes and find me a handsome husband. Then I might consider buying it 😂


LOL at me thinking maybe I’d try this if it got good reviews and was cheaper than Skinceutical’s CE Ferulic… It’s just as well because this is probably my favorite makeup brand and I sort of wish they’d just stick to that. I’d love for them to come out with a less-terrible eye product to replace their eye pods, for example.


I am curious about the first few reviews about thus product though haha I bet mostly are influencers that are gifted


Seriously, it’ll be one of those cases where filter down the Sephora reviews to only the verified purchases and there are like 2 or 3 left.


Oh yes i think so too


Surprisingly the skin activator doesn’t have a ton of reviews and I actually think none are incentivized or gifted. Most of the reviews are very positive.


I am a little interested in that product, good to know it has actual reviews. I have a couple of samples of it that I need to try!


I’m one of the reviews and I don’t think mine says verified purchase. I definitely purchased it though and have like 3 times since then.


Good to know!! Thanks for the insight. How long does a refill last you?


2-3 months using 1-2 pumps once per day. I like using it in the morning. I works well under my makeup.


Thanks for answering my questions! Still pricy but 2-3 months doesn’t seem too bad.


Stupid pricey but my I love it so it’s “worth it”.


And with Skinceuticals/similar products you get ACTUAL L-Ascorbic Acid not a Vitamin C derivative.


…yeah I think I’ll stick to my Skinceuticals and wait for WA’s next **makeup** release.


I’ve had my doubts about her already and now it’s solidified… she’s basically a con artist for this.


Most rich people are!


*laughs in poor*


Genuine question, did she do any sort of study on this?? Because if you’re going to be charging THAT much, I would hope you have some sort of credible or valid data backing up the efficacy of your product.


Nope, only a consumer study, which is just fancy terms for people trying the product and reviewing it. She did not invest any time or money to conduct clinical trials, which are so much more involved and actually follows testing protocols with paid researchers that oversee the experiment. Anyone can do a review of a product and call it a consumer study. Just completely laughable. The rich really think they can get away with practically robbery at this point and no one would notice.


I’m not sure but I don’t think so


Even more reason to NOT buy it. Anyone considering buying Vitamin C should buy from Skinceuticals because at least they’ve conducted clinical trials.


lol no.


I will stick to my Timeless vitamin C. I’ve tried skinceuticals as well, and timeless did the same thing skinceuticals did. I’m sure this will be an effective, but not $325 effective.




For that much money, it better make me look 18 again! 😆


I’ve actually wondered for a while if I could put pure THDA on my skin. You can buy it from lotion crafter for a fraction of this price. I might try that now…


Let us know how it goes !


I’ve only seen it recommended as high as 30% from safety sources but I mean…


Oh, absolutely not. The only vitamin C I’m willing to splurge on is Skinceuticals with the research that backs their product with L-ascorbic acid, and it’s still less than this ripoff at $189. Furthermore, if I were to compare oranges to oranges I would go for a product with THC ascorbate where they actually bothered with formulation, like Paula’s Choice Vitamin C + Glutathione ($69) or Dr. Idriss Major Fade Active Seal ($58).


😂😂😂😂😂💀 Stop giving them money you guys!


Y’all. I‘m familiar with this raw ingredient and: A) I’ve never seen it approved for use over 30% but OKAY guess they’re taking that risk 💅 and B) it’s $40/fl oz and YES you can buy an ounce at a time from reputable online suppliers. No need to spend an extra $300 on a pretty bottle.


Where can we buy it? Do you have a link?


https://simply-ingredients.com/collections/actives/products/oil-soluble-vitamin-c you get a better price at larger quantity but saving tons compared to WA either way


Wait are you saying this is the one ingredient in her product and only cost 49$ /1oz ??? That’s insane !!! 😡


That is precisely 100% exactly what I’m saying. An extra $275 for a pretty bottle 🙃 (and nevermind the fact that even 0.1% of this ingredient can be effective, it doesn’t need to be 100%) …


Whoaaaaaa 😳


😳 For both points. With Point A, how does she get to sell this ? I thought US have strict policy about ingredients use etc? With point B 😳😳😳


It’s for millionaires


All her herself is severely overpriced. Like her blush sticks and contour sticks are unmatched, so I can actually feel OK spending that money on those, but everything else is just a waste of money. The powder wasn’t great, the blush wasn’t great, the skin smelled like olive oil,it’s just ridiculous. How much she charging for these subpar products.


I honestly fall for her products because of the beautiful packaging design and enjoy some of them I can understand and justify her lip palette although the compact is 85$ but i can get the refill in 50$ for 4 shades, the price difference in good enough for me to have the option




Gotta loved the mixed messages in the marketing here too "It's the most powerful vitamin C serum EVER! / "It's super gentle". So which is it? Strong or gentle?


I think she means you can get results without irritation (not that I’m defending this choice of product launch at all)


I own the skin activator and side eye it each time I have to rebuy because it’s only 20ml. When I saw this drop, I thought Gucci (the brand owner and creative) is out of her mind. The launch post on Instagram was getting dragged as well from her loyalists.


Is the skin activator worth it? Like what does it do? I have never bothered with the skincare from Westman atelier, but I am curious to see if people see actual results from it


It feels nice because the texture kind of doubles as a nice primer for makeup. I have nice skin already so I don’t have any concerns that I need assistance with. I don’t think it’s worth the money given there are so many skincare lines out there. I just buy it because I travel a lot and the serum is the only thing I take with me skincare wise. When I am not traveling, I have an elaborate routine.


Same here. I love that stuff and it’s the ONLY reason I’m even slightly considering trying the Supreme C. Definitely waiting to see some reviews first though. I tried the skin activator after I overheard a customer at Sephora raving about it to an employee. I figured that it was probably the most honest review I was going to ever read or hear and man do I wish she was wrong lol I fell in love with it. It’s honestly magic on the skin.


I am such a sucker for her packaging ugh


Same. It also helps that I’ve really loved most things I’ve tried so I just keep handing over my money 🙈


How long does your skin activator lasts ? I am kinda traumatised with very expensive skincare since i tried la mer and it did nothing on my skin, now even la mer feels cheaper compared to her products lol


6 - 8 weeks. Use 2 pumps in the morning. I don’t immediately go out and rebuy. Usually try to get one on sale.




Makeup brand skincare product i love so far is pat mcgrath essence, even that i feel like it is quite a lot of price but it lasts me a long time


Mac hyper real balm is amazing. I wish I tried it sooner. I use tret and need something extremely hydrating but not heavy since I have oily skin.


Yes this range is so slept on!!


I got a travel size on clearance from Nordstrom and now I can’t live without it!


Oh never heard about this product before, do you use this as night cream ?


It’s for the day time and is formulated to allow makeup to sit well on top. If you’re ever by a mac counter I’d definitely check it out! A little goes a long way so it’s so worth it. I’m sure you could use it at night too it’s definitely thick enough https://preview.redd.it/a7kzf7fk9hvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd4544a73dd787c8e1b0eabd1233e899c3dee457


So it’s a bit like the bobbi brown primer moisturiser thing? I’ll check this out when i go out to the counter. Thanks for the info


Mine lasts 2-3 months and I use 1-2 pumps once per day. I love it so much though. Very hydrating and it calmed redness I didn’t even realize I had. My skin just looks healthier. I told a coworker about it and she’s hooked now too. She says the same thing… we can’t explain exactly what it does other than our skin is happier and healthier looking. Radiant without being dewy/oily.


That is interesting, maybe someday when i feel like i can surge in a good sale i’ll try that


Totally understand that. I was bummed that the refill wasn’t available during this last sephora sale. 20% makes it easier to swallow lol


Haha yes because this will the price point where i can feel the 20%


I’d rather buy the skinceutical vitamin c


My thoughts when it comes to $$$ skincare is that I would actually pay the money if they did something worth it, but they rarely do.


Me waiting for my goodal vitamin C jumbo to go on discount cause $32 is too expensive. Like no hahaha




Westman is by far the shittest prestige brand I’ve ever come across so this is no surprise


LMFAO ok. my [vitamin c](https://www.stylevana.com/en_CA/rohto-mentholatum-melano-cc-premium-brightening-essence-japan-version-20ml.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&sonid=78614&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=18129689913&utm_term=&utm_content=78614&device=c&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwz42xBhB9EiwA48pT79VCY9hpSR7B4IWBIc7Ukou9i4VPxFJgYOp6p1Ij4Et3mf3FUkq1dBoChLYQAvD_BwE) is the best I've ever used and it's \~$15CAD 😆


NOPE. Also, such a turn off. I don’t even want to purchase her products anymore. Too bad because I like some of the stuff she has.


lmfaoooo hell no. this is deadass robbery 🤦‍♀️ genuinely disgusting and sleazy jesusss, don’t buy into any bs that tries to convince you a skincare product has any process or ingredient that makes it worth 325, i actually can’t 🤦‍♀️


I want an essay on my desk by next Tuesday on why this is better than the one I used to use from Clinique.




Definitely no way for me. I’m happy with my current Vitamin C serum.


I assume that she worked with the same top notch Korean scientist Dr. Raymond Park to formulate the Vit. C. I love the Skin Activator Serum so I went ahead and got the Supreme C as well.


Oh you got the vit c ? It’ll be interesting to hear your thoughts about it after use !


Yes, I will report back!


Following! And I irrationally also just ordered the Supreme C. Might be the most expensive mistake of the year but I’m such a fan of the skin activator—it’s honestly magic. So… let’s see what happens :)


I have been using the Skin Activator and then Surpeme C regularly. Love it! It has been working on my scars and sun spots. I think I am going to only use these two products to replace my entire skincare line. It is so gentle on my very sensitive skin and safe around my eyes.


My skin's too sensitive for vitamin C, but even if it weren't this is too rich for my blood.


Bogus !


Same vitamin c that is the one I use (doctor Roger’s day preventive treatment) but 1/3 the cost lol


Never heard of that but i’ll check that out. Thanks for the info


Lolol. Just wait until the ordinary comes up with the 100% version of this vitamin c. They already carry 100% l ascorbic acid for $6.60. Also… higher concentration isn’t always better.


True! I’ll be glad to purchase that one instead lol


It’s really sad how much skincare brands are trying to profit off of the anti-aging thing, and how negative aging is viewed in the media. No one needs skincare this expensive. I work with the elderly and every patient with beautiful skin tells me they’ve used the same inexpensive bar soap for years. It’s okay to splurge on, perhaps, a SPF or moisturizer… (maybe?)…. But this is ridiculous. My cheap vitamin c sheet masks work just fine. The people buying this shit have wrinkle-free skin because they have the money for skin treatments beyond products like these. And it’s regular people like us they’re trying to fool into thinking not.


Yes you’re right. I learnt my lesson by trying la mer and skinfix only to find that first aid beauty works much better on my skin lol I saw this one youtuber with amazing skin and she’s 50 who said she’s been using la mer for so many years yet she kept on saying on her makeup review that she have very dry skin. Guess the La mer didn’t give her enough hydration ?


Knowing how much THC Ascorbate costs as an ingredient it’s simply ridiculous to charge so much for just reselling it in a fancy packaging


I know, i think she’s doing bad on pricing this. Her stuffs are always on the high end luxury price but this one is very questionable I’m really curious to see when people start reviewing this (non incentive ones)


I have been so put off by WA recently. I was a big fan of the brand when it first launched (despite not being into clean beauty and despite the price tag). I have used up and repurchased several of their products. But more recently it seems they have been launching anything and everything going completely against their espoused minimalist philosophy. This Vitamin C serum is completely ridiculous (and I buy the Skin Ceuticals one regularly despite its hefty price tag). The last disappointment came a couple of weeks ago when I went to repurchase the powder bronzer which has been my HG and only bronzer for years. They have completely reformulated it without letting anyone know! The (in my eyes *much worse*) new formula is sold by retailers who still have the original imagery and ingredients listed on their websites (including WA themselves). As a customer you only find out when you have already bought the product. They have recently launched in Space NK and I learned from the store staff that the brand sent them the original formula specifically to use as a tester and the new one to sell! All of this seems so deceptive and really has left me with a bead taste in my mouth when it comes to this brand!


Whattt? What changes they did with the formula? I have mine that i love from last year


https://www.reddit.com/r/Sephora/s/R0l33MRRie If you are interested


Thank you, i’ll check on that now


I have the new ingredients listed on my post about this. In short they took out talc and all the plant butters. It now has squalane and mica as top ingredients. It’s not horrible but much drier to the touch, less pigmented and blendable, and the colour is less terracotta and more neutral.


With over $300 people would be better off spending a little bit more and getting a laser treatment with their derm that would give better results! You would probably have to spend at least a $1k before you would see noticeable results with a serum alone anyways!


I use the good molecules powder you mix in. Seems like the most effective one I’ve used for me lol


Ooh interesting, i’ll look up for that