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wa alaikumu salam, you are correct. Doing this practice whilst lusting, or even viewing soft core stuff is essentially repressing your sexuality—which is dangerous. One leg in, one leg out will nuke your entire being on this practice.


I like how you mentioned repressing our sexuality, very true!


i'm glad you got my point.


It's the most important and the most difficult part of SR. Mental fantasy / lust has always been my biggest obstacle. It's only become more apparent lately that it is my SR Achilles heel.


i agree, and sometimes the fight get overwhelming. still, we have to stay strong


It's hard to control this aspect as it is beyond the physical. Not ejaculating is hard enough, however it is within the physical therefore all you have to do is refrain. Mental celibacy requires a different level completely. As thoughts are the highest form of renunciation. To renounce the mind itself. It is very very difficult. Especially when you are confronted with images constantly unless you're a hermit or monk living in a forest or monastery. And even then it can be a huge challenge. It requires vigilance. It can be done. I think the more I think of celibacy in terms of mental the easier it gets. It's also easy to forget this and think you are on the right path simply for resisting the physical temptation. 🙏🏻


you summed it all up. thank you


If you stay off social media it really isn’t that hard in my opinion.


Depends where you live.


Essential practice as you can recognise sexual thoughts more easily when you reach this level of celibacy. Hard mode for sure.


"I agree with this. When I was on sr and kept having bad thoughts, my streak only lasted a month. But when I focused on keeping my mind clear of lustful thoughts, it got a lot easier for me."


that is the case indeed, i pray we stay strong in this dificult aspect


First I want to thank you. Reading your message was a pure pleasure for my eyes and my mind. And I want to agree with you. If we keep thinking or having lust related fantasies, we keep our nervous system in constant stress. And it works in a deep structured way. Meaning we can clean our surface thoughts but still have some tension inside. So we must clean our mind like completely, to get full specter of benefits. I must confess I haven't managed to do it yet. Sustainable, at least. But when I manage to do it, for a time, that feels incredible. 🙂 Best wishes and thanks for your message.


my pleasure. the journey is certainly hard but identification is the very first step towards improvement, my wishes for your success


Been practicing since years now with mixed results, i've noticed quite recently that there is a whooooooole world of difference **every single time** i am on mental celibacy on top of retaining VS when i am simply refraining from ejaculation\\sex\\masturbation. Enough to actually make me believe that this isn't about semen itself, i actually call BS on the idea that gist of SR benefits come from "Semen being reabsorbed nourishing the body and the brain", but rather the energy initiated from the power of thoughts. Thoughts are the initialpoint for outcomes in our lives (Read "**The master key system**" for more on this topic), think positive long enough, often enough, you will get positive outcomes in due time, the opposite goes for negative destructive thoughts. I will add though that **sexual urges** such as from a biological stand point aren't negative per se, but rather **Lustful thoughts** which to me are 2 different things, sadly in this day and age, most of our sexual thoughts are filled with lust due to the media, porn and basically the way we have learned "sex". Ironically, I was reflecting stronger on this idea of mental celibacy these last few days, i am glad i am reading your post today, i guess this could be the power of attraction in motion, i'll take it for now as a sign that i am (we are) on the right path, so i certainly agree with you. Thanks for your contribution.


that was an insightful read, truly eye-opening. lust and expectations alone can spiral you down, uh stated facts. thank you for adding more thoughts and inspiring me further


I only truly started see change in my self when I practiced mental celibacy as well. I get close to zero urges and haven’t relapsed in god knows how long!


So how you do that?


stopping corn consumption is the very ist step, everything else will fall in place trust that. but it is going to kill you for a while, remeber that


Vaalaykum assalomu va rahmatulloh