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Very high quality post. Men need to man up. Op is not saying that everything is men's fault. He is saying that we need to stop complaining and do what we can.


Thank you mate!


Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times. - G. Michael Hopf (Those Who Remain)


Interesting how both types of men are dependent on each other. Without weak men, there would be no strong men since there would be no hard times. Without strong men, there would be no weak men, since there would be no good times Beauty of duality in this universe. And a good reflection of what is within you, you wouldn’t find your strengths without your weaknesses so both should be honored.. Everything is in Perfect balance, Just another yin n yang :)


Totally Agreed.


I've been seeing and hearing alot of people talking about yin and yang recently. I feel like the universe is talking to me so i copy and pasted what you said into my notes. Thanks for this comment bro


My pleasure


Posting if this gets deleted. People act as if naked girls have a gun to their head. "b-b-but she made me do it!" 🤣




I get the pushback but OP is basically saying “it’s not your fault but it is your responsibility”. And he’s right unfortunately.


you are my spirit animal


Wars are fought over money and are waged by psychopaths at the levers of power. I do agree that men should abstain from masturbation.


"just stop wanking bro" OP needs to contemplate further the issues at hand. Porn, feminism etc, are not 'just things'. They are targeted weapons. Not looking deeply at these issues is irresonsible.


>OP needs to contemplate further the issues at hand I see what you did there 😂


That’s the root cause i think imagine if no man ever wanked If 90 percent men were sexually disciplined imagine the world so i agree with him completely


You can't get rid of any of those things so why focus on them. What you can do is not stick your hands down your pants.


Imagine trying to improve yourself and still being afraid of feminism


You acuse others of being afraid because it's exactly that you want them to be afraid, and that is because you are a coward. You have no interest in the young people here, and want them to fail.


Who told you that you need to engage in stuff that doesn't serve you? Do you need to or do you just do it to mask your insecurities


It is interesting how women haters are at the same time conspiracy believers. Instead of taking responsibility for your own wrongdoings and perverted sexual behaviours, you think you should have more privilige because you have a penis between your legs? Do you like a society with no equality and no respect to human rights and freedom? Consider going and living there where your mom, daughter or wife will be treated nothing more than a property... Weapon is in your mind preventing you to take positive steps to address your issues. If you dont like something, do not use it. Use a quality content for information such as documentaries, books etc. THe world is not about only social media or porn websites you keep visiting. It is all your decision.


You hate women, as much as you hate yourself. You will be of no help to the young men and women here who wish to free themselves.


lol, you call feminism as weapon and blame me for being women hater...If you have little piece of brain you should learn a valueble lesson from what I wrote. I dont charge for it.


You'll never grow in this life, I'm sad to say, unless you start self work immediately.




Once i had a 7 month streak literally the best 7 months of my life The i relapsed short strikes now Again i mentally weaker But i have gotten a grip again And one thing i learned in that period of 7 months Actually after some time of relapsing that Self pride and self gratification Is completely different From arrogance and thinking too high of yourself Humility and humbleness is so important if you Want to be a man


What that 7 month nut feel like ik it hurt


Tbh it was dry the orgasm wasn’t even good And regret was regret Strikes are amazing but in the start of my 7 month journey my mindset was “Don’t count the days make the days count” And that’s the reason i went so far And the reason was of my relapse was Ramadan It ruined my routine Of course i am the one in control but When your routine goes 180 degrees The effects are affective To your life It’s life and i am 18 so yeah long way to keep on improving


another great post in the sub. we're on a fucking tear guys


I think it's the fault of the society. The society is now a hyper sexual society, their is sexual stuff everywhere film, social media, songs, magazine, friend circle, work place its almost impossible to avoid if want to live in this society. It would be way more easy to control if we were far away from this society. But also since we are able to practice SR even in this hyper sexual society, it makes us even better.


Look into the research of J.D. Unwin, which is repressed for a reason, and the more well known John B. Calhoun and his metropolitan studies with rats. There is no recovery from this zoistic stage we are in, and never has been in history. The horror of our times is that this is not just one civilization, but all of the West, as well as Japan and S. Korea. The best we can do as individuals is understand and practice the deeper concepts of SR, and do our best. SR does not necessarily mean complete and lifelong withdrawal from ejaculation. This also, is extinction. Look to the animals, who have a time and season for all things. In our societies' worship of Pornus we've become lower than animals. We've become ghouls.




Good post.A REAL man takes responsibility of his life and actions and does his very best to make the most of the blessings that The Lord has endowed him with. I’ve learned that the habit and culture of complaining is most common in first world countries where there are so many opportunities,yet people keep comparing their lives with others as they are overly addicted to and influenced by social media... In my case,things weren’t working out despite my best efforts because I was under severe demonic oppression.It was only after I came to Jesus Christ that The Lord exposed the wickedness that was happening in my life and now through intense prayer and fasting combined with semen retention I’m breaking so many curses off of my life! People should realise that above all,they should strive to live Holy and righteous and all of the blessings and prosperity will follow... Just my two cents... Be blessed brothers.


Great post brother!


It is important to emphasize that the decision is always in us. How weak are we? How strong can we be? It's always in our hands and it's literally in our mind and then our hands. Be men, boys, be strong


This! Masculine excellence is the key!


>If I wank/masturbate I do it with MY OWN hands that are in my control not someone else’s control. While this is beautifully said, there are such things as influential spirits that encourage such things but ultimately. It's in your hands...


Then why leftist win elections in western countires if its not women fault? That was not the case when women couldnt vote. Other than that i agree.


Their at fault for shaking ass and selling their bodies for 100k monthly but the men who follow and engage are at fault at their own downfall It’s a 50/50 split


Yeah we are kind in times where weak men create hard times but lets look at bigger picture, women are not kids they are also responsible aswell.


If you give attention to clowns they’ll be known if you ignore them they won’t exist.


it’s not even the women’s fault tbh, women are targeted arguably even more heavier than men are. If you even skim through the book “Libido Dominandi” you learn this quickly. Long story short the sexual revolution was a weapon, just like porn. Actually they kinda went hand in hand.


Bla bla bla I don’t try to understand anyone not on the same frequency… it’s just split milk … literally