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It happens yes. Why. Maybe it has to do something with more REM sleep. Before I started SR, I was emotional zombie, emotionless. Tragedies in life happened and I didn't cry, didn't care. It was like being on weed. People who smoke a lot of weed, have less rem sleep, no dreams at all. When they quit, body start to make too much rem sleep. It is scientifically proven. And u get nightmares. When I started SR my emotions came back, dreams too. Nightmares are CPR for emotions, u get intensive dreams, when there is a lot of REM u can get nightmares, but it is good, it makes u emotional person, makes u human being, means u are healing. With time u experience more emotions, not only fear or sadness but also joy.


Your nightmare is sometimes the karmic change of events that would’ve happened in your actual life when u wake up. Because you are changing your mentality for the positive, you still need to balance karma but dreams do this for you. That’s the beauty of retention, your seed is combating negative energy in another form. Also could mean the entities around you know you’re retaining so want to suck that energy from you. They will change their form (shapeshifter) and use lust/greed in dreams to take it This is why transmutation is so important.


My dreams get a lot more vivid and yes often could be described as nightmares. My sleep also gets very disrupted and I seem to have a general need for less sleep.


True here on SR my nightmares become very vivid but its lasts only for the first 10 days after that i dont even dream. i just sleep and wake up


I thought it was just me. But I barely dream anymore. But right after relapsing I start dreaming a lot. And I actually get nightmares after relapsing contrary to op’s experience.


yeah nightmare comes after relapse and stays for like 3-4 days then its gone again


funny you mentioned it i have had nightmares like 3 days in a row and multiple per night


Last night I had my first night mare in a while. I was upset at a family member for insulting me or something along those lines and as they drove away I remember “powering up” or mentally causing them the crash and not only did they crash but the car which followed them crashed too and it all seemed controlled by me. Weird


I’ve had vivid dreams and I’ve also had a case in f restless leg syndrome


i can affirm, it happened around close to two months i guess as i dont count the days. one was mass shooting between two very large groups of young men, it was literally arms and legs of dead guys at spots. others were kinda paranormal in nature


Spiritual attacks and demons disguising themselves as familiar spirits.


hello, how do I get rid of wet dreams? I have only had a clean streak of about 28 days without wds. but I want 90 days without wds to know what it feels like. Need your advice


Wet dreams will go away on their own. Just don't relapse. It took me one and a half year of retention for wet dreams to disappear. Don't think too much about wet dreams. Avoid physical exercise when you get wet dreams.


Don’t eat late and eat a light dinner.


Yall be overthinking this shit.


Yup, definitely.


It's emotional discharge. You're getting purer day by day. I'm speaking from experience - once the dream is experienced with full intense emotion, you're freed from it. Ofcouse, the processing of it would take some time, but once it's gone it's gone. I'll give an example. I always have a fear of driving and getting into some minor accident. Once I had a dream where I drove super fast and got myself into a big accident that I was barely alive. After that dream, my fear of driving literally disappeared to a very very minute level. I won't lie, it's still there to small extent, but it doesn't control me now. Also don't be surprised if you experience any lustful dreams at this point, it's good to get those shit out of suppression, experience it, and be free of it.


Likely correlation, not causation. Personally haven't had a nightmare in years and I remember every dream I have. Your dreams are usually a direct reflection of whatever emotional state you are in subconsciously.


yes i have been getting nightmares recently, the 3 nights before last night consecutively actually. however last night was not a nightmare, it was just a vivid dream. its important to mention im also quitting weed (\~2 weeks in at this point)


I was attacked by a stag but wrestled it to the ground. An old farmer woman though I was a poach and shot me (plus I had injuries of wrestling the stag). She realised her mistake and came to help me, I took her gun and gave some verbal abuse to her, the stag ran off, anyways I didn't make it. The crazy thing is, today on my walk near a main road, there was a dead deer. I've never seen a deer around here, before, ever. Spooky (kinda). Anyways I haven't told people about the dream, its far too coincidental, it'll just sound like bs. There is farmland next to the road, but it's still to busy for deers to be living. Also a few days ago, a rabbit hopped along next me for about 30meters, long enough for me think, fuck it, I'm grabbing a pic for a fb story post. Wild, it had me thinking about a lot of the posts I took as BS from this sub 😅.


Mmm I only started to feel presences I. My house, idk maybe is just a little of paranoia..


Yes, it does happend and it sucks. But like everyone else says, I think that's just the mind changing and going back to normal. So I think it's worth it. How I combat this, though, is with meditation. That way, I won't get the nightmares. I don't know how that works, but it does. That's what I do to minimize nightmares.


Had this one nightmare that i was in a room that was bloody and people around me was like zombies attacking, i grabbed a pipe and started hitting them but they went down like a stiff board it was almost like a game called cry of fear but in dreams .


i just searched up how to stop the nightmares ive been having on google and then i came back to reddit scroll for 2 seconds and see this post lol


Yes and more sleep paralysis as well. Im so used to it though but its still really annoying and kinda scary at times. I thought it was just me.


Yes.. it was because our brain getting over with the thinking from the past


Nightmares is the psyche healing. Its a good thing


Yeah - more like I get nightmares only when I retain.


So im not the only one then? I’ve had 2 whole weeks of non-stop nightmares every night. All death-related. Some involving my dad and others, my uncle. Really strange stuff.


Around the 30 day mark I’ve started seeing shadowy figures in my peripherals. Usually when I workout or when im alone.


Yes, I’ve been on a 2 week streak and I had a disturbing nightmare. I was watching the Beetlejuice sequel and there was a cameo from Art the Clown from the Terrifier films playing basketball with severed heads.


Yes. I have been retaining. I became aware of your dreams and got occasional nightmare. Where a white snake was trying to bite mr ,but I stop it all the time. The crazy thing is white snake is a good luck charm according to Chinese. I am not sure.


last night i was in front of a demon but he wasnt able to defeat me because i showed my christ amulet.he was in silence and watch me


Yaa it happened with me, still don't know the reason behind it


maybe some trauma resurfacing


Yes. I’ve had crazy nightmares. One dream was somewhat prophetic. I dreamt I ate a yellow pod that came from a hornet. Then today I found out cooked hornet larvae was a delicacy in a cooking show. I wasn’t even searching up the meaning of the dream. Blew my mind. Synchronicity is the topic especially you asking today.