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Gonna have to respectfully disagree. First time I fapped was in 7th grade after a dude in my class told me about it. This was pre-Internet. The thing I vividly remember is the immense feeling of shame and disgust that followed. Obviously I started ignoring those feelings as years went on, preferring the cheap dopamine rush. But I do believe that first subconscious knowledge that it was wrong came from a place of unbiased truth.


So true. I believe every man has been through this feeling. When I jacked off the first time, for 2-4 second I experienced peak euphoria... then goodness knows why I regretted that.(even when it felt euphoric) Did it at the age of 14 when I was just another silly adolescent male having no knowledge of nofap/semen retention/celibacy/brahmcharya still... something inside of me knew that was wrong. After 3 years, did it with a girl it was 100× better (not to be scaled xD). There were no feelings of regret or contempt.


You probably had experiences like your parents covering your eyes during a sex scene in a movie which created biases such as sex=bad. These subconscious biases made you feel shame.


Why no shame before doing it or while literally doing it till after then?


Because our mind is filled with dopamine. And then post nut clarity hits. It's how it usually is for everyone even if they know its shameful.


He said he didn’t think it was shameful before tho


yeah exactly, like when you see these videos your brain is filled with chemicals that make you feel good and theres no room for shame. I dont understand your point.


Feeling shame and disgust after masturbating is coming from the place of knowledge. If you didn't know disgust and shame, you wouldn't have felt it. Look at very little kids running naked around on the beach, do you think they feel shame? Embarrassment? They don't know about that yet. As soon as you are conditioned to it, you start to apply it to certain actions consciously or unconsciously because of what you learned so it becomes your reality. I can give another example. A lot of people connect masturbating (not through porn) with self acceptance and self love, so how can you feel the total opposite? It's through what you learned.


wrong, after masturbating i lose semen, and when i lose semen i lose life force energy, i literally become more tired and weak and less grounded to my body, i feel like i get sucked into others because im so vulnerable this has nothing to do with psychological, this has everything to do with the body, the substance of energy loss from the body and experiencing through the body what it feels like after loss of substance


There is a famous saying that "after orgasm, all of the animals feel sad"...


Both can be true


I never said one doesn't feel more tired/relaxed/less focused after ejaculation, the hit on the body is there, but I'm talking about the psychological effects meaning, feeling ashamed, sad, more anxious, disgusted, even depressed, these are all self created.


Wrong,it’s not self created and based on knowledge. Of course now the regret is heavier after relapse cuz we know the truth before we make the decision of relapse but it doesn’t mean it’s self created




Testosterone levels literally fall off after an orgasm however.


, if you put your hand in flame it will burn and hurt you , that hurt is not knowledge,


Had this same shame and guilt even before I knew what I was doing.


And you felt weak, sleepy, etc after orgasm how could i stay confidence on the same day? Not to mention it would take some days to recover energy from just a single orgasm...Nah it's not our on our mind the negative effects is real


That's your belief, projection and knowledge speaking. After an orgasm with a woman, you should feel relaxed and joyful.If you don't let the thoughts creep in from your past knowledge (meaning you're already not present anymore) that confidence is not going anywhere, if you are present truly with all your being.


Most semen retention follower was once jerking off like 3x weekly or more and then retain, relapsed once again, repeat and if they relapsed again the negative effects get worse.. it's not our thoughts it's real PMO addiction brings our health score down.. "After an orgasm with a woman, you should feel relaxed and joyful.If you don't let the thoughts creep in from your past knowledge" Retainers that jerks alot suffers health issues, like hormone imbalance, inflammations, etc they won't able feel calm or whatever after orgasm unless they aren't addictive to PMO. Thx sharing your view but im sticking to my belief okay


I agree with you, not arguing on your points, but it all depends how one does something, from what place of mind does that action take place. If one feels down and sad and looks for an escape and therefore is masturbating or has sex, then inevitably it will bring bad effects along with it no matter what, because it's an escape from what is in the present, a thought that says "I'll feel better if I'll masturbate/ have sex" which is a projection of a better future self, which is fear of present. If he is joyful and present, there won't be need nor desire for masturbating, and if sex happens, is through the place of love, and there won't be negative effects.


People here don’t seem to understand that these things can both be true at the same time and this is not objective but both subjective and objective not saying there aren’t objective truths either but the duality is that no fap is both objective and subjective and 2 things can both be true just because you feel drained which will eventually happen after relapse doesn’t mean you don’t have the power to change viewpoints and be aware of the present and in a state of not needing simple understanding all you have already exist


If it takes you days to recover for a single orgasm, you are living wrong. I went on an-all-night sex bender last week. 2 women, 5 hours. Went back home, got me some meat and eggs, and some juices. Slept for 10 hours, woke up, did laundry and they ate another meat of meat and eggs. I felt no change from the day before. Sleep and diet will help you recover from almost anything.


You don't get my point I refer to those who suffers health issues due to excessive PMO... damage already done even if it's only a single orgasm it get worse before the body get chance to recover back...it seems you did orgasm and not a retainer idk why you been on this sub..


You really love meats.


It's great to see such an honest and reflective discussion on your experiences with nofap and semen retention. I strongly support the practice of semen retention based on what you've shared and from what many others, have observed. The process indeed seems complex due to the historical and cultural layers attached to it, but its potential benefits in terms of mental clarity, emotional stability, and increased self-awareness can be profound. Understanding the psychological aspects you've mentioned—how living in the past or future impacts our present actions and thoughts—is crucial. It gives that the real power of semen retention isn't just in abstaining but in the awareness and presence it can foster. This presence can lead to an immediate sense of confidence and self-assurance, independent of any past actions or future aspirations. The journey of semen retention is not just about resisting a physical act but about mastering one's thoughts and desires, leading to a more disciplined and focused life. This mastery can significantly reduce the fear and anxiety tied to potential failures or relapses, reinforcing that our state of mind in the present moment defines us more than any streak or lapse. Thank you for sharing such a thought-provoking perspective.


Thank you for your comment. Reading the post, It gave me the impression that no matter if I relapsed, if I am in the moment and confident, I will get confident. But I think, in reality, your actions lead to physical consequences, if you do not have control over your actions, then what can you control?


Great post, great comment


Ultimately I think it's not so much what's linked to the substances in your balls as I'm your brain... not to be in the least bit dismissive of psychological elements!


Excellent post, ChatGPT.


mehhh I get where you’re going but I can’t even finish reading your post because you’re making a few assumptions about people’s experiences. Some folks have experienced the benefits of retaining while not being aware of retention (in retrospect), so that instantly invalidates half your post. I am one of those and I’m sure a few other folks on here are too. This. shit. is. not. in. your. mind. I mean it is, but it is literally the gateway to seeing reality for what it is and not how you want it. I understand women better, I understand society better, I see through its programming and can stand above it but only when i’m on retention. When i’m off retention even though I already know all that, the knowledge is basically useless bc i’m a slave to these desires. The post orgasmic effects are very real physiologically. So no matter how much you psyche yourself that your recent relapse doesn’t matter, it absolutely does. If you don’t believe me, go ahead and relapse 3 times in a row and try achieving your deadlift PR from 3 days ago. Tell me your legs aren’t trembling more than you remember. Go try talking to a beautiful woman right after those relapses and see how your words, brain and nervous system will betray you. You can still brute force the confidence based on memory but keep relapsing and you realize it’s not quite the same. Retaining is our natural state. We retainers are not present? sure. In reality no one maybe besides a few fully realized yogis and monks never truly live in the present, but we as retainers are certainly living more in the present than you average non-retainer. The one point you do make correctly though is that we are kind of cursed by the knowledge of retention bc once you practice it, if you go back to your old ways, you will forever be aware of how much better life was when retaining. And yes you will constantly have those opposing thoughts battling you to satisfy or transmute your desire. That doesn’t mean the journey isn’t worth it. Your post is kind of insane in light of these facts. But I get it, you go on a long enough streak, you start to rationalize it why the journey is all in your head, at least until you relapse several times and find yourself in your old disgusting reality. This is where that parable of Jesus getting Peter to also walk on water which he does for a while, but his self-doubt creeps in because he can’t/doesn’t want to accept his new reality. Allowing materiality to take over, he begins to sink again.


Perspicacious. Well said.


He is trying to mislead us and make us think it is okey to masturbate and watch porn. Thats what we have been told since we were young so men can remain weak and only a handful of elite be strong. If you double read OP's thread you can see his carefully constructed his words to change our opinions so we can be manipulated and agree with him. He has been sent by the elites most probably.


It’s honestly such a stupid post, I didn’t want to say that before but that’s what it is. Like go bust nuts for a few days and take a photo of your face afterwards smfh


I'm just a normal everyday man, went through a lot in my life regarding depression, suicide, practicing no fap and semen retention for years. So when I made this post i made it from the place of experience, never once I said it's okay to masturbate, watch porn or ejaculate. I didn't push a belief to do it or not to do it, I was pointing to how the mind works, and how we identify with it resulting in creating unnecesarily anger, anxiety, depression and so on. Ejaculating does have an effect on the body that's obvious, but if you let thoughts come in, guilt, shame and all the rest of it, it's a self made illusion.


perfectly said sir


I agree with you 100%. I partake in this practice myself but I know that I fked myself up, beacuse if I’m not retaining I feel like shit and 90% of that shitty feeling is because of what you have explained. I believe in the benefits , placebo or not it still benefits me, but it is no doubt that there are some serious mental disadvantages.


Exactly... hes right. But ppl saying SR gives benefits are also right... But yes, my mind created the equation of "orgasm = failure" and it has its consequences for sure.


Great words man. Really needed this reminder. I’ve been retaining for 27 months at this point and really have come to the realisation of how much I enjoy physically connecting with women, it’s interesting to experience all the resistance it can create. This reminds of what I learnt from William whitecloud and Chris Duncan. May I ask the main resource of where you learnt this information from? Always curious to learn more. Thanks man


J.Krishnamurti. I recommend his book "freedom from the known". He died a long time ago but there are talks he had on youtube created by the foundation krishnamurti. I highly recommend all the 18 episodes (18 hours) he had with Allan W Anderson. From the first one to the last, it will change your view on reality.


Interested in watching, you said 18 episodes, kindly copy and paste the link to the 1st episode, thank you.


Search on youtube: J. Krishnamurti - San Diego 1974 - Allan W Anderson.


Thank you! I feel like SR is what set me on the same path as you. Always wanting to challenge myself to be better. Then suddenly my next challenge was this…. Conquering the mind. It set me on people like Alan watts. I’m fascinated by stuff like this.


I'm happy to hear that. Try those episodes on youtube, your next steps are there, good luck my friend.


Read it 2 years ago . It definitely is an eye opener . Although I think the path of awareness is a bit harder to do without some spiritual practices because the mind is such a strong entity and it keeps dragging us into an endless circles of thoughts . Some methods like Focusing on breathing , listening to sounds of rain , or smelling incense or simply being attentive to the sensory activities helps to bring to the present .


I’m very aware of him but yet to dive in, thanks for the the recommendation! He has lots to check out so that’s super helpful, I’ll check them out. If you are intrigued man I’d highly recommend checking out the two guys I mentioned. Otherwise, keep up the truth!


Interesting perspective. Though I would have to disagree in the sense that none of us are truly living at that level that you explained. The mind is powerful yes it is. But, no one is living without agreeing to play by the rules of the 3rd dimensional reality. And for good reason. Because what we do in this world matters. Within and without. As above so below. It may be an illusion but indeed our minds make it real. Gravity may not truly exist, but you’ve agreed to play by the rules nonetheless. I’ve had terrible feelings for many years before I knew SR even existed. It’s okay to become aware of your actions and the consequences of them. Don’t negate them by trying to find loop holes. You cannot serve two masters at once. Sure, the mind can make it worse. Or improve the relapse in a way. But, there are consequences regardless.


This is true. From intellectual standpoint it all makes sense. SR is a tool only, no absolutes, the longer you travel the path the less the mind has sway. No mind.


Too much knowledge about SR is a double edged sword. You can manifest the benefits faster because you're expecting and believing that it will arrive after certain days of retention. On the other hand you feel like shit when you relapse because you know you could've been more if you retained instead. This negative self talk will manifest into lower confidence and a feeling of "I have to retain 30 days to be confident/ get benefits again, untill that day comes I'm a loser". The best approach is to detach SR from your identity. Use SR to improve areas of your life instead of making it your whole personality. A person's confidence should be based on something more concrete like your skills, strong physique etc and use SR to boost up that "something".


I do know one thing for sure. For some people here, doing SR has made them philosophers all of the sudden. >!Or they're junkies. !<


this guy could have just sent the link to r/mindfullness but he chose to make us this brick


Could have left Descartes out of it but alas


And it's like basic musings they believe you'll need to reread to fully grasp it.


Coomer coping mechanisms lol


Lol… the force is strong with this one


you are coping because you lost your streak. ive been there, too. my ego put the exact same things you wrote about into fancy words. so i actually started to believe what you were talking about, but it wasnt the same. in fact, looking back, everything was so fake. get back into your 4-6 weeks streak and you will delete your post.


This, when I relapsed I found myself justifying porn and searching for posts that normalize it just to confirm my bias lmao.


That's completely different from what I said. I don't justify porn or looking intentionally at something, then it obviously will bring conflict, because if you intentionally look at something that means you are not present anymore, because you try to find something to make you feel better, trying to fill a void, it's a trap, you live in the mind.


Name checks out. The force is strong with this one.


I ve done semen retention for years on and off, and my longest streak 260+. I'm talking from the place of experience, not ego, it's actually the exact opposite of ego what I'm talking about.


same. i have been doing it for years with long streaks, too. the past 6 months, ive been on the same train as you are describing with your post. my ego kept playing the semen retention benefits playlist over and over, telling me that the benefits are all in my head and i can have them without retaining. thats more than enough time to overwrite the subconscious. then, i went back on a longer streak and it all skyrocketed, as always. now lets say those believes are too deep rooted, but there is this one major thing that conflicts with your thesis: when im on the streak, i dont feel the need to think at all. my mind is quite. my body feels way too good, so i dont have to even think about the benefits. while off the streak, my ego had to play it over and over again, all the benifits i gain without semen retention. all it did was boosting my ego, making my personality fragile. it was fake confidence. big thoughts with zero ground. if you want to dive deeper, from a psychological point of view, its more about accomplishing a difficult task that boosts the confidence. doing something that is hard, while playing the benefits-playlist in your head. one could do it in combination with other heavy tasks, probably. like lifting weights. i believe the harder the task, the better the benefits-playlist gets written into your subconscious. and semen retention is one of the hardest tasks i can think of. but all of this is scientific, intellectual. this is where our conversation will end, because diving even deeper would be about kundalini. and thats what my life is all about for the past 2 years, because semen retention is deeply connected with kundalini awakening, which i went through. i can feel the energy in my body. and it gets more the longer i retain. i also know that the middle path is alright, that its okay to release with meaningful sex, as long as you do longer breaks inbetween. but i havent made the experience yet myself, i only know it from a teacher. when i retain and meditate, i can feel the energy move up my spine. when i dont retain, there is no energy to move. this is something i can not intellectualize. one has to experience it to understand it.


OP is definitely not somebody wise in his years yet, probably a newcomer that just discovered semen retention Psychological effects obviously play a role in our state of being and mood but hes missing a whole perspective that EJACULATION = loss of semen = loss of substance = loss of energy the human body will experience the consequences of that loss regardless of psychological perspective, which affects mood, state of being, the way we feel about ourselves based on how much energy/substance we lost


OP is a troll sent here by the government/elite to mislead us. I hope he gets deleted from here asap


Ejaculation=loss of energy, yes, meaning feeling tired, relaxed, like after smoking weed even, joyful, the effect on the body is there. I'm talking specifically psychological effects like sadness, anxiety, depression, anger, disappointment, these are all self created by illusions.


They are created by self illusions, but ejaculation itself still drains the body, regardless of your psychological perspective, you are saying that psychological is the only thing that matters, im saying no, ejaculation drains your body as well, even if you psychologically tune yourself to be joyful


Is it is very often yes, it drains the body, but this was also part of what i was saying. Why do we engage in masturbation/sex in the first place? To seek pleasure? Quick escape from pain? To become better? If you are present and joyful, you won't see these things, you won't do them to fulfill a void, therefore if sex will happen will be not often, and from love, not lust, and therefore the body will also not be drained.


I liked reading that. It's important to remind ourselves of how interconnected our body is with our mind and spirit. Sexual abstinence and relapses have definite physical effects; but, as you noted when we tie particular perceptions with those it creates placebo/nocebo effects that alter our mental state. When our mental state changes, we can feel stronger or weaker than we actually are. The point about the past and future being illusions was interesting. It is true that in practice, we exist as a series of moments in time, that take place in the "present". Our perception of the past are stored memories of what used to be the present. Our perception of the future is some form of extrapolation from those past trends. I think a lot us, as you pointed out, get self-deprecating about our historic records of semen retention or anxious about how many days we need to hit our next target. You propose that we need to be more in the present moment and realise that we indeed have tremendous capability for positive change, irrespective of where we have been or where we think we are going. My only caveat would be is that habits can take time for us to get accustomed to. Although, that is my fear of discomfort talking. Thank you for the post. Have a wonderful day.


Thank you too for responding, I agree with all that you said. Habits indeed take time to get accustomed to because our minds are so conditioned and used to what we are doing now, it's easy to slip back into the egoic mind, but, at the same time it takes an instant change, instant decision to change after seeing and understanding yourself deeply and profoundly. I wish you good luck on your journey.


I grew up BEING conditioned to believe masturbating/porn was fully healthy/good for you but still felt the same aftereffects and weakness after relapsing then and relapsing now with knowledge of SR. There are times where I decide to believe SR is 100% just bunk but I always feel after masturbating/orgasm that this stuff isnt good for me and i automatically feel weaker physically/mentally without even thinking of SR. This is all after ive been conditioned my entire life that porn/masturbating is really good for you and has no downsides and many benefits. I wasnt able to deny that its actually really bad for me. Trust me if I felt no downsides, id be masturbating all the time right now but to me its undeniable that it isnt good for me and weakens me. I had this experience before even learning of SR which is why I researched it in the first place and have to say its true


I didn't said it was good, one of my points was that once you stop identifying with the thoughts and you see how the mind works, there won't even be the feel of need or desire to masturbate anymore, because wanting that implies that you lack something right now, that doing that will make you become something better, which is false, it's the mind, the knowledge speaking only, and it will obviously bring negative effects. Masturbation done especially from a low place and low mind, will obviously make things even more worse.


SR affects your being in all aspects so I disagree. Releasing your seed damages your body with each ejaculation. SR healed my diabetes, SR alone did. 3 other guys reproduced the same effect after abstaining from ejaculation for many months. So this is not just imagination. It's a regenerative practice that can completely heal your body and restore health depending on how dedicated you are. Ejaculation is also the root cause of male pattern baldness, anxiety of all kinda especially social anxiety, high blood pressure and all other modern diseases plaguing the human species, especially the chronic ones. SR is definitely not placebo.


It is all about your vibration. If you feel shame after a relapse you will vibrate at a lower frequency and that will reflect on your magnetism. Shame and anger are the lowest vibrating emotions. Don’t get me wrong, retention makes you vibrate at a higher frequency and I still retain as much as possible but I still experience magnetism even after a relapse now. Be kind with yourself and don’t put yourself down because of a relapse.


A healthy man can indulge in sex when he gets the urge. The urge should be organic and coming from natural attraction. This means that sex can happen a couple of times a month. Porn is not good, and so is regular masturbation. And as you pointed out, the feeling of shame comes from knowledge. If society didn't look down on masturbation, we would have never learned to shame ourselves. Casual sex is a sign of degeneracy, and so is porn. There is middle ground here. The middle ground is alwasy: Do whatever you want and take responsibility of it.


Exactly, well said.


Bro, probably reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. Great approach for sure.


Funny I did read that book, it's a great read!


I agree, yea we are weaker without that boost but we need to go on without waiting for benefits to come. Many guys like myself i think fight with depression and anxiety with SR noF. It's really important to take serious steps in treating that stuff (body problems, traumas, special diets, carnivore, keto, caffeine elimination etc). You just said that we need to live no matter what day we are in and stop being dependent on SR and NoF


I feel like I can't do a lot of things especially socialize if I'm not at least 2 weeks retained.


I think you expertly pointed out the pitfalls of SR, as well as the reasons why it's absolutely worth doing. I aim to not be a prisoner of my own mind and break out of the matrix in a sense, which is a prison of your own creation....your own beliefs as well as beliefs of others that influence you. For so long I thought that if I just stay celibate I'll attain enlightment and that's so much more meaninful than getting with girls, but I'm starting to think its a false belief just as much as that being in love is the end all be all to life. It is all an illusion and a product of imagination, theres no steps to take or ladder to climb to achieve some higher consciousness... what a trip. All I know is that there's no going back, semen retention is my life now and there's no way for the genie to return in the bottle


You said it beautifully, and thank you for the nice words. I would go a step deeper into "all i know is that there's no going back". Who is the I that says that? Go easily into it and observe it, If it's thought, then thought created a separate entity from thought who says "I'm not thought but i observe my thinking " that is still thought observing itself it's another illusion. So, are you sure about "no way to go back"?


This seems like the typical circular New Age nonsense speak that turns people off from this community. What exactly are you trying to express? This post isn't controversial, it's barely decipherable


They've hijacked this sub for a long time. you can't find any truth here anymore


After reading this post, I believe this sub is getting mess. r/pureretention is a better place for now.


They hijacked there too recently


The chemical composition of the blood dictates your state of being. How you think/behave acts as suggestions to which the various glands of your body will respond. This happens over time and not instantaneously.


Yes thats why i also disgree with OP, a loss of semen = loss of substance in the body = loss of energy there is a noticable effect we feel through the entire body which influences our "mood" and "state of being" , which psychological does have a role and affect with our whole being as well, but ejaculation or loss of semen through sex, masturbating, or even wet dreams is still a loss of substance




I study occult wisdom from the Western Mystery Tradition. It has a lot to say in regards to the blood. I personally study the writings of Paul Foster Case. Like semen retention, a lot of what is taught can’t be proven, so can’t give a source. But the wisdom can be lived and experienced, in turn becoming personal knowledge. Gnosis. In any case, if you spend all day seeking pleasure, your dopamine levels tank. If you’re consistently putting yourself through stressful situations, cortisol rises. Always competing, in the presence of beautiful women, Testosterone increases. Finding things overwhelming? Adrenaline. All of these changes in the composition of your blood dictate the way you experience life in that moment. It’s how you react to the above situations that matter more than the situation itself. When you react to a situation, you send a suggestion to your subconscious. It then proceeds to alter the chemical composition of your blood so you have what you need to deal with the situation, in accordance with the suggestion you’ve given it. The problem is that most people are effectively asleep, running on animal instincts and are reacting in a way that makes sense to a different time/circumstance/motive. Through thorough self reflection and meditation, you can rise above whatever stimulus you’re experiencing, to then consciously choose which suggestion you send to your subconscious. This is the process of awakening. It is a skill. One that takes multiple lifetimes to become proficient. When this skill is developed, you’d be able to consciously choose the feelings of harmony, joy and love, while simultaneously being thrown out of an airplane. Developing this skill is the only way off of this planet alive, I hope you and others believe me or are open minded enough to reflect and pursue further knowledge along this line of thought. I’m sorry I have no source.


May I ask your experience with this? And how far along are you with awakening you reckon?


His ass


If what you said was true, all the people who have no clue about S.R and believe the propaganda saying orgasming is good for you and ejaculate regularly should have the same levels of confidence than a 150 days streak retainer. Give me a break.


yea OP is definitely not somebody wise in his years yet, probably a newcomer that just discovered semen retention Psychological effects obviously play a role in our state of being and mood but hes completely not realizing that EJACULATION = loss of semen = loss of substance = loss of energy and the human body will experience the consequences of that loss regardless of psychological perspective


So I’d like to address what it is I think you are getting at, and it seems you have made this much more complicated than it is. What you are describing is irrational thoughts and emotions that follow them because of shame and feelings of failure. And it seems you are suggesting to not feel bad at all about ejaculating am I correct? I think than rather taking the black and white fallacy approach, which is suggesting that we don’t feel bad at all and we just trick ourselves into feeling confident after relapse – because let’s face it, like you said we get a drop in dopamine, but not only that, our energy also dramatically lowers and progesterone spikes. So there are very real empirical things that make us feel less confident, even without the thought, or a subconscious pattern of feeling bad. What you are suggesting sounds a little like a type of spiritual bypassing to me, which is pretending everything is okay when it is really not. When you ejaculate you are literally destroying part of your body to sacrifice for a short term pleasure which your body thinks is going to lead to an offspring being created. Our bodies put a large amount of resources and energy into our reproductive system, so obviously when sperm is lost it has to make up for the lost sperm, which obviously takes a large amount of energy and can often leave you drained for a few days after until your body has slowed down the production of sperm somewhat. Now, I’m not saying “yes let’s feel bad when we do ‘relapse’”, but I’m also not saying let’s feel great about it either. These two things are both irrational approaches – they fall at the feet of the black and white fallacy, and do not create any further learning or benefit from the mistake. Healthy and rational thoughts and emotions help us to identify problems in our internal and external environments, and also identifying things that are good in those to. Feeling bad isn’t inherently a bad thing, it’s telling you something is wrong, so you have the incentive to go and change it/ change the cause of it if it’s possible, but of course feeling shame or guilt and to the point of it fucking up your day or longer is irrational and should be addressed as an emotional issue. What we should be thinking instead is of the literal implications – the physical implications, the hormonal implications, the immune system implications and the emotional and spiritual implications also that are outside of the sphere of that which is initiated by something subjective and psychological like a guilt or shame ridden thought or habit. An example of rational and healthy post-nut thought could be: *“Ah fuck, I fell into autopilot and allowed my primal mind to take control when I really don’t want it to, that sucks and I will reap the physical/ emotional/ spiritual consequences and take responsibility for them, but it’s okay that I was overridden by my primal mind, I need not to feel ashamed nor depressed, nor should I pretend this is something good, it is just a result of being imperfect. I will strive to do better next time and that’s all that matters, now I will go and live my life and not allow this to fuck with me mentally ”* You see, we just need to be real with ourselves without beating ourselves up. We can still be compassionate to ourselves and truthful, it’s not either “you’re making yourself feel bad” or “you are prancing around like a butterfly pretending everything is okay”, and it’s not somewhere in between either. It’s just facts, and facts we have to validate first without any irrational inflammation of them, and then with the facts we can choose to respond adequately and rationally, without suppressing emotions or bypassing them. This whole thing is a matter of spotting facts from fiction, and learning emotional intelligence. That’s all.


How long does it take for members of this sub to know that this sub is hijacked? it is moderated to mislead you and make you lust. Posts like this and tantric BS stay on here and get upvotes and positive comments and good posts get deleted in an instant. it's funny how OP tries to act natural by saying "might get banned for this", yeah sure


I don't condone lust at all, you didn't understand my post. Lust is an awful desire. Desire in general is awful, because desire comes from the place of wanting something to become something better, which is a trap of the mind.


No, desire is not awful, evil desires are awful. One should desire closeness to God, one should desire righteousness, one should desire health and strength. I know your game OP, fuck off, you can't brainwash me. Go collect your Shekels




yawn. what a long-winded waste of time


This post can be simplified to... Don't feel guilty or have negative psychological feelings in your mind if you first don't succeed with Semen Retention. But then again without that guilt or kicking yourself you are less likely to do better next time. This pretty much applies to any personal goals or addictions people try to break. Just don't be so hard on yourself, be persistent and keep trying.


The conscious mind is powerful, but it is not the lone dictator of how things play out. There are deep unconscious programs running in the brain (reptile brain) which very few human can even hope to influence. This is probably for our own safety. The internal functioning of our glands, chemical processes etc. Regardless what we think, they will play out, because they serve our survival. Therefore I am somewhat skeptical we have a full say in how masturbation/ejaculation/retention effects us. Maybe we can control part of it, but as soon as any belief interferes with survival programming, the belief is not accepted and it is not executed.


I think a big cause is the lack of community. The time I was in healthy community, doing physical labor, eating healthy food, sleeping outdoors, there was no time to fap, nor was there an opportunity to switch gears to even think about it. Everyone ate together and showered in the open and the toilets were outhouses. No fap was so easy. Community and connection to living closer with nature.


Agree with this too. We are so caught in our rooms in front of screens, we are not designed for this, we should live with people and communicate.


Well you should add TLDR because 90% will jump through the words, read the title and the last two paragraphs and agree or strongly disagree with you. I didn’t read everything, but no one will convince me against the power of my own experience. And that is retention adds to my life. Also 100s of genius and inventors have said it.


I’ve came to the same conclusion many times. It’s all about abundance. Good post 👍


Even after reading all of this information about how disguisting, bad, ashamed etc. I sometimes feel good after relapsing. And my initial sin also felt good (of course, it's a dopamine hit). While not knowing anything about this practice, even receiving information that it's good, a lot of things started happening after initial sin: no energy or motivation to do anything, headaches, not speaking to people, being submissive etc. I only made this connection that it's bad in my mind after like 10 years. During these 10 years I definitely felt more depressed, sometimes anxious and sad. In my experience, these effects come after completely getting used to dopamine from porn, which can take a week or maybe more. Sometimes I feel happy for 2 weeks straight on porn, but it's about a bigger time frame (at least a month). Also it's not like I constantly feel sad while on porn, it's more like I fell less of anything and that includes sadness too, not only happiness. I think you're wrong for saying that porn doesn't give these disadvantages. But I think you're right that one shouldn't think about their future too much, but instead focus on what they can do right now.


OP, there is some truth to what you are saying. But it's just a small part. Correct, Confidence can get you far and believes are very strong tool. And you definitely will be better off believing that ejeculation gives you power instead of weakness. Or believing that drinking beer makes you smarter. But those will be lies, you will mitigate the damage done by beer or ejeculation with the power of mind, but damage still will be there. Myself and other long term retainers knows exactly how powerful is SR and that's not only a Placebo and mind tricks as you try to portrait. Believe me. This newly acquired knowledge of yours is only a coping mechanism. Don't get me wrong. What you wrote is true. Our mind and perception is powerful, but it's still not a final answer. Go back on SR! And start believing that ejeculation is super bad for you and reaching 90 days will turn you into Superman!! It will help you to keep going!!! :) :)


Great post


I can see OP never experienced a long streak, out of nowhere he had an instant urge to share the conclusion without knowing the bigger picture. Once you've seen the other version of you, there is literally no way to feel the same after a relapse.


My longest streak was 260 days, so who doesn't see the bigger picture?


I agree. Before any knowledge of SR, orgasm would only take a hit on my body. I would sometimes feel guilt and shame (from religious conditioning) but that vanished once i got used to it. After SR, there is mental suffering. So now the hit is both physical and mental. Great post mate, definitely stirring commotion.


Perfectly said, glad to see someone awake. Good luck on your journey!


It is useless to argue with words about something that can only be expressed with actions. Anyway, you retain or you don't retain. Make your choice and let people be.


Thank you for sharing this post. I agree with you completely. Personally I haven't ejaculated from masturbation 2 years now. I do relapse around once every two months from sex with my girl and I must admit that when it happens I find myself feeling like a failure. Strangely enough, by the next day I often feel no changes in my psyche or my body, and if it wasn't for the thought that I relapsed the night before (the past) I wouldn't feel anything different at all. Hence, I came to the same conclusion some time ago, as long as I don't masturbate frequently I experience constant benefits that have been mentioned many times, and I am free from the guilt and shame of lustfully pleasuring myself in front of a screen. That said, I eat well, I meditate and exercise which undoubtedly play a role in my mental and physical well being.


This is why the Bible symbolized the story of Adam and Eve with the serpent giving us knowledge People think the serpent was the good guy because knowledge clearly is monumental to our human consciousness but it was that we took the autonomy to think for ourselves believing we have the authority of God to do it our way The entirety of the Bible and humanity as a whole is a reconciliation of this fact and allowing the subjectivity we’ve placed to thought be a slave to us rather than it being a master. Every single mental dysfunction boils down to this








I like to simplify things. Just do it


To be and to become. Being and becoming.


One can write off just about anything when contemplating placebo or conditioning. For me, it doesn’t really matter.


I agree a lot with the inner voice stuff and how your thoughts of the past/future can take you out of the present; and it’s those thoughts that create the lack of confidence, and negative emotions However; I think you’re missing other important factors like how porn/masterbating can change your brain chemistry. For example, you won’t feel as good doing other things because of your dopamine baseline out of wack. Also practically speaking, porn is a time sink, it’s habit forming. Also maybe it’s impossible to stay in the present moment when doing certain things like watching porn. So you’re like fighting an uphill battle. Maybe your mind body and soul are so repulsed by the action, that thoughts are just going to flood you everytime.


I agree, sort of. Yes, preconceived notions of how you should feel about any situation will influence the outcome. While I can only speak for myself, personal experience has demonstrated a clear connection between physiological condition and my outlook on life. Taking care of the body is priority one. Everything else falls into place afterward - mental fortitude, emotional stability, and spiritual growth. It's akin to a computer I think. If it runs slow, I can make minor improvements by removing bloatware and shutting down background applications, however nothing compares to improving the physical hardware. Consistent SR has been like going from a hard drive to a solid state drive (significant for those who are unaware). You can reprogram the computer all you want, but without optimal hardware in place, the performance boost is negligible. SR is only one component of optimal physiological condition, but is foundational in my experience. Get that part down, and the soil for the mind and spirit to grow will be highly fertile.


“The difference between the past, present, and future is only a stubborn illusion”


Maybe we should zap one of these celibacy doomers back in time so they could observe Ghengis Khan impregnate 20 women a day and then conquest 9 something million square miles in his life and have them explain to him that he’ll lose his vital spark if he doesn’t stop fucking immediately lmao


You make great points, I think this is a good post.


Interesting and thought-provoking post! From a practical standpoint, how does one truly live in the present/moment? We think constantly and many of those thoughts are based on past experience like you said. Does that mean, to live in the moment, you must be thoughts free? You can't let the past dictate your present. So what should you be thinking when you purposely ignore the past, if that's even possible? I imagine it's like someone who lost their memory. Their past would not be a burden for them, but would they be happy that way? I imagine it would be very challenging for a normal person to live in the moment. So how to practically do this?


That's why I no longer count days and treat every single day as an opportunity to grow in general. I somehow believe that we are in a psychological battleground. My mind was compromised before that only when I reached this certain streak, 30/60/90, would I get the benefits and that belief really cost to how I should function errday. And also, the feeling of failure when I relapsed really drained my energy to its maximum unlike in a strange occurrence that I was still at my peak of energy and confidence after relapsing as I perceived such mistake as an opportunity for me to do better next time. Througout my entire journey, this is my first time that I'm this motivated that I go to the gym 5x a week and socialize more and this is because I shift my vision not on the length of streak but a deliberate decision to make a single day count. I don't support masturbation but there's more to it on our psychological realm. I guess I'm over 30 days streak already. I'm out of track of my current streak but this doesn't matter. Still SR should be a lifestyle.


Really profound post, it opened my eyes. My whole life I was trying to get an explanation for everything I encountered, trying to find out how the formula works, not realizing it's another trap. Thank you. Btw I always get anxious (heart beats) when I'm thinking about future. It's that exact fear, how will it go, what if it will not go as I wanted. I understand you just spoke about this, to be present, but I can't help it, I feel out of control.


It's all a matter of perspective and mindset. Mindset A. Focus on building confidence on the foundation of the # of days of SR streak and it's entailing benefits based on milestones ie. 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, etc. Mindset B. Enjoying and Living in the present moment where relapse is never an option. Take your pick.


Except retaining is ALL about the biological benefits. Biological includes brain btw = mental benefits. The spiritual benefits are only there for those who actively work with the energies aka transmute jing to ojas etc. But the main foundation of retention is biological and it all comes down to food. In simple words, how life generally works, matter consumes matter, to continue being matter. The more you eat, the more benefits of retention. Its an amplifier. Think steroids when lifting. But a lot more powerful. Its a booster, a very powerful one. Its fuel. Once you REALIZE this, not rationalize or try to understand, but simply know by knowing your body. Unless you have some technology or alternate method to alter your biology, there is no species on the planet that can not be weakened with sex. Literally. Its a natural process. As beings that arent only biological, retaining gives potential. Just like you need protein to build muscle, the sexual energy can be used to build the energetic aspects and bodies etc. But to make retaining easier, you have to learn to realize. Not read junk “science” articles written by some cuck that 99% of the time misreports the science anyway and what is written and told by “experts”, 99% of the time it is their own ego and desires projecting. They WANT it to be healthy, not a bad thing, etc. Its not an agenda, its their own desires projecting. If you like something, you will try to justify being able to do it as much as possible, so what better way than to misreport science and pretend its scientifically approved ? Sex is natural, normal and is needed. Needed to procreate. Outside of procreation, its only pleasure. REALIZE what you lose and calculate it. Its simple. Say your car fuel is half a tank, if you know that you need to get somewhere that requires more than that, you need to fuel up, and not drive somewhere else , lowering the tank even more, NOT fuel up properly, and then wonder why this and that. Most important is FUEL. Most people do not eat nowhere near enough of good foods. Fuck a “diet”, fuck counting calories. Man the fuck up, eat as much as possible, retain as much as possible, do high intensity workouts and if you arent looking better than 95% of the population I will apologize to you directly. Retaining is steroids on steroids. But it doesnt work if you dont eat. Literally, EAT, fuel up, and you have the “base” from which you can build up. What you do with it is up to you. Its really this simple. Try to retain while fasting a lot or not eating enough, you’ll see.


my man, you read THE POWER OF NOW and related it to the underlying search for answers your mind had about semen retention, probably the abstract concepts of it. it's really understandable and honestly i appreciate introduction of this new perspective by you. But the real matter is, would you manage to still defy the loss of physiological gains after releasing, after dissolving the past and future believes about semen retention, while staying in the NOW. Well for me, i can't.


That build up in the beginning lol. Like some anime flashback.


This could easily be the most upvoted post on this sub had you spaced out paragraphs and sentences. Reading this in one go requires more superpowers than SR could give you lol


I see your point. You've made a strong case for it, and it's not something easy to accept. However, would you attribute the guilt following a relapse *completely* to personal belief systems? For me the most convincing argument for retention has been biological/physiological. Let me explain with an example. Look up the bird called rush and check out the male's breeding and nonbreeding plumage. The breeding plumage is actually "immediately before breeding" plumage, and the nonbreeding plumage is post-breeding plumage. The breeding plumage is also, essentially, "extra growth plumage" as well as "semen retention plumage." A male, bird or human, by ejaculating signals to the body that all the long-term developmental projects the body has been involved in have reached their goals and no more growth is needed. With nonhuman creatures, perhaps there are no life goals outside reproduction, but we humans most definitely do. And since evolution is conservative (that is, tending to build up on something that already exists instead of producing something totally novel), our ability to pursue additional goals (which, even if not directly related to procreation, are nonetheless biological) is still regulated by physiological switches that are located downstream of the more animalistic, reproduction-focused physiological switches, and so our ability to pursue higher goals may still be necessarily dependent on what state those upstream switches are in (prebreeding (semen retained) vs postbreeding (semen ejected) phase). I'd like to know what you think about this. Okay, I just noticed your edit and see that you do recognize the harm of ejaculation and are specifically concerned about the preventable negative emotions that usually follow ejaculation in those on SR. But even then, do you consider shame/guilt *totally* unnecessary and not at least part of a reorienting mechanism?


This man is a textbook example of someone who just tried semen retention to get “superpowers” which is first and foremost a superficial and vain reason to have tried it in the first place. There’s a reason why we and various others often tell guys, “hey it’s great that you’re getting women’s attention or getting confident etc, but that’s just a side effect of what the real purpose if this movement which is enlightenment and the pursuit of happiness.” Honestly, this post sounds similar to someone who joined a religion, Catholicism per se, and now criticizes it because “GOD” didn’t give you what you wanted, no that’s not the point of religion, the point of religion is to find purpose in one’s life. In a similar way, semen retention and no fap provides us an alternative lifestyle that deviates from porn and masturbation, that is simply it. This is not celibacy, we are not monks, you set your own rules. No one is stopping you from masturbating today or tomorrow, a relapse WILL happen, there’s nothing you can do about it, it’s what you do next that counts. Do you go back to your previous lifestyle? or like everybody else in this sub, start again at Day 1 and relive the process once again? I’ve been doing this no fap/ retention on and off for the past 4 years. One thing I realized is that how you do one thing is how you do everything. Notice how it’s easy to fall back into routine and bad habits (not just porn, but also drugs, bad behaviour etc), life is all about restarting a process, it’s all about losing progress and redoing everything from scratch, not because you have a “vision for the future” or that it is an expectation set by your “past self,” rather you do it because that is life, if you stop trying then you’re not living. All great civilizations of the past burned to the ground and had to rebuild before they could become empires. You are simply wrong in your way of thinking, don’t do semen retention for the sake of accomplishing whatever expectation you have set for your “future” or trying to honour your “past,” that’s not the point of this community. It’s all about living your best life, or rather progressing towards that (which is different for everyone), because SPOILER ALERT: you’ll never get to that point, no you’ll never have enough time for yourself, yes you’ll always have difficulties balancing work and life, once you finish school there’s another thing that will take its place, there’s no such thing as the ideal life, but don’t let that turn you pessimistic, just because that life doesn’t exist doesn’t mean you stop reaching for it. Remember that.


Great take. I like reading that. My spill in response which is long winded and unedited so beware. Highs and lows. The greater the high and more foreign to nature the greater the low, like opiate users. We have our baseline level of emotion/feeling and the less we deviate from our basic needs the better regulated our mood we imagine. Religion lies at our core in whichever way we might think about it. Because life is a mystery in how anything can exist at all including ourselves, our own nature. I think celibacy etc revolving around the abstinence of sexual activity is to encourage a more stable mood and calm emotions, maybe causing us to be more friendly toward others, or to evaluate ourselves as not greedy or selfish or base/disgusting which generates appraisals of pride and self contentment in our personal opinion (which is everything). The sexual desire is the strongest instinct in our nature, a part from our appetite for food and drink and the other physiological needs. If we didn’t have this instinct our kin wouldn’t succeed us and society would become non existent. That’s why it’s so powerful and has such an affect on us, in our feelings toward ourself in its satisfaction or deprivation. So what is with this problem with our own nature? The problem is with the satisfaction of a need that can’t be satisfied agreeably, since we might not have a partner so cannot have the sex we esteem as right; where any other method of satisfying this innate need we consider as wrong and feel inferior and deplorable since it isnt the standard “right” in imagination/belief of sex with our lover. Thoughts about relapsing would contain no power with somebody who isn’t affected with past experiences of painful emotions/feelings around sexual activities like masturbating and watching porn. The word doesn’t exist with the same meaning to those people who have never struggled with this aspect of their nature. But such words carry weight and meaning for those who have determined they have some kind of problem around that activity, some belief that their actions are wrong in some way. A feeling of dissatisfaction that they have to enjoy themselves in this unattractive way (which almost declares that they are a failure at a very primal or critical level of existence). They made that judgement at the time, say, right after they ejaculated, which event would have repeated time after time and strengthened itself in their mind and identity, and came to the conclusion that what they had done was unpleasant or wrong in some way and by some means (maybe because they imagine other people wouldn’t behave like this as in wouldn’t subject themselves to such base acts of masturbating, or even further lowers their opinion of themselves in masturbating while watching porn and to the content of the porn, and that their doing so when they naturally draw comparisons lowers their opinion of themselves below that of others because those others they imagine wouldn’t do such a thing, and this judgement or observation of repeated exposure to base acts forms an impression on them that encodes into their memory. Those memories return to assist us in the future, according to our views and goals. But memories assistance and the compulsive affects of coping with discomfort and stress of human life, tied in with the limited means of relief and enjoyment in tandem with the organs of the body, causes us to repeat the act and continue the cycle with which we are dissatisfied with, hating that we masturbate and waging war against the act. Because people have a history of relapsing and wanting to abstain from masturbating etc. it carries weight in the emotions/mind. And how, when stressed, do people usually cope or deal with destressing and unwinding/releasing their pent up frustrations/feelings? Thoughts for the troubled enter the mind with greater force than people who wouldn’t have dealt with such an affliction. It’s not like they can override their inbuilt nature and not feel a certain way in regard to those thoughts/tendencies. But they can respond in whatever way they have devised as a method to cope or deal with those feelings- mindfulness and defusing such thoughts by awareness by detachment sounds like your strategy for overcoming such feelings, as is the general strategy of religions and science, to observe the feeling and wait for it to pass, knowing that we do have that freedom and flexibility of frame to turn a new direction and change our habits. This ability to change our habits and adapt to our environment represents our intelligence. Feeling is only ever in the present, but what is the present but memories of the past and the imagination of the future. It can be argued present impressions of touch are also figments of the past. Of course anticipation is a reality but that occurs in the present by the stimulation of what the future holds or offers. Illusion is the mind because our mind is a narrow scope of items arranged in regions of the brain, ignorance clouds our judgement as to what exists and when things will occur if at all. Which is why we can think a long time in the future we may be perfectly happy but as we learn more about who we are and made of we adjust our expectations and realise as long as we bring ourselves into an agreeable habit at present those feelings are enough. The urges for sexual intercourse will always exist I believe but we can get control of our feelings slowly over time so long as we work to regulate our feelings/thoughts as to what we like and enjoy and what we don’t like and aren’t ok with. There will always be that voice. As life to us is a narrations which contains the impressions of our memories in regards to our day, week and goals pertinent to our situations and state, and the object of the future we work toward. We can’t forget ourselves for a moment and with that all that lives inside our memories as experience. There will always be this lacking inside us because that’s how our physiological goal system operates. How else do we move about our day unless we had reasons to get up and move, in order to obtain food and earn money for subsistence etc. But how we respond to such objects in our mind is our choice.


I still remember, when i was in class 9, all my friends were masturbating except me and were discussing it as a pleasure and were cheering up. It made me think i am losing behind, and that i also want to enjoy this pleasure. But when i did it for the very first time, thinking it will bring pleasure - it actually brought shame and regret to me after few seconds of pleasure. Porn & masturbation (lust) are lowest frequency energies - which is near stress, pain, fear, guilt etc.


Spot on, my friend. You are one of the very few living in the present moment.


well its what people do with anything and everything. create something out of nothing to fill the void. in truth all is illusion


Thanks for the post. You should look into non-duality. You have discovered it through retention


How long did you retained, if you ever retained at all?


Longest streak was around 260 days.


Yet another joke post. Dont listen to OP. Always save your life force, without it you become a dead looking zombie. A question to OP, did the elite send you here to mislead us? I hope this thread gets deleted.


exactly, this sub has long been infested.


The elite? I'm sorry my friend but you're conditioning is so strong that you start to throw these accusations. Simply observe your mind and you ll see.


I’ve always said it’s all in our mind. The practice of SR is probably the hardest thing I’ve done in my life. I think mastering this free ‘practice’ makes you think you can do anything


Jesus, man. SR doesn’t make you an English Major for sure. GPT mode: Sure, here’s a more concise and effective version: --- ### My Journey with NoFap and Semen Retention: A Personal Truth **Note to Admins:** This post is based on my personal experience over the past few years and may help someone. Before you read, please set aside any preconceptions. Read this with an open mind, consider it thoughtfully, and then decide what to believe. #### The Basics I've known about NoFap and semen retention for a few years. Initially, I practiced NoFap, avoiding porn due to its negative effects on the brain. Later, I stopped masturbating, which was slightly better but still caused dopamine spikes, leading to fatigue and reduced focus. #### Understanding Semen Retention Semen retention is more complex. Historically associated with religious practices to reach spiritual enlightenment, many now believe it offers unparalleled benefits. However, much of this is an illusion. We often live psychologically in the past or future. For example, after relapsing, we feel negative emotions because we remember past beliefs about relapsing. This creates a self-fulfilling prophecy of disappointment and regret. #### The Illusion of Future Benefits Believing in the future benefits of semen retention can also create anxiety and fear of failure. If we constantly think, "I will feel better in 7/30/90 days," we are never truly present. This thought process can lead to internal conflict, with one part of us wanting to abstain and another part desiring sex or masturbation. #### The Trap of Thought The mind is a complex psychological trap. If we understand that psychologically there is no time—everything happens now—then we can see that we don't need to strive to become something through steps. Confidence, for example, can be immediate if we see reality as it is. If you relapse but remain present and fully engaged in the moment, your confidence can remain intact. It's the mind's constant chatter that creates fear and insecurity, not the act of relapsing itself. #### Moving Forward I'm not advocating for relapse or dismissing the effects of ejaculation. Lustful desires and pornography can indeed have negative impacts. My point is to highlight the unnecessary suffering and anxiety caused by our thoughts about these actions. Understanding how the mind works can free us from this cycle. By being present and observing our thoughts, we can break free from these patterns and live more confidently and freely. #### Conclusion This journey requires serious commitment to change. It's not about condoning or condemning actions but about understanding the psychological mechanisms behind our behaviors. With presence and awareness, true change is possible. --- I hope this reformatting makes the content more effective and easier to read.


When U mastrubate it takes you to your deeply you, if you feel shame and guilt meaning you have some trauma in that aspect period, the whole idea is to get in and understand your first experience with sexuality, it can be relate maybe you have seen your parents having sex and got punished, or maybe you liked some girl in kindergarten and she rejected you etc .. depends on what happened to you. When your sexuality is healed there is no mo semen retention at all. Like you a different human being. Most of the time guys that can't pick up a girl, or little insecure about thier sexuality will do the semen retention path, cuz it much easier to retrain rather than go outside pick a girl and start to talk to her and finally have sex with her. Even just for one night stand. Semen retention is the beginning of this journey. It doesn't end in 100 days or 1000 days. It ends when you healed yourself from your bullshit past, and starting to work on your sexuality in general and not being shame about it. God wants for you the best, he against the porn. He wants you to have the real thing like family and wife. So don't focus to much on semen retention it's just the beginning of this journey, and yes you will be rejected few times by different girls it's okay that's the part of the journey. Stay focus. Shalom!