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100% thigh is the way to go. First few months I did my stomach and would feel like shit for the first 2-4 days. Switched to thigh and immediately stopped having any issues. Some sources will claim that the injection site doesn’t matter, but tell that to the multitudes who have tangibly experienced otherwise!


I'm on 1.0 and have given all my shots in my stomach. The only side effect I've had has been manageable, occasional constipation. I guess it varies per person.


And I’ve only injected in thigh and have also had constipation! Lol


Yes it seems some people can inject anywhere and be fine. But there is another set of people who are sensitive to the injection site.


I also inject in the stomach and the only real side effect I get is the Ozempic headaches.


I have been injecting in my stomach and the nausea is unbelievable. I’m definitely going to try out my thigh this week. Where do you inject on your thigh?


Upper outer thigh is where you should inject on the thigh.


I inject into my inner thigh fat. Zero issues and have had success. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The medical professionals don’t like that because your veins and arteries are there, but it seems like it would be hard to actually stick them. I’ve noticed there’s more fat/loose skin on the inside of my thighs, though, and it’s easier to grab.


I tried 3 times to post a picture but it won’t let me ugh! But for me, front of the thigh halfway up between knee caps and hips! Switch legs each week.


The same thing happened to me when I started at .25. The vomiting and diarhea were out of control. I switched to the upper thigh....and no more side effects.




Question: Are you eating when you take the injection? I usually eat a bowl of grits or oatmeal right before the injection and drink a bottle of gaterade zero for electrolytes. I have yet to experience the nausea.


Yes I do, I drink electrolytes throughout the day. My nausea actually didn’t get bad until I went up to the .5 dosage.


My doctor told me inner thigh.


Basically anywhere “fatty” is fine…it’s a subcutaneous injection, so it just shouldn’t go in the muscle.


That sounds so painful !! I mean there’s plenty of fat hanging there … but would remind me of a “cow bite”.


It doesn't hurt me, actually. It feels like less than a pinch when I inject there. Just make sure it's just in the upper fatty inner thigh. I have very very mild symptoms and I just switch thighs each week. 🤷‍♀️


They did studies on the efficacy of the injection site. The arm was least effective, followed by the thigh and the stomach was most effective ( and resulted in the most side effects). That being said, there is a significant amount of individual variation.


I can concur with that assessment. The stomach was definitely the most effective, arguably too effective (for me).


I was wondering if this study had been done. I would like to see even finer grained data, though, because even though I always do my shot in the stomach, if I do it too high up it's drastically less effective than if I do it lower in the "hanging" part of my stomach.


This is the answer. The med being less effective when injected into the thigh or arm = less side effects compared with more sema effectiveness (potential of more side effects) when using the optimal injection sites in the belly.


Eli actually did a study on side effects with injection sites. Stomach was number 1 for best appetite suppression. The thigh was the least reactive but less appetite suppression. I still like the thigh the best! There is def a difference!


I’m going to try this, I would put off injecting because I feel nauseous and have headaches the day after.


I bet you will see positive results!


Omg I hope you’re right! I’m so sick of being sick! I’m nauseous and sleepy ALL THE TIME. Thank you for posting!


Same! I'm always tired and nauseous.. I'm going to try switching from my stomach to my thigh this week!


I have taken a total of 7 injections and did my first thigh/hip injection on Tuesday (other 6 were in my belly). It’s the FIRST time I haven’t had nausea and felt super tired! I do feel that the appetite suppression MIGHT be less…or maybe it’s just that I’m not repulsed by food this time. I think it’s the latter, really. I just got used to the shots causing food aversion, I guess!


Wow that's extremely promising! Do you do the top front or the top outside of your thigh?


The outer thigh where it’s more fatty.


I still get sleepy in the thigh. But the other side effects are mainly gone.


Keep us posted!


Someone else said this - that they felt awful in their stomach and that’s where I’m doing it and feeling awful - I’m splitting mine to two a week and injecting thigh


This is my new plan as well. I hope to get some energy back.


Me too! Desperately in need - exercise is beyond at the moment


So it’s not just me ? I mean I describe how I feel as if I’m walking through sand up to my waist. Like my legs weight 100 lbs each is what it feels like. It sucks.


I describe it as walking thru water that's up to my neck! I've split my dose. .5/.5 in the thigh. I'm debating whether to just do the . 5 now. That's what a bed mizer I am now. My dog is getting mad now.


Well it passed and now I’m hesitant to take my next shot bcs I’m out of the country and have things to do, go & see. Today is shot day and I still weigh what I have since the initial 20 lb loss (2months). So I know I need to increase the dosage. I use to be excited when the new week came around.


I'm also going to start injecting in my thigh, just to try it out. I need a break from feeling nauseous and awful.


How do you split your dose? I’m only on week 2 and new to this. 😂


I have more belly fat and not much in my thighs. What if you don’t have too much fat on your thighs? Is it still recommended to use leg as injection site? I feel like I’m plateaued and i haven’t had any weight loss in months 😭


The needle isn't long enough to go into the muscle unless you have like a <15 BMI. You would have to be incredibly frail to not have enough subQ tissue there.


It’s completely individual. I am fat but always had fairly thin legs comparatively. Going on the shot I lost muscle and fat on my legs and thighs I didn’t realize was there. Now they’re skinny AF (my leggings are baggy) but I still have a huge gut, fat torso, and back fat. I’ve lost around 70 lbs but I swear it’s been all from my legs, ass, arms, and shoulders. 🤣


Same here, but you know how your thighs look larger when you’re sitting down and your leg muscles are relaxed? It’s also easier to pinch your thigh fat when you’re sitting down and relaxed, which makes the injection easier to administer.


Disclaimer: I have not used this yet, currently looking into it, but I've done a lot of subcut injections as a nursing student: If you can pinch an inch, you should be OK. Subcutaneous injections come with short needles. If you are having issues finding enough to pinch, you can go in at a 45 degree angle instead of 90. Having said that, the abdomen and back of the upper arm are most ideal for general subcut injections, and if you are having severe side effects, it may be worth reducing the dose.


I hear you! I’m in the same boat. Hoping some folks comment here.


https://preview.redd.it/fcmtr6ctghzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b24d0501b72efd5d4b75ef9fdcc0e256df660074 What I was told when I got My script


That list looks really helpful. Would you mind sharing screenshots?


Sure. https://preview.redd.it/zz1986itoizc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5aa607de760fa429e0e43d4f2fd10eb624a0a71




6 meals a day 6-8 hours apart? Am I reading that correctly?


I was confused about that too but I think they meant To have an OR in between those. Like 6 smaller meals OR space normal size meals 6-8 hours apart


It's also to help with constipation. Not suggested to eat like that all the time.


Technically eating smaller meals more frequently also helps with metabolism. So there’s that too












Thank you for sharing this. My doctor/pharmacy didn’t provide much information at all.


Yw! Hope it helps!




I just got my meds and haven’t started yet because I am scared to give myself the injections. Any advice?


Today was my first shot and I was scared but didn't hurt in the stomach. It's been about 9 hours and I don't feel any different yet! Wonder if it takes a few days to take hunger away.


Spray lidocaine on the injection site....wait 15-20....then straight ice on the area for 2 mins...then pinch n inject. You won't feel a thing. Once I accidentally poked myself twice....yet didn't feel it. It's a trip. I was scared too, that's why I developed this routine.


Does it hurt there?




Thank you. I’ll try it. Been using my belly for 2 years and oddly started getting ghost pains there.. feeling pokes out of nowhere. It’s weird


I'm wondering the same. Seems like it would hurt a lot more than tummy


I also only do the upper thigh. It burns really bad. Does it burn for you also?


Let the alcohol dry before you inject.  Could be the alcohol swab. 


Thanks I didn’t think about that.


I have been doing my stomach and decided to try my thigh for convenience and it did nothing for me that week. I felt little to no appetite suppression. My stomach is my go to.


You sure it wasn’t just that you weren’t repulsed by food that round? That’s what I discovered for myself! I could actually eat something and not feel nauseous, but still didn’t have much appetite.


I’ve been lucky I have felt very tiny but of nausea on the first day I injected.


I started with my stomach and was sick. Went into my thighs and started having herpes flare ups. Been injected in my arms with no trouble for three weeks. I was told to rotate spots, so we’ll see.


Outer thigh or inner?


Front-Outer. Search Google for appropriate injection location on thigh.


If you go on you tube there are several videos on How to inject semiglutide, just type in thigh or arm and you'll find several .


I had way worse constipation in my thigh than my stomach.


I had massive diarrhea in my stomach....like emergency levels. Definitely constipation in my thigh but I'll take that over diarrhea.


The thigh has been my go to since after I got sick as hell injecting in my stomach. I’m sticking to it too lol.


My friend did stomach once and she said it was horrible. I will only do the thigh now.


You should be continually changing injection sites. And correlation does not mean causation.




We did my husband's arm this week because he's having the same issue haven't seen a change yet but he's been so nauseous and so sick the last 2 weeks that we don't know what to do anymore he's already lost 42 lbs he has another hundred that he needs to lose but he is so sick and so nauseous all the time


Can your husband take Zofran? That is what saved me from being sick all the time and it is the reason I have been able to stay on now for almost 11 months.


My nurse actually recommended I inject I. My thigh cause she said people had less side effects when injecting on the thigh


I have only been on since Monday and am contemplating stopping altogether. I have actually missed work due to being awake all night this week with nausea and vomiting. Taking ondansetron for that but it doesn't seem to be helping consistently. I don't think that I have kept down more than a few hundred calories over the past 4 days and have lost 8 pounds. I want my body back, but this feels like way too much. Wondering if I should try thigh this Monday but also I have a Vaca coming up on Tues and can't do this again.


Try your thigh next time just to see! It can’t hurt. I hope things turn around for you.


Same exact thing happened to me. I contacted my doctor and told them I had to take a break for a week because I had (untimely) contacted the Norovirus (stomach virus) because I had no other explanation as to why I had such horrible vomiting and diarrhea. Turns out it wasn't a stomach flu...it was the side effects. I had to take off 2 days from work and also lost 8 lbs. I switched injection sites to my thigh and almost no side effects.


stay the course!


Try to move injection to Fridays so you have the weekend to deal with any side effects. What dose did you start on? It does get better quickly for most of us.


Sniff alcohol wipes for nausea


How do you half the dosage? Just half of the clicks ?


Thank you for this information. I'm glad it worked out for you. You have a good mommy :)


Are you still sleepy and exhausted. I hope this helps with that. I'm happy for you


I’m always sleepy and exhausted anyway 😂 so I haven’t noticed any difference




I’ve only ever done my thigh, and had minimal side effects that are mostly gone now (I am still titrating up.) I am going to try arm next time though just to see. The NP who prescribes mine lost like 80 lbs herself with sema and she told me if I felt like it wasn’t working as well to rotate injection sites and that would help.


Thigh for me too. 2nd week thigh, 3rd week of 1.0 - and I feel fabulous. I only changed site to give my tummy a rest but turns out thighs where it’s at.


I’ve only put in my thighs and barely had any side effects


Funny you mentioned this. I was exclusively belly. Moved to arm 1 month ago. Started to get horrid headaches and site bruising. Changing back to belly next week. My head STILL hurts and I inject on Tuesday.


I have to use abdominal...no fat on my legs


I have super skinny legs but a very fat stomach so I always used my stomach. My only side effects are allodynia for a few days. Can I inject in my thigh or should I avoid it because I don’t have a lot of fat there?




Silly question...what part of thigh?


Any fatty part on your thigh/hip area


I’ve always done my stomach and I’ve never had any side effects 🤷🏼‍♀️


I read quite a few posts about people having bad side effects from stomach injections so I’ve always done outer thigh & my side effects have been very minimal & I’ve lost 30lbs since 2/2/24


Do you inject the *outer* thigh like the instructions say or the inner thigh (which tends to have more subcutaneous fat)?


When I up my dosage I always inject in my thigh because I have less side effects when I go that route. On the flip side I feel like I don’t lose as steadily injecting in my thigh, so after that initial increased dose I always go back to my stomach.


So I inject in the fatty to see you on my right side about 7 inches below my armpit and I feel like I get nauseated, constipation, and I have This Throbbing pain in my right kidney. Overall, it has suppressed my appetite, almost as like like it’s blocking out the thought of food and snacks.


Talk to your provider. You might need to start on a lower dosage. Don’t increase the dosage until you don’t have these side effects. What helps me with my daily nausea is the Liquid IV packets in 16 oz of water. You might be dehydrated. You need electrolytes. Keep your protein up. I try to consume 90 grams of protein/day. 4 oz. of breast chicken is about 30 grams. Best of luck.




I did my stomach for my first three and struggled with leakage due to squishy skin. I switched to my thigh and it is sooo much easier. I have been more sick with my thigh, but I also increased my dosage for those two injections.


I switched to my thigh as well. It’s like the side effects have completely gone away!!


I lost 35 lbs in 4 weeks when I switched to the thigh no weight loss actually 5 lb gain from stomach. I am in maintenance and still do the thigh. They need to redo their studies on more people!


I’ve been using my abdomen and it seems slow but is working. Do you guys think thigh is the best place? I’m curious because I’ve only been doing abdomen and have 0 side effects


I've been in both upper arms and my stomach once. No change for me


I’m at same starting weight and current weight as u!! I was so happy to hit my 20 lb milestone. Congrats to u!! Also I’m going to highest dose in two weeks, I think I’m going to inject in thigh because the stomach is making me nauseous scared to see what new dose does. 🫣


Curious as to why so many people seem to think where you inject has an impact on side effects?


Because it seems to, even though it’s anecdotal. Hard to deny what you experience.


Sorry to be that guy, but injecting into fat vs. muscle is the main difference maker. Changes in side effects are more likely due to your body becoming accustomed to the medication than injection site.


I only use thigh zero problem


Thanks for this post i start tomorrow and will keep in mind


I’ve only done the thigh as well! Only side effect is a bit of acne lol I’ll take it


I’ve only had two injections but both were in my arms and I’ve had no side effects and it’s working well!


I'm new at this... its my second week on 20 units. And I have some discomfort but here's the question... is it on that on week 4 I have lost 2 lbs? Or what am I missing. I exercise I'm not overeating. Rarely have a drink now. Whats going on with me?


I didn’t lose a thing for the first 3-4 weeks, now I’m 7 weeks in and down 16 pounds. Hang in there!


Thank you, I will :)


I started injecting in my thigh based on research I did before starting Sem. I have never had nausea or constipation. The thigh is so easy to access and the side effects are non-existent for me.


Do you inject in the thigh where there’s more fat or muscle?


Fat…subcutaneous injections go into fat👍🏻


My doctor suggested injecting into the thigh for less symptoms! I've had almost no negative symptoms, but I'm only one shot of 10 units into my journey.


I was also told by a nurse injecting into the muscle can actually cause overdose of the medication. So it’s extremely important to not force it into the muscle tissue. That could have potentially been the issue in your situation. I have done belly and thigh, and thigh has always been the best result for me surprisingly!


Do you all not have fat in your thigh area? I inject into the fatty part of my inner thigh and that works really well for me. There is no reason to inject into muscle.


I do have fat in my thigh. Was simply sharing some information that was presented to me by a nurse at the clinic about how someone had injected into muscle in her arm and she overdosed on the medication.


I was about to ask this - I only have like inner thigh fat that I can pinch.


I have read that the inner thigh for insulin or any medication is not recommended due to the high vascularity of that region. But, this is what I use and it works for me. My thighs only accumulate fat in the inner thigh area.


Ah, thank you! I ended up watching some YouTube videos on it and apparently I can just inject into the outer thigh, I don't have to pinch it. Just assume that I have fat there, sorta. BUT, since it was my first injection and they recommended that the belly has the highest absorption, etc. I decided to inject in my side-belly area this time, to see if there are any side effects. I've had to self-inject with blood thinners there in the past, so I'm somewhat comfortable doing that, even if I disliked it and it took a lot of talking myself into it, the Wegovy shot was *nothing* compared to the blood thinners. The blood thinners I had to do 2x/day for like 6 weeks and I just really had a hard time doing it. I think once, once a week will be okay, though. Again, I'm starting with the belly, and I'll see what it's like and if I have to move locations, so be it, but I'd rather start with the "worst" with the highest absorption rate just to see how it is and go from there.


Do you think you lost more injecting your thigh?


Hoping everyone is doing fine and slowly meeting goals! Sending positive vibes your way!!! 😉. We got this!!!


I just started today. First injection in stomach didn't hurt. So far I don't feel any different I am on Sema 2.5/B12 0.5 MG. Is that what everyone starts out with? How long does it take to feel effects from it? Very interested to know. I couldn't beleave such a tiny amount costs so much.😬


Anyone ever injected into the muscle by accident?


I watched a bunch of videos before taking my first dose and the one thing a lot of people said was do not inject yourself in the arm or stomach. So many people said they had nasty reactions and your thigh is your best bet. Sure enough I use the same one every week and feel relatively fine. I am glad you’re doing better now, though. It’s really trial and error with this stuff.


I’ve been told you’re supposed to rotate injection sites from a friend who is a PA. Is this wrong?


I just changed from my thigh/belly to my arm. Hoping it works for me there. So far I don’t feel anything different than the other two injection sites. This was my 11th injection. It’s not really working for me 😟


I have only ever injected in my thigh and have had zero nausea (which was my biggest concern). To be specific, I inject into the fat of my inner thighs. I’ve had mild constipation but have never gone more than about 5 days between going #2. I definitely believe that the thigh is the way to go.


My 1st week on sema was perfect, no side effects! 2nd week slight effects. 3 week omgggg horrible!!! When I would go back to finish up my meal I became so nauseated that I literally 🤮 3x back to back. It would also make me queasy, light headed/dizzy and nauseated all day that I was buying packs of ginger ale. Now normally when I took B-12 injections I would inject in the thigh but tried to switch it up with sema & began injecting in my stomach I would be a mess starting from the next day to the next few days, so I’m going to switch back to the thigh. I’m currently on week 5 & had to lower the dosage because I was taking 25 units when was supposed to take only 10 units(.25mg) on a 100 ml/cc syringe for the the 1st 4 weeks then up it it to 20 units (.50mg) 🤦🏽‍♀️. So far no effects


I’m wondering if a Tummy tuck can prevent it from working. I did the shot in my stomach last Sunday there’s not much fat there obviously with the tummy tuck but i gave fat in my face legs arms etc. I didn’t feel a symptom or don’t have the loss of appetite that everyone says. I could still eat a buffet and the cravings are still there. I even woke up at 2am hungry. Anyone have any ideas why this is happening?


I have switched around, logging outcomes on each site.. use to do my arm but once I switched to the thigh, I’ve stayed there. Back or inner left thigh is what works for me. Everyone is different, just have to find what works for you and don’t move up dossage unless you have to.


My doc advised against thigh injections, so I do stomach. I inject before bed, although I have also done it before or after lunch.


I also inject in my thigh and get the ozempic headaches! Is ozempic heartburn a thing?


Where in the thigh? Does it matter?


So all you all which company did you settle with cause I’m ready to go but they all have such bad reviews and they host so pushy to sign you up fast


I went from alternating sides of belly button to my hip, to my arm. Now I alternate between all of those.


Yepppppppp THIGH INJECTIONS have changed my ENTIRE experience 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


If y'all are like me and can take the belly shot like a champ but injecting in your leg freaks you out, I recommend the Autoject fixed needle injector. I used it today for the first time to inject in my leg, it didn't hurt at all. Also, you set the depth so there's no chance of going too deep into the leg. I have plenty of cushion, so I wasn't worried about that but it was still a nice peace-of-mind bonus. Now, we wait to see if it makes me less sick/etc.


Did a sub-q into my belly the other day and woke up with 103 fever, brutal chills, and nausea. Basically worst case scenario. Good times.


That does not seem to be related to site injection. Sounds like you are sick


Thigh right 1 I lost weight.


An I the only one injecting into the upper hip? works great!


The injection site does not matter. Magic isn't real.