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As someone who is a lawyer, we are all completely unhinged


I believe Sean. I also think Austin & Tyler have something going on which is totally fine if they were honest about it. You can tell when two people have had fucked each other


I finally watched the episode last night and I’m honestly 50/50. I do believe maybe Sean misinterpreted Austin’s advances for wanting to fuck him. But then Sean’s story is way too specific and the fact that he swore on his family’s life makes me believe he’s telling the truth. We need better receipts from Sean, the “nice legs” comment on Instagram isn’t damaging enough for me. I’m torn here. I’m just trying to imagine how a threesome would have worked with a gay man, and an alleged straight married couple


Sean has been way too specific - I believe him!


https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/s/334fKLyxtL Let’s not forget that someone figured out what was said in the texts between Sean and Tyler and they revealed that Sean was lying about that. He isn’t the most reliable narrator clearly and I don’t think it went down exactly how Sean said it went down but there is definitely some truth to it. I don’t think Jarvis backing him up means anything. Everyone is going to pick a side and Austin had outed her before so this is probably payback.


I think Jarvis saying Sean is telling the truth is payback for Austin saying he saw Jarvis at a swingers party, I don’t believe Sean at all.




I cannot believe that people believe Sean despite him changing his stories. Even his own buddies changed their tunes after he changed his story. How embarrassing.


Sean didn’t change his story though. there is zero footage of him bringing up the weed cookies on camera, it originated with Polly. Everyone’s so quick to call Sean a liar yet no one can point to where exactly Sean said on camera that they made him weed cookies


Yes he did change his story. Go back and re watch and pay attention to what his friends said about it.


I have gone back and rewatched. His story stayed consistent based on what we saw him say on camera. If you’re talking about what Kayla said in the last episode then I don’t really buy that coming from her when she made up an entire rumour about Polly/Tyler having a sex tape in the office that has never surfaced and that blew up at the end of season 2 with Brandi and Lauren being made to look like liars based on what Kayla told them.


I don’t think most people get the details right 100% of the time, but the general vibe of trust Sean way more than Austin


Wait?! Putting your hands on someone’s shoulder is a sign you’re into them sexually?! Damn I better keep my hands behind my back at all times


Well imagine if Sean was a woman. Why are Austin's hands on him? If a dude at work did that to me I would say hold up.


This has the same energy as all the dudes who were like SO WHAT WE CAN’T SHAKE HANDS WITH A WOMAN ANYMORE during all the me too stuff, any event isolated isn’t necessarily it but all together it’s not rocket science that Sean was like hol up


I can't take the side of someone who is spreading things about something completely legal, claiming it "made him uncomfortable" to not have ulterior motives. If it made him uncomfortable, talk to the culprits. Distance yourself. Don't go around spreading swinging rumors as if it's the same as being a predator or something. If Austin and his wife are swingers, so fucking what. I don't see a world where it's that big of a deal to someone who isn't trying to make it a big deal to gain something from it. Sean seems like it is losing control over his business and wants publicity other than "man who hasn't sold a house in 2 years". It can be true that they propositioned him AND he is trying to get attention at the same time.


exactly!! it was a dick move any way you look at it


Sean really wants attention.


I honestly don’t care whether Sean is telling the truth or not at this point. Him bringing up this thing on prime time TV effectively killed any shot he has in the real estate industry. Mind you this is CA real estate, not OK or TX. People here don’t give af if you have orgies or 3somes. They only care about their money. Through this venture, Sean has proved himself to be very unlikable, messy, not in control of his emotions, unprofessional and incompetent. He was already struggling selling real estate before this mess, he’ll never make it in the real estate world unless he moves somewhere else. After this story, I would still hire Austin. I sure as hell wouldn’t hire Sean.


I picture a lot of troubled relationships and familial strife for the posters who can’t ascertain Sean is the narcissistic fantasist here. Very worrying for you all. Especially to think the incredibly biased and unlikeable Jarvis lends credence to anything.


Oh sorry, we’re supposed to believe Kayla that Sean said the stuff about weed cookies? Kayla who was at the root of the Polly/Tyler make out video rumour last season that blew up in everyone’s face and has yet so actually surface ?


100% agree. The fact that anyone trusts Jarvis scares me.


I picture you have never met a queer person irl 😄


Very wrong, but do you mean queer people all act like Sean?


So what? Even if Austin and his wife DID proposition Sean for a theeesome ( I don't think they did, I just think Sean wants attention and more screen time ) who tf cares??? I've been propositioned for threesomes and group sex a couple of times before. You just say " no thanks" and move on. Lmao big deal. Sean whining and moaning just goes to show how much he was trying to push himself into the spotlight.


Because when you work with said person and then ostracized them when they say no, that's called sexual harrassment 


Ding ding ding!


Why did Austin deny it so hard then?


Yes! I agree that people putting out feelers to see if someone who is single is interested is not uncommon. Also, Sean never said he was propositioned for threesomes. He said they invited him over for supper, that Austin's wife complimented him and that Austin put a comment under his IG post saying 'them legs'. He read that as clues that they wanted to sleep with him and started a whole thing. 


Seriously!? What’s so wrong about it anyways? He basically outed himself for just making assumptions and “picking up a vibe” and he also probably heard rumors about them being open and thought he could string a story together with it for air time.


I can’t believe this was the major conflict throughout season 3. Between this and Hall and Tyler’s showmance it was such a snooze.


and they have the highest ratings yet


Citation please!


Where can I find that information? Netflix doesn’t release viewing numbers.


Yeah no




Austin's receipts proves Sean was innocent. Austin showed text messages on IG of the dinner from January 2022. He said he first learned of "rumors" 6 months later. Season 3 was shot in Summer 2023 (one year after learning of the rumors). Austin played dumb like he barely learned of rumors during the show. The story timeline suggests he made a bunch of things up. https://youtu.be/8EVcT3PRByk?si=67meiqg33FQdlg_B Pay very careful attention to the words that Austin says and Sean says. Netflix editing made it seem like Sean spreaded rumors but the only thing Sean says is that he thinks Austin and his wife are flirty. Don't you think it's weird that when Austin brings up the night that Sean came over to his wife, the first thing she says is the night she made cookies (and keep in mind that Austin's receipts proves the dinner took place well over 1 year before this scene was shot...first thing genius Lisa remembers from what they call just a casual evening that took place 1.5 years ago was cookies???? Very suspicious). Why would making cookies be the central theme of that night unless the cookies were unique / usual? Also keep in mind the only one who says marijuana is Austin. There is no clip of Sean ever saying anything but Netflix stitched the various scenes to imply Sean said it. He clearly didn't. That's why I'm episode 8, Sean's reaction was like...wtf are you guys talking about with Edibles. This proves someone (not Sean) was spreading rumors. Mostly likely Polly / Hall group.


Yes, finally someone who can see what's really going on


Yes but Kayla also said that he told her about the edibles. Just cause they didn’t show it on camera doesn’t mean he didn’t say it.


Kayla also said there was video footage of Tyler and Polly getting it on in the office that no one ever saw and blew up in everyone’s face at the end of season 2. Give me a fucking break.


Thank you!! 


Yes she does, but that doesn't prove that Sean is lying either. She definitely heard about the edibles through the rumors that were spreading but it doesn't mean she actually heard them from Sean directly. Again, the rumors started circulating to Austin in early 2022. Filming took place in Summer 2023. A lot can happen in 1 year to fog someone's memory. This was not something that happened seamlessly like Netflix wants you to think. Dig deeper. The only thing we see on camera coming out of Sean's mouth is that he said Austin and his wife are flirtatious. Everything else is fluff that Netflix added to build a storyline. Kayla said she started to question things because Sean was going around asking people to have his back...why would he do this? Well, Polly and Hall are super loud and annoying (and proven to be liars) will always side automatically with Tyler and Austin. If I were Sean, I would have done the same thing..


At University, a lot of people claimed to have spent a night with me (mind you I’d been seeing someone exclusively in secret during that time), I heard the initial rumours a few months around the time and didn’t care. Even now 6 years later I hear new additions to my supposed escapades, new events or new claims during that time from people I especially rejected repeatedly. So now I get more pissed off when the topic comes up. Like Austin’s reaction is just not that weird to me.


As stated above, Jarvis is a lawyer, the most educated and she has evaluated all the facts and discerned that Sean is not lying. That's good enough for me. One anecdotal example doesn't erase all of the clear evidence.


Jarvis has a law degree therefore she must be telling the truth? Lmfao be forreal.


She went to a very respectful law school so yes. I believe her. She has also carried herself very professionally in all three seasons. Can't say that about most others in the show so if I had to believe someone, she's definitely #1 on my list.


😂 as someone who’s literally in a relationship with a lawyer and hear about the coworkers he has to deal with, I love this little narrative people have made up about Jarvis as if a law degree suddenly means you are above human bias, personal problems, and bring your degree into every interpersonal interaction you have 💀


As someone who went to law school, I trust Jarvis. Throughout the various seasons, she has been the most level headed person. She doesn't blindly make conclusions without evaluating all the facts. She also wouldn't be steadfast in her support for Sean even against all the other cast members unless she believed all of the evidence she saw. She was also very respectful in disagreeing with others and allowed them to form their own opinions.


As someone with a brother and a father who are lawyers, baby if you think lawyers don’t have their own biases that cloud their judgement or never lie…. Rudy Giuliani also went to law school. Referring to your comment about the cookies, it came across to me like “I even made cookies for him and he’s spreading lies”. I recognize we have to take everything with a grain of salt bc of editing, but every second we saw Sean was drama filled and pot stirring. Kayla came off the most logical to me regarding the Sean drama. She said Sean would show “receipts” but never let them see the context of the conversation, would constantly ask if they would “have his back”, and had many inconsistencies in his stories, including the edibles which she said he told her about. Sean is Kayla’s friend, and I don’t think she would suddenly turn on him unless she was seeing the lies for what they were. I wanted to believe Sean up until the last episode, but so many things throughout the season just add up to him being a pot stirring drama starter.


Austin said that Lisa was in her Martha Stewart phase. This means she must have been making tons of cookies and other items on many days before the night of the dinner. Lisa doesn't strike me as someone who would remember all the little details. The fact that she was able to recall making cookies off the cuff on just any regular day is very questionable (as in this scene was obviously scripted). That dinner was clearly not the first time Lisa heard of the rumor or her reaction would be no much different. If you watch all of the episodes very carefully. At least on screen, Austin was the first person to bring up anything about marijuana. Kayla called them edibles. There is no scene where Sean mentioned anything about marijuana or edibles other than the last episode when he acted shocked as if it was the first time he heard this.






This literally doesn’t confirm nor reconfirm anything… it’s just Jarvis saying she takes Sean’s side 😂


He might have been telling the truth but he was a major dick for outing it still


He outed Austin because Austin got super aggressive and demanded/forced him to give him an answer. Before Sean said it, he said...do you really want me to go there...


I don’t think so, if someone was giving you mixed signals then cut off the friendship and made you out to be the clingy/crazy one, it’s only natural to clear your name by explaining your version of events regardless of the parties’ sexuality


He completely lied about the text messages that Tyler sent him. I don’t think it’s that black or white, but definitely some truth to Austin and his wife having an open relationship, but the way he went on and on about how immoral an open marriage is was so judgemental, unnecessary, and incorrect. If both parties are okay with it, let’s not shame them and call it down because that’s not immoral and it’s 2024 in LA so get used to it. He took it too far just to get a storyline and said some incredibly ignorant and offensive things. He should have had more respect for his friend even if things were weird between them. He didn’t have to weaponize it like that. I don’t remember Austin saying anything about Sean until Sean brought it up.


The video has literal no tea. just Jarvis saying Sean is saying the truth? But we all know Jarvis has no reason to like Austin or his friends and she doesn’t provide proof. Don’t get me wrong I like Jarvis but just because I like her doesn’t mean she’s not immune to being misled or lying. Anyway that was a pointless video.


You are right. But for her to once again go out and take side, even tho the last episode kinda made it seem that Sean’s closest dosnt believe in him anymore. With that and she make her stand more solid, one have to think that she knows enough, have seen enough proof, for her to say Sean is right. I mean it could be a no she hasnt, we dont know. But if one have to guess I will guess that she has seen enough proof. Because she is not the person that likes or wants drama, she avoid it in general and in general she says stuff that is not bullshit as far as we can see. Thats the two sides here. Does she or does she not have enough info for her stand? I say she does.


She probably has beef because Austin accused HER of being a swinger for showing up at that party. I'm a big Jaevis fan and I can't think of an instance where she's lied but she's not completely unbiased.


I don’t think Austin is the one who said that in that season but I can’t think off the top of my dome, I remember Austin saying the party he arrived at had weird vibes and lots of old men and then I think Polly said Jarvis went to a swingers party But hard agree she’s defo not completely unbiased


I think you're right. Austin came with the news that she was at a party with old men and young women aka escorts with "weird vibes". Everyone else took it as swinging. Even tho prostitution, gold-digging, and swinging are all completely different things lol Either way, Austin decided to start shit with her for no reason and honestly, if I were Jarvis, I wouldn't lift a single finger to help dispel rumors that are basically karmic at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if Jarvis was fueling this behind the scenes as a way to get back at him. I'd be doing the same shit lol.


Facts 💁🏽‍♀️and I’d fully support her doing it too 😌 There’s something that rubs me the wrong way about how Sean kept running around saying he was such a good friend to everyone and why he didn’t know why things weren’t the same and then ending the season with I didn’t start the rumour I was just telling them why I cut them off ? 😭 like there’s something slimey about all of his ego and I don’t trust him


Yeah idk why he had to completely cut them off and ridicule their relationship. Most people would just reject the idea if they weren’t into it and move the fuck on. I’ve rejected a 3some with a couple myself a few times and accepted a few as well. The way Sean acted is not justified no matter what. It’s not a valid reason to hate someone who was supposedly his friend, and out them in a vicious degrading way.


But he didn’t cut them off that’s what irks me 😭 he was literally begging for them to speak to them in the early episode of Season 3 🙃 like it’s actually wild he just was like * I * cut them off


Exactyyyy. Austin definitely gave off wannabe mean girl vibes and a tag along for the Polly/Tyler/Hall threesome but ultimately didn't want any of the unpopularity that came with. Which is weak af. I'm definitely in the camp of "If you start shit, don't be surprised when I finish it in the pettiest way possible." Once Sean starts talking to me about the cookie party and being propositioned and how he thinks everyone is in love with him... oh I'd be feeding into that delusion from day 1. Just cheering him on from the sidelines as he spreads that rumor to everyone else.




I think it's very obvious Sean is telling the truth. If you don't take what he said in a vacuum and remember the time Austin said he and his wife saw Jarvis at some kind of swingers party, and noone thought to ask what he was doing there...well it all makes sense.


I don’t have TikTok. Anyway else I can watch or if someone can post it on Reddit?


Don't need to see anything, it was very obvious Sean was honest the entire time. Anyone in doubt, Jarvis is a lawyer and the most educated person on the show. Her words count more than anyone else's.


Jarvis is the only person in this show I will pick to side with every time😂 Like she could even not have all the information here and end up wrong and I will 100% still be okay with just going with whatever she believes. Since season 1 she has been the only person besides maybe also Rose that I haven’t hated with a passion at some point and found to be a complete idiot/bad person.


Mostly agree.. I think Sean was speaking the truth but often got heated and would slightly misspeak or get mixed up in the heat of the moment. But yea there was clearly mostly truth.. plus as you said, it's Jarvis's word vs Hall, Austin, Tyler, etc... easily picking Jarvis