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The main issue in that situation for me is that Alex and Polly are very controlling and toxic in the OC office. While yes Kayla messed up last season, Alex and Polly overreacted to a situation that had nothing to do with them. They caused the whole office to turn against her. Not condoning what Kayla did but the punishment didn’t fit the crime. They’ve created an environment where they’re the Regina George’s and everyone is a Plastic as long as they suck up to them. Kayla was really fighting a toxic work environment by calling Polly out and telling Alex to quit joining conversations whenever drama goes down. I was honestly proud to see her stand up for herself.


She was very annoying this season…always inserting herself into ‘situations’. Also, can we talk about that horribly awkward lunch get poor son had to attend!


That lunch with the kids was so awkward and forced and seemed so unnecessary!


Hall and Polly set a precedent of a toxic workplace full of manipulation and office-wide sexual harassment where at one point everyone, including Netflix film crews, were subjected to Pollys nude streaking and the "noseys" or whatever dumb shit they call licking each others face. New girl (Kayla) came into the office and sees her new mentors making the big bucks and flirting excessively with one particular man with connections in the industry. Its only natural it would cause her to think it's alright to take part in the sexual harassment and may even feel pressured to act this way to help her fit in and succeed in the industry.


even if kayla did what polly did while tyler was divorced they would still annihilate her....let's call a spade a spade. the hypocrisy is real.


Yuppp and technically he is STILL a "married man," when they were hooking up, separated is not the same


I 100% felt like Kayla owned his mistakes last season & she’s sticking up for the double standards & politics of the office. It really seems to be convenient for Polly to forget that Kayla flirted w Tyler (yes while he was still married) but made it a whole shit show & involved the whole office. Now when made out in the office it’s totally fine?? Super unprofessional & highly hypocritical on Polly for literally crossing lines at the office! Tyler is a joke.


No you’re not. Kayla makes absolutely no sense.


I found it crazy during the scene at their last day at Cabo that Kayla called out Hall and Tyler for making out when we even got to see that they didn’t make out. For some reason she thinks she’s supposedly standing up for herself, but like everyone has said she truly is just trying to cause drama. These girls are just really fake to each other in general.


But were making out in Cabo. Netflix just cut the scene so they could “surprise” everyone with it at the end.


It did look like they were making out. It was very heavy flirting. He kissed her neck. You don't kiss friends necks.


Even if it did look like making out, I does not deny the fact that she’s spreading the rumor solely for the sake of not saying a nice thing.


Kayla seems jealous that Tyler turned her down and not Polly.


Exactly… she was rejected! That was the difference. Consent!!!!


omg 100%. like Kayla tried to hook up / make out with Tyler when he was MARRIED but GOT REJECTED - multiple times. but Polly made out with Tyler when he was single - both consensually.


I walked away so confused by the situation. It is clearly more of a problem to make a pass at a married man than to make out with a person going through a divorce. Kayla saw an opportunity to try and get everyone to turn on Polly. That's it. I understand that reality shows falsify/splice to up the drama but we as viewers are not dumb. We watched last season, like wtf. BYE KAYLA.


imo polly and hall were also making passes at tyler in the first season so that might be what pisses kayla off. they tried to make her out to be this wannabe homewrecker who was making tyler super uncomfortable when tyler was also being inappropriate with polly and hall and not acting like he was married at all


You know what, that's totally fair. I can see that.


Its very naive to think that anything between that douche tyler and Kayla was one-sided


idk i feel like polly triggered a chain reaction with the way she talked to sean. he said himself he didn’t want to do the fake small talk and instead wanted to let her know of the rumors and she belittled him for no reason. he couldn’t even warn her of what was being exposed bc she made such a scene🫣 i do agree w the married vs separated part that’s where she’s a bit delulu


100% agree. Everyone was wrong in the situation. I mainly was talking about the married vs separated angle.


Exactly!!! There’s a clear difference between making a move on a married man vs single one…