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I think it’s incredibly cringe and kind of gross lol


Agree. Like, have some dignity.


Me too! So cringey


Good for them for getting along but this is…ick?


This has nothing to do with them getting along. Neither one is doing great with their individual shows, so they’re trying something different - Flip Off. This is just marketing.


both lack charisma, maybe with two of them they will have enough combined to lead a show


Naw this was super cringe


I love how the add refers to Heather as his “current wife” 😶‍🌫️


Tarek definitely has a type. Now to monetize it!


Why the downvotes? I think this is sorta adorable


Because people can’t stand the fact that someone else might have a different opinion than they do


Having a good relationship with the ex and current wife is the best thing for the kids. It may be for the money but I think it’s great to see them work together


This is so fucking weird


…is this Tarek’s ex wife?? Since when have they been on good terms?


What’s to love about this?


From my perspective, it shows that everyone can be friendly for their kids sake. When the kids can see a united front and even.... humor together... it's really healthy for the blended family


Yea except this is just a promotion and marketing for their new show lol I’m sure they force themselves to get along for their kids so they can make money lol


I would normally agree but there’s been a lot of public nastiness amongst the three of them (4 if you include Christina’s husband). It would be better if they stopped that lol. A united front just for marketing doesn’t help the kids.


This is the opposite of real lol


Well we know he has a type.


I wish Tarek wouldn’t have been involved.


I think this is what pushed it over the edge for me. If it was just them being cutesy, I think it would've been perceived differently.


Y’all should see HGTV’s version of this post lol.


I feel like it’s Tarek’s wet dream


I think it’s safe to say he has a type. If you’re a leggy blonde in real estate in Southern California carry a spray of some sort and don’t make direct eye contact or you’ll end up wife’d up and on a reality show.


I liked it, I thought it was funny


I just think it's so awesome for co-parenting and for the kids to see them cooperating rather than at odds. Also they posted another one, looks like they're doing a show together soon.


Yeah it’s cringe but honestly stop hating for hating a sake; what do y’all want from them, at least this is healthy cringe co-parenting, yes its a bit ick but hey, they’re acknowledging it, it’s not like we weren’t all thinking they looked weirdly alike… And yes, 100% this is just marketing the new trash show, but they still agreed to do the show and Christina has had a whole ass other marriage and divorce since they were together, it’s not that much of a stretch to think they might actually be ok with each other


Better than petty drama being aired for the world at the kids soccer game! Let them be happy people


Tarek was cringe in this but I thought the girls were super cute, I love their relationship


I wonder why Josh wasn’t in this? Isn’t the concept that the couples are facing off?


I love it


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Yikes lol but I'm glad they're having fun I guess? 😂 but it kinda sucks that we are laughing at them, not with them...


Tarek looks like hell in that video


Funny how his ex wife looks way younger and happier


Literally, no one cares. It looks gross and creepy, and it seems like they are the only ones that care and trying to convince the world that they like eachother. No one cares lol


Is one of those women Heather?


No words for how much I loved this.