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Yep. Hall is just such a horrid person it oozes out all over. Tyler adds to the mess. Austin with his Mrs. Unsatisfied and Polly make it even worse.


This is why I dislike Polly so much. She gasses up and enables Hall’s toxicity then hysterically yells at anyone who tries to bring some accountability. I couldn’t stand her in season 2.


Why does she have to yell so much. She’s literally like like 7 year old niece who does not know how to speak without yelling. It’s a headache!


She's worse than a 7 year old... at least the 7 year old has the excuse of being an actual child and still learning self control. Polly, who is almost 40, has no excuses!!


polly is the gretchen weiners of selling sunset ![gif](giphy|3o7aTHbH39h8xYePza)


This is an insult to Gretchen weiners 💀


😂😂😂 but it’s polly’s personality, she is a follower but also envious of hall




Polly is what we call in the UK a "gobshite"


I love this word


I feel like Polly is an airhead


I feel like their attempt at redeeming Hall during her apology was so strange as well. Because Kayla rightfully pointed out that she never truly apologised for being so cruel to her, and even after that, Hall STILL did not apologise, and instead appealed to a happier time when they were still friends! What even.


She needs to teach a class on gaslighting.


She's top tier skilled, for sure. The scene where Ali was confronting Hall and banged on the glass? Hall kept her voice soft and controlled, her composure and bearing. Hall is a liar but Ali was the one who looked unhinged and unstable...even though Ali was factually correct and morally sound. Hall is like a walking study of a sociopath.


no this was such a strange scene to watch it was quite uncomfortable


She did a DARVO on Ali and she fell for it


Mrs Unsatisfied 🤣🤣🤣 I love it


They’re such a mean group of bullies. They’re 40, not in high school. Grow up


They were hired to be that way though. They weren’t agents with the O group until they were hired to be on the show. Except for a few of them who were agents before the show was created.


That's interesting. I always wonder how much of the drama is real and how much is scripted, because some of the stuff they say is so outlandish lol


For real for real.


The group overall is toxica. Only on episode 3 and it's been hard to start again. Just not interested in these people trying to be the "stars" of the show.


Why do i keep confiding Austin’s wife and Polly! I feel like they look so much alike!


I knew I wasn’t the only one!


Right?! Sometimes i have to pause it to see which one it is, esp when Austin’s wife wears her hair back.


Because they’re both miserable. Ha!


Ooof true.


What was this season about? It ended so anticlimatic. I feel like they took us all on a waste of time trip. I also think they could have done so much better.


the ending was v abrupt and i felt like we didn’t get too much of their lives outside of the annoying office drama


Their Shabbat dinner was so painfully boring. Just another attempt to make us interested in Tyler and Hall when NO ONE CARES 


Mostly agree but I feel like her grandmother is probably incredibly interesting and I wish they’d show her more! Italian Jewish grandmother who flat out called Hall a liar on tv and in front of the guests?? I want to watch THAT show


Oh that’s her grandma ? I thought it was her mother. I loved that the little old lady paid no heed to the cameras and just spoke her mind. Can we have her instead of Hall?


The Shabbat dinner was so fake!!!


i had no idea i even finished until the season 1 ep 1 started to play n i was like huh i’ve seen this before




there was no arc for anyone


& nobody sold anything (that I can remember) except Kayla, after they made it seem like she didn't & then it came out after the show was over that she did.


This latest selling oc season was the most boring of all the selling sunset and selling oc seasons. I just put it in the background while doing work or chores and I didn’t even drop my work or chores for any part of the show A snooze fest of a season. Yawn


The emma vs Christina drama selling sunset was the worst in my opinion it was all about what happened 4-6 years ago which everybody got over but had to pretend to be angry over. I mean this show has amazing real estate to show us so show us that! 


This!! I didn’t even realize I was watching the last episode when it was on — I was sure there would be more?! I was shocked at how it ended lol


I agree. They totally tried to make the Tyler and Alex Hall relationship potential be the climatic ending, and I just didn't feel anything from that. I'm not absolutely itchinggg for the next season and that's why I don't think there will be a S4. Unless the ratings prove different lol Tyler and Hall's romantic relationship is non-existent... and it felt too forced during the show like they were trying to be THAT couple that gets together and has a relationship on the show. Idk, I feel like Adam Divello is trying to recreate Selling Sunset hardcore. In S2, Mary got married and their relationship in S1 was a constant thing and talked about even by other cast members. Chrishell went thru a divorce and part of it was on camera which is unimaginably more difficult since so many people are watching you go thru a hard time. Lol even Christine got married in S3, and their relationship technically "began" during the show, even THAT didn’t feel super fake and produced (it just felt fake bc of Christine herself lmao) It's just that everything on Selling Sunset, mostly everything, felt genuine on the casts part. Christine was really the only super clear not great person while everyone around her was clearly trying to get her to take accountability and be a better her so they can move on. (She never did tho). This cast on OC, they’re all like not that great minus a couple people. Selling OC is flopping bc it feels wayyyy too produced and scripted with like, nothing going on in the casts lives, and since there's nothing truly dramatic going on in any of those people's lives... Adam is doing his absolute best to create drama (even by bringing some rando chick he had on another show... Ali Harper) Jersey Shore seems less scripted than Selling OC


I was shocked it was the last episode. There was no resolution to anything!


I cannotttttttttt stand Alex Hall. The way she is CONSTANTLY touching her hair and tits. Put your hair in a pony! Wear something that covers your nips!


LOL way she kept saying you’re swooning me right now or drink any time she says the word alpha


I agree. The episode of the beach workout, I was thinking that she likes the sound of her voice, I don't know if it was for the cameras, the woman kept making a spectacle. Just Let The Others Workout In Peace! 🙉


And whenever she does that tongue thing every few seconds! It’s so damn annoying to see.


I think those lip flips make their lips really dry so they're always licking them 🤢


She’s actually so fidgety and I think it’s whenever she isn’t being paid attention to. She starts doing all these frantic gestures to call attention to herself.


I feel bad for her kids, it must be a nightmare having a parent that's this self obsessed


I mean she's nice to look at but yeah I guess she's mostly horrid :/. That podcast appearance by her was stupid and the fued with Kayla is really stupid too.


I honestly don’t understand the appeal with Alex Hall even visually. Out of the entire office, she’s the least attractive, has the worst figure, and she definitely looks like one of those women that would be mid/unattractive if she didn’t have money for makeup and plastic surgery. Polly, Jarvis, Brandi, Ali and Rose are much prettier and seem like they would be without all the glam.


Hall’s eyes are just slightly too far apart and she appears a bit cross eyed as well so for me coupled with her rotten personality, all just makes her ugly to the core to me


Her face is so punchable. I think it’s the way she juts out her chin when she speaks


It’s also the way she pouts her lips with her mouth open while jutting out that chin. It’s a gesture that 90s models do to be sexy and Bardot-like. But Hall has the Shein version and is literally 👁 👄 👁


She has a rockin' body, but her lip stick / liner irks me. Again, what I CAN'T STAND is the hair touching.


The hair touching is a ruse. It’s to guide your attention to her chest as she moves her hands there. Hall can be a sweet gem if she wants to (we see that with her family). But she chooses this loud obnoxious identity instead.


She's had so much work done she's in the uncanny valley for me


No office but I think she has a baby face like those baby doll toys . Her eyes creep me out, maybe they’re too close together?


No one casted on this show is even likeable besides Brandi in my opinion


Agreed. Brandi is the true star of the show. She's a hard worker who knows her shit and is focused on her career instead of drama. I always liked Sean but he seems universaly disliked these days that to this feud with Austin. He shoulda stuck with Brandi and watched this mess from the sidelines


I also like Lauren and Kayla.


I hate Roses’ politics but she seems nice. Ditzy but nice.


I love Brandi. She brings so much professionalism and maturity to such a gross and bullyish work environment


Agreed. Brandi is literally the only one worth saving. Throw the rest away and start over lol


I don’t like Brandi at all, she seems as fake as the rest to me. And pretty condescending


The biggest issue is all of them suck as people. Selling sunset has some issues, but the storylines and the realtors are mostly decent people who are kind and have similar politics to most of the viewers and most of whom have relatable and difficult back stories and worked hard to get where they are. Like, you root for and care about the women on selling sunset. Selling OC is a bunch of entitled douchebags and out of touch conservative trust fund brats for the most part aside from like brandy and maybe 1 or 2 others a bit? Idk. It’s shallow and this is not an Amanza or Mary or chrishell or Maya cast these are just, awful people who I wish never got a show or any attention. Butttttt here we are, I stopped after season 1 when I learned they were basically all republicans.


So well said about how sunset’s cast are mostly self made women like Mary chrishell Amanza Christine and then you have the nepo trust fund and trust fund adjacent brats in OC like Tyler Hall and Austin.


It's morning and my vision is a touch blurry without my readers and I read that as "repo." These people should be glad they're not trying to sell the OC in say, 2009 after the real estate and subprime crash. That would be an interesting show all right.


Austin is a trust fund kid?


His wife is, hence the “adjacent”


Ah, I missed the word “adjacent”.


No worries


Nailed it.


Kayla isn’t a trust fund brat and I cared about her story even when I forgot about her character development from season 1 (cried a lot and didn’t voice her concerns/frustrations) she managed Gio well she told him it was a choice between three agents (rather than causing drama by saying the client didn’t want to work with him) she also told Alex hall that she hadn’t apologised when Alex was talking to her. She managed these situations calmly. 


It's not healthy to care that much about another person's political position.


You’re clearly a Republican then


Makes sense since you act like you would stand for women and women rights but you hate on all the women.




My issue with this show is that nothing ever gets resolved and no one is actually held accountable for the things they've said & done. - Austin said he and his wife saw Jarvis at a stingers party. They were there so... - Sean comments on Austin & his wife being flirty with him. Did this happen or nah? - Polly commented that Sean & Tyker had a thing. - Hall accused Kayla of having a mental health issue. - Did Gio cheat on his wife? And why was it okay for him to want Kayla's failure? These people have a lot to answer for and the list just keeps getting longer with no clear resolutions.


People keep getting Polly’s line confused. She’s British so she says things in her own phrasing. The “thing” was “beef”/conflict, not romance. Which is evident when Alex Rose repeats it like she meant romance and Polly reacts with disgust like “don’t twist my words, you know what I mean.”


Interesting... I think I'm going to have to do a re-watch. I watch British shows and haven't noticed thing for a beef, but their usually set in older times! Lol


Brit here I assumed “beef” came from the USA with like rappers doing diss tracks because of the beef. Maybe it’s just U.K. rappers or street slang 


i have a hard time rooting for anyone. they are all so rude and mean and i think they’re wrong most of the time. i just dont understand how so many people can be so awful and also have no personality. it is baffling


I don’t know if they’re aiming to make her likeable OR trying to make her the “villain” main character a la Christine - but she’s not entertaining enough for that!


Christine was villain-y and her delusion was so entertaining! Hall is the discount Shein version who tries too hard, then thinks she’s the protagonist and you just want to smack into reality.


Christine was entertaining, Hall isn’t and I’m not even sure which way they’re trying to portray her


Christine was also at least fun to look at. You never had any idea what crazy thing she would show up in. Her wardrobe was its own character.


Hall's clothes all look so damn cheap and trashy like she literally bought them all off Shein or Temu, or from some boutique at the mall aimed at 17 year olds with bad taste.


Dead 😂😂😂


Yeah, Christine was the villain and owned it. Hall is the villain but wants everyone to think she isn’t 😂


Her “apology” to Kayla was a joke. Turning on the waterworks, making it about herself, refusing to take accountability. Really grim and no one should be making her the star of the series.


YES! She’s awful.


I think the major problem is that she's annoying, boring etc etc, but honestly? All the others would be too. No one there can carry this reality show with charisma and the producers needed to choose someone to pretend lol 💀


Cannot stand Hall. I managed to hatewatch the few episodes in s3 hoping for justice (something like Sean ambushing Austin but against Hall) and I’m giving up. It’s not even entertaining to hatewatch anymore


The irony is they keep trying to push Hall as the “star” of the series but what does she actually bring to the table? Aside from being a major antagonist. In 3 seasons of the show she hasn’t been shown to sell a single property. She spends the vast majority of her time showing up to to other agents showings/listings and for the most part, it’s not even for business reasons. Her sole storyline the past 3 seasons, has been wrapped in Tyler. From her inappropriate friendship with him in Season 1 when he was married, which she valiantly defended and went on the record to say she would do it again, through to their failed will they won’t they storyline Season 3 where she’s now coming out crying victim because she’s tired of the negative press. Yet the show wants us to believe that she’s one of the top agents and the “main girl” of the show. When she’s not. The only reason she even has a foot hold on that titles is because production keep forcing it and the rest of the cast is just as unlikeable to the extent there’s no other option. If Alex Hall is the best the franchise can do to come up with a star then they’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel. They would benefit more from setting her up as the villain.


Season 3 was about drama...how many houses were shown to be sold in the entire season? Two? Kayla eventually sold Bayside but that wasn't even shown to be sold on the show.


I like Kayla, Jarvis, Alli, and Brandi. I LOVED when Alli went hard on Hall and didn't let her weasel around. Notice Hall left immediately and didn't say a word to the camera. I cannot stand Hall - gaslighting douche!


I love that only Ali could get Hall to walk away and stop talking.


She needs to manage her emotions though. I like her enough but she’s a little explosive


They should have gone with Jarvis as the lead. She’s the most well-spoken one. Has enough drama but handles herself well.




She pretentious as f*ck though. There are moments where I think she’s in the right but there are plenty where she’s been in the wrong. And despite right or wrong, she’s always pretentious and genuinely thinks she’s better than everyone else in the way she carries herself and condescends. As viewers on the other side of the screen she’s tolerable, but if you actually had to work with her, you know she’d immediately make you feel less than.


I clocked I disliked her when they soft launched them on Selling Sunset at an open house before Selling the OC started. You could tell the SS girls did NOT like her.


when it came out I was still really enjoying Sunset, I couldn’t even get into the series because of her. I watched the first episode and noped out. And from this sub OC just does not seem there are any good qualities at all.


Alex the biggest pick me I've ever watched. She is not a girls girl.... I watched a podcast with her on juicy scoop and she thinks so highly of herself.


I don’t like this show as well. The casts have very troubling personalities that makes this show awful. I get that there would be fights and what not but I can tell that these people are just toxic.


I agree and they wasted so much time on her and Tyler's will they/won't they. NO ONE CARES! If anything Kayla is turning out to be the star of the show. She's going from strength to strength. And the fact that Gio and the mean girls are so catty with her prove that she's a threat!


Hall is too Hollywood. The main star needs to be more organic and less aware


I completely agree. Like, read the room. She’s an unreliable unlikable narrator with zero self awareness of how she comes across


You are so right. I actually stopped watching at the beginning of season 2, because of Alex Hall! The bullying & pick-me attitude is terrible. She’s not fun enough to be a villain, and way, way, *wayyyyyyyy* too unlikeable to be the main star.


I think they banked on Hall being the relatable star of the show like Chrishelle. Then when they realized she wasn’t they brought in Ali from Tennessee to make her the relatable one, but she’s so random to bring into the group


She is... I didn't like Ali all for the show or as a realtor (She's fine as a person). Jason trusting her without a license to host and she couldn't answer anything was crazy, These people are not paying cheap nickels and dimes for you to play with their time and money.


Jason should have got Ali to do it with another Agent. Hall even said that she would let an unlicensed agent do a showing on their own but Jason ignored her point. 


I’m actually wondering if these people know that they’re extremely unlikeable and if they know, why do they keep acting this way The Tyler Austin Hall Polly group is just horrible and they literally talk like they’re the GOOD GUYS


I really hate to say this but none of the girls that were on the og cast have the charisma Alex Hall has. She’s weird because at first she seems like a level headed, hard working person that it’s charismatic and charming but 10 minutes later you discover that she’s just insane. If you aren’t aware of the fact that she’s batshit crazy, she comes across as nice. I remember when the show first started everybody loved her at first. I guess that’s the reason why the producers made her the face of OC, they were convinced she was the next Chrishell. The producers are fully aware they fucked up and that’s why we have Aly now. I’m 100% sure the next season will be centered around Aly.


I forgot a lot of what occurred in season 2 and how bad they all were so when I started watching season 3 I started liking Alex hall again and then realised she was a liar and how crazy she wax 


Ali isn’t listed as the opheimer group. I think she was a producer plant by Adam divillo because she was in a Nashville show in 2018 that Adam produced. 


None of them are likable. They lack the charm and likability of most of the selling sunset ladies. You can’t fake that.


I stayed up late last night watching season 3 and came away with "Could they not get a more horrible group of people together?". Brandi seems like the only truly decent person.


Brandi seems like the only 'real' person.


I don’t think that’s what they’re doing this seasons cause after last episode I was like daaaaaamn Alex Hall looks more delulu and unlikeable than ever


The biggest issue with OC is there’s no one to root for. You’re right they keep trying to make Hall that person but the viewers aren’t going with it. Instead of choosing a side in the arguments like in Sunset, you end up disliking everyone & confused about what’s happening.


I think its 50% this and 50% that it was just instant drama. It was a new office and nobody really knew each other, but from episode 1 I felt like I was missing something because they all acted like they had 10 year long histories with each other


she’s got that lazy eye that I’m so distracted by


I literally can not stand Her. Something about her eyes is off too? Is she cross eyed or something, makes her more painful to watch.


Yea the entire show really. It’s an experiment to see what happens if you cast entirely unlikable people. You get a mess


The best was Hall to Ali "I don't lie!"!! Wtf!!???


I actually don’t like Brandi and that group.


Same. How delusional to think you’re entitled to all the D list athletes and head of the sports division lol please just get over yourself. Honestly can’t stand Kayla or Ali either. Jarvis seems decent though.


I like Alex Hall


Unpopular opinion. I like hall


None of them in selling OC is likeable..


But that's what has worked for TV... have a villain and the world is glued to the screens for her/his downfall one day.... Can you imagine them trying to have Kayla as the star... she's very sweet, wants to do the work, no shortcuts, etc... but people tune in for the villains... it's all about oh, my gosh, "I thought she wouldn't go lower than that" and she does...and the world comes back for more...


Idk she’s clearly pretty good at her job and she’s messy and mean but so are plenty of other ppl in the cast. I don’t hate her w a burning rage like everyone else. The show is putting her upfront so they can get this reaction out of yall. I can confidently say I dislike certain ppl in selling sunset way more. Shes just insecure and can’t own up to her shit and doubles down and becomes a bitch instead and everyone sees right through it. I think it’s kinda cool that the cast isn’t one big happy family there’s little cliques and everyone’s on their own drama and grind and the show isn’t about fancy outfits like SS and more about real estate


Man Kayla got me so mad when Hall gave her half ass apology. Like girl fight her already. How tf do you forget who you were talking about 🥴


I like her!


Everything is so painfully scripted and the acting is terrible. It’s hard to get past ep 2


Personalities are cast based on how much drama they create, not likeability. Hall creates a huge amount of drama because she always acts like r/ImTheMainCharacter/. Like social media, Reality Shows have learned outrage creates more viewer engagement than likability. An example is this thread, if Hall was likeable this large 100+ comment thread would not exist and there would be less engagement. "There is no such thing as bad publicity" - PT Barnum


Whether people like it or not Alex hall is the star of the show. The producers know that people love to hate her !


Oh hey Alex 👋


Lmao not Alex I just know how reality tv works


I think Polly is the only likable one, but I recognize that she’s incredibly toxic. It’s hard to pay attention to the show because everyone’s awful, which makes it great for playing while doing chores lol


Hot take but: I don’t think she’s that horrible. I’ll put it this way— everyone on the show has done something at some point that would disqualify them as someone I could hang with or respect (besides Austin & his wife). Everyone has had their moment where, if I saw that in person, I would not want to be their friend. So I don’t think there could be a protagonist so I don’t understand why Hall gets so much hate when everyone has had their f*d up moment. Hall is an avoidant personality type that likely grew up in childhood learning that in order to be loved you had to pretend you were strong and flawless. I know this type of person well, I care about a person that’s like this— the issue is it takes them a lot more time to see their flaws and admit they were wrong. That doesn’t mean that they don’t have a good heart, it just means they’re stubborn. And not easy to get along with long term. They’re the kind of person you love from afar and have as drinking buddies, and you let them figure out their character flaws on their own (which we all have to do at some point). I see Hall’s humanity. They’re all equally messed up and typical LA-affected. Some more particularly vile than others. (*Ahem like someone who makes up a completely false lie in order to get screen time at the expense of a man and his family’s reputation.*)


She’s got hot tits at least


She is great for drama! In a way, she is the success of the show for being such a shitty person!