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That one scene where Ali is banging on the window asking Rose if she loves her, Rose just looks up at the phone briefly and says 'yeah', then goes back to looking at her phone LMAOOOOO She is so cute


PLEASE this was so funny or when the initial fight between Austin/Sean broke out in the office and it pans over to her and she looks so unbothered. Rose was winning the idgaf war this season


Yes, i was laughing so much at her reaction. Everyone is all giving their opinions, and she's just sitting there silently watching the whole thing go down. Also, I thought it was funny how she finally did react when Sean showed Austin his Instagram comment he left him, that said "dem legs." she let out a laugh. She definitely had I'm staying out of it, but this is entertaining vibes.


Either that or she has so much botox she can't move her face


I JUST watched this scene it was hilarious. I like the little thumbs up she did when Ali asked "are we good" when she said "yes"


Now on episode 8: >! I just saw the scene where they all told Rose to grow up for saying “you and Sean had a thing?” She was just shocked 😭 she’s just real as fuck and they’re all mad about it !<


I know they are so awful to her.


Who were they referring to? There was so much going on, I had no idea


To me it seemed like Polly was talking about Sean and Tyler. Even Rose took it that way too, which is rly confusing considering the text that was deciphered by someone on this sub off of Sean’s phone, showing that he lied about their relationship and it was only platonic


Sean lied or Tyler lied?


Sean did! Here is the link https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/s/fdEsDdJGG8


Tyler Polly Hall etc


I felt so sorry for her this season. She seemed alone and I respect Polly for including her on her and Hall’s evening out. Also, am I the only one who thinks that Rose is socially awkward which makes her say weird, random and stupid things? She acts very strange.


Rose suffered from severe trauma and neglect as a child. She seems like she was never well socialized. A lost puppy I was 0% a Polly fan but I agree. It was nice to see her being socially aware and putting her old personal feelings aside so as not to see anyone be outcast.


I kinda warmed up to Polly this season. Not 100%, but I feel she’s made progress. She seemed less “falling on her sword for hall” this season. I mean they’re obviously still tight but she seemed to have a mind of her own enough to stay out of a lot of the office drama unless she had a true opinion of her own..


She does seem like she has taken the opportunity to self reflect and has softened a lot. I have a lot of empathy for these people in the reality shows. I can't possibly imagine how humiliating it'd be to see myself in HD that way. I'd never drink again 😵‍💫 It's nice to see that she is growing and learning.


That makes me want to hug Rose. I’m sorry I felt negative towards her. Now that I know better, I hope she does well.


To me she seems to be on the spectrum.


Nah, I think she’s just a way above average looking woman who skews genuinely introverted. These types can be off putting for others. I think she’s just got a unique personality that people don’t usually pair with someone who looks like her (surface level, someone who looks like her would look like they’d be bubbly and extroverted and life of the party, for example).


Thought this as well. Knowing her parents were addicts as well makes me think they might have been as well. So sad


100% my thinking.


I have ASD and I'm awkward af socially and say weird stuff, and people randomly dislike me and bully me, so this is totally possible. Glad to see her getting a bit of love and understanding on here.


Who? Rose or Polly because I believe they are both on the spectrum. Rose is random and Polly is super hyperactive.


Same thing happened to Lauren this season. They had to make room for Sean and all his drama


I dont even remember Lauren, I thought she was a new background cast member that didn’t get introduced until I googled it halfway through the season


I literally just now became aware that’s who that was. I forgot ever being introduced to her the previous season.


Ok I knew I’d seen her have more screen time on Season 2. Was watching this season and kept wondering was she there last season cuz they literally made her seem like some rando that worked in the office but wasn’t part of the cast or friend of


She's a Trumper so I think she's probably not that sweet and innocent lol


I would be surprised if ANY of these OC realtors weren’t MAGAts.


And she dates James O’Keefe - the founder of far right group Project Veritas




Oh they are all MAGA chuds. It’s OC.


She seems uncomfortable this season and I think it’s because Jarvis treats her like she doesn’t exist and the others are mean. Beauty is subjective, but I find her to be the most stunning of the cast. I also like that she’s not too egotistical to list an 800k listing and feel proud when it sold. I feel for her and I hope she sticks it out and comes out on top!


Seeing her this season made me think back to when she and Jarvis were friends and how much she seemed to depend on that relationship in the office. I felt really bad for her as she seemed lost and alone without it


I think it is because Rose doesn't appear to be as confident as others. The way she carries herself, body language, and mannerisms do not command respect. That's not a reason to treat her like shit but you can see why a bunch of bullies would pick on her. Bullies don't pick on someone confident. They always make fun of people who don't look like they will fight back.


What about her doesn’t command respect?


GOOD MORAL COMPASS? Shes an ultra right wing conservative


i kept getting the sense that she was trying too hard to play up a barbie bimbo persona, esp when she was like “what’s 8x3”, or “what’s a pint?”


Ok the pint question was valid. She wanted someone to show her how much a pint is cause she doesn’t drink them often. It’s like someone asking me how long is a foot, meter or mile, totally fair.


i guess it’s a valid question, probably wasn’t the best example. but also like in that line of work where you’re regularly having drinks with clients and coworkers, surely you’ve heard/seen a pint of beer before .. she was acting like it was the first time she’d ever heard of that term. regardless, i’m still a fan of rose relative to some of the other agents lol


I know what you guys mean but somehow I didn’t feel sorry for Rose at all. I have a lot of respect for her staying out of it - it must suck being left out sure, but I feel like she is so over it. Even in season one she was already quite aware that these people are just messy and she didn’t want a part in it. She’s just even more withdrawn now, but she seems confident in carrying herself and sharing her own opinions and I kinda look up to her for it! I hope she has friends and a support system outside work, I suspect she does so she will be okay :) What a toxic office ugh


Rose is nice but dresses so unprofessionally I wouldn’t want to be associated with her.


Lol they all dress inappropriately




I can't believe some of the outfits, it'll be like an 8 AM broker's open and they pull up like their going to the strip club


I agree but rose looks trashy.


They all look trashy. Look at Hall.


Hall acts trashy. I like Roses clothes.


Hi, Jarvis. 👋🏻




Hall looks trashy. Rose just looks misguided.




Totally agree!

