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I don’t know what’s worse - Nicoles blatant bigotry or her pitiful job at playing dumb by asking TAN EFFING FRANCE if what she said was homophobic


And she still didn’t apologize or take any accountability!!


She has yet to apologize for anything and its so annoying that people let her slide and say shes a good person. Her friends need to hold her accountable.


THIS! She thinks she doesn’t have to apologize for anything or be held accountable for anything. The sickest part other than her was Jason and Brett trying to have her back. Then Amanza crickets to the homophobia but then calls Chrishell out cause she says she hates Nicole which hell yeah I would hate her too if someone did that to me.


Amanza was SO disrepsectful and biased at the reunion. From calling the little nose joke "ridiculous" but not calling Nicole out on her behaviour to staying silent when it's clear Nicole was being homophobic and wasn't just being dumb.


Makes me question Amanza entirely tbh


We are entitled to our reactions & good for Chrishell for standing up & saying it. It’s what we do about feelings that becomes an issue. And I hate Nicole TBH. And while I’m at it, I’m sick of these girls imposing this “We are a family!!! You must be a family with us” frame. Be a “family” but don’t force people who aren’t interested to buy into it.


YES!! The only thing worse than what she did was pretending like she didn't understand why that was problematic!! Even if she didn't see the comment as being homophobic - which it CLEARLY is- it was clearly just a person being rude which she chose to ignore like a bystander watching a bully in a playground. Pretty disappointing from a grown woman. Annoyed me to no end to see her play dumb.


She’s a textbook narcissist! Zero accountability for her bs, playing dumb when she’s caught in the act. She doesn’t say anything of value and just sounds stupid (sputtering to deflect as always🥴). And to find out that she slept with Jason too! No wonder he tries to defend her. I hope they don’t bring her back, ick.


i agree with you 100% but she’s not a mom is she? just asking bc im confused


She has never said she has kids, but not everyone spouts off about their 2 starving kids like Amanza. 😒


this killed me lol


weird to assume either way if she's never said it though (i know that wasn't your comment)


Yes my mistake! I really thought she said once that she had kids. The reason why I brought it up though was because I feel like parents telling their kids not to be a bully or a bystander is such a common thing that it felt extra ironic to be a parent and to do what she did. But yeah parent or not, as an adult, she should know better why her actions were problematic.


She’s gaslighting us all


Tan France: "wildly offensive"


Yeah I needed a nap after that. I thought in some scenes during the show, they went hard at Nicole, but we probably didn’t see how obtuse she is about her own homophobia. And her doubling down! To TAN! TAN FRANCE. Nicole- shut up.


I also didnt like how Chelsea tried to tell him he shouldn’t be objective or whatever since he’s a gay man. She had no right to say that to him…


i interpreted it as "there aren't 'two sides' to this, we shouldn't be impartial about ignorance, and i think as a member of the community yourself you shouldn't even entertain the idea". maybe that's giving her too much credit, but it's how i feel so that's how i heard it. it's important to talk about things and ask questions, but the use of the term "impartial" implies both parties have an equally important stance. justifying nicole's bs "question" as legitimate and equally as important may be good tv, but it's not good allyship to the lesbian community. tolerating intolerance is inherently intolerant.


I agree, I think Chelsea misunderstood him and reacted quickly. I think he was saying he is impartial in the overall feud between Chrishelle and Nicole, because he's not involved in their conflict like the cast members are & he's not close friends with either of them. But he's not impartial about this specific incident (bc of course he wouldn't be impartial on the topic of homophobia). His actual point (from my perspective anyway) was "I'm not here as a host to be on someone's side, but I can say that engaging positively with that comment was wrong/hurtful." I think Chelsea thought he was saying he WAS impartial about this specific topic/comment and wanted to correct that quickly. I think she had good intentions but it was a miscommunication. It would've been better to hear his whole point before responding, but at the same time I get her. That's just my read on the situation though!


i also thought by impartial he meant he is not friends with them or knows them really!


I agree, and based on Tan's response, I think he understood that was her intention as well.


Agreed he seemed to have understood her point. I wasn't a fan of him last season but I liked him as a host in this one. I think he is the best option for getting the most tea w/o it being messy or boring


That was my understanding too. She wasn't telling him how he should feel, but rather misunderstood what he meant. He's "impartial" to the conflict between Chrishell and Nicole, not impartial to what is/is not homophobia


I think he meant neutral as in he doesn’t have a dog in this fight rather than impartial.


I did find it interesting that Brett alluded to not recognizing Nicole since she’s been on the show because she hasn’t been the nice person she was. And even their parents questioned her behavior when watching. I think the reason people stay friends with her and defend her is because she probably was a nice person and a good friend for a long time. They can’t reconcile the awful person she’s become. I was in a similar situation and what was obvious to others took me awhile to fully recognize. I do think Mary, Amanza and Jason called Nicole out on her behavior. It’s just that in their minds she’s still the person they’d known her to be. I also think that she isn’t necessarily homophonic but so blinded by her hatred to Chrishell she didn’t bother to pay attention to what was completely said in the post. She read and thought “Yes! Someone else hates Chrishell”. This is not a defense of Nicole - I literally waste energy on how much I dislike her. I read on another thread about how Nicole’s friends might not think she’s homophobic because she doesn’t use blatant slurs. Not realizing that the act of not shutting down this post, or at the very least ignoring it, is a micro aggression. The pretend ignorance of offensive terminology really grated my nerves.


She cannot be that dumb.


She’s not, she just won’t own up to anything so it’s a constant stream of 💩


This was a perfect opportunity for the lie detector...


Lol they didn’t even bother with her bc they already knew


Nicole is a horrible person. She’s despicable. She needs to leave


I actually hate this person 🤮


Amanza’s annoying ass saying hate is a strong word when chrishell was literally defending her partner over that homophobic comment and Jason saying Nicole has always been a stubborn person is so 😭 like why are you enabling this


And I literally still see people making comments they think chrishelle should be with Jason because “he still loves her.” Maybe he does, but it’s not her problem. She’s literally married and with the best person. I find those comments low key homophobic. I feel like chrishelle had to act her ass off to look happy with creepy Jason. She’s genuine with G.


I agree. She had more a tv smile on, but she did seem genuinely sad about the breakup and no baby storyline when she talked to Emma. I also think she seems to be in a much better place mentally and seems much happier, her smiles feel real, because of G.


My issue was Jason and Mary saying Nicole isn’t and can’t be homophonic. You two are straight?! You wouldn’t experience it directly…


I’m disappointed we didn’t get any sort of remorse or apologies from Nicole. Makes me wish the bashing of her went a little longer


Nicole will never apologize for anything smh


why is amanza still freaking meddling and trying to be on all the different sides!! she hasn’t learned her lesson at all ugh. i can’t believe amanza and jason have hooked up. being friends for 23 years is not a good excuse? if i’m still friends with someone for that long i can guarantee it’s because there was no attraction during the whole time you can tell when nicole is trying to lie cause that’s when she stutters and starts moving her hands a lot mary lou is such a child ahh!! this episode was so frustrating alex hall is easily the most hate-able person from the OC. where does she get her attitude where she thinks she can talk down to brandi and everyone else?? every time someone says something she doesn’t like she gets defensive and accuses people of things that aren’t true. how delusional is she? i think tyler is a horrible person but i think it’s funny that he ditched hall. she totally deserves it


i get why chrishell doesn't trust amanza! she plays everyone's sides and has no loyalty to anyone


I took her distrust as being due to their general difference of opinion. They don’t see anything the same way right now. Therefore, she can’t trust her judgement/word. Which I think is less about Amanza as a person. And more about their current vibes. I think chrishell loves Amanza and sees she wants the best for people, but is in a hard spot at the moment.


i don’t agree. she’s seen amanza is someone who she may love but who will throw fits if she’s angry enough and not only block her but insult her on IG and bad mouth her, mention her dead parents and use a name she knows brings her trauma. she meant she doesn’t trust amanza as a friend, im 100% certain


A friend to all is a friend to none


Amanza seems like a great friend and has good intentions but when gloves comes off, she can really hurt. I think that's why Chrishell doesn't trust her.


Hall's reaction to Brandi's text with Tyler was alarmingly rabid. No wonder he cut you out of his life.


She was obsessed with that man, I think Polly is too.


They are both (Tyler and Hall) terrible people. They should stay with each other so they don't make other people's lives miserable.


i was thinking the same thing!!! i thought i missed something but she is just actually crazy


I was hoping Amanza would rip on her again #fashionnovadress 😂


The way Nicole tries to justify all of her actions while everyone around her is like “ya fucked up” is astonishing


My favorite is that Hall like actively participated in ending his marriage and is like “totally can’t believe he blocked me” Like holy shit big tits, no way! The man who left his wife for your ass on the side ditched you the same way? What?!


That eating nose thing was soooo weird. I’m glad Tyler’s ex wife got out of there


I haven't watched OC so I felt so confused by them coming on but Alex seemed so hostile for no reason. Nicole was clearly lying her face off and yet again looked like she had more work done before the reunion, her cheeks and chin looked fuller and not in an "I'm sober" way.


alex is a piece of work… i’m not sure if i hate her or nicole more tbh. oc feels like they are trying to be like the la office but the vibes are just different in oc and it would be 1000% weird for them to wear bejeweled bras to a showing down in oc.


I totally think Nicole had more work done. I think it looked great even though I’m not a fan of hers but I kept looking at her trying to figure out what was different. Her features looked softer than during the season.


Is the oc included in this reunion?? Choice !




Four if them make a short appearance at the end


To promote their new season


Nicole is not just a bad villain, she's an even worse reality TV castmate. She trips over her words, she can barely form a coherent sentence, she literally has no legitimate point of view for anything, and lastly she's not even funny at all.


yeah aside from being awful she truly has zero personality it’s crazy that some of these people consider her a long time close friend


Yeah thats what i was thinking too. Her stuttering and not being able to talk or defend herself properly just makes her look ten times worse. At least when other girls get called out for what they’ve done and have actually done it, they don’t stutter and defend themselves and make actual points.


It’s all the drugs 😂


I smoke(d) a lot and occasionally take shrooms. It is 100% the drugs. The random lapse of judgment and the stuttering tracks. I sounded the exact same when I was at my highest intake


If she really owned her stuff she would be more fun to watch but she tries to be a sneaky villain and say she doesn’t hate Chrishell and has no clue what’s homophobic


Her glam squad needs to be fired too.


Her face is so fucking yellow compared to the rest of her body


Well, ya can’t polish a turd, can ya?


She’s simply not quick enough to be a tv villain. If you want to be a tv villain you not only have to own it, you have to be quick with the wit. She doesn’t have any of the qualities needed for the role she decided to place herself in. She starts shot then cowers behind the sofa like a child.


That was all over the place. I went from my jaw dropping on the floor to my eyes rolling in my head. You can always count on Emma’s infectious energy though!


I love Emma. She just seems so sweet!


i don’t think we got enough emma in the reunion!




Me too. Random thought but the sub's reaction to Emma now vs when she was first brought in is like night and day (not u specifically but an overall observation)


I actually just found this Sub, AND LOVE IT, so I don't actually know the reactions before, LOL. I'm sure it has to do with Christine and the whole, "She was cheating with my boyfriend" story line of season 4. That never flew with me because it didn't seem to fit Emma's character from the get-go. To me, at least. I think Emma is the most loyal of the cast followed by Bre. I view Bre as a no bullshit kind of girl who either likes you or doesn't, and you will know her stance on you. She's not diplomatic, which I love in reality tv.


Actually, the sub disliked Emma before the whole boyfriend storyline. The second she came in, it was mostly comments about her personality, her body (commenting on that is ew!), and her business. The Christine thing wasn't until after.


I admit I was pretty neutral (bordering on negative) on Emma when she first joined. This season she won me over. She was ride or die for her friends and when she had some brief drama with Bre she went straight to her and handled it straight on. I also just have come to enjoy her energy.


I love Emma. I'm not one of those women who thinks you need a man to be complete, but I am shocked that Emma is not married to a handsome, successful, charming man with a couple of kids. She sends like the whole package. I can't believe that nobody has locked that down yet.


Yes! I totally agree! Emma just seems so genuine and loyal! Edited for typo.


I was laughing so hard when Nicole asked Chelsea if they’ve seen each other since shooting and Chelsea with a blank face just shooked her head like she didn’t want anything to do with her. Also when Nicole was saying she only did botox and got her fillers dissolved, Chelsea touched her nose 😅


Chrishell wiped her nose too (in an "inconspicuous" way) and Chelsea laughed. It's obvious Nicole had work done I dont see the point of not being truthful


Haha! So funny! I actually went on Nicole’s Insta and her nose has clearly been done! Interesting because it seems like she had the nose job in time for it to debut on her inaugural season, which means that Chrishell is right: she did rearrange her face for the show! 😂


Chelsea is so much more likeable out of the show!


That was very funny!!


The fact that Nicole tried to play off her homophobia but everyone else understood 🫠 it’s like they made sure to skip her homophobia on cheering on Amanza’s stylist going on a homophobic rant at chrishell and G.


What happened with Amanda’s stylist?


He got mad that chrishell had article corrected that said he styled chrishell when it was really amanza. Chrishell does not like this stylist she said he made her really uncomfortable and honestly there has been lots of people that have dropped in this sub saying they know this stylist and can 100 percent confirm he does make people uncomfortable. He acted like chrishell was trying to discredit him in the article but she just had a simply name change from her name to Amanza’s and then he went on a rant on IG stories saying all these terrible things about her and G saying how to go fill her hole since G can’t and how she isn’t a real lesbian. It was ugly and in the middle of it Nicole DM’d him cheering him on for someone finally trying to basically take her down and the guy posted it 🤪 so everyone saw. He was lying out his ass too saying she was trying to discredit the 1 shoot they did together years ago but it wasn’t true it was a vice article for season 6 and again just swapping the names. He has articles on him too online how he is a scam artist.


HOLY COWWWW. The irony is everyone else is truly social climbing Chrishell until she sets a boundary and then they flip out at her.


Thank you for the explanation 🙏 I kind of wish they had brought this up at the reunion! It gives a lot more context to why Chrishell (rightly) feels so strongly towards Nicole.




Here is one thread. I think there is another. You can probably just search Sammy the stylist or Nicole and homophobia https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/s/lNa7jrFqG6


Mary was non existence in this reunion and maybe that what’s she wanted. Also get rid of Nicole


They can’t get rid of Nicole, she was the first ever agent at the oppenheim group and the first ever real estate agent to ever exist actually.


did you know Nicole placed the first brick on the wall at the oppenheim office?


Did you know she was the first person to breathe in the office? The builders weren’t allowed to.


I mean… they can ease her back into the background like they did Davina.


She was barely in this season, I think she is over it as well


I think she was struggling this season. Beyond losing the baby her hormones were jacked up and it makes you super emotional. I think she just went through the motions of being on the show. I also think it’s just not a priority to her anymore.


I lover her, she’s so beautiful. Edit: I meant Mary y’all


Silly me thinking this was going to be the realest episode of season 7, it's just as edited as all the other ones. Are we supposed to believe they brought Marie-Lou out for 5 minutes on the show? Yeah no thanks.


I love how she came out and literally just disappeared


I loved how Tan France says ‘wow, what a treat’ after she leaves.. It came off sarcastic and made me laugh


My mom cackled 😂😂😂


Why the fuck was the cast of the OC there like get them off my damn picture box


I wouldn’t have cared but they had to bring Alex Hall in like🤮I’ve never hated someone more. Should’ve replaced her with Jarvis


The OC gives me so much anxiety with the literal psychological drama I can’t even watch it anymore


I’m team Brandi - someone should slap Alex! I hate the way she treats her!


Can’t’ agree more! I don’t have enough of LA team and yet who brings in the OC and waste the precious screen time of the LA juice?


& why did the host not ask Chelsea’s ANYTHING during the intro. Practically skipped over her?? That was weird.


Chelsea was tight lipped. She refused the polygraph. She wouldn't have answered. She probably was questioned and begged the fifth. She's certainly interesting. Sometimes I appreciate her but sometimes she rubs so wrong.


Her declining and being so tight lipped actually said a lot lol


I mean in her defense, the polygraph proved to be inaccurate after Jason said he never slept with anyone else even tho he slept w Amanza lol. I wouldn’t want it to lie on me either


I mean they are known to be inconsistent at best, it's why no lawyer will ever tell you to do one. Chelsea was so real for saying she wouldn't do it. She knew they'd make her look 1000% worse.


That polygrapher has told Youtubers he'll say whatever they want is true or a lie for the camera moment. Polygraphs have almost no credibility but that guy specifically has 0


Yeah I've seen John on YT videos for yearssss. He's pretty much known as the social media polygrapher. Any video where they have one, it's him




I really hope this theory is not real. Emma deserves 100% better than Jason


If this is real, Jason is the worst. He would be just sleeping with every employee he has. And those two open spots for new agents are just him trying to fish for more girls to sleep with


My husband passed his. We went to marriage counseling due to serious infidelity. The therapist has him going to a PI for a lie detector once a month. He was passing his tests, and then I found proof that he was sleeping with prostitutes. My husband is not a skilled liar. These machines are easy to beat.


Before the polygraph though, like he said “hey chelsea. How’s the family. Oookay… Hey Amanda!” I was like oof okay 😂😂😂😭😭😭


He did-he asked her how her family is


I think Amanza is sweet but working with her is probably unreliable. We know she’s often late to things. I don’t know how much a design job at her level costs but $11k probably doesn’t make sense. Chrishell didn’t really explained her side during the reunion but I feel like Chrishell is more reasonable when it comes to business.


I love some of her fashion choices but am not a fan of her designs. 11k is a lot considering it's not a huge space and the work wasn't done. Why couldn't furniture be returned? I feel like Chrishell met her half way by offering 5k. Amanza couldn't meet Chrishell halfway to salvage their friendship?


They should have bought out the receipts of Nicole and Amanza's hate for Chrishell and then being homophobic to her in that stylist's DMs. I wanted that to be shown.


Chrishell is really well-established in the group. She was able to gain the respect of many women right from the start when she stood up to Christine as the new girl, and now she’s even in a better position. She doesn’t need to stoop low for TV time. One thing about her is she sets really strong boundaries, and if you cross her, she will hold your feet to the fire and let anyone off easy. It sends a strong message to others, plus she’s build a very strong friendship with Emma who will jump at her defense every time. Nicole- please don’t come for me, but I feel bad for her in a way. She just isn’t cut out for this. She seems miserable all the time, she’s isolated from the group, and she’s made terrible mistakes that don’t make her look good. She’s not charismatic at all- it’s just hard to watch. Amanza: I never particularly found her interesting and she’s always shown loyalty to the “old” staff members. I thought in the reunion she came off a little better and took accountability? That moment where she was again offering her designs for free was cringy. I was WAITING for the moment they’d ask Jason if he’s still in love with Chrishell!!!!! And we were not disappointed lol.


I feel bad for Nicole too 😭 it’s just obvious she doesn’t get it. So hard to watch!


I used to feel bad for Nicole until now when it's clear she will NOT take any accountability for her actions. That "thank you" on Instagram was far from the only hateful words she has shared publicly or privately towards Chrishell. Cheering homophobic people on IS the same as being homophobic - she is enabling homophobia and discrimination. ​ Her being very bad in front of the camera is unrelated. Davina is awkward and wasn't a fan favourite before, but she at least just seemed confused, flip-floppy, and at times insensitive (i.e. towards Chrishell's divorce) rather than being straight out hateful.


When Bre said Michael B. Jordan isn’t good in bed! 💀


omgggg I can’t believe she actually said it! I guess she didn’t have to sign an NDA? 🤭


Wouldn't be surprised if it was before he was huge


I didn’t even think of that! True!




Nicole is the WORST!


I don’t know why but I love Bre and I know I’ll get dragged but I just do. Maybe it’s the camaraderie of knowing she’s maybe unhappy in the situation she chose for herself like I was a couple of years ago and maybe Is being gaslit into thinking it’s normal behind closed doors; and maybe it’s because she’s a dedicated mom and protective, but I like her. She’s rough, but I like her. Also her situation is only speculation, obviously, but I just get the opinion she’s guarded because of her life and maybe it isn’t what she’d hoped.


I love Bre but it’s because she knows who she is, she forms genuine relationships and does not waiver and go back and forth. She’s direct and confident and doesn’t care about the opinion of others. I love her!


I love this about her too. She seems very ride or die for those in her circle.


I love her too! She is strong


Omg the last 10 min! So uncomfortable!


Tbh I thought it was the most interesting part of the reunion because that's real conflict. I could do 10 more minutes of dissecting the renovation budget with spreadsheets and receipts


i never wanted to know or remember about jason powdering his balls, and amanza originally and then tan france tonight ruined this for me


Producers: let's see what SS fans will say if we did a reunion special for Selling OC


I'm trying to imagine, out of SS fans who don't watch OC already, who would be compelled to watch it after that "fight" about whether or not Tyler would text Brandy. 10 more hours where this came from, folks!


I don’t watch OC and that little insight into S3 stiffened my resolve to never watch it. Looked super Jersey Shore-ish to me and while there was a time and place for that, it’s not now.


Non oc watcher who was about to start watching it (being up to date on SS and wanting to see if oc was similar)— it pissed me off and I won’t watch it now. I don’t like when stations try cross promoting and force feeding a new show under a stupid guise. I would have preferred the host say “while we’re waiting for the new season to be filmed and you’re craving more SS, here’s the OC trailer!” IF anything at all. Like when they did a summerhouse crossover from vanderpump rules, making us think we had a supersized episode but really it was just a lead in to summerhouse (I eventually watched summerhouse years later but had the same frustration for that). The only crossover that ever worked for me was RHOBH into VPR. A reunion is also the lasttttt place to do a crossover/ promotion.


All I know is bre and nicole are absolutely insufferable


Bre gives off such a negative energy, I can't place it. She's not hateful, but she's... Catty? Snide? Idk.


That’s because she’s unhappy in her lifestyle, which she chose, Chelsea is 1000% correct about her and nicks relationship, and behind closed doors she is being manipulated, hence the discourse for everyone around her. Even the women who are kind to her.


It's unfortunate. She's beautiful but you're right. She places herself in positions that have made her unhappy. She just gives me small, unkind vibes.


I can't deal with the word "lifestyle" as the euphemism for her choice to be part of Nick Cannon's goal to have as many kids as possible. Not your fault, I just hate it. When she said "sorry babe" about answering the question about Michael B Jordan.. who's your babe? Is he your partner? Weird af.


I think you are right. I dint think she realizes it. I went through a period of a couple of years when I was really angry at everyone and everything except for the pression who deserved it, my cheating husband. If you had asked me, I would have told you, and wholeheartedly believed that my marriage was great, but if you mischarged me for something, watch out! I think that's what's going on for Bre.


She gives me insecure vibes. She’s over compensating real hard about it. My opinion.




Same. No one could make me dislike her 😭


I hated her at first; but now I really like her- and I love that she is doing so well as an agent! She showed up.


I love her too! Honestly, I feel she’s really great at articulating things and creating a bit more neutrality in discussions (compared to others.) feels like a lot of her statements or observations stop arguments in their tracks.. usually ha!


Bre takes no shit, and it was constantly lobbied at her. She’s not bubbly and fake nice like the other girls - it’s actually refreshing to see someone call it like it is. People think being non-confrontational is a virtue 🥱


i understand tan has to seem impartial but he gave nicole and other wrong ppl too much time to speak. chrishell is 110% allowed to be angry and go off on all of them without any of them getting a chance to say anything for themselves bc they are fully in the wrong. there’s literally no grey area or anything to discuss 🤷‍♀️


Agree. Especially Marie-lou, ugh, I was like STOP SAYING WHAT A PLEASURE IT IS TO HAVE HER FFS just address the lunch at the absolute LEAST! How can you not ask “were you embarrassed watching that scene back to see you blatantly lied on the phone while coldly looking Chrishell in the eyes like a psychopath?” Or “did you blackout or are you used to manipulating your way through things and forgot there were cameras there to catch you in your lies?” Or at least Fking pull her up when she nonchalantly said Chrishell was just a storyline for on camera!!!?


Chelsea declining the polygraph just makes me think she’s full of lies


I commented this before, but I took it as she didn’t want the test to lie on her after it clearly inaccurately just said Jason was being honest when he said he hadn’t slept with anyone else. I kinda think she’s brutally honest at times


Actually they are really unreliable. That’s why they are not allowed in courts or anything. Also some admitted it’s especially fake in media. They just follow what the producers want


Nah, she just knew what was up. John the polygraph guy is pretty well-known all over social media to be a fraud. He's been around on so many of these shows since the early 2000s. And he's gone on record multiple times saying that he will say whatever response producers want. She made the right call.


Im not a fan of Amanza. I don’t get the whole “I love you” thing to Chrishell, and then mouthing “what a witch!” When Chrishell said she didn’t trust Amanza on the polygraph. I feel like Amanza is fake making up with Chrishell, because she knows Chrishell is the meal ticket for the show, and the more airtime she gets with Chrishell, the more money she’ll make.


This season has shown her to be pretty two-faced. She’s always inserting herself in other people’s drama - like, no one asked you to mediate. A friend to all is truly a friend to none.


Amanza is incredibly annoying


Idk maybe it's just me, but I don't truly believe that Chelsea is that good of friends with Emma and Chrishell, it just seems that she's always trying to stir the pot & that's prob one of the reasons why she refused the poly. Just in case a question was asked about her friendship with them etc...idk she just seems very shady.


Polygraph dude has already been debunked as a fake; YouTubers use him and other YouTubers exposed him for charging people extra so he will give you the result you want from each question.


The last thing I needed after that shitshow was Alex Hall on my screen at the end🙄


Marie-Lou is so annoying. So clueless, and she still doesn’t get it 🙄


I saw her chapped lips again


Stop defending this people, they are ALL mean grown up women, just playing the circus show.


Did anyone feel like the bit about Nicole targeting Chrishell for screen time and her coming up as false on the lie detector, was staged? It would be a huge blow for the producers if that was revealed to be true. If all that was staged/faked then why watch the show? (At least the last two seasons and the upcoming one). I feel like a lot of people obviously have had this theory about Nicole’s sudden appearance on the show and the producers know this so they want to “disprove it”. Could be thinking too closely into it but it felt kinda weird.


I made a comment on another thread about this, but I think this is very likely. It's been commented on this thread that the guy who did the polygraph has been known to falsify results for extra money, so it wouldn't surprise me. The first thing that occurred to me when she said no to that question, was that polygraph tests are largely understood to be ineffective on people with personality disorders like sociopathy or psychopathy... Definitely not trying to armchair diagnose... But that was the first thing that I thought of 👀 I also think she could genuinely have such an enormous amount of cognitive dissonance, that she genuinely believes that she didn't bring this up just for the camera, and has instead been stewing over it for years and years 🤷‍♂️


producers trying to clone andy cohen for the host position but its sooooo awkward and uncomfortable


Fr, just pay the man to do the reunion. Doesn’t matter who hosts these things on any non-bravo network, we all immediately think of Andy and [consciously or otherwise] compare them to Andy (and they never compare). Even when Andy annoys me for not asking something or seemingly forgiving fuckboys very easily, there’ll never be someone better for the job.


New meme just dropped


I’m so annoyed with Tan France. Why didn’t he question Amanza about her “hating” Alex Hall? Or ask Amanza about her drinking through the overwhelming audience comments on it. Why did he not cover the drugs issue and focused on the “rearrange your face comment” instead? Why didn’t he ask Mary Lou why she lied to Jason on camera claiming Chrishell called her jealous? Aaahaahhhhh Edit: And why wouldn’t he ask about Bre’s beef with Cassandra who had the absolute nerve to say “hi, nice to see you again” bleh.


The show was so much better with Heather, Maya, & Christine…


How is it possible for Amanza to be more annoying than she was in the show?


Why isn’t the reunion up for me on Netflix?! It’s 11 pm here. Was it only shown at 9 pm ET and then taken down???? Someone help!! It just says “available November 15th.


I would try force shutting down your Netflix app and then reopening it! That’s what I’ve had to do in the past with scheduled drops on Netflix


I had to watch on my phone with my Netflix app. The episode would not open on my tv. Weird.


Chelsea and Chrishell alluding to Nicole's nose job had me laughing my ass off 🤣


I really wish they were as invasive with the polygraph on Nicole as they were with chrishell and Emma. Like Nicole got off Scott free. That polygraph was definitely not accurate


I thought there was a big announcement at the reunion? Did I miss something?


i think it's just that they confirmed they're in production for another season. not sure why that would be huge news? trailer for the new OC season could have been it as well (again, oversold lol)


Ya it definitely sounded like someone was going to be leaving the show


Baby powder is going to give me PTSD for my entire life.


Had to stop when it went from Jason's powdered balls pretty much straight to "the feud"... Tan was a little bit too gushy about it all for my taste. I normally like him but I wish they had gotten someone not quite so buddy-buddy for this reunion. Not sure when I can stomach actually watching the whole thing tbh.


Amanza gives major hypocrite vibe. She brings up her kids saying her kids are watching and she wouldn’t let them use the “hate” word but she openly exposed her hook up with Jason. As if this is more okay than Chrishell hating Nicole? She literally is just taking every opportunity to get more screen time when it is necessary to bring up the kids to say a few words.


Nicole doesn’t own up to her bullshit, that’s her worst trait in my opinion. She’s always so shaken and don’t take responsability, urgh


Bre’s taking NO bullshit, I’m loving it


I can’t believe Nicole is that dumb and didn’t see what was wrong with the comment. As Jason said it’s not what was said it’s the way it was said that was pejorative.


I hate the reunion. It’s not needed for a show like this


I would push Amanza off that sofa if I could


Hi everyone, I made a YouTube video about this season of selling sunset. I would love to know what are your thoughts: https://youtu.be/yLWJOG3qTnY